In Sexual Pursuit - Cover

In Sexual Pursuit


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

It took several days for Nancy Taggart to decide on a plan of action that would get her revenge on the Mendosa brothers and the Morros gang in general, and at the same time, prove her husband innocent of the charges he was being held for. But when it had finally worked itself out, Nancy worked quickly to get together the things she would need to make her plan work.

The items she removed from her closet drawers and placed on her bed were mostly clothing, although they were not the kind of clothing she normally wore. Lighting a cigarette, Rick's young wife began to pace around the spacious bedroom, deep in thought.

Nancy, she told herself inwardly, you're being a fool. Just because Rick's been victimized by some gang of juvenile delinquents and you've been brutalized by those young punks is no reason to think you can get even with them, ruin them. It's absolutely ridiculous to even think about it.

Yet even as she struggled with herself, a deeper feeling rose that easily thrust aside the reasonable part of her mind that struggled futilely to dissuade her from the strange scheme. This feeling was revenge, pure and simple. The trusting blonde girl had been shocked and abused in a way she had never thought possible, and her own reporter-husband was behind bars, the victim of those hoodlums' frame. At first the full realization of what was happening had paralyzed her completely, to the extent that she had seriously considered leaving her home in Miami and going to visit her sister. But after two days of weeping and self-pity, an inexorable desire for revenge had begun to consume her. And out of this desire for vengeance, she had formed a plan.

Stamping out her cigarette, she closed the curtains on the window and then quickly began to undress until she was completely naked, her cream-white skin glowing softly in the muted afternoon sunlight. She picked up one of the items of clothing she had dug out from the back of the closet, a pair of extra-short Levi's she wore only in the house. The young blonde wife examined the skimpy garment slowly, her face registering mixed feelings of determination and doubt.

"I... I can't wear these in public," she murmured to herself.

Suddenly she threw the shorts down onto the bed, turning away anxiously, as if once more regretting her detailed scheme. Then she suddenly remembered something her young husband had once said to her the last time she had worn them around the house.

"Honey," her husband's remark echoed in her mind, "you look terrific. If I didn't have to go to work today, I'd pull you down and fuck you as you stand."

Once more Rick's young wife went to the bed and picked up the cut-off Levi's. Then, with trembling fingers, she began to put on the short pants, wriggling her young body as she pulled the tight- fitting cut-offs over her full firm thighs and hips. Finally they were zipped up, clinging to Nancy's curvaceous legs and sensuously rounded asscheeks like a gleaming second skin.

It was the first time the young blonde had ever worn anything without underwear and the sensation of the soft, well-worn denim material on her naked flesh was unexpectedly thrilling, particularly where the soft cotton snuggled up into her thin pussy cleft, giving her crotch the appearance of two shiny scarlet lips as the supple material molded to every ridge of her soft young cunt.

She walked over toward the full-length bathroom mirror, her heart beating fast as she realized with surprise that she was growing almost... almost excited at the way the short pants clung tautly to her young ripe form, and rode up to expose a tiny glimpse of her smooth asscheeks.

Seeing herself clad in only the short shorts made the young wife gasp as she caught sight of herself in the mirror, looking almost like a streetwalker out to get a trick. At first she didn't like the blatantly seductive appearance, but after a few moments she became somewhat pleased that she was able to transform herself like that, and it was undeniable that there was a certain erotic charge in her body due to the shorts. Quickly she returned to the bed and put on another item from the back of her closet. It had been a present from Rick, a little something he said to wear around the house when no one was around, a bright pink silk wrap-around blouse, almost no more than a scarf wrapped around her tits. The soft material clung magically to Nancy's hugely ballooning tits and when she returned to the mirror she caught her breath at the wildly erotic image she beheld.

Yes, she thought to herself decisively, yes, this is just what I need. This will do fine.

Her timidity and embarrassment were gone now, and her blue eyes glittered with a strange satisfaction. She wanted revenge on Salvador Mendosa and his brother and all the cheap hoodlums who belonged to the Morros gang or any other gang like them. Oh, yes, they were street-wise punks, but the young blonde reporter's wife knew she had a weapon to fight them with.

