Masturbating Little Girls - Cover

Masturbating Little Girls


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jody found herself getting more and more paced to a life of sexual action, and, knowing she'd left Manny out for so long, from her frolics and kicks, she decided she'd have another crack at him.

After all, she reasoned, Manny was the one who was there first, and, since Gregg got to make it with Susie, as well as some other girls, she felt she had the right to do what she wanted.

It took a few weeks for Jody to learn that Gregg had replaced Mary's dildo for a lot of the girls. From the gossip, it was all taking place in that woodshed.

Yeah, Jody mused, it was time to give old Manny some of the goodies he was burning for. She knew, that if she caught him hungry, he'd be a pleasure, and he sure would be hungry for her.

She laughed, thinking of the way she'd used Manny. She'd even made him masturbate himself, while she just showed him her breasts and posed for him like a model. And after all the good times they'd had, to have him settle for so little. She was amused by what she'd done to Manny, but at the same time, she wanted to treat him differently, to make it up to him.

Jody combed her long blonde hair, using the mirror on the wall of her room She was nude, and her golden body seemed to be getting more and more feminine every single day. She smiled at herself, then jutted her breasts towards the reflective glass, thinking that they must be pretty perky if Manny could have his cock erupt from just looking at them.

Well, she wasn't going to play any more games with him. Not this time around. She still wanted Gregg, but now, she wanted Manny also.

She even had her plan of operation down. Instead of approaching Manny with a wink, a shake of the shoulder, which would have been easy enough, she was going to thicken the plot by telling Gregg that she wanted him to bring a back-up squad to the old woodshed.

She met Gregg a few days later on the road, while taking a walk.

"How are you, Jody? You've been out of sight lately," he said, in his usual half-interested manner.

He sure knew how to be cool with her, she mused, but she knew she was going to warm him up with her reply.

"Oh, I've been thinking about how a lot of the girls seem to be making frequent trips to the old shed lately, Gregg."

Gregg was a young man who prided himself on his coolness, on the fact, that if you hooked up a lie detector to him, he could probably snow you blind without making the needle register.

His control was. precise, and he didn't even bat an eye.

"So?" he said, flatly.

"So, I was wondering, as long as you seem to be having so much fun if you'd mind if I had some?"

He looked at her a long time his cold eyes seemingly appraising her body, her face, the stature with which she stood before him.

"Baby, you are sweet."

"You didn't answer my question!"

She knew how he could put something off, and she didn't want any of his theatrical devices to work on her.

"Jody, you're a free agent. Nobody owns you. If anybody says they do, kill them. It's them or you!"

She smiled at him. He was theatrical, but his stances were well timed and on the target. He was a master, in his odd way.

"Well, I have a favor to ask of you. It really shouldn't be something you'd mind at all."

"You remember what you and I and Susie did awhile back," she said.

"Sure I remember."

"Well, I'd like to do it again, but with different players," she said, hopefully.


"You and Manny."

"Me and Manny!"

His voice went up, almost to a false tone.

"What's wrong with that? If you can have two girls at once, why can't I have two men at once?"

She'd stumped him. He lit a cigarette and stared at her. She was a hungry little bitch, he thought. Well, Manny'd been dying for her lately, and he knew he could set it up easy enough. It might even be fun.

Anyway, it was something he could do for her, and he liked doing something for her. She was still his favorite, of all the girls in that damn stupid school. He was going through them like they were flowers and he was a bee, but, after all was said and done, he was sure that Jody, the sweet, fresh blonde angel, was going to be the one that registered as the best.

"Baby, I'll see you in the old shed tonight. Make it around eleven so that me and Manny can slip out without any hassle. I've been sliding out so much I know the place better in the dark than in the daytime," he said, laughing.

Jody smiled at him. She was tempted to take him in the woods on the spot and suck his sweet cock for him, but then, she remembered, she wanted him hungry. She wanted them both hungry, and she wanted to be the only girl around!

She skipped on down the road, her head already flooding, clouding, with visions of things to come.

Manny went for the idea right away.

"Wow! It's been a long time. I jerk it at night thinking about those perky little tits," he said.

