Lap Lessons - Cover

Lap Lessons


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sylvia Ritter was the first woman executive that Crystal Locke had ever run into who wanted to be fixed up with a date for the evening. Sylvia Ritter was married, but her sales executive husband spent a lot of time out of town. Crystal was both shocked and amused when the older woman asked if Crystal knew any presentable, available men who might go for a sex fling. It showed how far Women's Lib had gone... with the girls now ready to cheat on the boys!

Sylvia said: "You get around to all these companies, Crystal, where you meet lots of executives. You're a good-looking woman. You must know a few safe men who've made signals at you."

"That I do," smiled Crystal. She thought about Sydney Martin, who had lost Leaf and begged her for dates all the time.

There was some risk. Both Ritters were top people at Fisk International Insurance Company, for which A-C was installing an 1100. If Fred Ritter found out that Crystal had set it up for his wife to be laid while he was out of town, there might be trouble.

On the other hand, Sylvia Ritter was as smooth as Steuben Glass and had the same elegance. She was a beautiful brunette in her early forties with a youngish, flowing body and luminous skin. She exuded sexual intensity. When she and Crystal ate lunch together in almost any dining room, men gazed at them both with reverence and a little awe. Also, Crystal couldn't imagine the worldly, suave woman ever being caught.

There was something else about the Ritters that excited Crystal. They hinted that some game might be played on their new computer, making it the first time Crystal had run into light- fingered executives who contemplated sandbagging their company for profit.

There was no doubt that some game was afoot. Certain questions were asked, certain suggestions made in humorous ways, while eyebrows were lifted and certain statements were left hanging. Crystal hooked on to these in the same offhand manner, leaving the way clear for a proposition while still covering herself. To lift a few dollars from a company till with the help of executives might be safer than running a game on her own.

It was men, however, that came first with Sylvia.

"Next weekend Fred will be in Chicago," Mrs. Ritter said to her one day after a tutoring session at Fisk International. "If you can find me some company, that's the time."

"I would think," said Crystal evenly, "that you'd have no trouble finding bedmates, with your looks and... if you'll excuse me... that sexual intensity you seem to have."

Sylvia laughed.

"Of course I can get men... tons of them. The secret of successful cheating, though, is to use your good-looking acquaintances, not somebody in your regular rounds of living who might know, or later meet, your husband."

"I think I can help you," said Crystal. Sydney's wife had still not come back, and Leaf was busy with Gunnar and the bank people.

"Saturday night," said Sylvia. "If he's good enough I may repeat on Sunday. Fred doesn't usually come back from Chicago until the Monday morning flight."

The place of assignation was the Ritter apartment atop the Shaftesbury-Seton Hotel, one of those expensive, quiet and luxurious hotels that only advertised for clients in the NEW YORKER or FORTUNE. The Ritters were strictly a class act, which would thrill Sydney.

Sylvia added: "Whether the man works out or not, you come over to the Shaftesbury on Sunday night. I think it's time we talked about some special things we might want to do with the Avery- Cascade Computer."

That excited Crystal. She was ready to move forward again on her own mission to get that money to clear her name. Her mission had been temporarily scrubbed with the appearance of Gunnar. Miraculously, he had moved on, taking Leaf Campbell, and leaving Crystal alone.

The last time she saw Gunnar was the night three weeks ago when he tried to force the anal outrage on her. Next day an apologetic Leaf moved out from her apartment across the street to Gunnar's. A few days later, Crystal finished her tutoring assignment with the C-M Bank and saw those people no more. Nor Gunnar.

She was glad to be free of Gunnar. He wanted to cheat on the bank. The bank was the worst possible victim of a computer con game, because computer crimes against banks had already happened and been publicized. The C-M computer would be watched more closely than the Domino machine or the current Fisk International machine.

Domino was in the past. She hadn't nicked them for a cent. C-M was Gunnar's target... and good luck to him. Fisk International, with the help of the Ritters, could be just the right set-up that Crystal had in mind... insurance companies were loaded with money but not closely watched.

Sydney, the Personnel Director of Domino, was disappointed when Crystal told him that she wanted him to go out with Sylvia. Then he met Sylvia at a threesome lunch, which quickly changed his tune.

"Go out with her? My God, I ought to pay you and her both! Will she go out with me?"

She would... and did. Crystal could hardly wait for Sunday night, when she'd see Sylvia and hear the full story on Sydney... as well as the other matter.

It didn't work out as well as Crystal hoped. About eight o'clock on Sunday night Sylvia called her to report that Sydney had worked out very well... so well that he was with her at the Shaftesbury to spend another night.

"We'll talk about that other business tomorrow. All right, Crystal?"

"Sure," said Crystal. "Have fun."

She hung up. She had already dressed to walk over to the Shaftesbury, which was only a few blocks away, but she was happy for Sylvia and Sydney. It made her cunt warm to think of all the loving they'd be getting tonight. She even felt a little jealous of Sylvia, now that she was without a man.