She knew that those hoodlums, especially the Cubans or any Latins, had no respect for women, that all females were merely machines to satisfy their sadistic lusts, animals to be played with and abused, humiliated and treated like fourth-class citizens. And yet in an odd sort of way, she understood that a woman was central to their lifestyle, for without a female to brutalize as they wished, they had no gauge for their manhood, no way to assert themselves as dominant, all-powerful males.

Nancy smiled perversely as she realized that for all the contempt they displayed toward her, she understood that their attitude toward women was their fatal weakness, and that a woman, if she wanted to, could wrap any one of those thugs around her little finger by using that most formidable of weapons - her sex. Behind their cruel eyes, their braggart manner, their crude behavior, Rick's young wife knew that these gang members were frightened, foolish young men committing endless criminal acts to satisfy their need for power, and humiliating women to insure themselves of their omnipotency and dominance. And now, the young blonde was going to use what she knew about them to trick Salvador Mendosa's younger brother Bernardo into revealing what he knew about her husband's arrest and other Morros activities. With luck, with a great deal of luck, she hoped to seduce the dark- haired young Cuban gang-member and get him to talk and then she was going to expose the gang like her husband never could.

She stood before the mirror, scrutinizing her appearance, and trying to cope with the recurring fears that echoed in her brain, fears that argued violently against her plan. Did she really think she could get away with it? Wasn't she just leaving herself wide open for more brutal fucking? Was all her scheming and planning merely the foolish fantasy of a naive young wife suddenly faced with the stark realities of the real life on the streets? Maybe... maybe all of it was true. But the blonde girl also knew that those Morros had taken away the one thing in her life that she cherished most, Rick. Her husband was gone, locked in prison because of the Morros gang, and Nancy was now like a woman possessed, possessed with the consuming need to help her young husband, and have her revenge on all of the smug young punks who had treated her so horribly, and she knew that she would not stop until she reached that end.

Bernardo Mendosa sat on the floor in the living room of the deserted house where only days before his older brother had fucked Taggart's wife. He turned the magazine he was reading sideways and pulled the centerfold out of the center. He licked his lips hungrily, wishing that Maria was here to suck him off. He was in the middle of these lecherous thoughts when Chico suddenly burst into the house.

"Santa Maria, Bernardo," he said, "you'll never guess who's out there in the street!"

"Farrah Fawcett-Majors?" Bernardo inquired with a lewd arch of his eyebrow. He took a drink from the nearly full bottle of liquor at his side.

"Damn near. It's Taggart's wife, and you ain't gonna believe how she looks. Man, I had a fuckin' hard-on the minute I saw her."

"The reporter's wife? What the hell's she doin' here? If she don't watch out she's gonna get the same fucking she got before! Anyone else know she's here?"

"Nah, some of the women saw her, but they won't tell the men; too jealous."

"Well... what's she doin'?"

"I don't know, she's just standing in front of the house."

"What? What the hell is she up to?"

"Maybe we had her figured wrong. Maybe she had the hots for you. And Christ, the way she's all dolled up..."

"Maybe I oughta go have a look for myself. Maybe she's flipped out or somethin'. You know it happens sometimes to chicks that ain't too together. With her husband in jail and all, and after the fucking Salvador gave her when she was here!"

"You might be right, Bernardo. 'Cause that baby sure don't look the same as last time she was in here. It's funny, though, her comin' back. I thought Salvador had scared her so bad she'd never get in our way again. Could be she's up to somethin'."

"Yeah, could be."

"Should I get the rest of the gang?"

"Hell, no. I can handle this."

"Listen, Bernardo. Salvador might not like it. He's been kind of uptight lately about the heat coming down on us whatever we do, and then that damn reporter..."

"Oh yeah? Well, let me worry about staying out of the cops' reach."

"Whatever you want, Bernardo," Chico sighed, knowing it was useless to argue with the hot-headed Bernardo.

"Yeah, let me go out and see what she wants. Maybe she wants a little more of a good Latin's cock, know what I mean? Maybe she's beginnin' to dig it!" The dark-haired Morro laughed and winked at the other man.

