Lawfully Wedded Nymph - Cover

Lawfully Wedded Nymph


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The sun was high in the sky by the time Liz awakened the next morning. She stretched, feeling wonderful. Last night had been something special - for all three of them - something she hoped they would share again soon.

She rolled to her side and glanced at Jason and Mona still asleep atop the double sleeping bag. She had never thought about this brother and sister making love, but last night she had found out just how sexy a sight watching her husband ball actually was. That he was fucking his sister only seemed to heighten the sexual thrill. Definitely something the three of them must do again, she nodded to herself with a smile.

In fact, she realized, she wouldn't mind a repeat performance right now. But neither of her lovers looked in any shape at the moment to assist her. Again she smiled, realizing just how much of a sex hungry woman she was. She didn't mind, it made her feel marvelous. It was a feeling she hoped would be around for a long time.

Quietly slipping from her husband's side, Liz stood and found a pair of blue jeans and a blouse within her pack. She slipped into them, purposely forgetting panties and bra. She felt deliciously wicked this morning and only half dressing served to prolong that feeling. Also, she wanted to walk down to the river for a swim and underwear would only get in the way of undressing for a skinny dip.

Outside the tent, she was surprised to find everyone still in their tents. It was late. Perhaps they had all had the same type of night she had shared with her husband and his sister. She hoped so!

Slowly strolling down to the river, she enjoyed the feeling of the sun warming her body. A warmth she was more than appreciative of when she stretched out on the bank to allow the sun to dry her after a brief swim. Lying there, alone and naked seemed to fit her sensual mood perfectly. She wasn't sure just how long she soaked in the sun, nor did she care. But eventually the smell of fresh brewing coffee wafted in her nostrils. Somebody was awake back at camp and that coffee did smell good. Reluctantly, she gave in to that enticing aroma, rising to once more slip into jeans and blouse.

Back at camp, Bret squatted alone beside a small fire. Her son looked up and smiled when she approached. "Hey, today's not your turn as chief cook and bottle washer."

"I know," he replied. "But since nobody else was awake, I thought I could manage a bit of coffee. Care for a cup?"

"Mmmmmmm," she nodded, accepting the tin cup he handed her and sipping. "Hey, that's good. Think I'll keep you around as my son a little longer. It's hard to find a man that can make a good cup of coffee."

Bret laughed. "I was thinking about going ahead and getting breakfast ready for everybody. Want to help?"

"Might as well," she answered. "What's on the menu?"

"I saw what looked like a patch of wild blackberries back in the woods yesterday before..." He stopped, obviously not wishing to remind her of Frank's explosion yesterday. He took a deep breath and started again. "Anyway, I thought they might be just the right touch for pancakes."

"In my day, when a young man asked a girl to go blackberry picking, it was usually just an excuse to get her alone and make a pass," she said in jest. "What's on your mind, young man?"

"Blackberries," he smiled, picking up a small bowl and standing. He offered his mother a hand as she rose from beside the fire. "And my mother."

Liz looked at her son, unsure what he meant. "Is something bothering you?"

"Yes," he said, as they walked away from the camp, moving into the forest. "Yesterday. I've been thinking about what happened yesterday."

"I know yesterday was hard on you," Liz began. "Frank was cruel. He had no right to speak to Karen, or you, that way. However, I thought you handled yourself well. I think if I had been in your place, I would have punched his nose... or worse. In fact, I almost did."

Bret smiled. "That's over with. Karen and I had a long talk last night. In fact, that's all we did last night was talk. She had to get things straight in her head. She was pretty well shaken up by all that happened."

"And you?"

"Me too," he admitted. "Especially by what you said last night."


"About what happened with you and Phil," Bret said, stopping and looking at his mother. "That you and Phil had made love."

Suddenly, she didn't know what to say.

"And what Dad said about Linda and him making love," her son continued. "At first, it just blew my mind - you, my mother, making it with my cousin Phil, and Linda and Dad out there in the woods together. But this morning, I've had time to think about it some more. And I guess the shock has worn off some..."

He paused, as though he were uncertain of what to say next.

"And?" She was sure what her son was trying to say. But at that moment, she was hoping. If Jason and Linda made love, why not Bret and her?

"And, I was hoping that perhaps you felt..." he stumbled over his words, "... that you and I could... that I could make love with you."

