Mom's Best Friend - Cover

Mom's Best Friend


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Adam wrestled with his problem for two days and the greater part of two nights, yet he couldn't come up with the solution he sought. He didn't go walking those evenings, wasn't interested in watching other women undressing for bed, wasn't interested even in his two beautiful lesbians. The only thing on which his mind would dwell was the beautiful, exciting woman with the dog and how he was going to arrange to meet her.

Phoning her was out of the question, Adam reasoned. Before he could begin his approach, she would hang up on him. Over and over again he told himself that a letter was the only approach. Though he didn't like the idea, he finally faced the fact that there were no alternatives, so he spent an entire evening writing, throwing away, changing and writing some more.

It was after midnight when he finished and as he reread his letter, he still wasn't sure it was right.

He began the letter by telling of the tragic loss of his wife and went on to tell how, after a long period during which masturbation was his only sexual outlet, he accidentally became a peeping Tom. He told her how he had tried to fight it, realizing the danger it involved, but that he hadn't had the strength to stop.

Then came the really tough part where he told her what he had seen when he peeped into her window that night. He didn't dwell on details, saying just enough so that she would know what he had observed--the lapping and the fucking King had given her. He told, too, that in his wild arousal and jealousy of the dog, he had jacked off outside her window.

Much of the letter was an impassioned plea for her to agree to see him, pointing out that he was a loner, an unhappy lonesome man, and that he sensed it was a problem they shared, that in getting to know each other, in talking of their problems and of life, they could, hopefully, build a new life for themselves, one which would be full and rich and rewarding. If not, he pointed out, at least they would have discussed their problems and perhaps even that would be helpful to both. After much debate with himself, he mailed the letter on Friday evening, knowing she would receive it on Monday. He hadn't signed the letter, for obvious reasons, but he promised he would phone her on Monday for her answer.

On Monday morning, at ten o'clock, Adam went to a quiet restaurant where there was a phone booth in the back, and his hand trembled as he fed a dime into the slot and dialed her number.

He heard nervousness in her voice when he told her he was the writer of the letter and begged her not to hang up. She told him she wouldn't.

Nervously, she told him of her terrible humiliation at his having caught her with her guilty secret. Then he reminded her that he had confessed his guilty secret to her in the letter, so that they were even.

Both were trying, and gradually much of the nervousness passed so that they were able to talk a little more easily. Then they agreed that he would go to visit her at ten-thirty.

"You're sure you're not afraid to have me in your house alone?" he asked considerately. "We could meet in some public place, a park for instance."

"No, I'm not afraid. Something in your voice and in the tone of your letter tells me I won't be in any danger with you."

There was a florist shop next to the restaurant, and Adam bought a dozen beautiful red roses which he earned as he got out of his car in front of her house and turned up the walk. Mary had seen him coming and opened the door before he could ring the bell. She was pleased to see a handsome, well-dressed, clean-cut man, with just a few traces of gray hair around his temples, but she couldn't keep from blushing, and she apologized for it, stammering a little.

"I'm nervous, too," he told her, "and you blush far more beautifully than these roses," he added as he gave her the bouquet. Her hands trembled as she took it and thanked him, then led him into the living room where a coffee service had been set up.

Conversation was difficult in the beginning, and Adam saw that it was up to him to get things started. He repeated much of what he had told her in the letter; that helped loosen her up so that she was able to talk about the emptiness of her own life, her bad marriage, starvation for sex and finally, how by accident she had learned that, in a forbidden manner, her dog could serve her needs much better than her husband had.

"It's all right while it's happening and for a while after," Mary told him, "but then comes the shame. I have cruel little voices in my head, telling me I'm no longer a woman, that no man would want me and that I'm only good enough for dogs," she said, and Adam saw tears welling up in her eyes.

"Don't talk like that," he scolded. "I know what you mean. I hear voices, too, after I've peeped at other people making love while I was jerking off like a little boy. It can't be worse for you than it is for me. That's why I'm convinced we're each other's only hope."

They talked on for more than an hour, then reached the stage where they were discussing various sexual acts. There was a different kind of nervousness then, a strongly sexual one. As their conversation became more intimate, the feeling grew in both of them until it was straight sexual arousal and both knew it.

When he asked if he might sit beside her on the couch, she nodded and gave him a nervous smile. Seeing that she was trembling as he sat, Adam put an arm around her waist, felt the firmness of her flesh. Then his mouth was on hers, and they were kissing in passionate abandon. It was obvious that they would be screwing in just a little while, and Adam couldn't believe his good fortune.

Still, not wanting to make even one blunder, he kept his hands off her thighs and tits until she took one hand and guided it to a nyloned thigh, just above her knee. They were kissing at the time, and as his tongue played with hers, his hand squeezed and rubbed up the sheer nylon until it was on the skin of a luscious thigh and Adam and Mary were sighing into each other's mouths.

"We don't need to wait any longer, Adam," Mary told him after the kiss, while his hand on her thigh triggered electric sensations for both of them. "Take me to my bed now. Strip me naked and we'll make love. I know it's going to be so good. I'll try to be good for you, too."