At nine o'clock Crystal's door buzzer sounded. There stood Fred Ritter with his overnight bag in his hand and a big smile on his face.

"Just on my way home," said Fred. "Thought I'd stop by and see if you were busy."

Panic froze her. "I--well, yes, I--"

"Sylvia and I want to talk over a special matter with you. Maybe you could walk over to the Shaftesbury with me."

All Crystal could think about was a naked Sylvia and a naked Sydney a few blocks away... and Fred Ritter walking in on them. It would be hard enough on Sydney. It would be death on her.

I--I don't th-think Sylvia's home. She told me yesterday that she was--uh--going to see her mother on Long Island tonight. May- maybe stay all night."

Crystal shot a desperate glance at her phone. If she could only keep Fred here long enough to sneak a phone call of warning to Sylvia. The mother excuse might work, because Sylvia had told her she often visited her when there was no action. Fred wouldn't check. He didn't care for the mother.

"Oh, that's too bad."

"Muh--maybe you could come in for a drink," said Crystal. She had to keep him here at all costs, until she could flash a warning.

"Why not?" boomed Fred, the happy salesman. He marched into her apartment, dropped his bag, and made himself at home. All she could think was that she had to keep him here and call Sylvia... yet she couldn't call Sylvia right in front of him.

"Tell me about your... project," she said when they had settled on the sofa with drinks.

"Business can wait till tomorrow," he said, and made a dive for her.

She was so astonished that he kissed her twice before she thought to resist. She'd been so concerned with Sylvia's adultery that it had never occurred to her that Fred might also play games.

"FRED! Sylvia's my friend!" she protested.

"Good. Keep her friendship. We won't tell her," he laughed. "You've got a body and a face that won't stop. I really dig you."

"FRED! How would you like it if--uh--Sylvia cheated on you?"

"She never would. I'D KILL HER. But it's different for a man."

One of those, she thought. Her heart sank. Sylvia was a few blocks away, on Fred's bed, naked and plunging on another man's cock. Fred was here trying to make her. How could she manage it-- -to save herself, and protect Sylvia, too. First things first. She pushed Fred away.

"Oh, Fred, I like you. You're great-looking, a terrific man. But I just couldn't."

He patted her knee. "Sure, kid, I understand. Just don't mention my little pass to Sylvia. She thinks I never cheat."

"I won't, Fred. I won't."

He jumped up. "Well, I'd better run along to the Shaftesbury. If I'm out of luck here, I can still make it there."

That would give Sylvia enough time, ten minutes or so. She saw Fred out the door and then rushed to the phone. SYLVIA'S LINE WAS BUSY!

Crystal almost died. Sylvia did only what she herself had done, what many lovers did when they faced an erotic evening. Took the phone off the hook so as not to be interrupted at a critical time. An insistent telephone ringing did nothing for orgasms.

Crystal rushed back to the door. By a miracle Fred was still waiting for the elevator.

"Fred. You've got to come back!"

He returned to her apartment, grinning. He tried to grab her. She backtracked.

"Fred. I want to know now what scheme you and Sylvia are up to. I've got to know now!"

He took her in his arms and boldly rubbed his belly against hers. "Baby, I promised Sylvia we'd only tackle it together. Let's have a little fun first."

He got his hands on her buttocks, forcing her belly to his, gyrating so his cock stood up in his pants. He was in a full blush of lust.

"Fred, dammit, business before pleasure."

He hooked the back of her neck with his hand and brought her face up to his.

"Crystal, you take me into that bedroom of yours. We'll get naked. You give me the start of a good suck and I'll talk."

All she could think of was that sex with him had one great advantage. It took her off the hook as far as her part of Sylvia's adultery went. If she gave him sex, he couldn't say one word about her part in Sylvia's action...

Naked with him on the bed, she found her own lust rising. It had been two weeks since her last sex. Back then there'd been a flurry of lots of sex, with her happy little cunt filled again and again. Then nothing.

Fred Ritter had an okay body, softish but not too soft. He had a sturdy cock, not as big as some she'd had, rather short, but thick. It could groove lots of joy into her.

As he dug his palms into her breasts that always seemed to drive men crazy, she went down on his prick, and to her surprise she thrilled to ecstasy right away. Her hot little box HAD missed all that sex.

"Oh, Fred, this is wrong!" she cried happily. "I shouldn't be doing this."

"Me, n-neither," he gasped. "Still... as future partners..."

She sucked his blade greedily, letting all the good feeling expand her belly, wet her cunt, thrill her nerves. It was a thick little beast and it would feel terrific in her. His hands on her sensitive nipples also heated her eager body. She gave him a dozen luscious sucks and then squeezed and jacked off his member in its casing of her silken saliva.

"T-Tell me, Fred. Tell me what we're going to do."

He kissed her throat. He kissed each breast, making loud sounds. He kissed her mouth. Then, panting, he hugged her and made good on his promise.

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