Masturbating Little Girls - Cover

Masturbating Little Girls


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The next day was Friday and Jody had a long morning of classes to get through again. The previous evening had been spent in a series of phone calls placed by Jody to Manny for the pleasure of mutual masturbation.

She wished she could have placed a conference call like her father, a businessman, used to do. Then she could have hooked up Susie's, Manny's, and Ricky's phones and they would have had an orgy by telephone.

She was lazily thinking about these things in her geometry class. Mr. Jeremy was putting her to sleep, for a change. Usually just the sight of his sexy body kept her awake enough to keep in touch with the day's lesson.

But the lesson was especially boring today... about hypotenuses and right triangles. Jody didn't think any triangle was right. She was only interested in straight lines between two points, male and female. And rectangular straight lines between four points, two males and two females. Which gave her the idea about the orgy by phone.

The idea perked her up considerably. Her eyes were on Mr. Jeremy, but only because he kept moving around. He was flattered to suddenly have her undivided attention. His lesson became more inspired.

Jody's mind, however, was on other things. Namely, how to place a conference call. That evening would do. Her curfew was at seven, and the others' was eleven. The call would have to happen after that. She couldn't keep them, especially Susie and Ricky, from good, healthy, real live sex.

And the call would be for her own benefit. And for Manny's. She hoped and prayed he wouldn't find another girlfriend during the interim of her confinement.

So she had to set up enough sexual interactions, if only by phone, to keep her boyfriend, and herself, happy.

She thought she'd bill the call to her parents' phone, and then the dormitory operator wouldn't need all the details of the call. She didn't want anyone listening in on this one.

She met Susie between classes and broached her idea. Susie was game. Susie was game for anything sexual. They scheduled the phone call for eleven fifteen that night. Susie would notify Ricky. Jody would notify Manny.

Manny grooved on the idea. He said he would be ready, willing and able, at eleven fifteen.

At precisely eleven ten, Jody called the operator. She gave Jody's, Susie's and Ricky's phone numbers and then hung up and waited for the operator to call her back.

At eleven fifteen exactly the phone rang. She picked it up eagerly.

"Hi!" yelled Susie from her room on the fourth floor.

"Hey, Sugar!" called Ricky from his room in the boys' dorm.

"Shut up, you guys, I can't get a word in edgewise," screamed Manny over the receiver. "I'm hot and ready."

"Hey, wait, you guys, till the operator is off the line," cautioned Jody. "Hello, hello, operator..."

"Go ahead," said the operator in a nasal voice. She clicked out. Jody hoped she didn't have her key pulled back, listening in on what was to follow.

Of course, if she enjoyed that sort of thing, and didn't call the service assistant over, that was all right with Jody. Jody's hand was already on her crotch.

"Ready, gang?" she called.

"Yeah, man," chorused the other three.

"Sounds like a bridge game," exclaimed Susie. "Without the dummy."

"Gee, thanks," said Jody. "Okay, gang, we gotta be organized about this. The rules are this: anything you do, you have to describe it, in as much detail as possible, for the edification and erotic pleasure of the rest of us. No fair doing it and saying nothing. If your hand is on your cock, say so!"

"That goes without saying," said Manny.

"I'm not the verbal sort," apologized Ricky.

"You gotta be, kid. How else are you going to trip off our lusty, dirty fantasies?" said Susie to her boyfriend.

"Susie, we already did it once tonight. Do I really have to do this again? I don't know about this."

"Come on, you horny bastard," exclaimed Susie. "And get your head out of the book. Okay?"

"Is it a sex book?" asked Manny. "Doesn't he know how?"

"Fuck you!" said Ricky "Okay, my heart's in it now and so's my cock. It's hanging out of my fly and I'm jacking it into erection. It still has come on it from when Susie and I made it tonight. And saliva from when she ate me."

"Right on, Rick! Atta boy. Hey, man," said Susie, "wanna know what I'm doing? I'm naked from the waist down. I got my fingers up my twat and I'm jerking off. Ohhhh. It feels so good. It feels so terrific. Fantastic. Mmmmm."

"Susie, what do you look like?" asked Manny, panting hungrily on the phone.

