Lovers At Play - Cover

Lovers At Play


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"May I help you?" voluptuously curved Dawn Peters asked of a young dark-haired man who had been looking at the nightgowns for some time now with a lost expression on his face. "Are you looking for something in particular?" she asked helpfully, leaning her elbows against the sales counter. She could tell as she bent over that the young man's eyes had briefly fed on the lewd sight of her hugely billowing titties pressing sensuously against the low neckline of her dress. She could have sworn that even though he must have been as old as she, he had blushed momentarily at the sight.

Lord, it was absolutely absurd to tease all of her male customers in such an obscene manner, but she just couldn't help herself any more. Ever since Sheik Abdullah had raped her, she had not been the same. It was as though suddenly something had been let free in her body--almost like a gate opening within her that let all of the licentious feelings she had ever had express themselves freely and not be hidden and trapped by the old- fashioned morals that had been pounded into her head since childhood. She had thought that once she had been fucked a few times--and she had really been fucked--that her voracious appetite would disappear and be replaced by a more normal sense of need for cock. But that had not happened at all. In fact, she'd gotten worse; the more cock she got, the more cock she wanted until it got so that her poor little pussy was just hot and tingly and ready for fucking all the time. If that were not bad enough, she found herself dragging out her old short skirts and altering her sweaters and blouses in order to show off her tits and ass like some goddamn whore. Now, here she was flirting outrageously and showing off her huge tits to another customer, the thought of how obscene it might be to the young man making her pussy tingle all the more. He certainly was a handsome young man and he probably had a cock to match that good-looking face.

"Well, I... uh... am looking for a nightgown... for my wife." He avoided looking at her eyes as though buying a lady's nightgown embarrassed him.

"We have a number of very nice looking gowns over against that wall over there," she said smiling as she came out from behind the counter and walked by him, careful to brush her sensuously curving hips against his thigh.

The young man didn't seem to know what to do about her lewd advances, but followed her over to the clothing rack.

"These are very comfortable flannel gowns," she said deliberately, knowing that the last thing in the world that a young man like him wanted for his wife was a high-necked flannel gown.

"Well, actually..." He cleared his throat. "I was thinking more along the lines of a negligee. You see, we've just been married, and my wife isn't..." He stopped suddenly and colored as he realized what he had been about to say.

"... a very good fuck," Dawn finished for him and met his startled young eyes with her own sensuously lidded ones. "You thought that maybe you could liven things up a bit in bed by buying her the most sexy nightgown you could find. Am I right?"

"Yeah, she can't ever seem to get herself in the mood to fuck around, you know? So I thought that maybe I could get something that would get her started, you know, so that we could both cum together."

"You poor dears. You just leave it up to old Dawn. She'll get you both so hot you'll be fucking like animals every chance you get. You just follow me." She winked at the astounded young man and turned from him with a swish of her short skirts and a momentary glimpse of her smoothly curved, panty-clad asscheeks.

Stopping at a rack of sheer, diaphanous negligees, she flicked through them quickly, stopping at a soft, luscious looking lavender gown with black lace trim, almost like the one that Glen had given her.

"How does this strike you?" She held it up to her own sensuous curves.

The dark-haired husband's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he looked at it and she could see the now clearly outlined bulge of his cock straining against his pants.

"It's really beautiful!" His eyes were nearly bugging out of his head.

"What's your wife's size?"

"Gee, I don't know what size she is. Does it matter in a nightgown?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it does. I'll tell you how we'll solve this problem. You look around the department and tell me if there are any women in here who are the same height as your wife."

The young husband looked around carefully and then shook his head. "No one is her size here, except maybe for you."

"Well, good, that's a start." She placed the gown up against her body again. "Now, how about her titties? Are they as large as mine?" She held the lavender material tightly against her, showing the full outline of her hugely billowing tits.

"That's about right too," he said, avoiding her eyes, though she knew he was paying a hell of a lot more attention to her than he should to judge by the bulge of his cock that was growing steadily bigger in his pants.

"Then all we have to do, to make sure that you like it, is for me to try it on for you." She smiled sweetly, holding the see-through material even closer to her curvaceous body.

She led him out off the main floor and into the little hallway of the private dressing rooms. She knew that if she could get him inside and the door shut, it would be just as though they were in her own apartment.

She could hardly wait for him to fuck her, and she knew he would because she had gotten him so hot he would do anything.

Ooooooohhh! She could hardly wait to feel a man's cock fucking up into her pussy again. It had only been one week since she had been balled by Glen and Warren, and later she and the cleaning girl and Glen had all fucked each other, and only two nights ago they had all gotten together again and had a wild orgy in Glen's yard! Oh God, it had all been so wonderful! She had never hoped to repeat it, but now she realized that for her it would always be wonderful, and that seducing this young husband would be as good a fuck as her double-fuck had been then.

