Loving Family - Cover

Loving Family


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Novel-Pocketbook  

Linda giggled as she heard the masculine footsteps resounding on the hardwood floor in the hall outside her room. She knew it was her younger cousin Paul and at any moment he would burst into her room without knocking to try to con her out of a few dollars to tide him over until they received their next month's allowance.

There was plenty of time for the pretty fifteen year old blonde to have slipped on a robe when she heard Paul's footsteps, but she mischievously elected to remain as she was, propped on her bed wearing nothing more than tiny bikini panties. She would enjoy watching his embarrassed expression when he realized she was undressed.

To Linda's surprise and amazement, he knocked.

"Who is it?" she purred coyly. Blossoming into womanhood, Linda was aware of her young cousin's furtive stares at her upthrust cleavage and other intimate parts of her body. She unashamedly used her ample sex appeal on her cousin, prancing her charms on him while at the same time fascinated by his good looks and lithe physique. It was good practice for enticing other young men, she thought.

"Well who the hell do you think it is, dummy!" came Paul's impatient reply from the other side of the door. "It's me!" "Who's 'me'?" the blonde teased. She could picture him squirming outside the door and could not suppress the temptation to extend her little game with him as long as possible.

"Oh, come on, Linda!" the handsome thirteen year old boy replied. "I'm in a hurry."

"Well then why are you standing outside the door?" she said. "It's not locked."

Paul caught himself just as his hand reached for the doorknob; he was on to his irrepressible cousin's tricks by now after living with her for the past three years. "Are you dressed, Lind'?" he asked with a long suffering sigh.

"Why don't you open the door and see for yourself?" she teased, delighted with his obvious irritation.

"Get your clothes on, goddamnit! I have to talk to you." Linda could tell by the sound of his voice that she had carried on long enough. He actually sounded upset, which wasn't at all like the usually good-natured boy. "Oh, all right," she said, reaching for the filmy robe and hastily covering her nakedness. "Come on in."

"Very funny," he said, opening the door hesitantly at first, and then seeing that she was at least partly covered, entered the room to throw himself down on a chair. Paul looked older than his thirteen years. He had inherited his mother's coloring and his father's tall build; even at thirteen, the tall, dark lad was classically handsome. He was athletically inclined and moved with cat-like grace, yet the greatest part of his charm was the fact that he was totally unaware of his sexual appeal, and Linda knew that beneath his dashing good looks, Paul was actually very shy. She wondered idly if he'd ever had a date or kissed a girl. In truth, Linda loved her cousin very deeply. They had grown very close while their parents were in South America and they'd been living almost as brother and sister with their grandparents.

"All right, I'm sorry." she apologized. "I was just kidding. What's so important?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you before Grandma gets back. She'll probably make the big announcement at dinner tonight so... "

"I won't be here for dinner," his cousin interrupted. "Have a date with Kenny Meyer, but, go ahead... what is it?"

"Well, you know your dad and my mom will be coming back to the States in a few days and we're going to move."

"In the first place, Paul," Linda said calmly, "it's no longer my dad and your mom... they're both our parents... you should start getting used to that. And in the second place, of course we'll be moving. You didn't expect us to stay here with Grandma, did you?"

"No," the tall youth replied, "but I sort of figured we would be staying here in Texas. Your dad... uh... I mean our dad... bought a ranch in Colorado!" "What!" Linda's blue eyes widened in surprise. "How do you know? Dad never said anything to me about it!"

"I heard Grandma talking; it's supposed to be a surprise. It really sounds pretty good, once you get used to it, Linda. Up in the mountains... horses... lakes... " Paul looked hopefully at his new sister. He knew she wouldn't like the idea of moving and wanted to give her plenty of time to adjust to the new turn of events before their parents arrived. Although Paul loved his cousin and considered her his best friend in the world, he thought she could be sort of a bitch at times, and the last thing he wanted was for his mother's homecoming to be marred by Linda's resentment.

