Loving Family - Cover

Loving Family


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jean Stevenson sang along happily to the music of her car radio, enjoying the beautiful day and the pleasant drive through the mountains into town. She felt proud of herself for being able to change her negative, worried attitude about her children's affairs and quite certain that tonight, she and Tom would more than make up for the past week of sexual frustration and disappointment.

She chided herself gently for having been such a worrier, and let her thoughts drift and wander aimlessly, feeling thoroughly happy and at peace with the world. She noticed a fresh fruit and vegetable stand on the side of the road and impulsively stopped, deciding the produce there would be of a higher quality than in the supermarket, but when she went to pay for her careful selections she discovered that she had left her wallet at home.

Feeling silly, she apologized to the vendor and got back in her car to turn back toward home. She was grateful to have realized her carelessness when she did, instead of at the supermarket, all the way into town. That would have really thrown me off schedule, she thought as she entered the house rather sheepishly through the back door. She hoped she wouldn't have to confront Tom--she was embarrassed to have done anything so silly as to take off on a shopping trip without her wallet and she didn't want to have to explain it.

The house seemed empty and quiet at first. Remembering that she had given Paul a few dollars earlier, she assumed her wallet was still lying on the coffee table in the living room and walked swiftly through the kitchen and down the hall.

Then she heard it... the sound of Linda's voice... moaning! Her first thought was that the girl was in pain and the lovely brunette quickened her step, but then something made her stop. A muffled sound... very definitely a masculine voice! My God, she thought, Linda and Jerry are making love right here in the living room! Instinctively, she started to turn away, but then, bristling with indignation, she moved toward the living room door. The raw nerve of them, she thought angrily, determining to put a stop to their wanton activities.

She peered around the doorjamb, half-frightened by what she might see, but in no way prepared for the sight that met her incredulous eyes. Her mouth fell open in stunned horror and she had to grip the door to keep from falling. Her mind screamed out against what her eyes were witnessing and she stood, frozen to the spot, unable to move. She thought she was going to be ill, that she would scream, that she would faint, but nothing happened... she was absolutely paralyzed with shock! Linda was lying in the middle of the living room, her breasts bare and her legs spread wide... and Tom, her own beloved husband and Linda's father, was putting his mouth to her pussy!

When at last she regained her senses enough to move, she ran blindly, mindlessly from the house. Her world was shattered, she was totally devastated by the unimaginable shock of what she had seen. Her own husband incestuously fucking his daughter! She almost fell down the stairs in her haste to get outside into the air where she could breathe; the walls of the house seemed to have closed in on her, she thought she was losing her mind, that she had been pushed over the brink into insanity.

Once in the open, she resorted to total instinct... the instinct of flight. She would take her son and go! They would run as fast as they could and as far as they could. How they would go, where they would go, never crossed her mind, only that they leave! Her only thought was to protect her son from this ultimate depravity, but where was he... where was Paul! God only knew what Linda had done to him already!

The distraught mother took off running to the only place she knew to look for her son, the Walter's house. They lived almost a half mile away, and Jean ran through the trees like a frightened animal. Totally winded by the time she arrived at the sprawling ranch-style home, she stood in the trees beside the clearing to catch her breath and fought desperately to regain control. Her mind was a torrent of conflicting emotions... rage, pain, fear and... jealousy!

She knew the scene was etched forever on her brain. She would never be able to erase the image of Tom with his head buried in his daughter's pussy. She remembered how Tom's cock had probed into her own cunt--how he had caressed her clitoris with his fingers and fucked savagely deep into her cunt. He had told her how good she was for him, how much he enjoyed fucking her... how he loved her... and there he was doing the same thing to his daughter! Jean was too upset to even try to control the twinge of desire that shot through her own body.

Jean had never before seen two people perform any kind of sexual act and the sight of Linda's writhing body as Tom licked her cunt kept flashing vividly through her brain. She wondered how long she had stood there watching the obscene spectacle. She had no conception of time, but she was acutely aware of her own arousal. Her pussy felt wet and tingling and she was helplessly confused.

For an instant, she forgot why she was there, standing in the woods outside the Walter's house, her hand having inadvertently gone to her pussy. Paul, yes... she had to protect her son... she had to find Paul!

Bracing herself, she made her way up the path to the front door and pounded on it angrily. Jerry answered, wearing only his swim trunks, and he blushed as he saw her eyes drop to the bulge at the crotch.

"Yeah?" he said in a surly tone, eyeing the beautiful woman and impressed by her shape.

"I'm Jean Stevenson," she snapped, almost pushing her way into the house. "I've come for my son. Where is he?"

"Oh yeah," Jerry said, swigging at his beer and lewdly appraising her. "Linda and Paul's mother." The tall blonde youth wondered how anyone's mother could look so young and beautiful.

"I am Paul's mother, not Linda's," she retorted pointedly. "Where is my son?" It was as though she were accusing Jerry of hiding Paul from her, and he could see that she was pretty upset over something.

"Jeeze, lady! I don't know where the hell Paul is! I'm not his keeper, you know!

"He's probably out with your slutty sister!" Jean blurted out without thinking.

"Now, just hold on there a minute, lady!" Jerry said, bristling at her slurring comment regarding his sister.

"I know what's been going on here!" Jean exploded angrily. "I know the way Linda carries on, I know!"

"You mean you know that I'm fucking Linda and Paul is fucking my little sister?" he responded casually, trying to fight back a lurid smile.

She became flustered at the way the young boy had used the word so easily and she stammered, "Yes... I mean... no, I can't believe Paul would... " The idea of discussing her son having sex seemed lewd and wrong, yet it gave her a strange thrill. Jerry was smiling openly now, his eyes taking in her heaving breasts and staring at the vee of her thighs.

"Come on in, Mrs. Stevenson," he offered with a trace of sarcasm in his voice. "We've been meaning to invite you and your husband in on the party... matter of fact your husband's already been initiated into our little group... "

"What are you talking about?" she asked, wondering if he knew about Linda and Tom, too.

"I'm talking about your husband fucking my little sister's tits off!" he said in a flat tone, "and it seems only right that you and I should be getting even by doing the same thing... "

Her eyes widened and she saw that his cock was hardening quickly, bulging out the swim trunks. She couldn't quite believe the boy's words... what was he saying? Had Tom seduced Cindy too? What kind of man had she married? How could she have been so wrong about him?

"Come on, Mrs. Stevenson... you do to me what everyone else is doing and we'll all be even... we'll have some good times!"

"You're crazy!" Jean cried, yet she was fascinated by the lewd proposal. She tried to regain her wits. "All I want to do is get my son and leave this place, can't you understand that?" she asked helplessly.

"You don't understand, lady!" he shot back at her. "Your precious son and your fine upstanding husband have both fucked my baby sister and I'm planning to get even by fucking you. Got it? Now, I can either rape you or you can cooperate and we can both have a good time... any way you want suits me just fine!"

Jean's brain was reeling. She felt trapped and she stood dead still, trying to decide what to do, trying to make sense out of the sudden nightmare of insanity.

Jerry put his arm around her waist and led her into the bedroom. He was already gloating over the idea of fucking Linda's stepmother. What a deal! Mother and daughter, with the mother almost as alluring as the daughter, and maybe even better in bed!

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