Masturbating Little Girls - Cover

Masturbating Little Girls


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jody woke early the next morning. She dressed without masturbating and went downstairs to breakfast. She and Susie ate together every morning.

The topic, as usual, was onanism. That was Susie's favorite word. It was her preferred word to masturbation.

Susie was a robust, pink cheeked brunette with long, silky hair that she could sit on.

And she was sitting on it now, while she ate her pancake. Every morning Susie had one pancake for breakfast. Without syrup. She loved it that way.

"You know," she was saying to Jody, stuffing the single pancake into her lovely mouth, and licking her lips, "you know, boys can stick their pretty dicks through a pancake and really get their rocks off in it. This thing's pretty doughy. Bet it feels just like a girl's pussy.

"It would be juicier with syrup, Susie," Jody said dryly. "Really, I can't see what you see in those horrible pancakes. They're so dry."

"It takes the cake!" chimed in Susie. Susie liked to pun. It was her favorite sport, next to masturbating.

"Well, test it out on Ricky next time you get him in the hay," said Jody, tossing her blond hair back from her face, as she munched on her crinkly cereal.

"Why should I give him pancakes when he can have me!" she cried. She was easily affronted. "I mean, let him find his own pancakes. I'm not going to help him."

"You should find them for him," advised Jody in mock seriousness. "What if he doesn't find a pancake to help him through the dry spells? He'll find another girl. Boys are like that, you know. By the way, I worry about such things. I'm grounded for three weeks. It's going to be horrible."

"Whatever for?" asked Susie, eyeing the boy waiter that was taking the trays and dishes off the tables. She had an urgent desire to goose him.

"For having my pants down while I talked to Manny on the phone!"

"I don't believe it. What a riot. Who caught you?" she asked.

"Old scum bag herself."

"No! Miss Ellen Glen. Heavens. Weren't you embarrassed?"

"Oh, she was probably jealous. She probably wanted some young cunt for herself. She had the nerve to take my hand in hers and plead with me to be a good girl. I got sick to my stomach. She digs emotional togetherness, but it made me nauseous. Nauseous, I say! Nauseous!"

She yelled it out, and the girls at the tables around her turned, looked and giggled. Jody gave them the horns. They gave her the finger back.

"Hell, old scum bag has no sex life herself," said Susie. "She probably doesn't even have a sex. You know, the equipment. Let alone the orientation." Susie liked big words, as well as puns.

Big words were her favorite sport, next to puns, and next to masturbating.

"Onanism," she was saying. "Onanism; onanistic, onanizer, to onone. Is that the verb, Jody? What's the verb? Like to masturbate. To onanize? Geez, where can I look it up? I've got to find a sex dictionary, Jody. Where can I find one?"

"You don't need to find one, darling Susie. You could write one. You know ALL the words. You know words I haven't even heard of before."

"Oh, gee, Jody, hey, you flatter me. With a compliment like that, I just might quit school and be a success in life."

Jody studied her friend. "Whatever would you do?" She could see her best friend sitting in an editorial office somewhere, humped over a huge book with a feather for a pen, dipping it in an inkwell and printing words like masturbation and onanism in a delicate script.

Her other hand, of course, would be between her legs. Practicing what she was preaching. "Susie's Words for Secret" she would call it. It would sell like hot cakes. Like pancakes.

"I'd teach," said Susie without hesitation.

"What? I'm afraid to ask. Don't tell me." Jody was shaking with laughter. The boy behind Susie, who had been picking up the used trays, was giving Susie the horns behind her back. Susie didn't notice.

"I'd teach masturbation in a local college," she announced. "Some schools allow you to teach anything you damn well please. Without credentials."

"You certainly have those," Jody said, drinking the last of her milk.

"Well, hey, Jody, I have the words. But you have the techniques. Would you be my assistant? You could spread-eagle in the laboratory... we'd have a three-hour lab once a week. You would be paid well. You wouldn't have to show up for the lectures. I'd have three one-hour lectures per week.

"I'm sure it would be the most popular course on campus."

"I'd teach an introductory course and an advanced one, plus a graduate seminar."

"You'd be the first full professor of masturbation in the country. A real first for any female."

"Would you come?" asked Susie, her eyes bright with excitement.

"I certainly would, are you kidding? Three hours of masturbating, I'd probably come twenty times. Minimally."

"Hey, that's great, Jody. I knew you wouldn't let me down."

"You'd have to insure my pussy, though. With all that activity, something might go awry. You know, amiss."

"I'd get a stunt man, I mean a stunt woman. She could do all the fancy things. You wouldn't have to worry."

"Hey, thanks, that's a big relief. I'd hate to risk my neck. We could get the movie rights, too. Distribute to sex education classes everywhere. We'd be rich." Jody was always thinking of money. When she wasn't thinking of sex.

"Are you so materialistic as all that?" cried Susie. Her disappointment in her friend was keen. "We wouldn't do this for MONEY! We would do it for pleasure. For the pleasure of spreading the word on this greatest of all sexual arts. We would contribute all proceeds to the Foundation for Masturbation. I mean, where is your sense of duty? Really, Jody. Money! Bah humbug."

She finished the last bite of pancake. "I must go. I'd rather come. But I must go. What are your plans for after school?" She got up, and nearly bumped into the boy, who had finished clearing the trays from the tables all around them, and now was only pretending to clear trays away. He obviously had the hots for Susie.

