Lovers At Play - Cover

Lovers At Play


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sheik Abdullah tilted back in the big leather chair in his Houston hotel room, watching the voluptuous young salesgirl, Dawn Peters, lean forward across the coffee table to show him another one of the new fall negligees. Her long beautiful legs were crossed and angled to the side. He let his eyes surreptitiously slide down their silken length when his third wife, Saraifa, turned to the long racks of sensuously colored negligees. Dawn lifted her arms toward the rack, and Sheik Abdullah felt his whole gut tighten at the hugely billowing mounds of her tits under the light cotton dress. What the hell was he sitting here arguing with the beautiful salesgirl for? He didn't give a damn right now whether or not his wives wore pink or blue in bed, or if they ever got their cursed negligees. To hell with them. This salesgirl was made for fucking, and fucking only. He should know; he had enough wives!

"You see, Sheik, beige is the 'in' color for negligees this year, and though it is a lovely shade, I think a woman feels more... sensuous in the other colors." Her blue eyes were earnest and sincere, so beautiful in their fringe of startling long lashes that a man could agree to almost anything just from looking into them. Sheik Abdullah took in her silky auburn hair tied loosely back in a ponytail, a severe hairdo except for the soft bangs that curled over her high smooth forehead. A man could also imagine what that hair would be like flung out on a pillow. The thick cream color of her skin set off those blue eyes and auburn hair. He looked at every bit of that skin that was visible, from her beautiful face with its straight aquiline nose and small determined chin, long delicate throat, graceful hands, then back to the throat and the creamy "vee" where her neckline cut off the view. But it didn't take much imagination to know that the rest of the skin on her long slender body was just as white and silky.

"You mentioned that you wanted to buy a number of articles from the store, so I've brought you a catalogue of the quality items that we sell." Dawn tugged her briefcase from the inside arm of her chair.

The Sheik's wife, Saraifa, had had about all she could take. Her husband had been undressing the voluptuous salesgirl with his eyes ever since she had come into the hotel room. The Great Sheik of Rhadd with all of his wives and mistresses! Her husband always thought first of the cunt in a woman and then maybe if she was good at fucking, he thought of the woman herself. Easy, she cautioned herself, jealousy is not good. The beautiful salesgirl was making a bad job of selling her items. She, Saraifa, could make her do worse, but this time she would help the pretty cunt.

"Husband," Saraifa spoke up, taking a chair by the rack. Her husband permitted her to smoke, so she lit a cigarette. "Husband, if I may speak a moment, I think the girl's right. I think the colors should be more sensuous than beige."

Saraifa was a tall attractive Arab woman with long black hair twisted into a bun at the nape of her neck. She was beautiful, but underneath her beauty there was a hardness that should not be in anybody. It showed through the loveliness and marred the perfection of her features. Her face was hard now as she thought out a way to please her husband for she knew that his pleasure meant hers--her favors were returned. She would give him the beautiful little salesgirl.

"I think you are correct," Dawn said in her soft insinuating voice. "And I hope your husband will be willing to let me show you our full line." Dawn kept her eyes on the Sheik, her heart thudding, her mind beating out an insistent prayer that she hoped would influence him. She had to get this sale! Her boss, Warren Mathieson, had made that perfectly clear before she left. "The Sheik Abdullah is one of our best customers. When he comes to town you can count on him to spend anywhere from ten thousand on up. We do not want to lose him as a customer. You must do anything he wants. And if you don't, and you lose his patronage, you're finished. Do you understand?"

She understood, and she swore she would do absolutely nothing that would jeopardize her job and career; she was too ambitious for that.

Saraifa looked at Dawn sitting there so intensely, willing the Sheik to go for it. She was so beautiful she didn't look real, with the kind of beauty you didn't see very often, the kind that launched ships. "Husband, it is time I was leaving," the Sheik's wife said suddenly, and stood up from her chair. "You will have no trouble in choosing what is right for us. Miss Peters, I trust you will be well?"

Saraifa was already at the door. She had much to do, and it would not be good if she stayed to see her husband fuck the little salesgirl.

The Sheik excused himself to Dawn and walked his wife into the adjoining room. He caught her elbow. "You have something in your mind, do you not?"