"Now you wait out here until I've changed into the gown. I'll let you in when I have." She playfully nicked the collar of his shirt and shut the door on his flushed face. Once inside, she quickly threw her clothes off, until she was stark naked. She took the gown off the hanger and drew it over her head and then slipped her arms into the sleeves of the matching robe. She turned toward the dressing room mirror and let her eyes sensually caress the ivory outline of her nakedly voluptuous body through the transparent folds of the negligee. Her huge sensuously throbbing titties encased in lavender and black lace made her whole body tremble with desire. But it was the milky white of her generous hips and lower belly where the silken triangle of sparse, coppery curls began to sprinkle over her cunt mound that invariably fired her excitement.

God, a completely unknown young stranger was going to fuck her right here in the dressing room in a negligee he was going to buy for his wife!

A stimulating little twinge raced through her, and she opened the dressing room door, putting her head out. She held the negligee to her voluptuous curves and stepped behind the door to let him in.

"Ma'am? I... do you think this is a good idea?"

For a moment Dawn stared at him in surprise. "Well, my goodness. Let me assure you that this is nothing unusual. I do it for all of my customers." Her knuckles were regaining their color now as she loosened her fist-tight grip on the door, hoping the young husband wouldn't back out of this before they even got started. Maybe he wasn't quite sure of what was going on yet. She would have to be more explicit.

"Won't you come in, sir, and have a look at this negligee... to be sure you'll like it for your wife."

"Oh, no, I think that maybe I ought to stay here. I can see how it looks just as well from out here in the hall."

"Don't be silly," said the young salesgirl, impetuously touching his arm. "Come on in here and take a look. You want to be sure it will work, don't you?"

The young husband looked anxious, but God, with a negligee- clad saleswoman asking him to come into a dressing room to see something he was going to buy...

"Okay, if you insist... I would like to see what it looks like on," he said, passing close to her, his arm lightly brushing the tip of one tit trembling softly under the lavender gown covering her and raising a sparkling little ripple across her belly. In response, the young woman pulled the hardly adequate negligee around her nakedness, smiling at him as he timidly looked at her. His face was flushing as though he were a school boy. He'd noticed the soft, erotic contact, too!

She gestured toward the dressing room chair as she stood in front of the mirror. He sat down uncomfortably. God, she felt certain his deep blue eyes were avidly traveling the length of her barely covered, near-naked body, imagining what lay underneath the diaphanous material. Or... or was she letting her overly keyed- up imagination run away with her? She turned a few pirouettes for him, letting the lavender folds of the robe and gown float away from her voluptuous body, giving him a clearer view of her generous tits and ass, and all the while she continued to appraise and measure him, wildly wondering what was going through his mind.

This was crazy, the young husband thought, being here in a private dressing room with a gorgeous salesgirl who had brought him in here for one reason and one reason only, to fuck! He knew it was wrong, but she was so fucking beautiful. And he'd seen her nearly naked tits and ass when she turned around for him to see the negligee. She had nothing on at all underneath. Man, she had to know he could see her nakedness just the way she had to have felt it when he'd brushed against her tit a minute ago.

He tried to keep his eyes above where the deep-necked negligee robe had fallen part-way open over her huge tits. Fuck! He could see some of the deep, mind-bending crease between her tits, even a part of one cone where it began to swell out from her chest. That, coupled with the voluptuous curves just barely visible beneath the lavender mist of the gown, was darn near driving him crazy with lust.

Suddenly, she leaned forward, displaying all but the nipples of her whitely billowing tits to him as she touched his chest lightly. "Well, what do you think? How does it look?" she throatily questioned, the soft tips of her fingers searing into his chest like branding irons.

"I like it," he answered, his eyes burning from the strain he was putting on them. "I... think its the most beautiful nightgown I've ever seen!"

"What is it exactly that you like about it?" she asked, standing in front of the mirror again.

He hesitated a moment, not quite sure he should really tell her why he liked it so well on her, but in the end, he decided that she wouldn't have asked if she didn't want to know. "I think I like the way it makes my cock lurch when I look at you wearing it."

"That's beautiful, darling!" Dawn exclaimed, clutching at his hand, the smooth hardness of it as intoxicating to her as the feel of a cock in her cunt. God, he was a beautiful young man. The feel of his hard young body near her was creating blinding shocks of incredible violence in her pussy. God Almighty, she had to have him fuck her, she had to! "Tell me again why you like the gown?" She studied his expression.

"Well... it makes me feel like throwing you on the floor and fucking you silly." Hearing his own rasping reply, he realized he'd never been so fucking keyed up in his whole life, and his painfully throbbing cock was as hard as a pole.

Oh man, what should he do? She was coming on to him about as subtly as an earthquake and so was the conversation, and he wanted to fuck her as badly as she wanted him to fuck her, but images of his sweet young wife kept coming to his mind.

"Yes, I can see where a man would feel that way about it," she said in a reflective tone, and she pulled out the folds of the robe and let it slip softly to the floor where it fell in a light lavender puddle at her feet. The gown was even more transparent than the robe, it was almost as if she were naked.

"Does it really turn you on?" Dawn half-whispered, letting her tiny pink tongue slip out to run over her lushly heated lips. He said something, but she paid little attention, her now seething thoughts racing madly as she leaned down toward the young dark- haired husband. Then, without even thinking, she reached out for his hand and slowly put it inside the sheer lavender material, pressing it against her sensuously throbbing tit.

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