Loving Family - Cover

Loving Family


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jean Stevenson woke late; glancing at the clock beside the bed she saw that it was already past ten and she scolded herself harshly for being so lazy. Yet she knew it wasn't laziness that kept her clinging too long to the sweet oblivion of sleep, it was her reluctance to face herself and her problems.

She looked over at her husband, faintly snoring beside her on the bed. He too was sleeping in, but then he had not come to bed until much later than she. Jean studied the handsome dark man for a long moment. Why had he rejected her sexual advances the night before?

She had been so eager for it and had tried to let him know in every subtle way she could imagine. Finally, after getting no response all evening, she had donned her sexiest negligee and retired early, hoping he would follow. But it hadn't worked. He kissed her goodnight tenderly and lovingly, but he remained downstairs, staring thoughtfully into the fire.

She knew Tom was not petty enough to be paying her back" for her sexual aloofness during the past week. It was something more than that. She was sorry she had only been able to respond half- heartedly to him this last week, but he seemed to have understood, never having been offended enough to forego making love to her.

Well, she thought with determination, this is a new day. It makes no sense to dwell on problems that don't have a ready solution, she told herself, especially such ill-defined problems as those that were plaguing her. There was really nothing specific, except the sex with Tom which she knew was only temporary... but still, there was something else... some nagging worry, a sense of restless unfulfillment that plagued her relentlessly and gnawed at her sense of well being.

Determined to put it out of her mind, the beautiful dark- haired woman stole out of bed and dressed quietly so as not to awaken her husband. She tried to tell herself that the children were fine, that she and Tom were fine, that everything was okay.

Tom had assured her that the kids were having good clean fun at the Walter's house, that there was plenty there to keep them occupied, horses, swimming pool, game room, and she should not worry. Although he had not the opportunity to meet the Walters, he felt certain they were nice people.

Jean was grateful to Tom for having dropped in on them, and she did feel much better about Paul and Linda spending so much time there, but she still felt left out of things. She felt guilty of jealousy and tried not to let it show to the children or her husband.

She started preparing breakfast for her family and Paul came into the kitchen and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Hi Mom!" he said and without thinking Jean grabbed him and hugged him for a moment. "Hi honey," she said warmly, then blushed at her emotional display.

Paul sat at the table chatting with her as she busied herself with breakfast. He had felt very grown up since he met Cindy and he wished he could tell his mother about it. Cindy was wild, and had more than taken care of his sexual needs, but a guy just didn't discuss those things with his mother. And besides, there was something shaky about Cindy. He wanted more, although he wasn't sure of what, and Cindy just wasn't the kind of girl you ever thought about loving permanently.

Linda came in and waved gaily, giving them both a light kiss and sat down beside him at the table. "Smells great in here," she said brightly. Paul felt a wave of love rush over him for her... she meant much more to him than Cindy ever would, in spite of the fun he and Cindy shared. That's all it was... fun.

As she served them, Jean said with a smile. "I have to go do some shopping today... how would it be if I bought some nice steaks and you invite the Walter's over her for dinner. After all, it must be your turn to entertain, and we still haven't met Jerry."

She thought if she made a special effort to sort of make up for her jealousy and suspicions about the Walters it might help put her back in her husband's good graces too.

"Hey! Great idea, mom!" Paul responded happily. He thought instantly that it could be embarrassing too since he didn't think his mom liked Cindy too much but when he looked at Linda, she was lit up with smiles.

"Gee, that's really a great idea!", she said brightly, wondering how her dad would act with Cindy right here in the same house after he had fucked her hot little ears off the other day?

"We'll go over right after breakfast and invite them," Paul said, then added as an afterthought, "need any help with the shopping?" He was glad when she said no.

Jean was elated that the kids had agreed so readily to her suggestion and was looking forward to spending an evening with them... and their friends, she told herself.

