Lawfully Wedded Nymph - Cover

Lawfully Wedded Nymph


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Linda Jefferies awoke shortly before dawn. She glanced around her tent to find her stepcousin Karen still soundly sleeping. She smiled, grateful that the girl still slept.

This time, before everyone in the two families awakened, was her time. The forest just before the dawn was something special, something she had discovered the first morning of their vacation. Now she cherished this time, relishing the peaceful solitude it provided. Each morning she rose and slipped from her tent and walked a short way from camp. There, she sat alone and listened to the sounds of the forest awakening and watched the rising sun. It was something she had never experienced in the city and while she was out in the wilderness, she refused to miss even one of these magnificent mornings.

Quietly rolling from her sleeping bag, Linda reached out and found the fresh pair of jeans and blouse she had laid out the night before. Beneath them was a pair of white bikini panties. She smiled again. Karen had introduced her to the brief style of panties just before they had left on vacation. Besides looking sexy as hell on her, they made her feel almost naked. Which was good, because ever since she had started on this wilderness hike, she had wanted to shed all her clothes and run naked through the woods. A bit of the pagan within her, she thought.

Still, that urge to be free had grown greater the farther she hiked into the forest. The second day of backpacking, she had carefully packed away her bra, burying it beneath all her other clothes. Perhaps, when they returned home, she would wear it again. But now, she felt so much freer without it.

Standing, she dressed in panties, jeans, blouse, and sandals, making as little noise as possible. She glanced again at Karen. The girl still slept.

Without making a sound, the young girl stepped from the tent and sucked in a deep breath. The air tasted fresh, still alive with the chill of the night. The smell of the forest permeated every molecule of the air. It smelled so alive and growing that she tingled with its presence. She wanted to laugh or sing, but she repressed the urge. She didn't want to wake everybody else and spoil this time.

Above her the sky was still black. Stars twinkled and glistened like spots of light on a background of black velvet. To the east, she could already see the first sign of dawn. Blackness was quickly turning to a dark blue and the stars were fading.

Sunrise was close. She glanced around to select a spot to sit and watch the breaking dawn. The trees around the campsite were too high for a good view. However, down by the river would be perfect. Her ears filled with the sound of awakening birds, Linda started toward the river.

She covered half the distance and stopped. Somebody was lying on the bank near the water's edge. Could somebody else have discovered the serenity of this early morning hour? Or had someone just had a rough night and couldn't sleep? Either way she felt as though her own private world had been invaded.

She took a step or two closer, trying to see who the intruder was. Her eyes widened. There wasn't one person, but two. But who? It was still too dark for her to see who the two were. But unless her eyes were playing tricks on her, the couple was stark naked. Who?

It couldn't be Bret and Karen. Despite her brother's attempt to hide the fact he was balling their stepcousin, Linda knew all about his affair with Karen. The young brunette and Linda were very close and Karen shared all her secrets. However, Linda had left Karen sleeping soundly in their tent. Who could it be?

The couple's identity intrigued her. Obviously it had to be either Aunt Mona and Frank, though she found it hard to visualize those two ever sleeping together, let alone screwing around in the woods, or it had to be her parents. Her parents? Yes, she could see both of them doing something like this.

But should she be spying on them? No, she decided, but she intended to do it just the same. The thought of watching her mother and father together did more than just stir her interest. She wanted to see them!

Her head twisted around, seeking a way to move closer without being detected. Nothing on her right, but to the left. Linda found a thick clump of bushes running almost to the river. She smiled and turned.

Her steps were slow and deliberate, lifting one foot, then the other, being careful to make as little noise as possible. She worked her way closer to the nude couple, eventually dropping behind the bushes and crawling as close as she thought was safe. Carefully, she reached out and parted the bushes.

She caught her breath.

In the soft glow of the coming sunrise, she could just make out the pair. She had guessed the identity of one of them correctly - her father. But the woman wasn't her mother - it was Aunt Mona - her father's sister!

