Lust Takes A Holiday - Cover

Lust Takes A Holiday


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

An hour or so earlier that day Fred had gone to his customary lab, which was located adjacent to the staff lounge downstairs and to his surprise found that he had company.

"I'm Myra Wilson," the shapely dark-haired girl said, removing her glasses and giving him a warm smile.

"Well, what a surprise. I've been getting used to working by myself. I'm glad to have some company. What are you working on?"

"The sea bass," she said, pointing at one of the aquariums that was built into a wall of the room. Would you like some coffee?"

"Please, thanks."

As the white-coated researcher ambled over to one of the lab tables to boil some water over a bunsen burner, Fred's eyes riveted on her ripe sensual body. Jesus, she really swung those hips when she walked. And to look at her from a distance you would think she was just some sort of cold-hearted intellectual bitch, the way she wore her hair tied back and those dark frame glasses perched on her nose. She certainly seemed friendly enough, Fred thought, but how friendly she was he didn't find out until she came back with the coffee and sat down facing him on the lone table that spanned the side of the room where the aquariums were located.

"It must be like solitary confinement, working in here alone all the time," she said, sympathetically, handing over his cup.

He noticed that she had taken her glasses off and crossed her legs with a swishing of nylon, the skirts of her lab coat falling away so that he got a good glimpse of smoothly attractive thighs. Was he crazy or did he sense a kind of impish glint in her eye?

"Don't you ever get ideas from watching those fish mate all the time?" she said unexpectedly.

"You mean ideas for my thesis?"

Myra tilted back her head and laughed.

"That wasn't exactly what I meant, but I suppose watching fish in an aquarium all day isn't the most stimulating thing in the world."

What did she mean, he wondered. Was it possible that she was flirting with him, had come in here on purpose to flirt with him? He watched as she casually unbuttoned the top buttons of her coat, revealing a magnificent torso in a thin-knit halter top whose neckline drooped low enough to reveal a hint of her tantalizing cleavage. Her breasts were full, high-set and braless, tiny sharp-pointed nipples nearly bursting through the material.

"These lab coats make me feel silly," she said. "We don't really need them here, and they make you look so sterile."

Having made this announcement she slipped out of the white garment, stretching one leg out to support herself on the floor as she twisted her body. Fred's mouth fell agape as her short little skirt rode up above the level of her stocking garters, revealing a triangular expanse of silken panty material nestled between her thighs.

God almighty, she had to know he was sitting there looking up in between her legs, and yet she didn't seem the least self- conscious about it. She even seemed to be taking an extra long time to get out of her lab coat. Whether this was part of the mating ritual of the scientific researcher, he wasn't sure, but he knew that his biological systems were operating smoothly, because he could feel his cock burgeoning in his pants. Jesus, she was a tempting piece, and she certainly knew how to put on the tease. What a pleasant surprise to see her here!

"I haven't seen you down here before, although I've certainly seen you around," he said, trying to find out what her real motivations were.

She sipped her coffee, coyly swinging her legs over the edge of the table as though she were sitting on a riverbank.

"That's because I've never been here before. I decided to pay you a visit."

She said it with perfect frankness and no trace of embarrassment, which completely blew Fred's mind. He could feel a blush rising to his face and searched vainly for the right words to say. He had never expected to be seduced in the world-renowned Benton Research Center, especially by a fellow scientist who just happened to be one of the most attractive females he'd ever seen. She was looking straight at him with soft eyes, her lips slightly parted as though eager to be kissed, and it was driving him absolutely crazy.

Unfortunately at that moment, his thoughts went back to his wife and the difficult time they'd had over the weekend, when he had vainly tried forcing her to perform oral sex with him. There was nothing dirty about sucking your husband's cock, he'd insisted, but of course she'd put on her virgin act and fought him all the way. Damn, he was getting sick of her childish puritanical views on sex, and what was worse he was despairing of ever bringing her around no matter how hard he tried. Well, screw her, he thought. This time he was just going to wait it out, give her one last chance. No more sweet talk, no more cajoling... he was just going to wait till she came to him. It was going to be one hell of a temptation, though, trying to keep his hands off this dark-haired beauty who had appeared from nowhere and just as much said that she wanted to go to bed with him.

He loved Dinah, of course, in spite of her prudishness, but he was human after all, and the temptation in front of him now was a powerful one. Control yourself, Fred, he said inwardly. It'll just be trouble if you get involved with this chick. The Research Center is a small place in a small town, and somebody's going to find out about it sooner or later.

Just as he had tried to strengthen his resolve with these thoughts, he saw Myra Wilson rising from the table and stretching her arms around in back of her head to undo the bun in her hair. There was a sultry, seductive look on her face, but she did it in complete silence, all the while her twinkling dark eyes flashing at him. In a moment her tresses spilled free and cascaded over her shoulder as she ran her hands lightly through them.

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