Liz's heart was beating at twice its normal speed. This is what she had hoped for, what she suddenly realized she wanted, what she had felt for Phil and hadn't recognized. She wanted to make love with her son, to have her own son fuck her.

"Yes," she said simply.

"Huh?" Bret looked at her, as if he didn't believe his own ears.

"I said, 'yes'." She repeated, smiling widely. "I want to make love with you. I want you to be my lover."

He dropped the small bowl he held. His mouth fell ajar slightly, as though he still couldn't believe her words. However, she could see the effects of her answer in the thickening bulge in her son's crotch.

"I think it would be easier for the both of us, if I undressed myself," she said. "That is unless you'd like to do it."

"No," he shook his head. "I think I'll have enough trouble with my own clothes. Will this be good enough?" His hand waved around the spot on which they stood. "Or do you want me to go back to camp and get a blanket or something?"

"No, you stay right here," she answered. The spot was perfect. It was grassy and concealed well enough from camp. It wasn't hidden, but secluded. Besides, the thought of someone coming out here to look for them and finding her in her son's arms already had her pussy dampening with a flow of womanly juices.

Liz began to unbutton her blouse. At the same time, Bret's fingers clumsily went after the buttons of his shirt, while his eyes remained locked on his mother.

One by one, the flaming-haired beauty slipped the buttons open to her blouse. Inch by inch the "V" of her neckline dipped, exposing a broad expanse of soft, smooth-looking flesh. Down her hands worked, laying open the sweet valley separating the partially unveiled contours of her big, heavy tits.

With her son's eyes roving each inch of her body she exposed for him, she pulled her blouse from her jeans and quickly stripped it from her arms. He caught his breath. She stood there, the slightly pendulous balls of her tits swaying lusciously on her chest. The pleasure he found in her tits was reflected in the longing caress of his gaze. She felt a warm ripple of desire and pride rush up and down her spine.

Her hands then freed the snap to her jeans and the zipper. She wiggled free of the pants and tossed them aside, to stand completely naked before her son. Her choice of no panties and bra had been correct. She had no intention of this earlier, but now it seemed so right.

Apparently, it did for him, too. Shirt cast aside, he skinned out of jockey shorts and blue jeans at the same time. His cock, liberated from the confines of his pants, twitched like a mighty pole of lust from his youthful groin. Its slitted mouth seemed to stare at her like a tiny eye. She shivered with want.

Before he could move or speak, she stepped to him. Tenderly, she reached out and took a firm hold on his stiff rod. Just the mere touch of his virile cock sent sizzling thrills racing on a direct line to the moist cleft of her shaven loins. She squeezed lovingly, eliciting a moan of pleased surprise from her son.

"You're a beautiful young man," she whispered, leaning forward and kissing him. Their tongues played and dueled for moments, then they parted. "I think this lovely cock would like a kiss."

He didn't need to answer. The lusty jerk of his prick told her she was right. Slavishly, she lowered herself to her knees before him. Leaning to his crotch, she ran her tongue out and licked up and down the massive thickness of his sex. She felt and relished the excited thrills she sent swirling through his groin.

Then she opened her mouth and accepted the ponderous burden of his cock into the humid warmth of her face. The crystal juices welling from his glans flowed to her tongue and she tasted him. The manly favor was one she knew well, but this vintage was something she had never experienced before. This was her son's cock she cradled lovingly within her cock-hungry jaws. This was her own son she was kneeling before, giving him head.

Sliding down the fat rail of his prick, taking him deep into her throat, she realized what Jason must have felt with their daughter Linda. She knew what her husband felt. She was feeling it now. Back she eased. The salvia-glistening column of her son's cock sliding from her tightly puckered lips. She heard him moan above her and glanced up to find his eyes gazing down, down at his mother and her worshipping lips wrapped lovingly around his throbbing dick.

Watching him watch her, she dropped back down the rigid lance of his dork. At the same time, she tucked a hand between his trembling thighs, over his scrotum and up the hot crease of his ass. With no difficulty, she found the taut ring of his anus and tapped it with a finger.

The results were explosive. Results she was prepared for. Her son's pelvis lurched, stabbing his cock into her face, into her welcoming throat. Inhaling deeply through her nostrils to fight the gag reflex, she accepted every inch of his bludgeoning prick. She took it and worshipped it.

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