Her father's sister!

The thought railed through her mind. There was no doubt what her father and Mona had been doing. This wasn't a nudist colony. They had been balling. Her father had fucked his sister! That was incest!

Linda found herself more confused than shocked. She tried to sort her thoughts, but she couldn't. Her eyes were glued to the supple nakedness of her aunt. The woman was beautiful, she looked like some forest goddess. Linda had always considered Aunt Mona to be an "old woman," but now she realized she had been wrong. Aunt Mona's body was that of a young woman, no more than in her mid-twenties.

And Aunt Mona was pressed so close to her father! Her breasts were flattened against him. Her legs entwining his. So close to...

To his - Linda caught her breath once again, realizing what her eyes now gazed on - her father's cock!

She shivered. It looked so big, like some sleeping snake nestled in the darkness of his pubic hairs. She shivered again, aware that her trembling was caused by a growing arousal, rather than repulsion.

And there was something else, something she couldn't put her finger on at first, but then recognized it as a twinge of jealousy. Aunt Mona was there lying in her father's arms and she was hidden amid the bushes. Aunt Mona had felt that big cock within her body, and Linda had only dreamed of her father mounting her young body and taking her.

To have seen him, she thought. Then with increasing excitement, to have felt him, her father, moving within her. Again she trembled. She, as with all young girls, had felt a desire for her father. It was a normal part of sexual development. Linda even knew the name the shrinks put on it - Electra Complex.

But until now, she had never really thought of making those fantasies come true. Until now...

She shook her head. No, it wasn't possible. Her father and her mother, she could see that. Even now she could accept her father making love to Aunt Mona, just lying there, they looked so natural. But her and her father? It just wouldn't happen. He would never come to her and ask to share her bed. After all - he was her father. Fathers just didn't do things like that.

And if he did, what would her mother do? What would her mother do if she knew about Aunt Mona?

Linda's thoughts were abruptly interrupted. Her father moved. He leaned over his younger sister and kissed her awake. They were gentle kisses that mounted in passion when Aunt Mona's eyes fluttered open to greet her lover. As Linda watched, the two kissed a very long and involved kiss.

"We'd better get back to the tents," she heard her father say when they parted. "The others will be waking in a bit."

Mona nodded and gave him another kiss before rising and slipping into her gown. Jason quickly pulled on his jeans, then reached out and took his sisters hand. Linda watching from her hiding place among the bushes let her gaze follow them back to the tents. For moments, she just stared at the camp, all thoughts of the sunrise forgotten.

The day's hiking went as those before it had gone. The two families continued deeper into the forest, using the river as their guide. With short rest stops and a break for lunch, it was seven hours before they again selected a site for the night.

The seven hours gave Linda all the time she needed to collect her thoughts and neatly sort them.

First, she wasn't some scatter-brained teenager. Despite her eighteen years she was aware of the world around her and the relationships shared by a man and a woman. While she had no hard evidence to prove her theory, she had the feeling that her mother and father had taken lovers at one time or another during their marriage. She also suspected that each parent was fully aware of what the other did. If so, she felt her mother would understand what had happened between Aunt Mona and her father.

She did. On more than one occasion, she had thought of going to bed with her own brother, especially after listening to Karen recount their love making.

Second, she knew damn well Frank didn't know, or even suspect what had happened between her father and Aunt Mona. She doubted whether the man ever had a thought of sex, least of all considered the possibility that his wife had taken a lover - her own brother at that. Frank just wouldn't believe that such things could happen.

Last, she had considered her own feelings. And, yes, she wanted to be her father's lover - one of them, at least. She had no want to replace her mother. The thought of being her father's wife wasn't what she had planned for her future. But to share his bed was another matter altogether.

Getting him into that bed, or more specifically, into her snatch was another problem.

