Lawfully Wedded Nymph - Cover

Lawfully Wedded Nymph


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"It gets easier each day," Liz said. "I thought it would be harder the farther we hiked."

Jason Jefferies looked up at his wife and smiled. "You're just enjoying it more. It's easy to forget the hard work when you're in this forest. It's so damn beautiful. We should've thought of doing this years ago."

"The work's not over for me," Liz replied. "Tonight is my night to do the cooking. Now I've got to see if I can talk somebody into helping me get a fire going."

"Somehow I think that somebody is this body." Jason raised an eyebrow and gave his wife the sternest stare he could muster. The effort was wasted. Liz only laughed and kissed him. He shrugged his shoulders. "You win. Give me a few moments to gather some wood and I'll have you the finest blaze going this side of the Mississippi."

"Hey, I don't want a forest fire, just a few flames for dinner!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Jason grinned, slipping his backpack to the ground, then walking towards the woods.

Liz was right. After six hours on the trail, he still felt capable of going another hour or two. The first few days he would have never believed such vigor possible. There was something to be said for getting away from the city. He was rapidly finding himself becoming an addict to backpacking along these wilderness trails.

And, it didn't seem to be hurting his family any. Liz had more color in her cheeks than he'd seen in years. And his daughter Linda was getting one of the most golden tans he'd ever seen, he thought glancing at the young girl busily setting up a tent. And Bret...

He glanced around the campsite, trying to find his son. Bret was nowhere in sight.

Nor was his stepcousin Karen as a matter of fact, Jason realized.

A movement to his left drew his attention. He smiled to himself. It was Bret and Karen. The two were quietly slipping off into the woods together.

Damn fine pair those two, he thought, his smile growing to a grin. Bret was turning into quite a man. He was muscled like an athlete and growing taller each day. And Karen, well, there was no other way to describe her; Karen was a woman. Despite only being nineteen, the young brunette had already developed all the curves and bulges of womanhood in all the right places. Jason couldn't blame Bret for wanting to get Karen off alone and make a kissing cousin out of her.

Kissing cousin, he chuckled. It was a sign of his age. If he knew his son, there was more than kissing on Bret's mind. Again, he couldn't blame Bret. If he were a bit younger, Jason realized, he would be doing his damnedest to get into Karen's pants. The young girl was getting to the age where she needed a man.

With a wistful shake of his head, Jason watched the couple disappear amid the forest undergrowth, then returned to his task of building a fire.

Little bitch, Frank Stivers glared after his daughter, cursing himself as much as he cursed Karen. It had been against his better judgment to come on this trip. Bret was turning into a young stud and Karen was at that age. He had known something like this would develop. Why hadn't he taken his own advice and begged off taking his family along with the Jefferies? Jason and Liz were just too loose with their children. They weren't the type of people he wanted Karen and Phil to be around. If Jason weren't Mona's brother, he'd...

"Frank, could you give me a hand?" Mona's voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to find his wife trying to raise their tent.

Without comment, he glanced away from Bret and Karen and walked to his wife. When he looked back, the couple had vanished in the woods. He cursed under his breath. If anything happened between those two, Jason and Liz would have to answer for it! The morals of the country might be deteriorating, but within the Stivers family, he would see that the old ways were upheld.

"Frank, please!" Mona pleaded, once again interrupting his concentration.

Silently he helped Mona raise the tent, cursing her in his mind. Mona was no better than Jason and Liz. She should be able to see what was happening between Karen and Bret. She should take Karen aside and explain the facts of life to her. Tell her how important it is for a young girl to remain a virgin until her marriage night. Tell her how men consider loose women to be nothing better than prostitutes.

But Mona would never do that. Mona couldn't even control her own desires. He still found it hard to believe that she had been so forward last night. He should have been stronger and resisted her, but the temptation of the flesh had been too strong for him.

"Thank you, Frank." Mona walked to his side and kissed his cheek.

"When do you think dinner will be ready?" He asked, ignoring his wife's show of affection.

Mona stared at him a moment, then shook her head. "Jason's just getting the wood together. Should be at least another hour."

He nodded, then walked off to the shade of a towering oak, lowering himself to the ground. There was time for a short nap. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But the thought of Karen and Bret alone in the woods kept returning to his mind, haunting him.

What could they be doing out there alone? Why were they gone so long?

He knew. Damn it, he knew. His own daughter was out there giving her body away just like a whore. His own daughter!

He couldn't stand it. He had to stop her before she went too far. She wouldn't understand it now. But later, after she had matured, she would thank him for protecting her.

Frank opened his eyes and looked around. Mona, Jason and Liz were all busy around the campfire. Phil and his cousin Linda were sitting nearby, talking. Nobody would even notice he left.