Saraifa smiled maliciously. "No, Abdullah. You know me better than that. I am just thinking of your pleasure. There are not many beautiful girls like her in our country. I am handing her to you, darling. She's all yours. All you have to do is make her think that you are going to buy much but only for the price of her cunt."

"You are a most devious wife." He laughed, showing beautiful white teeth.

"Something like that, darling," Saraifa smiled conspiratorially.

"And you know me too well. One day there will be trouble with this knowledge."

"But not today?" She laughed softly as Abdullah kissed her cheek and gave her bottom an affectionate pat when she turned down the thickly carpeted hall lined with doors leading to the other rooms of the huge hotel suite.

Dawn heard the door close, but the carpet muffled the Sheiks footsteps. She didn't realize he'd crossed the room again until she felt his hands on her shoulders.

"Now, would you like a drink, my dear?" His hands, big and well manicured, squeezed her, then trailed away as he came around to lean on the table right in front of her. There was something almost palpable in the air. Sheik Abdullah exuded such magnetism and charm that it was almost as though the atmosphere were full of electricity.

"I don't think you realize what's in store for you. With the amount of things I wish to buy, I demand a lot of work." He opened the ornately carved bar and began mixing drinks. His rich brown velvet eyes with the shaggy dark eyebrows burrowed into her as he worked. Dawn felt a warning signal go off in her head.

"Yes, I know that, Sheik, but we're prepared for that. That is why I am here."

"But buying the items from you doesn't mean that you get the commission for them if you displease me. I can even have you fired," he said slowly, letting each word sink in. He handed her a very large, icy martini.

Dawn's blue eyes widened as she realized that he knew how important this sale was to her. "But, I mean surely you don't expect..."

"I don't expect anything," Sheik Abdullah said sharply. "But I don't know if I will want to buy any merchandise yet."

"Well, I must admit... that's a blow, but I still want to try," Dawn said as calmly as she could, taking a long sip of her martini. God, she was tired, and he was giving her the creeps. An involuntary shudder ran up her arms.

"Very well." The Sheik was looking her over frankly, mentally seeing the hugely billowing tits tumbling out so nakedly voluptuous. Her long thighs were still crossed, outlined by the light cotton dress that lay on her leg just above the knee, their shape, proportion, and angle making a small "vee" at the bottom of her lap that drew his eyes like a magnet. Yes, he was more than willing to let Dawn Peters try anything.

The nervous young girl stood up to edge away and out. This Sheik Abdullah was making her uneasy and uncertain by his insinuations and his efforts to throw her off balance. His wife had made him give in, but she had the terrible feeling that she, Dawn Peters, was going to reap the consequences.

"Thank you, Sheik. I do appreciate the opportunity."

"Finish your drink," he snapped.

"But I have to get..." Her words were cut short, for Sheik Abdullah grabbed her, crushing her against his well tailored body with the swiftness of a bird of prey. Dawn found her open mouth caught by his in a fierce kiss, the iron arms completely surrounding her, pulling her forward and into him. She was so surprised that for a moment she wasn't quite sure what really had happened, but she could feel his bruisingly demanding lips and hot breath. The expensive tobacco and linen smell of his clothes hit her nostrils, and the warmly hard, muscular domination of his arms and hands circling her rib cage and his fingers digging into her softly yielding asscheeks... and the unmistakably throbbing bulge of his cock, under the trousers, pressing insistently against her belly disturbed her. Did he truly think she was some naive little slut who'd be willing to use her body in order to sell him what he would probably buy anyway? She pushed hard against his chest with doubled fists, her briefcase falling to the floor unheeded.

Sheik Abdullah held her easily, hardly exerting himself. Despite her height, and she must have been at least five seven or eight, taller now in her wedged sandals, she was completely defenseless against his strength, her sensuously curved form cushioned in firmly ripe flesh. The lusciously trembling tits were crushed hard against his chest. So this hot little bitch doesn't like paying the price, he thought, amused. Well, they all decide differently when things get right down to the pay-off. Sheik Abdullah shoved his tongue brutally into her warm wet mouth, forcing it past her teeth. He clutched her even closer, one softly curved little asscheek in his big hand. She was a wild thing, trying to claw at his face now. He ignored it, concentrating on the feel of this delectable creature, already imagining undressing her. He liked wild things. Taming them made him master of himself again.