"Nothin' doing," said Jody. "I don't know if I'm goin' to like this after all."

"But, Jody, it's an orgy, isn't it?" laughed Manny.

"G'wan, Manny," said Jody. "Tell what you're doing!" She herself was rubbing the pert little nipples under her blouse.

"Yeah, share and share alike," said Susie, aroused by Manny's hots for her, "Now, I'm taking off my sweater and rubbing my nipples, too, just like Jody. Oh, man, wish you could see my big tits now. Hey, Jody, this is excellent preparation for our future lectures. It affords great play by play description, doesn't it?"

"Right on, Susie, oh, if you could only see me now," said Jody, "I've moved down to what would be virgin territory, if I were a virgin. It goes without saying, that I am not, I think."

"Oh, that's a great disappointment to me," said Manny. "I can't marry you now."

"Aw, shucks," said Jody. "Well, no matter, I know how to make myself happy. I just take three fingers and insert them in my twat. Then I suck on the other fingers. Now, I'm inserting a finger up my asshole for good measure. "Nghnghngh."

"Oh, does that make me horny," breathed Manny. "Ohhhhh, one description is worth a thousand pictures. Which reminds me, let me get that picture out of you. Oh, where is it? Here, in my wallet."

"Which picture is that, Manny? Oh, my gosh, not that nude one you took early in the fall at the woodshed! You carry that around and show people? I hope not! I want the illusion preserved that I am a virgin! Otherwise, one's reputation is hopelessly destroyed for the duration of one's stay at Mrs. Goody's School for Girls." Susie stopped whacking herself off momentarily.

"I can understand that," said Ricky. "Otherwise you got the guys from Mr. McIntyre's School for Boys all down your neck and up your skirt, right? She puts out. Things like that. Ohhhhhhhh."

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" said Susie, jumping up and down and sighing into the receiver as she continued pulling on her nipple and shoving a finger up her.

"I bought this liver on the way home. I know it sounds funny, but a fellow told me once it feels just like a girl's twat. I've never tried it till now. And it does! Not as good as Susie's, to be sure, but nice, squishy and soft just the same."

"I got liver trouble enough, what with all I drink, without it having falling down to my cunt!" said Susie, graphically enough.

"Your trouble or your liver?" quipped Ricky.

"You name it," said Susie. "Well, guess what I have here," said Susie. "Something I haven't reported to you yet."

"What's that? What's that?" said Jody, emceeing the proceedings of the conference call.

"A vibrator!" said Susie.

"Where the hell did you get that?" breathed Jody, all excited.

"At a drugstore in my hometown, a long time ago," said Susie. "Do you want to know what? My mother took me in and bought one for herself. When I displayed such interest, she bought one for me too. And you know the most embarrassing thing about the whole thing?"

"What's that?" said Ricky. "I'm jacking myself harder, by the way. Did you hear me come once? In the bloody liver? Whew! What a come. Boy, is it squishy and hard to hold onto, though. I keep dropping it."

Just then the other three heard the sound of the receiver dropping and crashing to the floor. "Damn!" they heard, in muffled tones, far from the phone. Then Ricky picked up the receiver again and came back on the line. "As I said, this sticky stuff is slippery business. But oh, so satisfying!"

"Lot's of protein in liver," said Susie admiringly. "Well, you'll just have a pretty meaty cock, that's all. And we'll have healthy offspring. Ohhhhhhh, it feels great. I just put this eraser up me. Oh, it feels real good. Anything I wrote on my cunt walls with the pencil I jabbed up it last night, out of sheer frustration, is bound to be erased with these motions."

"What did you write, graffiti?" said Manny, sighing heavily.

"Yep, she saw the writing on the wall," said Ricky. "The liver treatment is going great," he added.

"You're certainly becoming verbal quickly," admired Susie. "The liver is doing the trick, I see."

"So what are you doing already, Susie?" asked Manny.

"Why do you want to know?" said Jody, jealous. "Why don't you ask your old girlfriend right here?"

"Honey, I know what you're doing. I haven't had the pleasure of getting to know Susie, and since I think that's the object of this conference call, to get to know all parties well, I think I have a right to ask. She's not going to get pregnant if I ask, now, is she?"

