In Sexual Pursuit - Cover

In Sexual Pursuit


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"REGISTER REPORTER ARRESTED FOR SELLING DRUGS" the headlines of the Banner screamed, and underneath was the story of how Rick Taggart had sold marijuana to high school students.

"Now, honey, keep calm," Nancy Taggart's hazel-eyed husband counseled her from the other side of the screen, brushing a lock of his light brown hair out of his eyes. "Obviously it was a frame. One of the stories I'm on. The heat was probably too much for them, so whoever it was tried to put me out of action. Probably the street gang, you know, the Morros. I've been doing a series of articles on them, their goings on, their legendary trophy room."

"But how could a street gang do something like framing you? I mean, I always thought that they didn't concern themselves with things like framing people. I thought they were just small-time punks, juvenile delinquents."

"Most of them are, honey. But the Morros, they are a little bit different. It's been around for a long time, this Morros gang, started by a Cuban refugee in the forties, now it's headed by the man's sons. But they're good, and they know what they are about. But then again, as good as they are, they are not quite good enough or powerful enough to cover all the angles. Just give the cops some time and they'll find out that I've been framed. Just don't worry about it. It'll turn out all right. Really, honey, don't worry."

Nancy looked longingly through the mesh screen at her handsome young husband. With all her heart she wanted to reach out and touch him, hold him, and tell him she loved him. But that was against the rules. Visitors must have no physical contact with prisoners. All she could do was stare numbly at him, her whole being filled with an aching loneliness worse than anything she'd ever suffered in her young life.

"Is there anything that I can do? I told the police what happened, but is there something I can do? Anything!" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"No, you just stay clear of the Morros and let the police handle it. They know where to look and they can handle the people."

"But I know I'd recognize the girl again If I saw her. Did you tell them that I could go down to the area and see whether I could find her?"

"No, if the police pick anybody up, they'll call you to make an identification."

A warning bell sounded, indicating that visiting hours were at an end.

"Okay, if you think that it will be better for me to stay put," Nancy said, her stomach contracting at the prospect of being separated from her husband so soon.

"No. You just stay home and be there if the police need you."

The young reporter smiled as reassuringly as he could at his blue-eyed wife, who looked so forlorn on the other side of the screen. "And bring me a great big smile next time you come. Okay?"

Nancy nodded, not trusting her voice. Just then a blue- uniformed guard approached Rick. "I'm afraid that's all the time you've got, Taggart," he said, although his voice wasn't unkind. Rick nodded, and turned his back to the screen.

"I love you, honey," he whispered. "And this'll all be over in no time, you'll see."

"I love you too, darling. I'll... I'll see you."

A few moments later, Nancy was making her way down the broad, steep flight of steps that led from the door of the county jail to the sidewalk below. She started toward her car which was parked down the street, but she suddenly realized that she didn't want to go home. She couldn't face the prospect of going home to her empty house, a house that she could not tolerate without her husband. She would walk a little bit, get her mind off of things for a moment.

Once again Nancy's eyes blurred with tears as her mind went over the nightmarish events three days ago. Everything had gone exactly as she had planned. The dinner was perfect, and by the time they had finished their brandy and coffee, both of them were feeling relaxed and mellow. Rick went into the living room to read the paper while Nancy cleared the table. Then she slipped into the bedroom and changed into a clinging pair of blue satin lounging pajamas that he had given her for their anniversary, daubed some of her sultriest perfume behind her ears, and loosened her shoulder-length blonde hair so that it fell in soft shimmering waves around her face. Satisfied with her appearance, she went back into the living room and snuggled down next to her husband on the couch.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, you smell good," he murmured, burying his lips in the softness of her curly blonde hair. "What's all this?" he asked, as he opened his eyes and took in her seductive appearance.

"I thought tonight would be a good time to have some fun," his wife replied, to his delight.

"I think that's a great idea," Rick whispered, taking her in his arms and running his hands over the enticingly smooth surface of the clinging pajamas. Her body was soft and yielding underneath, and his prick leapt hungrily to life for he knew that beneath the shimmering garment she was wearing no bra. Her huge tits rose and fell excitedly under his caressing fingers, her nipples tightening into hard pyramidal points. Gently he pushed aside the folds of her tie-front jacket so that the pearl-white mounds, tipped with the softest coral color, were nakedly revealed to his gaze.