"Yeah? Ya mean like Maria?" Chico said, knowing how many Spanish girls, when first introduced to fucking like the Morros liked it, had eventually come to crave the brand of screwing that the gang preferred.

"Yeah, like Maria," Chico replied. "Except Maria's gettin' a little stale. I could use some fresh hot pussy, ya know."

The two Morros gang members laughed conspiratorially as Bernardo flipped the magazine aside, stood up, yanked up his tight Levi's so that the thick mound of his cock was clearly outlined, then made his way to the front door.

Out in the street stood Nancy on the sidewalk, dressed in the outfit she had put together the day before, her seductive appearance heightened by the liberal use of thick red lipstick, dark-blue eye shadow, and heavy black eye liner setting off the sapphire sparkle of her eyes. She had drunk a few good stiff drinks before she had ventured out of her house and now it seemed to be hitting her. She began to be concerned about becoming too drunk to carry out her plan. She looked up as she heard the door of the run-down house open and found herself staring into Bernardo Mendosa's cruel young face.

"Well, well, well," he murmured as he caught sight of the young blonde reporter's wife and took in her alluring new appearance. "Still trying to save your husband, huh?"

Fighting back a gnawing surge of anger and fear, Nancy stared directly into the young hoodlum's eyes without flinching.

"Maybe," she said in a low, husky voice, "... and maybe not."

"You know, chica, you could get in big trouble if the rest of the gang knew you were here."

"Yes?" she replied casually, glancing softly up at him. "Well, I don't care any more. They don't frighten me. Do they frighten you, Bernardo?"

"Me?" Bernardo retorted. "Hell, no. But they might if I was not a member."

"Yeah... I know." Slowly, Nancy let her tongue lick a slow tantalizing trail around the curving circle of her red lips and let her eyes travel boldly up and down his slim young body. "You're quite a man."

"Think so, huh?" Bernardo said, growing rather excited by the older woman's attitude and appearance. "Guess it sort of frustrated you when we didn't get to fuck? Huh?"


Bernardo came quickly down the steps of the front porch and stood in front of the provocative young wife. He was so close he could smell the sultry scent of her perfume, and his young cock stiffened hotly in his pants as he stood next to her sensually attired body.

"Seems like you've changed quite a bit from the first time we met," he remarked. "What happened to you? You trying to pull some kind of fast one on me?"

"No," she said coolly, although her heart was thudding wildly in her chest.

"Then why are you here?"

"My husband has been in jail for a week and a half now..." she struggled to get the words out of her mouth. "... and I miss him, that is, I miss his cock. It's been so long since a man has fucked me and I need it so badly. That's why I thought of you. You are so handsome."

"Yeah, a lot of girls think so. That bastard husband really pulled one over on you, getting himself caught that way, didn't he?"

Nancy felt a sudden urge to slap the young Cuban punk across the face for what he was saying, but she held back, determined to go ahead with her daring scheme no matter what she had to endure to carry it through.

"Yes... he did." The young blonde wife took a deep breath of air.

"Well, don't take it so hard, woman. There's plenty other cocks to feed a hungry pussy."

The reporter's wife turned slowly toward the street-gang member and let her eyes lock directly with his.

"Yes," she replied in a near-whisper, "plenty."

Bernardo's rigid cock was throbbing painfully in his tight trousers as Nancy exerted all of her potent female charms on him. Her erotic appearance had had a great effect on the horny young Morro and he was completely taken in by her story, feeling pleased and smug that the blonde girl, wife of the gang's enemy, was now hungry for his body.

"Yeah, I guess you've been pretty lonely with your husband in jail, huh? Guess you been itchin' for some other cock to satisfy your pussy, huh?"

Nancy laughed softly, so as not to betray her shock at his obscene words.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," she managed to reply, surprised herself at the conviction in her voice. "But I don't think your brother or the other Morros would like it if you and I... I mean, he'll probably think I'm trying to get something out of you."

Bernardo stepped away from her and eyed her steadily.

"Are you?" he asked coolly.

Nancy laughed softly, and returned his steady look.