"I don't know," said Jody. "Have you been taking the pill, Susie?"

"Silly!" answered Susie. "I'll be glad to ask the young gentleman's question. I don't believe in holding any information back from anyone. That's part of my sex education program."

"So?" said Manny. "I'm waiting..."

"Well, after erasing the writing on the walls of my cunty vagina, I inserted the vibrator. Oh, man, it feels so fantastic. You push the little button on and the whole thing starts vibrating. Anyway, I never finished my story about the vibrator. That cocky son of a bitch cashier had the nerve to demonstrate this thing right in front of my mother and me. It was so embarrassing. For my mother at least. Her face got red and she said she understood, and she'd take two. The man, of course, demonstrated it on his neck. What a riot. When we all knew what it was REALLY for..."

"So which of your holes is it up now?" said Manny.

"All of them," said Susie, moaning. "Ahhhhhhhh," they heard her moan. "Ohhhh, it's so fantastic. Yeah, it's really great. Mmmmmmmm. Right now, I have it up my cunt hole, mmmmmm, way in. Then I pull it out. Then I stuff it up again. Oh, man, is it fantastic. Hey!"

"What happened? What happened?" asked Manny.

"Hey, man, stop getting your rocks off on my girlfriend," complained Ricky, groaning in ecstasy shortly thereafter.

"That's a moot point," cautioned Manny. "Your choice of words is not quite accurate."

"But it is," said Ricky, figuratively speaking. "Just lay off."

"All is fair in love and war," said Manny. "Tell all, little Susie."

There was no answer, just an incredible moan followed by short little grunts. Then dead silence, with a lot of sighs and deep breathing.

"Wake up, little Susie," said Ricky. "Have you come and gone?"

"Ohhhhhh, I'm out of it, friends," said Susie softly, with long breaks between words. "I think I'm gonna bow out of the action, if you don't mind. That was the come to end all comes."

"Geez, Suz, I thought I gave you those kind of comes," whimpered Ricky. "Don't I?"

"Honey, nothing beats a vibrator, does it?" said Susie. "Jody, you ought to know."

"I'm ignorant. I use hands and fingers. An occasional banana. Never a coke bottle. In fact, I just happen to have a banana right here. Picked it up at the kiosk before placing this call. Yeah, I'm all naked now, and sending the thing up my pussy hole, skin and all. Mmmmmmmmm."

"Oh, your groans, Jody, are too much," whispered Ricky sexily. "Go into more detail," he added.

"Well," Jody went on. "I'm sitting on a terry towel on the floor, or rather lying, trying to stretch the long phone cord down to me, but having a little difficulty. And in and out goes the banana, and oh, it fills my fruit bowl up nicely. You know?"

"Mmmmmmmm," said Manny. "I can see that banana up your twat now. Oh, I can see it go in and proceed to come right out again. I wish it were peeled and I would be eating it all the way up to where it disappears inside the gluey doorway of your cunt."

"I'd fall for that myself," punned Ricky. "Slip it to her."

"Ssssss," said Jody. "No puns allowed here. Only sex."

They heard her moan some more and then punctuate the moans with ooohs and ahhhhhhhs. "Oh, that was wonderful," she came back on the line to tell them. "Oh, I just kept shooting that banana right up my come hole and it felt so good, deep inside me. And I used the stem of it to arouse my clit a lot. Ohhhh, I remember it well. And the other tip of the banana went up my asshole, to banana-fuck the hole. Hey, it was great! I'll bow out for the moment, but I might come in again."

"Great, Jody, that leaves just us right now, I guess," said Manny.

"That's you and me, hotcakes," said Ricky to Manny. "What's this big deal about the man always coming first and not letting the woman take her own pleasure? Here we are, left holding our balls. Egad! Mmmmmm, so I'm going to come in my liver again. Ahhhhhh. I'm dipping my prick in the raw piece of meat and folding the meat over my cock. I'm fucking the liver. Oh, it feels so great. It feels so wonderful. I'm pushing the meat all over my dick, to really get it all hot and livered up. I slide it down to the balls, and let it arouse my nuts in their holders, too. Mmmmmmmm."

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