Making The Bride's Maid - Cover

Making The Bride's Maid


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Randi Coles kicked off the bedcovers and groaned softly. It was stifling in her room. It must be the hottest night of the year, she thought. Her room felt like an oven.

Even though the window was open, the air outside was just as hot as it was inside. And the humidity was unbearable. She had put on her flimsiest nightie, which only went down to the tops of her thighs and was made of wispy transparent fabric, but even that was too much.

She decided to go to the refrigerator and get a glass of iced tea. Maybe that'll cool me off enough so that I can get some sleep, she thought.

And she knew she should get some sleep too. Tomorrow would be a big day. She had the day off from her job as a maid for her sister's wedding. And Randi would also be the maid of honor. She wanted to be at her best, fresh and rested. But how could she do that in this stinking weather?

She tiptoed quietly down the hallway to the kitchen, hoping that at least everyone else was asleep, though she didn't see how they could be in this heat. She knew that Rick, her future brother-in-law, and Dave, her younger brother, had stayed up late playing a game, but they must have gone to bed too. The light was out in the living room.

She tiptoed past the guest room, where Rick was sleeping until the wedding tomorrow, and saw no light under the door. It was dark in the kitchen, but she knew the way to the refrigerator. The light inside of it made it possible for her to find a glass and fill it with iced tea.

"Oh, would you pour one for me too, while you're at it?" a voice behind her suddenly asked in a soft whisper.

"What?" Randi, startled, whirled around.

The iced tea she had poured for herself spilled onto the floor. It splashed onto her bare feet.

"Oh shit!" she gasped. "Now look what I've done!"

Again she looked up. In the dim light from the refrigerator, she saw Rick. His body was naked from the waist up, his shoulders muscular and powerful, his chest hairy and broad. He was only about five years older than she was, of course, but she had never thought of him-like that.

And just what do you mean, like that? she asked herself. But Randi could see that she was not exactly the only one who was struck by the moment. She suddenly realized that the weak light from the refrigerator was behind her, illuminating the curves of her own body through the filmy fabric of her nightie.

Rick, naturally, was looking. Quickly, she closed the door. Now they were in the dark.

"God, I've got to mop this up," Randi said.

"Here, I'll help," Rick murmured. "I didn't mean to make you spill it. I was just so hot. I thought I'd come in and get a glass for myself. Then, when I saw you-"

"Oh, I know," Randi said. "It's nothing. I'll clean it up."

She had grown up in the house, so she found her way to the kitchen towels easily. On the way back to the refrigerator, she bumped into Rick in the dark.

"Oh! Excuse me," she said.

But she didn't pull back. Her arm brushed his naked chest. She could feel his breath on her neck. Finally Randi moved back away from him. But she could feel her pulse racing unexpectedly.

She bent down and mopped up the puddle. When she stood up again, he was right there beside her. It was dark, but their faces were just inches away from each other.

"Randi, would you pour a glass for me?" Rick asked in a strange-sounding voice.

"You-could do it for yourself," she said nervously.

"What would you say if I told you I like to see the light shine through your nightgown?" he whispered.

"I don't know. Do you?"


Suddenly she felt his hand on her face. He tilted her mouth up to his and his lips crushed down on hers. His tongue was inside her mouth before Randi even knew it, searching and probing.

His hands were up inside her flimsy nightie too. They found her firm young naked tits and squeezed them eagerly. His fingers pinched her soft, stiff nipples. Randi gasped.

"Oooohhh! God, we can't do this!" she cried, pulling back. "Rick! You know we can't! What do you think you're doing?"

But he knew very well what he was doing. And she couldn't help responding. Her body grew warm and pliant under his grasp.

"I can't help it, Randi!" he panted, kissing her neck. "I've always wanted you!"

"No, you can't say that," she said. "You're marrying Laura tomorrow. You can't have me. You can't want me."

She pulled his hands off her tits and stepped back away from him. But she half-wished he had not let her stop him. Part of her wanted him not to take no for an answer. She wanted him to rip off her nightie and throw her down and fuck her right there on the kitchen floor, even though she knew that was crazy. Her cunt was wet for him.

"I can't help it!" Rick whispered.

"You-have to help it," she said, trying to sound firm. "Here."

She poured a glass of iced tea for him and handed it to him. She closed the refrigerator door before he could look too long at her body through her nightie. But Rick set the glass on the kitchen table.

He came toward her again. Randi didn't move. This time he encircled her body with his arms and dropped his hands to her ass. He got his hands under the skirt of her nightie and squeezed her high, round asscheeks.

Randi felt hot arrows of lust shooting through her wet pussy. Oh, Jesus, that feels good! she thought. She kissed him back eagerly this time.

When they stopped kissing, Randi was panting and gasping with excitement. Her blood was hot and racing. She wanted more.

"Rick, please!" she murmured, kissing his hard chest.

"Please what?"

"Please-stop this!"

"You don't want me to stop."

"I know I don't! But we have to! What if Laura found out?"

"She won't find out unless we tell her. I certainly won't tell her."

"Ahhhnnn!" Randi groaned as she felt one of his hands slide around her body and dip into her wet crotch.

He slid a finger up into her pulsing pussy. She bit her lower lip. Her body shivered uncontrollably.

"Why don't we go to your room?" he asked.

"We can't!" She spun quickly away from him. "Now leave me alone. Please!"

"All right," he said. "Whatever you want."

He disappeared in the darkness, down the hall, back to the guest room. Randi took deep breaths to make her pulse slow down. She tried to pretend that the whole thing had not happened.

She tried to control herself by gulping down the glass of iced tea. Then she went back to her room and shut the door. She lay down on her bed, trying to forget about the incident in the kitchen.

But it was impossible. Her body burned. She touched the wet lips of her sizzling young cunt with her fingers, recalling how he had touched her there. She knew he was only a couple of doors away, right down the hall.

He's probably lying there thinking how he wants to fuck me, just like I'm lying here tonight, she thought. But god, what if Laura ever found out? She'd kill me. And she'd have every right.

Randi finally removed her nightie, as she had originally planned. She ran her hands all over her feverish body. Her smooth flesh glimmered in the moonlight that came through her open window. She cupped her full young tits, trying to imagine Rick's lips on them, sucking wildly.

The fingers of her other hand found her swollen clit and rubbed it. She tried to imagine his cock inside her. Moving in and out. God, I want him to do it! she thought desperately.

And then she thought she heard a very soft knock on her door.

"Who is it?" she asked in a loud whisper.

Slowly her door opened. Somebody slipped inside and closed the door again.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't want anybody to hear me," Rick said.

Randi forgot she was entirely naked until she saw the look in his eye as he came closer to the bed. He was devouring her with his gaze. Rick could hardly tear his eyes from her beautiful jutting tits. Randi remembered how she had just imagined his mouth all over them.

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