"Sure, Bernardo..." Slowly she reached down with her left hand and placed it seductively on his right leg, sliding it with agonizing slowness upward toward his inner thigh. The dark-haired hoodlum's cock quivered excitedly and lurched against the taut material of his pants like a caged animal suddenly gone wild. Finally the young blonde wife let her palm and fingers rest directly on the shuddering mound and began to massage slowly, sensuously. "I want something out of you, handsome... but it has nothing to do with Rick or your brother." She lowered her voice to a sultry whisper, still continuing to press her hand hard onto the hotly throbbing bulge at his crotch. "I've wanted you from the first minute I saw you, Bernardo."

"Even though I nearly raped you the other day?"

"Maybe because of it..."

There was a long simmering silence between the two of them.

"Well, ' Bernardo murmured urgently, suddenly realizing that they were standing in the middle of the street. "Maybe we oughta go in the house and finish what we started."

"I'd like that, Bernardo... I'd like it a lot. But your brother might..."

"Fuck him!" The young Cuban snapped impatiently. "I do what I want, and I don't give a good goddamn what my brother thinks."

Nancy smiled at him, her eyes glimmering with desire.

"Is there someplace in the house where... ?" she whispered.

"There's a room upstairs with a mattress in it."

"Good, but are you sure we won't be interrupted by any of the other Morros?"

"No, they won't interfere."

"What are we waiting for, then?"

"Fuckin' nothing, that's what," he said, his eyes flashing with obscene purpose. "Get your ass in the house and let me have a word with Chico here."

Rick's young wife grinned seductively and began walking up the sidewalk to the porch while Bernardo waited until she was almost to the door before he walked over to where Chico was standing.

"Me and the girl are going in the house for a while."

"Hey, Bernardo, do you think that's a good idea? I mean, Salvador ain't gonna like it."

"You let me worry about Salvador," Bernardo snarled. "And don't you rat on me or I'll slit your throat, ya got it?"

"Yeah, Bernardo, I got it," the burly gang member sighed. "Just be careful."

"I'm always careful, man, you know that."

Abruptly the young Cuban turned away to join Nancy, who stood waiting near the front door. Chico watched as they entered the house, and his brow furrowed with concern as he saw Bernardo slip his hand down behind the Levi's-encased asscheeks of the young blonde reporter's wife and begin to furtively massage the smoothly curved mounds.

"Be careful, hombre," he murmured to himself. They shut the door behind them. "She is a woman with a purpose."

Inside the house, Bernardo led Nancy upstairs into a small, seedy-looking room on the second floor. It was as filthy as the rest of the place. At one time it had been painted a pale yellow, but the walls were now coated with dirt. There were some empty beer cans scattered about on the floor and a worn-out mattress lay in one corner.

"Well, it ain't much," Bernardo remarked as he closed and locked the bedroom door behind him, "but it's got the essentials."

The young reporter's wife gulped with anxiety to find herself in such dismal surroundings with the young Morros gang member. She had been desperately masking her intense dislike for the youth, and fighting back the surging flow of fear that threatened to destroy her carefully managed cool. But she knew she had to go through with it now.

Bernardo had pulled down the shade on the window and flicked on a glaring overhead lightbulb that illuminated the small room with a flat harsh glare, making it even uglier than before. Then the dark-haired Cuban walked directly to the young bride and without a word grabbed her roughly and began kissing her face, neck, and shoulders with a hungry urgency, while running his hands up and down over her provocatively clad young body.

Nancy was thrown off guard momentarily by the arrogant Morros member's abrupt ardor, but reminding herself of her desperate mission she began to return his obscene kisses, and let her hands begin to rove eagerly over his lean young body. At first she was somewhat reserved, but within a few minutes she found herself beginning to fall into the lusty excitement of the moment, strangely aroused not only by the sex-driven Cuban, but by the bizarre circumstances. She could hardly believe that she would actually thrill to the idea of being fucked by Bernardo Mendosa, the man responsible for sending her man to jail, embracing him like some desperate harlot, yet it was happening. The young reporter's wife reminded herself that she was here to save her husband, and yet there was an undeniable tide of desire shivering through her voluptuous young frame, and she was helpless to resist it.

Finally, she pulled away from the hotly aroused Cuban, gasping for breath.

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