Nancy could feel her husband's mounting desire in the trembling of his muscular body as he touched her, and in the sudden quickening of his breath as he bent to take her tingling nipples into his mouth. She leaned back on the couch and let her fingers twine in his sandy hair, trying to communicate with her yielding body all the love and tenderness she felt for him.

She, too, began to feel a rising excitement as he buried his face between her softly billowing tits and reached around to stroke the silky plane of her naked back. Her heart beating faster, almost as though this were their first night together, she accommodated her supple young body to his, arching her back upward to meet his increasingly passionate lips and hands.

"Oh Nancy, I want you so much," the lean-bodied young reporter whispered. "Sooooo much."

"Then take me, Rick darling, fuck me now!" she heard herself murmuring in reply.

Their eyes met, and a galvanic current of love and excitement passed between them, igniting a potent spark of desire that licked greedily at the blonde bride's loins as they moved into the bedroom. Quickly, Rick unbuttoned his shirt and flung it aside. His voluptuous young wife ran her red-tipped fingers up and down over his naked chest, savoring the sculpted hardness of his muscular arms and shoulders, sunburned from their weekend trip to the beach. Standing up to embrace him, she let the top of her satin pajamas slip off her arms, so that her upper torso was completely naked as she pressed herself lovingly against him, her huge tits crushing against the warmth of her husband's strong hard chest.

Covering her shoulders and neck with warm kisses, Rick ran his hands down over the rounded hillocks of her smoothly curved asscheeks, squeezing and kneading them until they glowed with a pleasant heat beneath the cool satin material. He bent her body backwards over his arm so that he could snake his tongue in a lewd wet line from her smooth white neck down between the gleaming mounds of her tits, to the soft flat expanse of her belly to the waistband of her blue satin pajamas. Still supporting her with one strong arm, he used his free hand to untie the drawstring at her waist, and with a rustling sound, the satin pajama bottoms slid to the floor, leaving Nancy completely naked in the half- light of the bedroom.

Rick stepped back far enough so that he could look at his wife for a minute, drinking in the sight of her lush nakedness as though he were dying of thirst. Nancy, scarcely daring to look him in the eye as he gazed with open desire at her young vulnerable body, could see the thick bulge made by his aroused cock inside his pants. It looked as hard as an iron pipe as it pulsed visibly against his thigh, and the experienced young bride felt a thrill of lust course through her lithe young body at the thought that soon the enormous staff would be fucking deep into her tiny pussyhole all the way to the hilt.

Rick, too, was seized with the same thought, as his eyes roved up and down her naked flesh from the golden halo that framed her face and made her eyes look an even deeper blue than usual, over the delicate curves of her neck and shoulders to the enticing fullness of her sensuously ballooning tits, then the indentation of her tiny waist which blossomed outward into the softly rounded contours of her hips, and finally over the length of her long, perfectly shaped legs. He found his eyes returning, as if drawn by a magnet, to the downy triangle of softly curling cunt hairs at the juncture of her thighs.

His tumescent cock throbbed almost painfully with the desire to fuck into her wet pink cunt, to lose himself inside her cunt depths as if her pussy were a cave, a place of refuge from all the storms that seemed to be gathering around him. Harsh masculine lust thundered through his twenty-two-year-old body, and it took all his willpower and control to restrain himself from throwing Nancy down on the floor and assaulting her vulnerably inviting nakedness with all his strength. But that would be a mistake, he knew. Maybe later. But not yet. Not tonight, tonight he was going to take it slow. Now Rick picked her up in his arms, and began carrying her onto the bed, while his naked wife clung to him happily.

He set her down gently on the bed, and then, never taking his eyes from her lushly inviting nakedness, unbuckled his belt and stepped out of both his pants and shorts. Nancy gasped as his thickly throbbing prick sprang free from the confines of his clothing, standing out perpendicularly from the tangle of his brown pubic hair.

He walked over to the bed, his hard, lust-swollen balls bobbing against his hair-fringed thighs as he moved. Lowering himself onto the bed beside her, he again took his wife in his arms, and Nancy thrilled as she felt the vein-ridged surface of his huge cock surge wildly against the smooth skin of her naked thigh. Soon they were locked together in a wordless embrace, their hands eagerly exploring each other's body as they rolled about their wide double bed with rapidly mounting abandon.

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