"Yeah, I never realized what a hot bitch she was, you know, Manny? I mean, I was realizing today, that, even though I've been with a lot of those girls, Jody stands out in my mind. She is damn hot stuff."

"Yeah. Eleven! Let's make it."

At ten-thirty, Gregg made his entrance. Manny was to slip out later, and Gregg knew he'd be along. Gregg wasn't worried about Jody showing up at all.

He knew his hot little blonde bitch would be there, ready to take it from as many ends as she could get it.

Gregg lit the candles, placing them around she shed so that the action would all be visible to everyone. His next move, was to take his portable radio out of his canvas bag. He'd been spending so much time in the shed, he'd really learned to make himself at home there.

He wished he'd had some pot, but what the hell. It's not exactly a garden of multi-delights, he told himself. It's just an old shed.

He laid out the blanket and stretched his limbs. His cock was huge already, just from thinking of that blonde bitch, with her tight buttocks and perky nipples. He started stroking his cock through his jeans with in a moment, that wasn't quite enough, and he had his big cock sticking up out of his zipper.

"Wish that bitch would hurry," he said aloud.

Gregg wished, suddenly, that Jody would show up before Manny. That way, he could rip-off a quick piece of her golden tail, before the party even started. That'd be ideal. He should have told Manny to come at eleven-thirty.

Sometimes it amazed Gregg, just how his mode of operations fucked-up on him. Sometimes, he was afraid that he wasn't very cool at all, and that his act was wearing thin.

Of course, nobody noticed his doubts, his self-doubts, which so contradicted his act, that if they were picked up by others, he'd be all but destroyed.

Gregg liked the way the candles illuminated the shed, and he felt a warm glow in his stomach. His cock was still hard, but he'd decided not to get himself all worked up. He decided to let Jody do the heating up, with her little oven!

Gregg heard some noise outside, some branches being trampled. A few weeks ago, it would have scared the shit out of him to hear anyone outside, but, lately, he'd come to think of the joint as his private paradise, and anyone approaching, must be an invited guest.

Luckily, he was right.

"What's doing?"

It was Manny. He looked down at Gregg's big cock, sticking up out of his lap, and smiled.

"Getting it ready?"

Gregg tucked it in and smiled.

"I want Jody to get it ready for me. Let's act like we don't give a shit about fucking her, and get her to excite us."

Manny smiled. It was far from his mode of operation to pull a stunt like that, but Gregg seemed to know his way around with chicks, and Manny liked the idea.

"I dig, but I don't know if I can do it. I might jump her as soon as I see that pretty ass," Manny said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Try and be cool. Let's play it. Let's be players."

"I'll try."

Jody was fifteen minutes late, but on purpose. She wanted them hungry. She'd snuck out of the school early, but she'd waited in the woods, from a spot where she could see the shack. She saw the dim light of the candles burning through the rim around the board that Gregg had put by the window.

They were waiting for her. She stood by a tree, her hand under her skirt, stroking on the hot little oven, and warming it up. Her pussy was moist, and she let a finger slide in.

She felt wonderful, fully alive, standing there. There were two boys in that shack, and in no time, she'd walk in and enchant them both, turn them into hungry animals, who'd lick and suck her, and enter her pussy and mouth!

Her finger slid deep into her pussy and she gave a soft sigh. The moon was out, and there was just enough light for her to watch herself stroking her bush. She thought of lying down and doing it right, but why waste time?

Jody approached the shed, her hips swinging, her body feeling loose, like it was about to be devoured in a frenzy of sex. She'd managed that holy state, of stepping inside the very moment!

Jody opened the door of the hut, and the two boys turned to face her. She walked in, unbuttoning her blouse in an inviting way, letting the tops of her breasts show.

"I see we're all here."

"I see you're late;" Gregg said, barely looking at her.

Manny kept his eyes down, although he seemed to be struggling to do so. She wondered why they were being so cool. Well, at any rate, she'd blow their cool for them on the spot.

Jody let her open blouse fall to the floor. She had her bra on, in case anyone saw her trying to sneak out, but she quickly unsnapped it, and it too, fell to the floor of the shed.

Her little breasts stood up perky and ready, and Manny had to force himself to sit still, to turn around and look the other way.

