Lust Takes A Holiday - Cover

Lust Takes A Holiday


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Fred Peterson stirred his martini with his finger as he paced the floor of his heavily carpeted living room while Dinah sat impassively on the couch.

"Well, it's all over now. Our marriage is finished, and my career is ruined."

His nervous pacing reflected the jumble of thoughts in his mind. Everything seemed to be whirling in his head until he didn't have the slightest idea of what to do next. Recalling the party at Tomley's house he remembered how enraged he'd been after seeing his wife take on four men and actually enjoy it, but for the past several days he'd been reflecting on the matter and realized that she had done it to punish him because he had let himself go with Myra Wilson. It was the first time he'd ever had sex with anyone else but his wife, he knew, but why did he have to pay such a heavy price for it? Of course it had all been planned, not down to the minutest detail, but Tomley had planned the scenario nonetheless, and Fred felt extremely bitter about it. He'd had half a mind to leave Dinah stranded at Tomley's house, but when he saw the pitiable state she was in, standing at the edge of the parking lot, he had wheeled the car toward her in reverse, jammed the brakes on, and opened the door, driving her home, even though he hadn't really wanted to.

All the way home he'd been trying to contain his viciousness, but still he'd been waiting for her to say something, anything, that would give him an excuse to vent his anger. She hadn't, though. She had just sat beside him in the car, trembling and looking forlorn, and in spite of his bitterness, he hadn't mentioned a word about the evening and what they'd done.

Now, though, it was time to smoke the matter out into the open, for he wasn't going to hold it in any longer.

"Well, what are we going to do, get a divorce?" he said, trying to remain as calm as he could.

"I think we should talk things over first. It happened because of both of us, not just me."

"It wouldn't have happened at all if you had just relaxed and given me the kind of sex I wanted. We would have been perfectly happy."

"So, you're going to blame it on me?" she protested, rising from the sofa. "Well, if you do that you're just being a fool. I can't help the way I was brought up. You forced me to do all those disgusting things."

"I forced you? Listen, Dinah, you didn't look like you were being forced to do anything, not for one minute. Sweetheart, you had a great big smile on your face when those two guys were doing it to you from both ends."

"Stop it, stop it!" she hissed. "You were the one who insisted that we go to that party in the first place. I only went to pay you back for what you did to me."

Suddenly he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him.

"Do you realize that everything is ruined now? I'll have to leave Benton Research and I'll never be able to get my doctorate. Damn, if you just hadn't wanted a job so badly, everything would have been all right."

"Oh, you can stay and get your doctorate all right. There's nothing stopping you, but you'll have to get it alone, I'm leaving."

Fred's anger rose at his wife's self-righteous words. If there'd been a little understanding between the two of them in the beginning none of this would have happened, and their marriage would be going on an even keel now. It still bothered him that she had let herself go with Tomley and those other men, but wouldn't even think of repeating those acts for him. The rift between them had gone too far, and there was no way to heal it now, he was thinking to himself, when the doorbell suddenly rang. Fred set his glass down on the mantelpiece of the fireplace and went to answer it only to find Ralph Tomley looming in the doorway, a pleasant smile on his face.

At the sight of him, Fred felt his face flushing, a violent rage seizing the pit of his stomach. He had a good mind just to tell Tomley to go to hell, but before he could muster the courage, the director simply brushed by him into the center of the living room and greeted Dinah warmly.

"Hello my dear, I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were. I always do that with new couples after the first meeting. I hope you enjoyed yourself the other night."

"Oh, she enjoyed herself," Fred cut in sarcastically. "After all, it isn't every day a woman takes on four men."

"Of course not," Tomley reprimanded him. "That's what makes it interesting. And I certainly didn't see you doing anything different from your wife, Peterson. I won't tolerate any of this nonsensical puritanism. You both enjoyed yourselves and you're both afraid to admit it. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"Well, my wife certainly enjoyed it, but of course not quite as much as she enjoyed her little session with you in the board room. She's been raving about that for days."

Dinah gazed at her husband, horror-stricken at his words, then her gaze moved to the broad-shouldered director, who was smiling confidently.

"Peterson. I'll overlook your sarcasm for the moment, because I think I know what the problem is. And if you'll get me a drink, I'll go about straightening things out."

"Sure, Dr. Tomley. Anything you say. A martini?" His voice was dripping sarcasm, but the expression on his face was one of extreme pleasantness. Dinah, for her part, squirmed uneasily on the sofa, wondering what in the world was going to happen next. In a moment she found out as Fred handed the director a drink and he took a hefty sip.

"Ah, nothing like a martini to straighten the head out," he sighed, polishing it off quickly and setting the glass on the mantelpiece. "Now, let's get on with straightening out this marriage. Dinah, I want you to come with me."

He spoke in a no-nonsense voice, motioning toward her with his hand.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh now don't be ridiculous. You know exactly what I mean. I'm taking you to the bedroom."

The young redhead could hardly believe her ears. It was one thing to have been tricked into going to the swap party the other night, but it was quite another for Ralph Tomley to walk in the door uninvited and insist that she go into her own bedroom with him. His audacity was incredible. She looked desperately over to her husband for help, but there was no response except for a bitter smile on his face, which suddenly enraged her.

"How can you do this?" she hissed at him. "How can you let another man come into your home and take your wife?"

"Oh, I'm sure Fred doesn't mind," Tomley said. "It's all in the spirit of fun after all."

Dinah's green eyes blazed with anger, and suddenly she made up her mind that she was no longer going to protest. She was going to let Tomley do whatever he wanted--just to humiliate her husband, to pay him back for his self-righteous attitude.

"Come on, Dinah, let's not diddle around," the director said gravely, leading her off to the bedroom, as she cast one last hostile glance back at her husband.

"I hope you realize I'm only doing this to get back at my husband," she said to Tomley once they were inside with the door closed.

"Of course, my dear, of course. Now get those clothes off."

Dinah obeyed mechanically, and the two of them undressed at the same time, her eyes fixing on Tomley's cock which was already rigidly erect and jutting out between his legs.

"Now we'll have to put on a good show, so we can get him in here," the director said. "That way all three of us will have some fun and he'll come to his senses. Now stretch out on the bed there."

Following his command, Dinah lay flat on her back, her legs spread slightly apart, her arms outstretched. Mounting the mattress on his knees, he gripped the backs of her thighs and levered them upward, bending forward to clamp his mouth over her vagina. He began a slow nibbling motion with his tongue until he could feel the warm lubricated juice beginning to flow, and then his tongue began spearing in between the tiny dilating lips at a quicker tempo, bringing a subdued groan from her throat.

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