"Well," she said angrily, "they're just full of surprises, aren't they?" Surprisingly, Paul had taken the news about his father's death and his mother's marriage to his uncle much better than his older cousin. Although Linda was very close to her Aunt Jean, now her new mother, she couldn't help but feel a little resentment at her father's decision to marry her without even consulting his own daughter. Fortunately, Linda was mature enough to realize that her confused emotions over the situation were the result of normal feminine possessiveness and the fact that she and Paul would be brother and sister instead of cousins was more than adequate compensation for her mild jealousy. But moving to Colorado! That was something else!

"That's not fair!" she complained bitterly. "It sounds so isolated, so far away. There probably won't be any other kids around. I don't want to be cut off from all my fun just when I'm getting rolling!"

"You don't have to worry, Linda," Paul said with sincere admiration. "With the kind of body you have, you won't be lonesome!"

His cousin gave him an appreciative smile as she bounded from the bed to rummage through the chaos of her room to dress for her date. She certainly was a delicious piece of girl-flesh, Paul thought with some pride as he watched her full breasts jiggling beneath the flimsy robe she wore. Her long blonde hair hung down straight and sleek all the way to her tapered waist and Paul could see the twin mounds of her rounded buttocks move enticingly with every step she took. The young boy couldn't help feeling a pang of envy for the boy she was dating. Her long graceful legs tapered beautifully toward her crotch, visible between the open robe and her sheer panties showed the sparse blonde fuzz surrounding the opening of her vagina. The thirteen-year-old boy sucked in his breath at her girlish beauty and wondered if he was thinking dirty about his cousin. He couldn't help it... she was beautiful... and sexy. The thought flashed across his mind whether or not her body was like his mother's. He remembered her well enough, but he'd never paid any attention to her body.

He smiled wickedly from his point of observation. "What are you and Kenny going to do tonight?" he asked. "I mean, before you go to the old highway to park... "

"Dinner, I guess," Linda answered, turning her back to her cousin to slip on her bra.

Paul couldn't help laughing as he watched Linda struggling to fit her full young breasts into the lacy bra. "I don't know why you bother with those things, Linda, you don't need them."

"Oh how do you know!" the pert blonde teenager retorted, grinning back at her cousin. She went to her closet and pawed through the clothes hanging inside. Then turning to face him, she said more seriously, "I mean it, Paul... I really can't think of a more horrid place to live than a crummy old ranch! You love all that stuff, but I need more... activities." Paul eyed the fifteen-year-old girl. He knew what she was referring to by "activities". Linda discussed sex openly with him and he felt happy that she trusted him, but he was a little jealous of her obviously superior knowledge about sex. "There's got to be a town or something nearby," he offered. He knew that her chances for sex were much better than his. She always dated older guys, and although Paul didn't like most of the boys she went out with, he tried to keep it to himself. Linda was physically mature, but had a girlish sense of humor that appealed to most guys. His only chance, he felt, was to score with some of the younger girls in school, but compared with his beautiful cousin, nobody else could even come close. Besides, he reasoned, around here a guy too young to drive just didn't stand a chance. Maybe up in Colorado things would be different... !

"Well, you're just going to have to get used to the idea because that's where we're going to live," he said, getting up to leave her alone to finish dressing.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I might as well give it a chance," she agreed. She slid her dress over her shoulders and patted it down. "Wait. Zip me up, then tell me how I look," she ordered. He obeyed, impressed at her beauty. Then he sat back down to stare at her. "You're really beautiful," he said in an awed tone. He meant it. The dress fit her like skin, revealing her trim hips and tiny waist, while the low cut bodice barely contained her lush rounded breasts. "You're sweet," Linda cooed, "but will Kenny like it?" Paul felt a stirring in his cock and a slight twinge of jealousy as she bent over to reveal the deep cleavage between her melon-like breasts. He brushed aside the pang of guilt he felt and said gruffly, "Any guy in his right mind would." Then, remembering his own evening activities, he added somewhat sheepishly, "Say, Linda, another thing I wanted to talk to you about... " "Sure, Paul," she said smiling, "I'm loaded." Linda fumbled in her purse on the dresser and commented, "Consider it payment for all your flattery." she said, tossing him a five dollar bill.

"How did you know that's what I wanted to talk to you about?" Paul asked, pocketing the money.

