Lovers At Play - Cover

Lovers At Play


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The black-haired cleaning girl, Tammy Anderson, had had a lot of thinking to do in the last few days. She'd had a lot of revising to do about a lot of things, herself included, ever since that night at the office when she'd spied the two men fucking the hell out of the redhead, and she'd gotten so hot she'd even had to finger her own little pussy with her fingers. That was all right, though, because she fingered herself a lot of times. What had bothered her had been what had happened afterwards, when the redhead had found her there in the washroom, noticed her own pussy juices dried and caked on the soft flesh of her inner thighs.

Then she joined in on the wild orgy and had been fucked in the pussy by the store manager's cock and sucked by the beautiful redhead's ruby lips. It had been great; though at first she'd been scared and it had hurt, soon it had been great and her behavior had become as salacious as that of the rest of them. That was what she had to think about.

She had always considered herself a conservative thinker and her life had so far proven this out. But then, suddenly, a few nights ago, what she had thought she was--she wasn't. She had fucked those people as though she'd been fucking all her life, and ever since she hadn't been able to get screwing out of her mind. It was so bad now, that though she was trying desperately to control herself, she was looking at everything that even remotely resembled a cock and thinking of it in terms of how it would be to have it fucking deep into her hot little cunt. It had to stop; she was going to make it stop. That's why she was going to the dinner party that Glen Cooper was throwing tonight. To prove to herself that she could withstand the pressure from her pussy and not give in to the first cock that came along.

Glen had said it would be small, only he and Dawn Peters. Maybe later another man would be coming along. But it was really just going to be a nice quiet dinner with some swimming and lazing around the pool. She was looking forward to it. She just hoped it didn't turn out to be more than she could handle.

With that in mind, she had decided to go.

And so now here she was lounging by Glen's pool, drinking wine and looking out at the late afternoon sun as it slowly sank toward the horizon out beyond the city. She could see, too, the lithe, bathing suit-clad figures of her handsome first floor supervisor, Warren Mathieson, and the lingerie salesgirl as they playfully clambered in and out of the swimming pool in Glen's backyard, tossing a large beach ball back and forth between them. Dawn's huge titties danced and swayed across her chest as she jumped and ran and dove into the pool while the muscles beneath Mathieson's skin rippled sensuously with every movement he made. Beside the pool, on a towel on the grass, lay the nearly naked figure of the store manager, Glen Cooper, who every so often turned his gaze toward Tammy Anderson.

She had not been really sure she was going to come to the swimming dinner party until the last minute. After all, she was only the cleaning girl and these people were the store big shots. But Dawn had persisted, finally persuading her that nothing sexual would happen, all they wanted was to thank her and show her that they liked her.

And so Tammy finally relented. In any case, she thought, a relaxing evening would be a welcome break from the thoughts she had forced upon herself since that night in the office when she had been so wildly fucked. Even if she had succumbed to their seductive allure once before, it didn't necessarily mean that she would succumb again. Not if she was careful.

Her eyes now locked on the strong, muscular back of Warren Mathieson as she watched him seize the ball from the pool side and toss it playfully toward Glen's outstretched body. He caught it easily and tossed it backwards toward Dawn, who stood, waist-high in cobalt blue water, at the shallow end of the pool. The ball smacked against the shimmering water and rebounded into Dawn's tits, clasped tightly, almost overflowing, beneath her lowcut bikini bra, making the sensuously rounded orbs jostle and bounce provocatively. Yes, she had made a dreadful mistake with them that night when she had allowed her passions to overrule her reason... and yet, hadn't it been a good thing after all? Hadn't that experience taught her how sublimely satisfying truly uninhibited sex can be? But it had also destroyed all her moral beliefs until that time.

Now Dawn was floating on her back away from the shallow end of the pool, her long auburn hair framing her face on the surface of the water like a dark wave. Her huge tits jutted out of the water like twin mountain peaks as she slid back using her arms to paddle by her sides and Tammy couldn't help but be awed by her beautiful, lissome body. She seemed to radiate the very thing that Tammy was trying to get away from, the need to be fucked, and good! Dawn had found out about and had been able to come to terms with those animal lusts, and thereby could live with the sensations of her own pure sensuality; and she lived only to fulfill its demands.

