In Sexual Pursuit - Cover

In Sexual Pursuit


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Salvador, we've got a problem," Chico's voice at the other end of the line announced to the Morros gang leader. Quickly he told the dark serious Cuban of the afternoon's events, beginning with Nancy's seductive appearance at the deserted house that afternoon, her going inside alone with Bernardo and concluding with the news she had somehow gotten ahold of his home phone and called him up telling him some unwelcome news. She had gotten Bernardo to talk, and she had all the inside dope on the Morros. Her information covered a great deal more than what her husband had found out about, and she would not hesitate to talk to whoever would listen. Under the influence of liquor, Bernardo had apparently talked a lot.

"The puta says she's taking the story to the cops and the newspapers unless someone tells the cops her old man was framed," Chico finished. "I thought I better tell you right away."

"Where's Bernardo now?"

"She said she left him dead-drunk in the house. If he hasn't come home yet, I guess he's still there."

"Okay, Chico," Salvador said. "Send one of the boys to pick him up and bring him back here. I'll take care of everything else."

"What should I tell that Taggart woman if she calls back?"

Salvador paused a moment before replying. When he answered, his voice was dangerously calm. "Tell her she'll be hearing from me."

He set the phone back in its cradle, his mind beginning to seethe with anger at the news Chico had just given him. That fucking cunt just wouldn't learn, would she? Well, she'd overshot the mark this time, trying to fool with the leader of the Morros gang. The little bitch was gonna regret it, and before the night was over, too.

The first thing Nancy Taggart had done when she reached home was to shower and try to rinse off some of the grime she felt was clinging to her body and soul. Though she knew in her heart that some of it would always remain, it was worth it; getting even with the Morros was worth it. After her bath she had placed a call to Chico, not wanting to talk to Salvador just yet, but wanting him to get her message.

It wasn't until she sat down for dinner an hour later that the enormity of what she had undertaken, forced to the back of her consciousness all day, now began to strike her with its full force. Everything was happening so fast, she didn't quite know how to deal with it. Her mind kept returning to the obscene events of the afternoon, her prolonged fucking with the devilishly handsome and cruel brother of Salvador Mendosa.

Now that her mission of revenge and rescue of her husband was nearly accomplished, she found herself able to dwell on the more sensual aspects of their bizarre encounter. Her body still trembled at the recollection of the young Cuban's thickly pulsing cock fucking in and out of her wide-stretched cunthole. For there was no denying it, she had enjoyed the shameful fucking to which she had submitted. Her body had been so alive since she had met the Morros, including the night of Rick's arrest, when their fucking had been interrupted by the arrival of the police. She had always enjoyed being screwed, but since that night, with all of the fucking she had gotten since, she seemed to need cock even more. She felt like a totally different person now. Yesterday she had gone to visit her husband again, and had been amazed to feel her pussy become slippery with juices as she sat on the opposite side of the screen, with the sheer desire to fuck him! She felt sick with yearning to have him close to her again, to be able to touch him and have him fuck her newly awakened body. It was partly this desire that had stiffened her resolve to go through with her dangerous scheme. It was worth anything to her to get her husband back safe again. Anything!

But at the same time, Nancy was becoming increasingly nervous. She still hadn't heard from the unscrupulous Morros leader, and as the minutes ticked by, she found herself growing more and more aware of how vulnerable she was, alone in the house. Her nearest neighbor was off on a Caribbean cruise for three weeks, so she was actually alone in the middle of nowhere.

Perhaps she was being foolhardy to try to do this on her own. She hadn't wanted to go to the police with what Bernardo had told her both because it would reveal the sordid details of her afternoon-fucking with Bernardo, and because she wasn't sure that the cops would believe her after what Rick was accused of doing. All she wanted was to get the charges against Rick dropped, and then she was going to persuade him not to continue with his series of articles on gang life. They'd move away, go to another town, if they had to, or another state. She'd had enough of a taste of life on the big city streets to last her forever, and that was why she'd decided to try to make a deal with Salvador on her own. Now, however, she was beginning to regret her decision. Supposing the gang wouldn't believe her? Or beat her up? Or even killed her?

"If I don't hear from Salvador Mendosa in one half-hour," she said aloud, trying to still the rapid beating of her heart and the trembling of her hands, "I'm going to call Rick's editor. He'd know what to do." She lit a cigarette and turned on the television, trying to distract herself while she waited for the allotted time to pass.

Scarcely ten minutes had gone by when she was startled by the sound of someone knocking on the door. She went cold with fear all over, and for a moment wondered if she should answer it. But whoever it was could hear the television and see the light coming from behind the window curtains. Even if she didn't answer, they probably wouldn't go away. Padding barefoot to the door, the young reporter's wife called softly, "Who is it?"

"It's me... Maria," a voice replied on the other side. "I must talk to you."

"What do you want?" Nancy asked, unwilling to be fooled again.

"It's about what you told Chico," the Spanish girl replied. "Salvador's real mad and he's getting the Morros together. I snuck away to warn you. Please, let me in. I don't want to get caught out here if the Morros come."