"Why are you standing so close to me?" exclaimed Susie without a pause. "I mean, why aren't you lying on top of me? I would vastly prefer it!" She smiled at him, blew him a kiss, waved good-bye to Jody and gave the boy the finger behind his back.

Jody laughed and called after her. "I'm going to chapel." It was a code word that they both understood.

"Enjoy!" yelled Susie, bounding up the stairs to the door. She paused dramatically at the top, pretending to give a lecture. Then she disappeared out the door.

Jody finished and flirted with the boy as he took her tray away. He didn't even notice her. He had the hots for Susie. Kitchen workers prefer brunettes, thought Jody snottily. Gentlemen prefer blondes.

She removed her hand from her crotch, which she had been keeping warm all during breakfast, got up gracefully and left.

It was cold, walking the path alone that afternoon to the woodshed. The path wound along a creek, partially iced, but not yet firm enough for skating. Jody drew her coat and scarf more tightly about her.

She nodded at a couple she passed on the path. They must be coming back from chapel. They looked very happy.

She quickened her step. Manny would be waiting for her. He got out earlier than she did. Another quarter of a mile and she would be there.

The chapel, or rather the woodshed, was a popular place with the pupils of both schools. It was a meeting place known only to them. The faculty was not cognizant of its existence.

It kept the student body of both schools sane. They needed a sexual retreat, even at their young age.

Jody came within a stone's throw of the woodshed. Manny was waiting at the door. She picked up a stone and threw it at him. He ducked. It was her idea of a fond greeting.

He gave her the finger. Even with her poor eyesight, she saw it. She knew that was his idea of a fond greeting. She grinned and quickened her step over the frozen path. A stone wall ran along the edge of it.

The last ten yards, she ran, her blond hair flying over her shoulders. She ran into his arms. He picked her up and flung her around and around. Then he put her down.

"Let's hurry," she said. "We don't have awfully long. How are you, Manny? Gee, it's great to see you."

He kissed her. His lips were soft. He had the face of a boy and the body of a man. He was nearly six feet. She loved him already, at fourteen. They planned to be married when they finished college. That was eight years away.

Jody considered it a mere formality. She had to remember to take her pill. If she didn't, they would have quite a family by the time they married.

They both liked sex. Manny opened the door and led her inside. It was dark and cold and gloomy, but it was a place.

Various kids had brought blankets and newspapers to warm the cold cement floor. There was a flashlight without batteries. It didn't help the lighting situation.

"Manny, it's so cold," said Jody, shivering. Her teeth were chattering. "How can I take my clothes off in here? It's the coldest I've ever seen it."

"For sex; we can do anything, right?" he said, pulling her to him and rubbing her all over. "This will help." His strong hands rubbed all over her, beneath her coat.

He felt her soft curves beneath her clothes. She wore slacks and a sweater. She wore no bra, and her little nipples were prominent underneath the wool.

"Hey, you look nice," he said. "Let me feel your nipples." He pulled and pinched the pretty erect knobs through her sweater. "Hey, wasn't that something last night? Poor Ned was freaking out today. He said someone made up a lie about calling some girl in your dorm and breathing heavily. He was very upset. He talked his way out of it, I guess."

"Well, if Miss Glen comes back to me, I'll just say you said you were Ned. I really don't know who that nasty phone call was from!" She reached down and kneaded his cock between his legs. "Hey, that's some erection you got waiting for me. You guys, you're always horny. I can't understand it."

"The pot calls the kettle black, you little horny masturbator, you," cried Manny, seizing his sexy girlfriend and kissing her hungrily. "Boy, did I have the hots for you last night, hearing you moan and groan and your cunt creak and secrete. You must have had the receiver right down between your legs. I heard everything. I heard you cream, do you know that?" He rubbed her sexy little knockers. "Mmmmm, I love these."

"Let me take my coat off," she said, slipping out of it. His magic hands were warming her.

His hands were better than a crackling fire. She felt the rush of passion. She embraced him, stormcoat and all. "Now it's your turn, you hot-blooded American boy, to take your coat off. It's pretty bulky and I think you have something even bulkier underneath it."

Her hand moved down to his basket and kneaded the warm mound, warm even in the cold of the woodshed.

"Mmmmmm, that feels good," he said. She helped him out of his jacket and they sank to the blankets on the floor. He lay down on top of her.

"Let's streak the headmaster's office tomorrow," he said, before placing his lips on hers and tonguing her expertly.

"Mmmmmmm," was her only answer. She parted her lips and let his warm tongue enter her mouth. She felt his tongue play over her teeth and tongue and sighed deeply. Her whole body sighed at the relief of being with her boyfriend again.

Manny's hand went down her body and over her hips. He loved the soft and undulating curves of her body. She had small tits, but a lovely ass, plus a beautiful face. She was a find.

His hand caressed her pussy, underneath her woolen slacks. "Ohhhhhh," she moaned.

"Let me see you play with yourself," he begged. "I love to watch you."

She complied. Her hand went down between her legs and she began prodding her pussy into action. "Oh, no, I did this all last night. You do it now. You're here. That's what you're for, silly." She withdrew her hand and replaced it with his own.

"Okay," he said. "THIS time." He undid the fly of her slacks and massaged her mound under her panties.

Then his cold hand went down underneath the elastic waist and found her bare and lovely pussy.

"Oooooh, it's cold!" she protested. "Mmmmmm, oh, that feels good." She soon got used to it.

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