"I want that, Mary, more than I want life," Adam told her. Then they were walking hand in hand to her bedroom where she bent over the bed, displaying her lush thighs as she drew the covers back.

As she did, Adam began undressing. He did it fast, and by the time she had removed her dress, he was naked, his cock looking big and proud and beautiful in erection. Mary let out little squeal as she looked at it and thought of how good his prick would feel in her hot, churning cunt.

She reached to unhook her bra, but Adam caught her hands and told her he would do it. Before doing so, he fondled the cups of her bra, telling her what lovely tits she had and how firm and youthful they were; then he took her in his arms again and while they kissed, he rubbed his hands down her silken-smooth back to feel the luscious big buttcheeks he lusted for. She loved the way he fondled her and the way his hard prick throbbed against her belly.

As their kiss ended, Adam slipped the hooks of her bra. Then he stepped back with the garment in his hands, staring hotly at her lovely, naked tits while Mary panted with lust, surprised that she felt proud of her body, more proud than nervous at baring it to this stranger, this beautiful, romantic man.

"I still can't believe that breasts can be so beautiful, so big, so firm," he told Mary as he held a boob in each hand and fondled gently.

"With you, I want to call them tits. I want to hear and use all the sex words. Do you mind?" she asked.

"Mind? Far from it. I'm going to suck these luscious tits, darling. I'm also going to suck your lovely cunt and make you come with my tongue, but I'm going to suck and kiss and lick a lot of other places as well. We're going to go wild, Mary, and it'll be hours before we come back to earth."

"Oh yes, Adam, yes, and you'll fuck me with that big, beautiful, hard cock I feel against my belly. I want to feel that lovely cock inside my hot cunt. Do you really want to fuck me, Adam? Do you want to put your cock in my cunt and fuck me?" she repeated, loving the sound of the words.

"I want to fuck you more than I want to breathe," Adam told her. Then he was kissing her mouth again and her big, bare tits were mashed against his chest. Both his hands clutched her satiny asscheeks as they shared saliva.

"Aren't you going to take my panties off?" she asked as he eased her down onto the bed and loomed above her.

"You can be sure of that, darling," he told her, "in a little while. There are so many things to do first. I intend to make the unveiling of your beautiful ass a very special event."

Mary accepted that with a sigh; then she was sighing more loudly as Adam fondled and sucked her tits in a way they had never been sucked and fondled before. While he sucked one luscious boob, he fondled them both. His ardent touches drove her farther into the throes of lust.

After he had been sucking her second tit awhile, she felt one of his hands rubbing down her tummy, and she opened her legs wide to make a path for it. Adam's hand followed the path right down into her crotch, and he felt the warmth of her soft, tender cunt through sheer nylon, his rubbing hand providing a maddening thrill for her as he continued to suck the silken jug which she pressed up at him, sighing and panting and moaning with desire.

"Oh, Adam, my panties are all wet in the crotch and my cunt is so hot and juicy for you," Mary said, her behind squirming on the sheet.

"Then I guess I'll just have to do something about it, won't I?" he said as he raised his face from her tit and licked his lips. "I think I'm going to love the taste of your wet panties. Open your legs nice and wide, Mary."

"You're going to... to suck my panties?"

"Yes, darling. I'm going to have a nice taste of nylon- filtered cunt, and then I'll take your panties off and suck and lick your hot, juicy twat until you can't stand another come. I'll probably suck for at least an hour."

All Mary could do was moan with passion; then she cried out more loudly as his face went into her crotch, brushed an inner thigh, and then he was sucking and lightly chewing on the wet crotch of her panties, rocketing her to a new plateau of passion, one she had never before achieved.

As he sucked, Adam worked his hands under her, and she raised her ass to help. He fondled her lush, smooth buttcheeks while he went on sucking and slurping in her crotch, making her panties very wet and adding to the searing heat of her cunt.

Abandoning herself totally to him, Mary was sure than no woman in history had ever been as well loved, then reminded herself that they were only getting started, that she still had her panties on, wet though they were, and that the actual cunt- lapping and fucking was yet to come. She wondered if her heart could stand it all, wondered if it were possible to die of too much joy, but the thought didn't bother her at all; then she gasped as she realized that, despite the fact that her panties were still on, she was right on the verge of coming.

She opened her mouth to pant the words to her lover, but she didn't make it. Instead of words, she emitted a series of groans and high-pitched wails, and her body jerked through an orgasm that was as magnificent as any she had ever known, better than any, she decided as the delicious waves kept sweeping over her while Adam kept his face pressed into the warmth of her wet crotch, inhaling deeply, his hands holding the cheeks of her ass firmly.

"Oh, Adam," she sighed, "I've never had a come with my panties on in my life. You work miracles."

"There are going to be a lot of miracles, darling," he told her, "and a lot of comes. Lie face down now so I can unveil that work of art you carry in your panties."

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