Lovers At Play - Cover

Lovers At Play


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Dawn closed her eyes tightly but it wouldn't stop the horrors of yesterday from flashing into her mind in scenes she didn't want to admit had happened. Tentatively her hands traveled down her naked flesh that was sore and sensitive from last night's fucking. Oh God, yes! It was all true. Her titties were tender to the touch, and she knew that blue bruises would have already appeared on her flesh from Sheik Abdullah's brutal fucking of her body. Over and over her tired brain repeated the scenes in true to life color and sound and touch. After the Sheik had fucked her and they lay on the floor of his hotel suite, everything became hazy and uncertain. How had she gotten back to her own apartment?

A sudden thought roused her exhausted body. She eased out of bed carefully and found her briefcase on the walnut dresser. Had the Sheik bought anything at all from her? Was there an actual order? Oh, God, she'd been in no condition to sell anything. Frantically she searched through the papers. Suddenly her breath caught in her throat. There weren't any sale orders! What would her supervisor, Warren Mathieson, say to that?

Her head was pounding and she felt sick. Dawn clung to the dresser edge until the wave of nausea passed. That man. That horrible man, the Sheik, had tricked her, used her... treated her like dirt! Used her for his own filthy pleasure. Weak tears started in her eyes. She'd had such hopes for her big sales job. For years she'd dreamed of having a job like this, and she'd ruined it the first day!

Dawn never knew how she managed to get hold of herself enough to bathe and dress, but sheer grit got her from the bedroom to the kitchen.

Several aspirin and glasses of orange juice followed by scalding coffee finally wiped some of the scum off the day. It was a matter then of eating, walking carefully, making no sudden movements and getting through her work at the store.

When she ran into Glen Cooper, the store manager, toward the end of the day, Dawn Peters was so overjoyed she almost wept. He was the first familiar and kindly face she'd seen. It was like coming home to see the tall, quiet dark-haired manager who had been with the store ever since Dawn had worked there. He had been a true friend to her on her way in her career. He was courteous, polite, and considerate, which had never seemed more impossibly ideal traits to Dawn than they did now. The day had been a horror even without her colossal hangover, not to mention the burden of guilt that weighed heavier and heavier.

It was not just the Sheik who acted as though the salesgirls were his own whores it was all the other customers as well. Dawn had to fight off practically every man she dealt with.

"Dawn. My dear girl... how nice to see you!" Glen stopped in the main floor of the store to catch Dawn's hands in a warm clasp. "I didn't know you were working late tonight."

"Yes. The schedule was changed yesterday. But it's been the worst day of my career. Oh, Mr. Cooper, you don't know how glad I am to see a friendly face."

"Well, if you're that glad to see me, then I think we'll just have to go find some dinner. I have a nice little place in mind that's quiet!"

Dawn knew her face fell from the way his words trailed off. She couldn't help it. It had sounded too much like the Sheik, though, of course, this man hadn't meant it that way. She tried to smile. There was no reason to hurt his feelings.

"You look as though you don't like the idea, my dear. I didn't mean to offend you."

"Oh, no, you didn't. It's just that, well, I guess I've had a pretty rough day."

"Then all the more reason to relax with a quiet old duffer like me," he teased. Dawn looked at the tall older man who was old enough to be her father. His hair was barely graying above his darkly tanned face, the eyes a kindly hazel, crinkled at the corners from smiling too much.

"Well..." The young girl looked up at him. Suddenly he did seem a haven in the insanity of the last few days. "My feet are killing me, so, if we don't have to walk to your nice little place... ?"

"Good! I knew you'd be a sensible girl." He tucked her hand into his arm and they walked out to the car and drove off.

Glen Cooper glanced at the beautiful young cunt beside him. She was silent and very tired, he could see. Good! A few drinks was just what she needed and what he wanted her to have. His eyes went back to the road reluctantly, but he could still see her in his head... lusciously provocative, sensuously curved. Of all the women, and in the department store business he saw them all, this was the one he'd wanted to screw silly from the first moment he saw her. Jesus!

The thought of Dawn Peters's red hair lying softly on his pillow came like a flash into his head. For three years, every time he made his rounds by the lingerie department, he'd watched for Dawn Peters, but as a stock girl she had been mostly out of his sight. But now that she was a salesgirl, she was much more available. And now, he thought as he turned into his driveway, I've gotten her where I've always wanted her, just about ready to fuck. Leading the weary young girl into his house, he said, "You look as though you could use a drink."

