In Sexual Pursuit - Cover

In Sexual Pursuit


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Well, well, well," Bernardo said, pocketing the key and surveying her with interest. "So you're that no good drug-pushing reporter's wife. You're not a bad-looking cunt, Mrs. Taggart, not bad at all!"

Nancy could hardly believe the sudden change in the young man's attitude. "How dare you speak to me like that?" she demanded, beginning to feel alarmed as the two young men started moving closer to her.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced, Mrs. Taggart," Bernardo said, extending his hand. "My name's Bernardo Mendosa. Me and my brother ought to be real well known to you and your husband. Me and Salvador are the leaders of the gang your husband likes to write so many articles about. We are the leaders of the Morros. The most famous street gang in all of Miami!"

Nancy fell backwards as though she'd been physically struck when she realized who he was. All at once everything fell into place, even the strange, worn-out building Maria had led her into. Of course, she knew about the Morros. Rick had written so many articles about the Morros that she felt she knew each dangerous member personally. It was interesting that Maria had come to their hideout. The marijuana had been planted by the Morros gang, just as Rick suspected, to get him off their backs.

"Now just what was it you wanted to talk to Maria about, Mrs. Taggart?"

"You know perfectly well what I wanted to talk to her about," Nancy sputtered. "She came to our house the morning before my husband was arrested and she planted those marijuana sacks, and you know it! Now let me out of here, you... you cheap hoodlum!"

Bernardo and Chico exchanged amused glances at the young blonde wife's outburst, but made no movement to open the door. "Say, man, she's real excited, isn't she?" Chico said. "Making up stories about some niña named Maria. You know anybody named Maria, Bernardo? I don't."

"Me neither. Never heard of anybody with that name before. Say, Chico, I'll bet I know why she's so upset. Her hombre's been in the jail for three nights. The little lady probably ain't been gettin' any cock, you know? She must be just dying for a good fuck. Nobody shoved a big hot cock up in her pussy for four whole days. Chicas go crazy after a while if they don't get fucked good, might even start seeing things."

"Yeah, that's right. Maybe we oughta help her out, huh?"

To Nancy's horror, the muscular street-gang member reached down lewdly and began stroking the ample bulge of his cock and balls inside his tight trousers, grinning at her lasciviously. An icy shiver of terror coursed through her ripe young body as the two men began advancing slowly toward her, stalking her like wolves after their prey. Both of them, particularly Bernardo, were more than a little high. The reporter's wife's eyes opened wide in fear as she looked at the two Morros members, her glance darting from one to the other, as she backed toward the door.

"Don't you touch me," she whispered. "You're in enough trouble already. I'll go to the police."

Her continued defiance only served to excite in Bernardo an even keener lust. From his earliest childhood he had been surrounded by an atmosphere permeated with the subtle sexual subjugation of women. Shielded from most knowledge of his father's activities with the gang when he was a child, he had nonetheless been fascinated by the Cuban men's ability to control women. It seemed one of the most exciting aspects of masculinity, real masculinity, to be able to get anything you wanted from chicks. Maria and his cousin Rosita had been his favorite opportunities to try out his own powers so far, but already he was learning, learning that you didn't have to take any back-talk from chicas. Now he had in his power the delectable young wife of an enemy of the Morros and he was going to teach her and her husband a lesson about messing around with the street gang, especially the Morros, a lesson he was going to enjoy and they would never forget!

"You aren't goin' nowhere until we're finished with you, chica," he slurred, grabbing Nancy's slender wrist harshly and pulling her toward him. Christ, she had big tits, bigger than any he'd ever seen before! Already he could feel his cock throbbing heatedly against his thigh at just the thought of enjoying the luscious body of the girl who had suddenly fallen into his possession. Drunken images of all the things he'd like to do with her poured into his mind. This was a real prize! Not just one of the gang's women who'd practically spread their legs on demand, but an outsider, a chick who didn't know yet who was boss. Well, he was gonna show her, all right!

Suddenly Nancy began struggling like a wildcat, twisting and kicking with all her might, and screaming for help. Surprised at her sudden violence, Bernardo relaxed his grip, but her freedom only lasted for an instant. Chico intercepted her and delivered a brutal slap to the side of her face that sent her reeling backward against the wall.