They all looked up when Tom walked into the kitchen looking fresh and relaxed. He kissed his wife on the mouth and as he sat down at the table, facing his daughter, she burst out: "Guess what dad! We're going to have Cindy and Jerry over for dinner tonight!" She enjoyed his blush at the mention of Cindy's name and she wondered how he would react if he knew that she had watched the whole thing with he and Cindy in her bedroom yesterday afternoon.

"I hope you don't mind, honey." Jean said, anxious for his approval.

He waved a hand irritably, and said sharply. "Of course I don't mind." He caught himself and grinned at the kids. "Sure, that's great... we'll have a ball!"

Tom detected a lurid grin on his daughter's face, but he put it down to his own guilty conscience and even Paul caught the false note in his step-father's voice, but couldn't figure it out.

After everyone had finished breakfast Jean sat down to make out her shopping list. She felt as if she had taken a positive step toward getting close to the kids, and she vowed to herself that she would be nice to the Walter kids tonight. This dinner would be just the beginning, she told herself, they would share many more happy evenings together.

Tom wandered about the house aimlessly for a few minutes, then decided to go outside and work in the yard to take his mind off his disconcerting thoughts. He felt guilty as he watched his lovely wife walking out towards the car. "Anything special I can get you from town, honey?" she asked as she passed him. Tom reached out for her and drew her close, kissing her tenderly on the mouth. "Just bring yourself back to me honey," he said huskily. She blushed and turned away, saying that she would be back in a couple of hours. Tom cursed himself as he watched her trim hips swaying, her legs blending perfectly into her torso. How could he have fucked that cheap little bitch when he had the best woman in the world waiting, every night, for the rest of his life!

Jean drove off and Tom busied himself in the yard. He looked up in surprise at the sound of his daughter's voice calling to him from the house, he'd thought she and Paul had gone over to the Walter's.

"Daddy, could you come into the kitchen for a moment?" she asked sweetly, observing him coolly from the door. "Sure, baby," he said good-naturedly, thinking that he and his daughter really hadn't had the chance to be alone together. Perhaps she wanted to have a heart to heart talk with him while Paul and Jean were out of the house.

He stepped into the livingroom to find his daughter sitting on the couch waiting for him dressed in her provocative tight fitting shorts and halter top that revealed all her intimate parts to the most casual observer. Tom was embarrassed as he realized that hot waves of lust were shooting all over his body, emanating from deep in his loins. That damn little slut Cindy! She's responsible for all this, he thought. He knew that in spite of his love and happiness with Jean, no man in his right mind would be able to turn down a little number like Cindy. The fact that he'd succumbed to her charms wasn't what really bothered him, and at that instant, he knew in a sudden intuitive flash what it was that really frightened him. Cindy had awakened a latent desire in him for Linda... his own daughter! Even as he was fucking the little bitch he had fantasized she was Linda. He had tried to block that part from his memory, but seeing her here before him now, it all came flooding back. Tom felt his head spinning... he was even imagining a seductive look on his own baby girl's face right now! "I thought you and I might take advantage of being alone, Daddy." Linda said with a wicked grin.

"Uh... sure honey... we really haven't... uh... been alone much, have we?" Tom quickly took a seat in an effort to hide his erection from his daughter's inquisitive eyes. "Was there anything in particular you wanted to talk about with me honey?" he asked, growing more unreasonably nervous by the moment while his own daughter sat sadistically observing her squirming father.

"Well, Daddy, there is something that's been sort of bothering me... " she began, looking at him with as much innocence as she was capable of mustering and pretending to measure her words.

"Go on, honey," Tom urged, his heart going out to her. He realized with a sharp pang of regret how unavailable he'd been to her in the last three years and at the same time began to understand more of the guilt that Jean had been going through because of the same reason.

"You know how you always say, 'anything between two people that love each other is all right'?" she asked, waiting for his response.

Tom nodded, wondering what in God's name she was going to hit him with.

Tom felt as though a bomb had dropped in his living room. His face blanched and he felt as though there was an explosion in his crazily spinning brain. "What are you talking about?" he asked, surprised by the calmness of his own voice.