"Yes, I guess so." She smiled ruefully. "It's been pretty hectic. And to be honest, I had too many last night. So I'll have just one drink, Mr. Cooper. But because I'm so tired, that will have to be it." She eased the sandals off her aching feet, wondering now why she'd agreed to come here to the department store manager's house.

Glen Cooper poured Dawn a drink and walked her into the living room. Through the plate glass window they could see the skyline of Dallas stretching out before them, the lights slowly blinking on in the late afternoon light.

"Isn't that much better?"


Leaning against the wall by the window, the department store manager eyed the red-headed young lingerie salesgirl over the rim of his glass as she stood looking over the city. The light caught her hair, turning it even more fiery, a glazing halo against her beautiful white face. The simple cream silk dress clung to her sensuously rounded figure like a second skin. Cooper could almost feel those globes in his hands and see that copper-colored patch of red pussyhairs up between those creamy white thighs. What a voluptuous creature to grace this house. She belonged here. In his head Glen had had a vision all these years of the woman who should live here with him, and Dawn was the one.

"What a beautiful place. You must love it very much," she said softly, still looking out over the twinkling city.

"Yes, it is very nice." His eyes never left Dawn, taking in every voluptuous curve.

"I had no idea the little place you mentioned for dinner would be your house." Her arms spread wide to take in the whole incredible view. "You really have a lovely house here, Mr. Cooper."

"Yes, I think I'm quite fortunate to have been able to buy it. But I have no wife, and so no one to share the place with. Some of the beauty seems lost when you have no one to share it with you."

A little frown appeared between the young salesgirl's eyebrows as she looked out the huge window. "Yes, and it is so beautiful."

Cooper turned, slipping an arm casually around her waist to look with her. "I always thought I'd like to share it with someone like you."

Dawn pulled back and stiffened a little. "Why thank you, Mr. Cooper, but I'm sure that anyone would appreciate the view."

"No, I think it takes a special kind of person." His arm tightened around her.

Dawn looked confused, embarrassed, and a little irritated. She pulled away and walked out of his grasp. Oh God! Was Glen Cooper going to start acting like the rest of those crude, lewd- thinking men that had bothered her all her life? Like the Sheik?

"It was very kind of you to bring me here, but I think it's an imposition. I'd better get home."

"I wanted you to myself for a little while, Dawn. I've watched you for a long time--but I never involve myself with the girls who work in the store. We'll have some dinner, a pleasant chat."

"But surely you don't want to cook?" she said.

"I have a couple of steaks to broil. A simple salad. Let me mix you a nice relaxing drink."

"No, I don't think I should," Dawn protested, but when he persisted, she was too weary to argue.

Two drinks later there was still no sign of dinner, and Dawn was getting very suspicious. The department store manager was getting harder and harder to hold off. He kept circling her, closing in on her like a beast of prey. She could feel the alcohol having an effect on her. His accidental brushing against her and the familiar quick caress was getting bolder. She had to get out of here. There were no decent men. Her "friend" Glen Cooper was rapidly proving it.

"I'd better go." She stood abruptly, putting her empty glass on a table.

"Not yet." He said it with a finality that sent a warning tremor through her. She looked into his tanned handsome face and the burning eyes that gleamed through narrowed lids.

"I really must... I'm very tired, Mr. Cooper."

"But you're feeling better, and you'll feel better still." Cooper grinned as he gently wound his long fingers around her slender white throat. "You'll stay, darling, because of your job. Your career is really starting to roll, and I could send you back forever to the stock room just by picking up the telephone and calling my secretary or the personnel manager."

Dawn could feel her pulse jumping under his touch. She began to panic, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. No matter what, she had to get out of here. Her thoughts raced, hampered by the fuzzing of the alcohol. With a sudden, gut-wrenching suddenness, she remembered Sheik Abdullah. Then her supervisor, Warren Mathieson. What would he do if she antagonized the store manager? It wouldn't matter if she was the best salesgirl in the store, he would fire her without a qualm. Grimly she decided she'd better at least stay for a little while longer.

Glen pulled her curvaceous young figure closer, his dark eyes boring into her wide blue ones. When his wetly parted mouth was only inches from hers, he whispered silkily, "When are we going to fuck, baby?"

