Lovers At Play - Cover

Lovers At Play


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Pretty young stock girl Josie Ryan looked around the large stockroom. Where the hell was that Mr. Mathieson and Miss Peters? He had said that he was going to meet Miss Peters here. Glancing at her watch she realized it was later than she thought. They might have already left. She considered going upstairs to the supervisor's office, but decided against it. She didn't really have that much to tell him. She had just wanted to see if he felt like a quick fuck, her pussy was so hot she almost felt like she was on fire. Well, she'd have to find someone else.

Looking around the semidarkened room again, the little stock girl walked over to the long racks of negligees. Idly she flipped the hangers to look at the beautiful gowns. Being stock girl had its advantages. She got a discount on everything she bought in the store and because of that and having first choice of all new merchandise, she had the most elegant nightgowns and lingerie in town and she used every single one of them to their fullest advantage too. Why, she must have already fucked her way through most of the men at the store and she'd only been working here a few months.

The swinging doors leading into the room suddenly opened in back of her and the handsome store manager, Glen Cooper, one of the men she hadn't yet fucked, came into the stockroom as though he had run all the way there from his office.

"Oh," he said, looking around the empty stockroom and at the pretty little blonde stock girl. "I was told that Miss Peters would be in here."

"So I thought too. Maybe they're in the back. It's a pretty big room you know, Mr. Cooper." Josie laughed, admiring his handsome face and well-conditioned body. She did so love men who kept themselves in shape. She felt an involuntary twinge up between her legs. She'd been hot to fuck since morning but no one had been around and those that had been had wanted to but hadn't had the time. Well, here was one cock she wasn't going to let get away.

"I'll see if I can find her, Mr. Cooper," the pretty young blonde said helpfully and started toward the back of the room.

"Oh, there's no need to do that. It can wait until later. I have to be going anyway." But he didn't go, he just kept staring at the voluptuously curved blonde. She radiated the need to be fucked. It was almost tangible. The blonde stock girl noticed that he had picked up on the message she had been trying to give off and knew that if she could arrange it he would probably be as eager to screw as she was.

"No, let me see if they're here or if we're all alone." She walked to the very end of the aisle and froze in her tracks, her hand almost pulling the shelves down. In the corner of the room, in the dim light, were two naked people, a redhaired girl who looked as though she might be Dawn Peters and the lingerie supervisor, Warren Mathieson. She was giving him the kind of blow job Josie always hoped to be able to give. Christ! She was really going at it. Glen Cooper walked up to see what the blonde was staring at.

Glen caught his breath in a gasp when he saw what had stopped the young blonde so abruptly in her tracks. Dawn was totally naked on the floor! And Warren. He was naked too and fucking his huge cock deep into her mouth! Oh God, what an obscene sight! Glen reached out one hand to steady himself against the young blonde stock girl. Gratefully, he felt her shiver at the touch of his hand on her trembling shoulder.

The feel of his strong chest, his arms going out to her waist, was like an electric shock to the voluptuous blonde.

She knew they should leave and let Miss Peters and Mr. Mathieson do their fucking, but she felt rooted to the spot. That bitch, Miss Peters. She didn't seem like that kind of woman. She even looked as though she had never been fucked in her whole life. But old Mr. Mathieson had sure set fire to her pussy. Josie knew from experience just how good the supervisor was at it too.

Josie watched in a trancelike fascination. She could see Warren kneeling astride Dawn's nakedly trembling body, propped up by a large pile of negligees, his hand tangled in her mane of red hair as he guided her tightly ovalled mouth over his heavily pulsing cock. Dawn's hands were cradling his cum-laden balls, fondling them and squeezing them as though they were precious.

Glen held Josie tightly against him, holding his breath, afraid she might do something ridiculous like yell at the obscene couple. He could feel his own painfully jerking cock swelling tightly against his pants from watching the lewd sucking Dawn was giving Warren's cock. He didn't know when she had learned it, but that girl knew how to suck cock! His hand crept up to close on Josie's huge, softly trembling tit. Christ! He had to fuck a cunt or he'd lose his frigging mind. The sight of the beautiful redheaded salesgirl, Dawn Peters, sucking her supervisor's cock in the darkness of the stockroom had worked at his desires until he thought he would go crazy if he didn't throw some girl on the floor soon and fuck her senseless.

The beautiful blonde stock girl's head was whirling and aching at the lascivious sight before her. Josie remembered other times when she had been the recipient of Warren's educated, expert cock. Now with this incredible scene before her eyes, she had to have his cock fucking into her again, or even better than that-- Glen Cooper's cock. By God, she was going to have it. She held her boss's hand against her sensuously throbbing tit as she watched the young salesgirl suck and feed on the supervisor's cock. Dawn was trying to swallow Warren's massively pulsing prick clear down her throat.

Josie felt Glen's hand close tighter over her huge tit. She stiffened and caught her breath. Josie knew Glen couldn't help but get hot watching the lewd cock-sucking. He'd have to be dead not to want to fuck after having seen the grossly obscene fucking. Josie pulled at his hand, titillated by his powerful body. She could feel her hot pussy juices gush out from between her legs.

Glen slid his hand down the blonde stock girl's flat belly and cupped his hand over her hotly aroused pussy. Even through her clothes he could feel the heat of her cunt and the wetness of her freely flowing juices. She sure wasn't trying to get away. He knew damn well now that she was an all-experienced little cunt who'd probably seen people fucking and sucking before or she wouldn't have responded to his lewd touches so quickly. Hot bitch! Just what he needed now. Watching Dawn eating Warren's prick with such feeling, Glen knew he had to fuck his painfully jerking cock deep into the blonde's greedily hungering little pussy.

The store manager pinched her nipples until they were dark and throbbing with desire and then his finger slipped underneath her light summer clothes to the blondey furred slit of her cunt. His huge cock pulsed hotly against Josie's asscheeks.

Josie couldn't will her eyes away from the lewd fucking scene before her. Breathing hard, she moved further into the tight grip of Glen's arms and the hotly searing trail of his hands as they moved over her trembling flesh. Placing burning kisses on her throat, his tongue stabbed and licked flames of searing delight along the soft white skin above her blouse. She felt as if she were becoming a mass of fleshy sensation.

Hell! Glen thought, I'd like to drag this little blonde over to that corner now, strip her naked, and lay her out beside Dawn and Warren Mathieson, and fuck the shit out of her. His hands tightened on her, and he was almost ready to do it when, with a jolt, he realized that if he could sneak up on the lewdly fucking couple then someone else could sneak up on him. He had a reputation to uphold.

Suddenly, when he was almost on the point of cumming in his pants, Glen decided. The bra department had private dressing rooms with locks where no one would bother them. It even had an entrance leading from the stockroom.

That would do. Yes. God, yes! Oh... quick!

He bent to scoop Josie's all but swooning body into his arms and carried her carefully across the dimly lit stockroom to the dressing room. She clung to him, her breath coming in shuddering gasps, for he'd gotten her so hot and crazy she hardly knew what she was doing. He kicked the door closed and deposited the wildly trembling woman on the floor. He wished it was Dawn Peters, but, by God, this little blonde would do well.

He worked quickly and quietly, only bothering to yank off her panty hose and shoes. He yanked off his own shirt and tie and then he freed his painfully jerking cock, letting his pants fall, his heavily throbbing cock jutting out before him. Josie was moaning very softly with her eyes closed, swaying where he put her as though she were waiting for him to do with her as he pleased. He unbuttoned and let her skirt drop to the floor so that her blouse flapped around her naked, slender hips. He caught those beautiful smoothly curving hips in his hands and pulled her down onto the floor.

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