Linda wasn't a girl. Over a year ago she had felt the thrill of her first lover moving between her willing thighs. It had been a summer romance with the cousin of one of her best friends who had been visiting for a week. When he returned home, she was a woman and he was no longer a boy.

Since then she had taken one other lover, a young man she now had hopes of marrying. But that was in the future, after she graduated from college.

Her father was here and now.

She had no worries of pregnancy. Her own mother had seen to that. A few days before her first date, her mother had taken her aside and talked with her. It wasn't one of those woman-to-woman talks she had heard of from her friends, nor was it a mother-to- daughter lecture. It had been more like two friends discussing what it meant to be a woman. After that talk her mother had taken her to the doctor for a complete physical and a birth-control pill prescription. Her mother had given her the responsibility of controlling her own sex life. Something she had not regretted.

She was a woman, and she knew it. But how was she going to get her father to notice the fact?

As she had realized when watching Aunt Mona and her father, he would never come to her. The only answer was for her to go to him and offer herself. But how and when, that was something she hadn't decided yet.

Linda looked around the camp. Everyone was completing their normal tasks of setting up the tents and getting the fire ready for the evening meal. Then she saw Bret and Karen talking.

Why not?

Bret and Karen managed to get away by themselves simply by taking a walk in the woods and finding someplace to make love. She could do the same thing.

She glanced around and found her father stretched out beneath a tree, resting in the shade. Her heart suddenly doubled its speed. He was alone. If there were a time to do it, the time was now before he became involved in something.

Taking a deep breath, Linda strode toward him without hesitation. Her temples were pounding like hammers by the time she reached his side. She knew he could read what she had planned on her face when he looked up at her, but he just smiled and said, "Hi, Princess."

"Think you could spare your daughter a few minutes?" She forced calmness into her voice.

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing really important." She lied. "There's just something I want to show you in the woods."

"Oh?" Her father's smile grew. "What is it?"

"A surprise," she replied. "It's just back up there a bit. Think you feel up to a short walk?"

She held her breath, knowing that she had just given him the opportunity to refuse to go with her. But he grinned and answered, "Okay."

He held a hand out to her as he rose, gripping her fingers firmly. "Lead on."

She smiled and started toward the forest. Once in the trees, she led him directly away from the camp and the others. She had no idea what she was going to tell him when she found the spot she was looking for, but she would think of something. At the moment she had to find a secluded clearing.

"Hey, how far is this?" her father asked.

"Not much further," she answered, repressing the panicky rush that rose from the pit of her stomach. Her eyes darted around, searching for a concealed spot. "It's just right over there."

She glanced at him, her eyes looking back. She could no longer see the tents, nor could she hear the others. Now she had to find the right location.

About fifty feet more, she found what she was looking for. It was a small moss-covered depression surrounded by thick bushes and trees. Unless someone was looking for this place, they would never notice it. That made it perfect for her plans.

Tightening her grip on her father's hand, she led him through the shrubs.

"This is it?" He looked at her, a puzzled expression on his face. "I don't see anything."

"There isn't anything, except me." No, she realized that was the wrong approach and regretted her words as they came from her mouth. "I didn't want to show you anything..."

"Huh?" His puzzlement grew.

"I just wanted to get you away from the others... so we could... talk," she said.

"Alone at last," her father said with a chuckle. He eased to the ground and sat, patting the moss beside him for her to sit also. "Must be something pretty important to bring us out here?"

"Yes," she began, still unsure of how to handle the situation. "It's that... well..."

"That important, huh?" His expression was serious now, filled with the gentle understanding that was always there when she came to him with a problem.

Linda seated herself next to her father and once again took his hand. "Dad, I saw you and Aunt Mona this morning. I was getting up to see the sunrise and I saw you two by the river."

"And you saw us making love?" His voice didn't quaver.

"No, but I knew what had happened," she said.

He was silent a moment, as if gathering his thoughts. "I'm not sure what to say. What happened, happened. I feel no regrets. I know Mona is my sister, but what happened was between a man and a woman. I'm sorry if what you saw upset you, but..."