Warren splashed out of the swimming pool and came to sit down beside the now reclining figure of Tammy Anderson. God, what a woman! What I wouldn't do to get my cock inside her cunt. I left too early the other night. Dawn and Glen said she was one wild fuck. Maybe tonight. It could be just as good. Her defenses are down... and I know Glen and Dawn won't mind if I fuck her... hell, they probably planned it anyway.

Warren lay back on his side, propping his body on his elbow, and carefully studied the smoothly curved contours of Tammy's voluptuously prone body, his eyes traveling from the whitely billowing mounds of her tits down along the curve of her tiny waist and out again along the sweeping lines of her hips and thighs. The long tapering columns of her legs were spread ever so slightly apart and Warren could see the smooth, velvety skin of her creamy inner thighs and the few wisps of darkly curling pussyhairs that escaped from the tight elastic legband of her brief bikini.

Suddenly, Dawn splashed out of the water and she, with Glen, came to lie on the grass next to Tammy and Warren. The three had agreed before to somehow get Tammy between them, where she couldn't escape, either out here or in the house later, so that they could once again arouse her to the point where she would helplessly succumb to her own natural, excited desires. So Glen lay down beside her and Dawn next to Warren, so that Tammy Anderson found herself wedged between the two wet male bodies.

The young cleaning girl suddenly began to feel trapped. But, not wanting to make a disturbance in an otherwise pleasant afternoon's fun, she tried to stay immobile, resting there half on her side, half on her back. Besides, she had consumed enough wine by then to fog her mind, to relax her inhibitions, to make her feel that whatever might happen wouldn't really matter anyway, after the other night. Her eyes then involuntarily fell on Glen Cooper's deeply tanned handsome face, and then she saw Dawn pressed tightly against Warren, her fingers running teasingly along the taut skin of his thighs. The salesgirl's obvious desire made Tammy recall how she herself had opened her legs wide to Glen Cooper only a few days before, and now, he was looking at her that way again! Glen was there beside her with that same lecherously lewd gleam in his eye.

"Damn, but you are some fine hunk of woman," Glen whispered and Tammy felt herself jerk uncontrollably backward into Warren's ass. "Hey," he continued, noting her reaction, "relax, I'm not gonna hurt you." And then, lowering his voice still further, he said, "I didn't hurt you the other night, did I? No, the other night my cock made your pussy feel real good, didn't it?" The young cleaning girl now felt Warren's asscheeks push back against her own cushiony ass mounds, and she stiffened, knowing what he and Dawn must be doing behind her.

Tammy stiffened again when she felt Glen's eager hands reach out to brush through her flowing black hair that now appeared to be a shimmering black-gold in the late afternoon sun. Then he thrust his lips against her mouth and kissed her hard.

The young cleaning girl instinctively pulled away, crying softly so as not to reveal her situation to Warren and Dawn immediately behind her. "N-no. Not again," she protested weakly. "Warren and Dawn are here... and... and can see us."

"Believe me, they don't care even if they do," he assured her, laughing softly. Then he lowered his head once more to press his wet lips against hers, fixing his powerfully thick fingers on the smoothly curving flesh of her waist.

The touch of his lips on her mouth sent an involuntary but distinct shock through Tammy's half naked body, and she shuddered, trying as best she could not to allow herself to become aroused by this seductively evil man, trying as best she could to control the spasms tremoring through her body as his tongue fucked into her mouth, warmly sliding in between her teeth. She could feel Warren's naked back press against her back as his hands worked hungrily over the whitely trembling tits of the voluptuous salesgirl. The young cleaning girl tried to squirm and wriggle away from the provocative kiss of the store manager, but she was helplessly entrapped between their two bodies, and now Glen had reached around to clasp a firm hand on her waist, pulling her even closer to his hotly pulsing loins.

She had succumbed to her desires before, she recalled telling herself, but that didn't mean she would have to succumb to them again. But her senses took a little longer to coordinate their defense than they normally would because of the wine she had consumed, and when Glen now pressed his anxious hands to the whitely quivering mounds of her tits, she didn't protest and she didn't pull away. She merely strained backwards away from Glen and into Warren's back.

"Listen," Glen hissed, "if you don't want the others to know, then keep still and quiet, for Christ's sake."

