Lust Takes A Holiday - Cover

Lust Takes A Holiday


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ralph Tomley had managed to put on a good act of indignation as he remained at the door with Dinah Peterson, watching the two lewdly coupled bodies grind their way toward orgasm. But still an inward sadistic satisfaction filled him as he observed the horrified expression on the young wife's face, and his cock jerked beneath his trousers under the influence of the salacious scene. It bulged even harder when Dinah backed into his arms, recoiling from what she'd witnessed.

Though he would have liked nothing more than to grab her just then and throw her down on one of the long couches in the staff room, he knew she was not ripe yet. She was still in a state of shock, and he had to bide his time until she recovered, reverting back to the relative coolness of smoldering anger. There was nothing a woman seeking vengeance wouldn't do, no matter how puritanical she might be under normal conditions.

This was something he'd learned a long time ago and had used to draw other inexperienced couples into the group to do what they jokingly called extracurricular scientific research. Practically three quarters of the staff was in the game now, and Tomley would have liked nothing more than to bring Dinah and Fred Peterson in too. Hell, she seemed so naive and virginal he would just love to sink his cock deep inside her pussy.

He had to admit, of course, that Myra Wilson had certainly helped matters along. Ever since Peterson had joined the center, she'd had hot pants for him, and Myra wasn't one who could be stopped easily. She'd gone after Peterson with all the ardor of a bitch in heat. She wasn't the only one, though. Practically everyone in the place had their eyes set on the newcomers. And with Myra doing her job, it was going to be easy for him to sink his claws into Peterson's young redheaded wife. Everything had been moving along smoothly--the job for Dinah, Myra's efforts to seduce her husband, and now finally the brutal confrontation which, while it wasn't exactly staged, had fallen neatly into place--beautifully, in fact, considering this was Dinah's first day on the job. It meant he wouldn't have to spend days and days softening her up. The sight of her husband screwing Myra Wilson had done the job for him.

Damn, he thought to himself, he was going to have a hell of a good time this evening. The proud innocent type had always presented a challenge to him, and he liked nothing more than to see them fall under the spell of his thick bulging cock in a state of helpless submission. Later, once he'd completed her initiation, so to speak, he would turn her over to the rest of the club which included some colorful townspeople as well as the scientists and their wives. She would know she'd really been fucked when he had finished with her.

"Well, your husband really went at it with a lot of gusto," Tomley said, trying to preserve at the same time an air of dignity.

"That bastard," she hissed viciously. "How could he do something like this to me?"

It was the right moment, Tomley realized, because she was filled with anger now, and so he jerked her head toward his and pressed his lips hotly against hers, eagerly working his tongue into her mouth. She groaned and tried to squirm away, but suddenly he released his grip on her shoulder.

"That was just to calm you down," he said, staring into her eyes. "You wouldn't want to do anything rash, would you, like breaking in there?"

She could see he was right, though he had a strange way of proving it. Nevertheless, she tried to loose the tenseness in her muscles, though Tomley's sudden kiss had made her more disconcerted than ever. It was the first time another man had kissed her since her marriage, and to her surprise, her body had responded to it. It was exciting, and it even seemed natural, even though she knew it was wrong. In spite of her confusion, she had felt tiny ripples of pleasure running through her stomach; but what would happen now? She was so terribly distraught she didn't know where to turn for comfort.

She cast her gaze downward and pressed the back of her hand to her mouth in an effort to control the powerful emotions that were welling inside her. She had never imagined that she would be kissed by another man, and she didn't have the slightest idea about what to do next. Her mind told her to run, but where? She didn't have a home anymore, couldn't have a home after she'd witnessed what her husband had done, but there was nowhere else to turn but to the protective warmth of Ralph Tomley's arms. Yes, he had helped her, and she was grateful for it. Without him, she might well have suffered a nervous breakdown witnessing the scene between her husband and the licentious woman who had obviously seduced him. Thank God, the worst was over now, but the two bodies were still nakedly entwined on the lab table, and she couldn't take her eyes off them. She hardly dared breathe for fear of disturbing the scene and making her presence known.

"She sucked him off," Tomley whispered in her ear, pulling her more tightly against him and grinding his hips ever so slowly against her ass as they had resumed their watching position, peering through the crack in the half-opened doorway.

She spun around and faced him once again, burying her head in his chest.

"Oh God, it was terrible."

She tried to remain strong, but once again the tears were flowing freely from her eyes. The horrible sight of her husband's penis disappearing deep inside the other woman's mouth was too much for her to bear, and sobs wracked her body. Echoes of the terrible groaning sucking sounds they had made flooded her ears, even though the event had passed moments ago. In her imagination it was still going on. It was too horribly real to deny! The mewls, the groans, the leathery bucking noises of flesh against naked flesh assaulted her mind, driving her to the point of insanity. Her own husband had been doing all this, had been enjoying every second of it as she watched unbeknownst to him. It was like a frightening nightmare, and desperately she wanted to escape from it. She wanted to run away but knew that her legs wouldn't support her, and the only alternative was to remain supported in Tomley's arms, listening while her husband and the strange woman exchanged secretive whispers as they embraced each other.