"It's your usual Friday night topic of conversation... " she laughed, brushing her long blonde hair and tying it neatly at her neck.

"Well, thanks Linda. I can pay you back Monday."

"Right, then hit me up again on Friday. Forget it; it's a gift." she said gaily, her previous ill humor forgotten for the moment.

"Gee, that's really nice of you Linda. And you really do look super," he complimented her. "I'm not just saying that because you gave me money either!"

Linda kissed him impulsively on the mouth and patted his cheek.

"Enjoy yourself... and behave!"

"Me?" the thirteen-year-old said in mock surprise. "You know what a goody-goody I am. It's you that better watch your step." "Don't you worry... I can handle Kenny Meyer," she said grinning lewdly. Mike ignored the implication of her words and moved towards the door. He was a bit troubled, but looking at her, he knew Linda was able to take care of herself. She was quite a girl!

"Okay, see you later!" he said as he left her room, striding down the hall. He looked the perfect athlete, and at times, Linda wished she could meet someone as handsome and virile as her cousin. Well, she thought to herself, Kenny Meyer will just have to do for now.

Linda wasn't especially looking forward to her date with Kenny Meyer, although he was considered a big wheel at school. He was a handsome devil, she had to admit, and he knew it. They had a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant, and in spite of the fact that Kenny didn't seem able to talk about anything other than himself and his car, Linda had enjoyed the first part of the evening. In a way, she didn't blame him for being excited about his flashy sports car, but then she'd been out with a lot of guys with great cars, none of which seemed to worship their automobiles the way Kenny did. What's more, she thought sourly, a girl could expect a guy to give her a little more attention on a date. After all... she was hardly the wallflower type. Nor was she the kind of girl who fell all over a guy. It was up to him to come to her.

As he walked her out of the restaurant and to his car, she wondered what he had in mind for the rest of the evening. As if reading her thoughts, he said, "How about a drive? It's a nice night... "

"Sounds great," she conceded. "Maybe we could go out to the old highway... " She glanced at him to see if he caught her hint. The place was a notorious rendezvous for lovers.

Kenny shot her a sharp look, a new gleam in his eyes. "Fantastic idea, sweetheart! Sort of had it in mind myself."

As they drove through the town, Linda thought he shifted gears unnecessarily so he could rub her thigh and knee, and she wondered if he had the idea that she was an easy lay. I guess I am, she-thought to herself, barely able to suppress a giggle, but still, she refused to be taken for granted. He had already admitted that his intentions were to drive out to the old highway, and that told her a lot. He acted like he expected her, or any girl for that matter, to open her legs for him, just because he was a big football wheel and owned an expensive car. Linda resolved quietly that he had a surprise coming. He wasn't going to get into her pussy just by snapping his fingers and batting his eyelashes at her.

She had been to the old highway too many times, with too many guys like Kenny to get all carried away. This was going to be her night. They would play the game her way or not at all... if he wanted to play by her rules, she just might let him fuck her, but if he got too smart, he would lose out on the best lay he'd ever had.

The beautiful blonde teenager was getting bored with her date's constant chatter about cars, and she wasn't favorably impressed by his inept efforts to rub her thigh. He was a phony, she decided. He hadn't been out with half the girls he'd like everyone to think he has. She wouldn't be surprised if the creep were a virgin!

Shifting about in her cramped quarters, Linda wondered why guys bought these kinds of cars. They were too small to do anything but sit and drive!

Kenny turned the car into a narrow lane overhung with trees and drove a short distance into the woods. They pulled up in a moonlit glade beside the river, and the moss-laden trees gave the spot an ominous feel at night. Linda listened to the sound of the water and the night birds, and suddenly, her thoughts were far from Kenny Meyer. She began to think about her father... her wonderful father who she hadn't seen for so long. He would be returning very soon now, and Linda wondered if he would still love her as much as before. She had never had to share her father's love with another woman, not since her mother, who she hardly remembered died. She knew she would have been much more resentful of his marriage if it had been to anyone other than her Aunt Jean; she was okay, really okay... and besides, she was Paul's mother!

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