"So how you feeling, baby?" Gregg asked, as though they'd met in a crowded subway station.

She wanted to say that she felt horny, but that would be playing into his hands. He was so clever, she realized, asking her that, asking her, in a casual way, to give her game away.

They were all playing the same game though, and the air was thick with sexual tension, tension that they all guessed, would make the game all the hotter once it got rolling.

Jody continued to do her part. Before anyone could completely avoid her, she pulled her skirt down, and the smooth silk of her thighs glowed in the candle's light.

She sat down on the blanket and lifted a leg into the air. She'd worn stockings, and she peeled them off carefully, making as much of a show of it, as she could.

Gregg would have had a shit-fit and jumped on her right on the spot, but he was watching Manny. He found Manny's reactions to Jody so amusing, he couldn't help break out in a laugh. Manny all but gulped out loud, watching Jody remove her next stocking. His face was breaking out in a sweat, and steam could have come out of his ears, the way his face flushed.

"Something wrong, Manny?" Gregg asked.

Manny looked at him as though he'd just crash landed from Uranus.

"Is something wrong?"

Gregg turned to Jody, at the same time, unzipping his fly and letting his already hard cock pop into the air.

"Come here, baby!"

She bent over and put her face close to his.

"What do YOU want?" she asked, sarcastic in tone.

He put his hand on the nape of her neck and pulled the little blonde girl towards him, making their lips meet. Gregg let his tongue taste the pearly row of teeth, then slide to the corners of her pretty little mouth, that mouth that he was soon going to stuff full of cock.

"You taste good, Jody. I brought along some assistance, so you can be sure you'll get your fill of it tonight."

"Good to see!"

Manny was creeping closer, and soon he was massaging her pussy, with his hand reaching under the balls of her buttocks, stroking the sweet dewy young bush.

Gregg kissed her again, and this time his hand came down to touch her taut nipples, to pinch the little buttons and appreciate their texture.

"Give it to her in the ass, Manny!" Gregg said.

Manny had her buttocks up in the air already, and it was easy for him to act on the suggestion. He got his cock between her lovely cakes, and let it rub over the wet pussy and clitoris. He didn't want her ass, but the idea of taking her from behind was appealing.

"I want your pussy, Jody. Guide it in."

Jody reached down and guided Manny's big cock into her pussy from the rear. He was hungry, and entering her tight twat killed his cool act, and transformed him into a hungry maniac. She couldn't believe the force, with which he was slamming his cock into her. Her buttocks felt like it was being spanked, by the drive and force of his body beating against hers.

While this was going on, Gregg was holding her face in his hands, touching her cheeks with his palms, watching the expressions of pleasure register in her eyes, in the subtle contortions of her eyebrows.

Her mouth opened wide, and her nostrils flared, as she gasped for air.

"Oh! Gregg! He's inside me! Manny's fucking me!"

Gregg kissed her forehead and licked the smooth baby skin of her face.

"I know, baby. He's inside you, and soon my big cock is going right here!"

He opened her lips with his finger, letting his fingertip feel the warm moistness of her mouth. His cock pulsed, and he couldn't resist the urge to just let her have it, to ravish her mouth and get it on.

Gregg moved himself in position, and soon his cock was up against her lips. She looked at him, her eyes wide. She knew he loved to watch his cock slide in and out of her mouth. Well, she never felt more like sucking a cock.

What, with Manny giving it to her from the rear, she was more than ready to let this sweet shaft enter her mouth, where her little tongue could give it the old flutter, sending Gregg into fits of pleasure.

That was more than half the kick for Jody, when it came to sucking a man's cock. She loved the feeling that she had the power to make him feel such utter and complete pleasure, that he would have to virtually explode, to exorcise the intensity of her gift.

Her tongue was gifted, and Gregg moaned as he watched her cute little face, the blonde hair spread around her, her lips expanded around the shaft of his cock, her hand on the very base, contracting and squeezing him.

"Jody, eat that cock, baby!"

Jody let the cock slide out of her mouth, so that she could make a great show of hugging the huge phallus to her cheek, to her forehead, letting it tickle the baby skin on her face. She cupped it to her chin so that the tip was above her eyes.