Of course, by that time, the others were much too involved in their own pleasure to give a damn about Tammy's problems. The redheaded Dawn Peters, her face pressed into her floor supervisor's neck and her hands now luxuriously sliding down his belly to the waist-band of his tight-fitting swimsuit, had his mind and body completely occupied. Warren, his cock jerking wildly to be free, let his hands push beneath the skimpy cups of her bra and he squeezed lustfully at the softly quivering flesh of Dawn's voluptuously rounded tits. Instantly he felt her cherry- bud nipples surge into vibrant erection beneath his kneading fingers and he could hear her breath growing ragged with unquenchable lust. He didn't notice the dark-haired girl beside him, had almost, in fact, forgotten that she was there at all, or that anyone else was there either, for that matter. His own seduction of the beautiful salesgirl blinded him to the seduction of the young cleaning girl he had dreamed of fucking only minutes before.

No, Warren felt nothing but Dawn's delicate hand drifting provocatively over the top of his bathing suit and his body lurched forward, his cock jerking hotly up into her expert fingers as they squeezed ever so gently at the underside of his cock beneath the skin-tight nylon fabric of his swimsuit. He didn't give the least thought to Tammy or Glen or anyone else as he reached down to hold Dawn's hand in his own, pushing the top of his bathing suit down so that her tremulous fingers touched the tip of his heavily throbbing prick beneath the pushed aside material. His subordinate's hand now lighted on the massiveness of his still growing hardness, squeezing tenderly and tentatively at first, then exploring the full elongated length of it and tracing with maddeningly light fingers the slightly upraised webbing of veins that pulsated at her prurient touch.

"Oh... oohhhhhhhh, yessssss," he whispered, with hoarse desire rasping in his voice. "Yes, touch my cock, stroke it, touch it," he continued, his passion-crazed voice flying into Tammy's ears as she still struggled silently to extricate herself from the lust-incited clutches of Glen Cooper, whose hands now searched hotly between the creamy smooth skin of her thighs.

"Oh Yes," Warren's voice droned on, "touch my cock, touch me, squeeze me, wrap your fingers around it. Yes, just like that... ooooooooo!" Warren's ass now pushed back firmly against Tammy's own softly grinding asscheeks clad in the brief bikini. Warren's grinding loins were as disturbing to the young cleaning girl as Glen's unwanted caresses and so she pulled her body forward to escape, inadvertently pushing her hardened nipples into Glen's naked chest.

Again, the terrible realization that she was trapped helplessly between the two men rushed over her tortured mind and sent a shudder of impending doom through her. She could hear Warren's gasps of passion growing louder, mingled of course with the same gasping moans coming from his heatedly excited young salesgirl. Meanwhile, Glen's obscenely searching hands had reached up from their exploration of her creamy thighs to cup over both her hugely trembling titties and for a brief moment she once again considered trying to escape from the salacious trio. But it was no use. She was hopelessly wedged between Warren and Glen, and when she cocked her head to the side, she glimpsed Warren's bathing suit pulled down now to his knees and the heavily throbbing length of his massive cock lying nestled in the firm grasp of Dawn Peters, the redheaded salesgirl. She could see his fingers and hands, which had already pushed her skimpy bikini bra back up around her throat, now massaging the sensuously throbbing mounds of Dawn's tits just as Glen was doing to hers now.

Tammy's voluptuously rounded tits gently rose and fell on her rapidly heaving chest now and quivered violently in involuntary response to Glen's softly playing fingers. Slowly Tammy began to relax and enjoy the tremoring sensations of aroused desire that swept through her loins like wildfire. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, her hips began swaying in a sensuous rhythm against Glen Cooper's eagerly heated loins.

The handsome store manager circled his expert thumbs around the tops of her dark berry-like nipples, sending wisps of static electric fire coursing over and inside her naked belly and thighs. Yes, she liked what he was doing to her now, enjoyed the growing rapture that was streaming through her veins although she knew in the back of her mind that the passionate groans beside her, plus the wine she had enjoyed earlier, had a lot to do with her irresistible arousal. She knew, too, that this surging need for cock was not directed at this particular person, Glen Cooper, but at any man whose huge hot cock could fulfill the aching void in her lust-wet cunt. The aroused young cleaning girl recalled how Dawn had licked her pussy before and how her own body had reacted with unrequited lust in return. And now she began to imagine that it was Dawn Peters and not Glen beside her, that Warren's hands were hotly massaging her softly quaking titties, that Dawn would plunge her hot, wet tongue deep into her hungry belly.

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