The beautiful salesgirl struggled hard, panting through her flaring nose in tortured breaths, but her beating fists and clawing fingernails didn't seem to affect him at all. This monster went right on kissing her, French kissing her with his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, the hotly pressing hand covering and clenching her asscheeks. She could even feel his heavily pulsing cock beating like a heart against her belly, flicking rhythmically against her like a pulse.

With a superhuman effort born of necessity, Dawn wrenched her mouth away and gasped, "Stop it. No, I won't," only to have his huge paw catch the back of her head, forcing her straining mouth back to his. She felt the strong fingers push through her tied- back hair, and the barret fell noiselessly onto the carpet.

This little cunt has to learn. It's me, Sheik Abdullah, who gives the orders. When I'm ready to let her go, I will, and not until then. He tongue-fucked into her mouth mercilessly, his fingers tearing out the pins in her hair while his hard muscular thigh forced itself between her long lithe legs to rub against the pubic bone arching beneath her clothes. She was whining now deep in her throat and straining as though his arms were a hated cage and she an animal wanting freedom. The Sheik grabbed the salesgirl's flailing arms, pinning them down with one of his behind her back, his thigh shoving up even harder into her panty- clad cunt, which freed one of his huge hands to close over her wildly trembling tits.

Dawn was shivering with rage now and frustration--and fear. This brute was so strong and so determined that panic began to gnaw at her insides. How was she ever going to get out of this one? Even her legs were pinned with his hard thigh thrust obscenely between her own and his lewd grinding and rubbing of her pussy made her want to scream. She could feel her hair flowing down over her shoulders to the middle of her back, but that brutal hand still held her skull as though it were a shell he could break with his hands. The Sheik had looked so gentlemanly, she thought hysterically, in his expensive tailor-made suit. They say clothes make the man. Hah! She would never believe that line again.

The feel of this lush young salesgirl's wildly quivering titties in his hands sent the blood coursing up into the Sheik's already rigidly pulsating cock in ever-increasing tides. He could feel its long, growing length bundled painfully in his shorts, crushed against the yielding softness of her belly. Hefting her voluptuously rounded tit in his palm, he marveled at its perfect roundness. These were a real woman's tits, made to kiss and suck and bite, and by God, they'd soon be in his mouth!

The hotly caressing hand holding her tits sent an unwanted lassitude, like a cloud moving over the sun, wavering through Dawn's unwilling young body. Oh God! How had she let herself be trapped? She'd had men try to fuck her before, but she'd always managed to feel it coming and side-step them or laugh them out of it. But there'd only been the tiniest of warnings just before this beast of a Sheik had grabbed her. Maybe her father had been right about her after all. Ambition would destroy her in the end. But her father had been so harsh to her, always trying to dominate her every thought. She'd felt more than justified in leaving home and living her own life, so that at the age of eighteen she'd been a young girl on her own. Now, four years older, she was on her way up to real success, or had been, until now.

Sensing her change in mood, Sheik Abdullah let his lips slide at last away from Dawn's wetly bruised mouth, down her cheek to the white column of her throat. His hand wormed its way inside the vee neckline to feel her hot satin flesh, his fingers snaking across one softly rounded shoulder inside the cotton dress, then poking down inside the edge of her bra toward the softly trembling mound of her tit. His mouth nibbled gently along her throat and ear and jaw. "Such a beautiful woman," the Sheik muttered against the perfumed heat of her skin.

"Nooooooooooooo... !" The entrapped young girl moaned as she felt his eagerly searching fingers reach their soft goal, her sensitive little nipples, which hardened instantly to erect attention. An almost electric thrill jolted through her frantically struggling body as he pinched the nipple to a quiveringly hard peak of desire. An equally traitorous hotness had started in her shamelessly responding cunt and was gradually spreading its way upward like a flame engulfing a house. There was a chance, a small chance, that she might get away if she fooled him into thinking she was going to give in and really let him fuck her. Oh how could she have been such a fool? Such a blind ambitious fool! She relaxed a bit, hoping to trick him.

Grinning in triumph, Sheik Abdullah brought both hands around to fondle the succulent billowing tits, and began fumbling at the catch of her lace bra as his hotly searching tongue tip probed her inner ear like a small wet cock. Dawn forced herself, despite her erotically responding body's protests, to throw her arms up and push hard, then spun away from him, and ran desperately toward the door of the elegant hotel suite.

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