Quickly, he scrambled to his feet and ducked into the forest where he had last seen Karen and Bret. He had no idea where the young couple had gone off to, but he was going to give it his best to find them and stop his daughter before she did something she would regret the rest of her life.

Pushing his way through clump after clump of bushes, Frank worked deeper into the forest. He stopped after about ten minutes and looked around him. There was no sign of the two. Despite his good intentions, he suddenly realized how useless his search was. Karen and Bret could be anywhere.

A light, laughing sound came from his left. He cocked his head, but it stopped. Had it been a bird, his imagination?


The laughter came again. And it was coming from off to his left. He smiled and began to follow the sound. His steps were cautious now. He was nearly on tip-toes, trying to be as quiet as possible. If the young couple were just sitting and talking, he didn't want them to know he was there. However, if they were...

Frank stopped, freezing in mid-stride. There, just beyond the break of the bushes he was in, he could see Karen and Bret. Slowly sucking in his breath, he reached out and parted the branches of the bush and peered at the couple.

His worse fears were realized. Karen was wrapped in Bret's young arms. They were kissing - their mouths opened to one another. And worse yet, Karen's blouse and bra were on the ground at her feet.

Indignation swelled within him. Moral outrage and anger burned in his mind. He had to stop Karen, had to save her from herself. Had to...

Frank stepped forward, then froze again. Something within him, something that confused him, made him freeze again. He stood staring at the young couple, unable to take his eyes from them.

"Mmmmmm," Karen moaned softly when her lips parted from Bret's. "I've been waiting for that all day. I didn't think we'd ever get away from the others."

"Neither did I," Bret said as the young brunette eased from his arms, moving back a step or two. "But the wait was worth it."

"Are you sure?" Karen smiled coyly at her step cousin. "What if I'm not in the mood?"

"It would be the first time since that night you spent with us when Aunt Mona and your father were on their honeymoon." He chided her, his eyes roving over her body.

Frank's eyes widened. It was too late to save his daughter. This boy had already seduced her - months ago - and right under the eyes of Jason and Liz. He should have expected as much. Jason and Liz were...

Frank's thoughts suddenly faded. Karen turned toward him. Her naked breasts bobbed a bit drawing his eyes. Beautiful! His thought shocked him. This was his own daughter!

Yet, her young, firm tits were beautiful. So young and vulnerable looking. They were twin cones that jutted from her chest. Each slightly uptilted tip sported a fleshy nipple of brown. And around each was a halo of lighter brown skin, skin so stretched with the fullness of her breasts that it was sleek and shining in the light filtering down through the trees.

"You're awful sure of yourself," Karen said.

"No more than you are of yourself," Bret said with a wide grin. "We both know what we want. Neither one of us is kidding the other."

"And what I want right now is to feel you inside me," Karen said. "I want to feel you making love to me!"

Frank watched still unable to move, his lurid fascination growing when his daughter's hands drifted to the tops of her jeans.

Without fumbling, the young brunette popped the snap to her blue jeans and unzipped them. Her fingers tucked under the tops and with a provocative wiggle worked the jeans down to step out of when they were around her ankles. She stood for a minute, wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of yellow bikini panties, her head turning to her stepcousin. The boy's own attention was directed to peeling away his T-shirt and skinning down his own jeans.

Frank stared at his daughter. Her legs were long and tan, shapely carves and inviting, sleek thighs - thighs he now knew were no strangers to the feel of a man. Something stirred within him with that realization, something he tried to ignore, buried deep at the back of his mind.

But it was something that refused to remain buried, as his eyes rose up to the temptation of his daughter's legs, delving into the inviting "Y" of her crotch. There, beneath the thin fabric of her panties, he could see the dark patch of her pubic hair - the bulging mound of her womanhood.

His groin tightened with lust, with want for the forbidden treasure of her young body. He tried to fight such thoughts, to push them from his mind. But his own body betrayed him. He felt the stiffness of lust creeping into his cock, lengthening it, swelling it.

His eyes darted to Bret. The boy stripped away his jockey shorts and stood naked before his stepcousin. His own arousal was more than apparent. Hard and long, his young prick shafted out from his groin at a forty-five degree angle. It was not the penis of a boy, but that of a man. Its blood-engorged head glistened with crystal droplets of pre-seminal fluid. The same juices that now moistened the tip of Frank's shaft.

Karen's eyes were riveted to the thick stalk of cock twitching and jerking in the air. Her mouth parted and her tongue flicked over her lips, wetting them. Her nostrils flared with arousal and a determined expression moved across her face.

With her stepcousin's eyes following her every move, she slipped her fingers beneath the elastic of her panties and languidly squirmed from them. As she bent to free them from her ankles, her tits swung from her chest, swaying like ripe, young pendulums.

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