Suddenly she realized that the director's hands had crept up on her and were massaging one of her breasts. He gave a quick sharp pinch against her nipple that brought a gasp from her throat as her body tensed in instinctive reaction. A flash of pain shot down the length of her spine and she twisted in his arms in an effort to break away. Her mind was ajumble with sights and sounds she had experienced during the day. She was practically hallucinating as she saw naked arms and legs twisting around each other, bellies thudding against bellies, and stiff male penises penetrating the depths of wet welcoming vaginas. But it was no dream, it was real; she had seen it all, and her husband had been a participant in the lewd goings-on.

At the same time that she was repulsed by these salacious images, she couldn't help feeling ripples of pleasure flowing through her belly as the older scientist squeezed and kneaded her breasts. She clenched her eyes shut, but the feelings wouldn't go away as Tomley manipulated her and began to undo the buttons of her blouse.

In protest, she uttered a low helpless groan which was quickly cut off by the older man's lips pressing against hers, his tongue gliding warmly into her mouth and snaking against the backs of her teeth. She tried to get away, but his strength was overpowering, and her movements only seemed to incite him more so that he crushed her body even tighter against his. If she struggled too much, she would only make her presence known to her husband and the other woman, and that she didn't want to do at any cost. If he caught her the way she was now, she would never be able to vent her anger. She would only be laughed at. After all, she hadn't chosen what was happening now, she had been forced into it.

"Did you see it all?" Tomley whispered in her ear. "He licked her cunt and then she sucked his cock."

"Y-Yes, I saw it," she mumbled in reply, the lewd words stimulating something deep inside her body.

"You're not going to let him get away with it, are you? You've got to pay him back." As the words escaped from his mouth he pulled her around so that they were facing each other and ground his pelvis tightly against hers. He dug his hands into the softness of her buttocks and squeezed them rhythmically until he could feel her cunt pressing against his throbbing confined cock.

"N-no please. We can't! We can't do this!" she whimpered helplessly.

"Sure we can," he said grinning. "We're just going to make things even." His voice sounded harsh, even cruel, and suddenly he locked his mouth tight against hers, spearing his tongue deep inside her throat.

"Please, God, no! Don't do this!" she begged, struggling, trying to tear herself away. But it was futile, and she knew that he had the upper hand. Oh God! Why hadn't she listened to Fred when he'd told her not to take this job. It would destroy both of them!

Her body tensed as Tomley began to squeeze and knead her soft ass-cheeks through the material of her skirt, pulling her loins hard against him until she thought she couldn't bear the pressure any longer. She clenched her eyes shut, fighting with her mind against the involuntary sensations of excited pleasure that were sweeping through her body. The soft tingling touch of his fingers against her nipples, however, was too much, and she felt herself falling slowly, ever so slowly into submission.

"Ummmh, you're fantastic," the older man groaned throatily. "You're going to enjoy this, believe me, you will."

"No," she pleaded, trying to dissuade him. "No one but my husband has ever touched me."

"You've been missing something then. Don't worry, the experience will do you good."

He slipped his hand between her breasts and over the smooth surface of her belly as Dinah gasped and held her breath. She felt his fingers on the hem of her skirt slowly raising it up to the tops of her thighs. His fingers suddenly touched against her naked flesh, and she squirmed back with a helpless whimper as one fingertip glided slowly under the legband of her panties, making sudden wet contact with the sensitive tip of her clitoris. Gently pushing aside the nest of soft red public hair, he dipped his middle finger into the wetly trembling passage of Dinah's hotly aroused cunt. It was damp and slippery from the effects of unwanted desire that had pervaded her as she witnessed the scene in the adjacent lab. She held her breath to contain the groan of helpless pleasure that was welling inside her and desperately needed to be expressed. She knew she couldn't make a sound now or else her husband would be attracted, and he would discover her in Tomley's lewd embrace.

As she found herself reacting to the older man's skillful ministrations, tears of humiliation flowed down her cheeks, but her shame did not contain the instinctive movements of her loins. She squirmed her hips, in spite of all the efforts to control herself, against his rummaging fingers.

"Spread 'em wider," he breathed fervently in her ear. "Good and wide. You love it, you know you do."

"G-God, please. Don't make me do this," she begged piteously. "Fred will see us, I'm sure of it!"

"Let's go somewhere else then. Come on, what do you say?" he asked once more as his finger glided in and out of her rhythmically spasming cunt.

"Yes, anything," she murmured. "Please, take me away from here." Reaching behind her, she grasped the doorknob and pulled the door carefully shut as though to block out from her memory all the horrible scenes she had witnessed taking place. When the door clicked she suddenly felt free, strange hallucinatory sensations dancing in her mind.

Somewhere in the back of her head she knew she had said something wrong, but it was too late to do anything else. The strong sensations in her body had run away with her, and she was no longer free to follow the dictates of her own conscience.

He grasped her hand powerfully and led her out through the lounge, along the dimly lit corridors and to the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her mind a bog of hopeless confusion.

"Don't worry, you'll see. You want to get back at him, don't you?"

Nothing made sense now, she thought; she was somewhere in a dream world, and she responded mechanically.

"Yes, yes, I want to get back at him."

"Good, I'm going to help you then."

Yes, he was going to help her. He was such a kind man. He had helped her already, consoled her when she had seen what was happening in the lab this morning. But still she remembered what Fred had told her. He's a lecher. He'll chase you around his desk. She remembered his hands squeezing her breasts, his mouth pressing down hard on hers and his tongue slipping between her teeth. She was so totally confused she didn't know what to do. She could only submit to the influence of someone stronger than she, which she did now as he led her out of the elevator once it had reached the third floor.

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