"Try that again, bitch, and next time I won't bother to open my hand. You'll get a fistful of what you just got, and you won't look so pretty afterwards, right Bernardo?"

"Yeah," Salvador Mendosa's degenerate younger brother replied, having watched the sudden attack on the young reporter's wife with mounting arousal. Chico knew how to handle women, all right, for Nancy was cowering against the opposite wall, whimpering with the pain of the harsh slap and obviously much more subdued.

"What'll we do with her now, Chico?" Bernardo asked, giving the older gang member a chance to have a say in the matter.

Chico grinned. "Let's see what kind of woman we got here."

Grabbing Nancy's arm, he pulled her roughly into the middle of the dingy room, then held her arms tight behind her back. "Go ahead, Bernardo" he urged. "Get her naked."

"No! No!" Nancy pleaded. "Leave me alone, please!" Why was this happening to her? Why?

But the two gang members were deaf to her pleas. Insolently, Bernardo began unbuttoning the front of her dress, ripping off the buttons that his fingers couldn't undo easily. Pushing the thin cotton material roughly aside, he began a lewd caress of her huge, softly billowing tits, still clad in her white silk slip and bra.

Abandoning the attempt to undress her in the ordinary way, he reached into his jacket, withdrew a switchblade, and proceeded to slice through the thin straps of her undergarments. Then he pushed her slip and bra downward around her waist so that the quivering white mounds of her titties were nakedly exposed to his lust- filled gaze.

Nancy squirmed helplessly in Chico's iron grip as the completely amoral gang member began a lewdly insulting caress of her heaving tits, squeezing and kneading them shamelessly while the two Morros continued their obscene jests about her.

"Shit, I'll bet Taggart's really anxious to get out of jail and get home to these tits," Bernardo joked, bouncing the huge mounds on his hands and tweaking her nipples teasingly until Nancy felt little knifelike stabs of sensation in the tender flesh, which now began to tighten and stand out from the surrounding aureoles.

"Maybe we could send him a letter to tell him we're taking care of his wife for him," Chico suggested, and they laughed drunkenly at their own humor.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Nancy moaned helplessly. "What do you want from me?"

"Oh baby, this is all for you," Bernardo insisted, his voice full of feigned kindness. "We just want to give you something nice to think about next time you or your hubby are tempted to make trouble for the Morros gang, that's all!"

Savoring the young wife's look of fear and utter humiliation, Bernardo Mendosa reached up under her skirt and began stroking the smooth nylon-clad flesh of her thigh, pushing the material of her dress and slip upwards out of the way. Nancy felt his hand on the bare flesh at the top of her stockings, and inwardly she cursed herself for having been so foolhardy as to come into the neighborhood alone and try to find Maria on her own. She should have called the police when she saw the girl, not followed her right into the hangout of the gang who was responsible for her husband's arrest. Now she would be lucky, probably, if she got out of here alive!

Bernardo by now was lewdly worming his fingers under the tight elastic legband of her white nylon panties, oblivious to the restraints of her encumbering clothing, and Nancy cringed as she felt his fingers graze lightly over the soft cushion of her trembling pussy mound and then relentlessly insinuate themselves into the narrow split between them. It was incomprehensible to the captive reporter's wife that Bernardo or anyone could be so corrupt.

Now Chico's hands reached around from behind her and seized the softly trembling flesh of her nakedly quivering tits, while his fellow Morro continued his lewd searching at the entrance to her tightly clenched cunthole. Nancy was sandwiched helplessly between the two unscrupulous hoodlums, her legs forced open by the obscene pressure of Bernardo's hands. She no longer tried to fight them, mindful of the terrifying switchblade that Bernardo had produced so readily from beneath his jacket, and also hoping that if she surrendered, her ordeal would be over sooner.

"Nice tight pussy," Bernardo hissed, pressing his extended middle finger forward, up into the tight recesses of her cunt. "Just the way I like 'em!"

Nancy tried to close her ears to the crudity of the two depraved street-gang members, forcing her mind to think of other things, of Rick, of home, of anything that would dull the sharp edge of terror and humiliation she felt. But suddenly Bernardo forced her back to reality by dropping to his knees in front of her and, reaching all the way up underneath her dress and slip, gripping the tight elastic waistband of her panties and drawing them down over her long slender legs!

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