Gregg watched her, nostrils flaring, responding to Manny's driving cock, and he thought of her as an angel of orgasmic bliss. She looked so sweet with his cock right there, right at her face. He wanted it in her mouth again. It throbbed, and she got the idea.

He watched her little lips stretch around it, until the whole shaft was deep in her mouth. Her cheeks got taut from suction, as his cock slid in and out of her sweetest hole.

Meanwhile, behind her, her buttocks were still being assaulted by the thrusting bursts of Manny's underbelly, which beat her, each time his cock thrust into her pussy.

Gregg looked up at Manny. The boy was working up a hell of a sweat, socking it to Jody's pussy. His face was a mass of purple, with sweat covering his skin, glistening in the candle's dim glow.

"Give it to her, Manny!"

Manny looked on at the voice that was cheering him on, and he smiled, as though he was freshly returned from another planet, but only briefly, very briefly. His eyes went back to the balls of Jody's buttocks, and he forgot all about Gregg.

Gregg also turned his attention back to Jody. He was watching the sweet blonde as she sucked on his balls, taking them in her mouth slowly, letting her tongue tickle them for a second, then letting them slide out.

While this was happening, Gregg's cock was standing up, grazing her cheeks again, and the moisture from his cock was blending with the sweat on her face.

His cock felt so nice rubbing on the smooth skin of her cheek, and he held her hair back, so that her profile could be observed.

His hands dropped to her fine little nipples, and he squeezed the buttons, making them taut, making them come alive in his hand. He was going to come in her mouth soon, but he wanted to wait until he had no choice, until she'd taken the random element of choice out of him, with her little tongue.

"Suck it good for me, Jody. I want you to taste my hot sauce!"

She let the tip of his cock graze her lips, and soon the whole shaft was deep inside her, ravishing her, taking her! Her tongue was helpless after he really kicked in gear. His cock was too huge, his thrust too quick, for her to use her tongue. Her efforts were devoted to hanging on. Her little jaw was beginning to ache, and her head was swimming.

She might have suspected that any moment, she was going to receive a lot of sticky come! it started with Gregg, who held her by the crown of her head, and by her chin, watching his cock shoot hot sauce all over her pretty face and in her mouth.

She gasped, still obsessed with Manny's hot cock digging into her, and she contracted her cunt on his hot rod, forcing his own orgasm to trigger.

Manny gave in to the deluge of sensations that were floating through his body. He'd flicked her solid and well, and he needed a moment of release. His hot cock began to pump hot come into her pussy, and her contracting pussy drank up the hot stuff!

"Oh, I love that hot cock inside me!"

Gregg looked at the sweet blonde who was still between his legs. He didn't know which hot cock she was referring to, or if she meant both, but she sure looked good to him, her mouth open, gasping for breath, his come forming beads on her upper lip. Her nostrils flared so nicely when she was short of breath, he thought, holding her little chin.

"Baby, Jody! That was great!"

Manny had obviously gotten more than he'd bargained for. The bitch had almost bucked him off with her gyrating hips, her swinging torso, the delightful balls of her ass, which he'd been bumping into with delight!

"Wow! I feel very fucked!"

Even as she spoke the words, she could feel the hot sauce oozing out of her pussy, dripping out of the corners of her mouth.

Gregg sat back and lit a cigarette, calmly watching Jody pull herself together. She was totally fucked-out, her eyes looking dreamy, glowy.

Manny was stretched out on the blanket facing down, as though the very thought of getting laid would make him blow his brains out with a Smith & Wesson. He was shaking slightly, as if shivers of pleasure had converted into shivers of ice, intensity provided by the magic of sex.

Gregg watched Jody for a moment, and he tried to read what was going on in her pretty little head. She started to comb her hair, and so she obviously thought they were going to just sit and bullshit for awhile, and then break up for the evening and sneak back to their captivity.

Gregg had other ideas. The little dish wanted it right. He was going to see that she got it right! Manny might be knocked out of commission for awhile, but he, Gregg, was hot to trot, and he knew that once he kicked his ass in gear, and Manny watched the pretty blonde huff and moan to the stroke of some nice cock work, Manny would snap back and help him stuff up her lovely holes.

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