The urgency of the girl's voice almost convinced Nancy, but still mindful of her previous deceit, she turned on the porch light and put the safety chain on the door before opening it a few inches and peering out into the night to make sure the girl was alone. Her range of vision was limited to a corner of the front porch, filled by the now familiar figure of the curvaceous young brunette, but she appeared to be alone, and so Nancy decided to let her in.

No sooner had she opened the door all the way however, than two male figures pushed their way inside, following right behind Maria. Nancy gasped as she realized that one of them was Chico Ramirez, the man she had called. The other one was unfamiliar. Apparently they had been waiting out of sight in the yard while Maria persuaded her to open the door.

"You tricked me! You tricked me again!" Rick's thunderstruck young wife burst out, turning furiously on the girl who, clad in tight jeans and a T-shirt, was waiting unconcernedly for further instructions. Her only reply to the outraged young wife was a shrug of her shoulders.

"Okay, Maria, find a suitcase and get some of her things packed, and make it fast." It was Chico who spoke, and the dark- haired girl immediately made her way toward Nancy's bedroom. "Now, sweetheart," Chico continued, turning his attention to Nancy, "suppose you just be quiet and come along with us, or do we have to get rough?" He advanced toward her, his eyes hard, and Nancy retreated, terrified.

"I... I don't want to come with you," she cried, trying desperately to think of a way to escape.

Suddenly she reeled backward against the wall as Chico slapped her harshly across the face twice. Gripping the front of her bathrobe, he pulled her roughly to her feet again. "Sweetheart," he hissed, "you're gonna look pretty funny without your teeth, which is how you're gonna be if you don't start doing what we tell you to do."

"Okay, okay, I'll do anything you say," the trembling young wife replied, her heart thudding in her chest.

"Good. Now this here is Jose," Chico said. "I want you to do whatever he wants you to do."

The other Morro, who had let Chico handle everything so far, now rose from the couch where he had been watching silently and came over to where Nancy stood trembling. He looked her over coolly, appraisingly, and Rick's young wife felt herself grow red under his penetrating but impersonal stare. Afraid to move, she steeled herself for whatever might come next.

"You and Bernardo were right, Chico. This woman is truly beautiful. Woman, take off your clothes," he commanded suddenly.

Weeping softly in despair, Nancy complied, shedding her bathrobe and pajamas on the floor, until she stood before him completely naked. Jose reached out and touched her pink-tipped tit with his hand. Nice, very nice, he thought, as his thick cock leapt to life within the confines of his tight Levi's. Stepping back, he took in her lush nakedness with his eyes, the gleaming milk-whiteness of her skin, the deep indentation of her navel between her ripely flaring hips, and the triangular patch of dark gold pussy hairs at the juncture of her long shapely legs.

"Get your coat and some shoes," Jose ordered Nancy.

"What... what are you going to do with me?" the reporter's young wife asked.

Chico smiled. "You're coming to the Morros headquarters," he informed her coolly, almost gently. "You will meet all of the Morros gang personally and show them how sorry you are, that you have caused so much trouble for them."

Nancy's eyes opened wide in horror at his words. She was going to be forced to let the entire gang fuck her. How could they be so cruel? But she knew that they were. "No... no," she pleaded. "I won't do it. I'll call the police. You can't make me do it. No! Nnnnnnooooo!"

Chico shrugged. "You may not like our gang at first. But after you have got to know them better you will curse the day when you will have them no more."

Nancy went pale at his brutal words, knowing instinctively that he meant every one of them. Inwardly she cursed herself for having left herself open to this trap. She never should have tried to deal with the ruthless street-gang leader who for all of his ignorance in a civilized way of life, could outsmart most men on his own turf. Now she had no choice but to go with these horrible hoodlums and hope that somehow, some way, she would find a means of escape.

"I'll go get dressed," she whispered numbly.

"Just put on your coat and shoes," Jose instructed. "This is a - how do you say - come-as-you-are party!"

Flushed with shame, Nancy went to the closet and put on her raincoat and a pair of shoes. She pulled the belt of the coat tight around her, so that it gave at least the impression that she was dressed, although the material felt strange against her bare skin.

When at last she was ready, Chico removed her wallet and keys from her purse and Jose steered her toward the door. Nancy's heart stopped as the cruel gang member withdrew a vicious-looking switchblade knife from his pocket and snapped it open. "One false move between here and the car, chica, and you're dead!" he warned her as they started out the front door to the car.

Chico had brought another Morro along to drive, in case Nancy gave them any trouble, and so he and Jose both got into the fur- covered back seat with Nancy. Maria started to follow. "You get in the front with Esteban," he ordered her.

"Hey, Chico, when are you gonna pay me for what I did?" the petulant brunette demanded. "You told me after we got the chica."

"Yeah, yeah, later," he muttered. "Don't bother me now. I'll give it to you when we get to Salvador's house." He closed the door to the car and as soon as Maria was settled in the front seat, the big Chevy eased its way out into the street.

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