"I'm talking about the way you fucked Cindy yesterday," Linda said, no longer able to keep up her coy act. "I was wondering if you two were in love and if it was all right."

"Oh Jesus Christ... " Tom moaned, not believing his ears.

"Well, Daddy," she pressed sadistically. "Is it... all right to fuck whoever you want whenever you want to?"

The full implication of her words slowly registered on the confused father's brain and he cursed softly under his breath. "How could I have raised such a viper?" he asked himself aloud.

"You didn't Daddy," she replied in a flat, cold voice.

Tom's glance shot upward to look at his daughter directly in the eyes. Linda knew she had hurt her father deeply with her last remark and she was immediately sorry.

"I did the best I could... " he said in a low, barely audible voice, sinking dejectedly down onto the couch, his face empty of expression.

Linda knew, she had known all along, just as Paul had know, that the only reason either of their parents had left them for three years was to be able to eventually provide the best possible advantages for their children. Linda had never for a moment doubted her father's love, and now she was overcome by shame and sorrow for having hurt him so deeply. Forgetting herself and her intentions for the moment, Linda rose from her seat and moved towards her father to place her arms affectionately around his neck. The tears were flowing freely from her beautiful blue eyes and burying her face in her father's neck she sobbed, "Oh, Daddy... Daddy! Please forgive me... I didn't mean to hurt you, I love you and I know you love me... oh, please believe me, Daddy!"

Tom gathered her in his arms in a way he had not allowed himself to do since she was a little girl. "I know... I know baby," he crooned, holding her soft young body close to his powerful chest. She was right! Linda was absolutely right! His long-spouted philosophy about freedom of sexual expression didn't mean a damn if he wasn't able to admit to himself that he wanted his daughter in a sexual way, the same way she wanted him!

He sat holding his daughter for long moments, rocking her gently in his arms and kissing away her tears. "I love you, Daddy... and I want you... I want you like I've never wanted anyone. I can't help it if it's wrong... I can't help how I feel... "

She held her mouth up and Tom couldn't resist. He bent down to kiss her passionately, literally jumping with excitement as he felt her tiny pink tongue dart into his mouth. He could feel her nipples beneath the flimsy halter harden against his bare chest, and all the illicit thrills he had felt yesterday when he had imagined he was fucking her came back to him a hundred fold. As her soft, sweet lips pressed against his he felt the years drop away from his body. It was a thrill comparable to only one other in his life... the first time he had fucked her mother, his first wife, gone now for so many years. He had not allowed himself to admit that Linda was the ghost of her mother. He had pushed it from his mind with the help of Jean, although neither of them knew it.

Without fully realizing what he was doing, Tom deftly removed his daughter's halter top, allowing her full, ripe breasts to tumble free. The beautiful pink little nipples glowed like cherries in the early afternoon sun and Tom bent further to begin nibbling gently on one, bringing soft whimpers of delight from deep in her throat. He went to the other one, sucking and nibbling, until both were hard and erect and Linda was panting with aroused emotions as she clutched her father's dark head to her breast.

The feel and taste of his daughter's sweet young breasts in his mouth was driving Tom wild with desire. He was still in a mild state of shock at the sudden realization of his unadmitted yearning, and he knew beyond a doubt that this was the moment for which he had been eagerly, though unconsciously, waiting a lifetime!

As though in a daze, he reached for her round, curvy buttocks with both hands, cupping them tightly as he pulled her pelvis close to his hard cock. He felt her involuntarily responding by pressing her little cunt up hard against him and he wanted to fuck her right then and there. Instead, he set her gently on her feet and she stood before her father, quivering with delicious expectation while he slipped her tiny shorts down over her ripely swelling young hips and long, slender legs. No words were spoken; they were both emotionally far beyond the realm of mere words, but for what seemed an interminably long moment, Tom sat staring in awe at the perfect beauty of his daughter's body. He was suddenly aware of how young she really was, how fresh and sweet, yet how totally sexual, totally feminine she was... the very quintessence of femininity... his daughter... his very own beautiful daughter!

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