"I... oh... no..." Her eyes widened in shock as she tried to pull away. "Never. No." She felt the hand tighten ominously on her throat and then abruptly the full sensuously demanding mouth was on hers.

The no longer debonaire store manager gloried in the warm, wet lips under his. At last he was kissing the voluptuous salesgirl. His hand tightened on her throat as his tongue wetly wormed its way between her half-opened lips into the warm, wet cave of her mouth. She was like a high-spirited thoroughbred, wild and free, shying away from the approach of the stallion.

Not again, Dawn thought wildly. Oh God, no! It mustn't start again. Not another man fucking her after the way the Sheik had fucked her last night. She could feel the implicit threat in the hand at her throat, in the hotly urgent tongue in her mouth, in the hard masculine lips crushing and bruising against hers. The arm around her was like a vise; Glen Cooper was much stronger than he looked with his thin, slow-moving body, lazy and almost indolent. Oh God! What was she going to do now?

A rush of hotly shivering anticipation shot through the department store manager from his cock to the back of his neck. Christ! This hot little bitch was gorgeous. Her softly trembling titties were like twin peaks poking sensuously into his chest, nuzzling him. His hand slid down the long throat, over the shuddering shoulder, and down to the silken fullness of her hugely billowing tit. He clutched one smoothly rounded asscheek with his other hand and gradually worked his leg between her long trembling thighs, feeling her pubic bone trying to draw back from the touch of his painfully jerking cock within his pants.

Dawn was mumbling brokenly and incoherently into Glen's lewdly demanding mouth. She had to get out of here. It was no longer important what her boss wanted, or even if her job was secure. She only knew she must get away before her voluptuous body betrayed her again, for she could feel the excitement rising in her cunt like fire. Pussy juices were already wetting her pantyhose and her sensuously throbbing tit was swelling under Glen's expert caresses. A wanton whore! That's what she was. An abandoned harlot, and she did not know how or when it had come about. She only knew she had to be purged, cleaned, and some kind of self-respect regained. And to do that she must flee now... right now!

"Nooooo... noooo..." she screamed, tearing herself from the surprised older man and running across the polished floor to the wide entry hall. It was as though she were being pursued by a horror she'd never encountered before, and that horror was the secret of her own cock-hungry body that so inexplicably suddenly needed and wanted to be fucked senseless by as many cocks as it could take.

Dawn had almost reached the front door and freedom when she felt his hard hands grasp her roughly to fling her back across the room. Her fall was broken by the arm of the huge overstuffed couch in the center of the living room, and she fell against it heavily. He was on her before she could recover, bending her back over the arm until she thought her spine would split and crack.

Glen Cooper crushed the dazed young salesgirl's body to him, feeling her fearfully trembling tits heaving up and down like a long distance runner's. In the struggle the blouse buttons had come loose between her hugely billowing tits, revealing a deep shadowy cleavage. The triumphant older man looked down at his beautiful young salesgirl, whose eyes were terrified and wide. "Fuck baby. I told you we were going to fuck. You don't go until I'm through with you, understand? I've waited too long," he panted, leaning down to nibble her huge tittie through the fabric. "Too long for your hot little cunt!"

"Please, please, nooooooooo!" Dawn screamed, feeling his mouth wetting her dress, the teeth nibbling gently at her tit. The little nipple popped obediently out and erect the moment he touched her.

"You planned this, didn't you?" She wept helplessly.

"Of course." He raised his head and laughed harshly.

Her back was breaking, head reeling from the alcohol, and she felt more helpless than she ever had before. This maniac department store manager was going to fuck her like a common whore, the lewd whore she had become. Oh God, why did this have to happen to her?

"I can fuck you in here, or you can be sensible and come to my bedroom."

Dawn just lay there on the couch, weeping helplessly. The nightmare was never ending. Finally she looked up at Glen Cooper's hard face leering down at her triumphantly. He'd won and he knew it. She was so tired of fighting men off. So tired.

Dully she felt him pick her up, lifting her easily in his arms. She closed her eyes and simply let it happen. The hall was long. She could feel Glen Cooper's cock throbbing hotly through his trousers and hitting her asscheeks with every step. In her mind's eye she could see the long curving, tree-lined road in front of the house. She tried to concentrate on how far away his neighbors were. Were they close enough to hear her scream?

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