"It did upset me," she interrupted him. "But not in the way you're thinking. What I saw looked so beautiful. Aunt Mona looked like a sylvan goddess from Roman mythology and you..." She stumbled over her words. "Dad, I was jealous of Aunt Mona. I wanted to be in her place!"

His head jerked around. He stared at her. His expression was a strange mixture of surprise and confusion.

"I brought you here to show you me, your daughter," she said, words rushing out. "I'm a woman, your daughter is a woman. I want to show you that woman."

His mouth fell slightly ajar. She knew what he must be thinking, but she had committed herself. She had said what she wanted to say and now she wanted him.

Before he could answer, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his. Her tongue flicked out and darted between his parted lips. She taunted and teased, but there was no response. He sat there frozen, as though he were a man in a state of shock.

She pulled away a bit, undaunted. Her eyes rose to his. "Make love to me. I want you to make love to me."

Again she kissed her father. Her tongue, like a moist whip, flicked into his mouth, taunting and tapping. Suddenly, she felt him stir. He didn't move away. Instead, his hands were on her waist, holding her.

She pressed closer, rolling the firm, young cones of her tits against her father's chest. She hugged close, so that he could feel her body and recognize its willingness to please him.

Jason Jefferies' body responded to his daughter before his mind accepted what was happening. And then it was too late. What Linda was proposing seemed no different than what had happened between him and his sister. He loved his daughter, and his body with the warm sensations coursing in his loins told him that he wanted her. If he had thought of refusing her, it was a battle lost before it started.

His hands rose and caressed the young girl's cheeks. Gently he cradled her face, while he returned her kiss. His tongue entered her mouth, playfully teasing at her sprite oral digit.

For moments, they just sat there, father and daughter, holding one another, savoring the exciting feel of each other's bodies. And when their lips parted, his head lowered a bit, his hand easing back the strands of her strawberry blonde hair. His tongue and lips then busied themselves with the delicate lobe of her ear.

The young girl moaned. She nestled closer to him. Her hands rose to his chest, caressing its broad expanse. Then her finger went to work on his shirt, slipping buttons from holes and exposing his chest. By the time his mouth worked down to the graceful tan arch of her neck, she had opened his shirt and her fingertips were fondling the pebble-like forms of his nipples.

It was happening! Linda couldn't believe it. Her father was in her arms. After all her planning, it had been so easy! Now she would be his and he hers, if only for this moment. And that was enough. It was more than she had ever dreamt would happen.

Her father's lips were on her throat kissing downward. His hands opened the buttons of her blouse. She moaned softly as he suddenly ducked his neck and pressed his mouth between the broad expansive valley of flesh separating her tits.

Then his hands were there, cupping the resilient mounds of her breasts. Lovingly, his fingers squeezed into the white cones. She moaned again, her back arching forward, shoving herself into his hands. He felt so good, so sure of himself - a man that understood a woman's body and how to give it pleasure.

Slowly, he kissed his way to one of the creamy cones. It looked so white and vulnerable against the deep tan of the rest of her body. His daughter did not sunbathe in the nude. Somewhere in his mind, he remembered seeing all those centerfold models in men's magazines and thinking their two-toned bodies somehow looked ridiculous. Now he found the combination of milky flesh and sun golden skin as sexy as hell.

Opening his mouth wide, he homed in on one of the coral buds of his daughter's nipples. He sucked, his groin tightening with his first taste of her bountiful breasts. He licked, using his tongue like a moist finger. He thoughtfully laved around and around the delicate nubbin, thrilling when he felt it thicken and grow to a stiff, rubbery point.

Simultaneously, his roving hands caressed the summery mounds of teenage titflesh. His fingers were alive with the satiny feel of her ripe young breasts. He kneaded them, he rolled them against the flat of his palm, he squeezed them, and he loved them.

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