Incestuous Love - Cover

Incestuous Love


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - As a teenager, Linda swears off men 'forever' after she is brutaly raped and impregnated by a complete stranger. One night she is invited to a party by her now-teenage son's girlfriend's mom, where she has her mind changed and has more pleasure than she ever dreamed of. From then on she never turns down a chance for pleasure, even when the pleasure is with her son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ray fell back on the pillow, momentarily exhausted from all the sexual activity, but he stared in awe at the blonde woman, Linda, as she licked the last drops of semen from his deflating cock. Quite a transformation had taken place, as she wasn't at all like the woman Valerie had described when calling that afternoon. Valerie knew how to pick them all right. The sexual potential had been there, and they had all succeeded in bringing it out. Linda was wild and wanton and wonderfully sexy. And the way she had just so eagerly sucked his cock, made him know that he'd want her again. Without question, she would be more than willing.

The taste of hot sperm in her mouth was like an appetizer, and when Ray's limp cock pulled from her mouth, Linda felt even hungrier than before. The pulsating sensations in her belly were becoming more demanding by the second, and she raised up, looking around the darkened room. There seemed to be fewer people, but from what she could make out, most - if not all - were engaged in sexual activities.

No longer self-conscious, she stood up and walked toward the bar, leaving her clothes in a heap by the pillow. Everyone else was naked and, anyway, after what she had done in front of others, her nudity was hardly shameful. There was no shame or shyness left, or so she thought, and she did what would have been unthinkable an hour earlier. She brazenly walked up to the only fully dressed person in the place, Jason, and asked for another of his "special" drinks.

The lulling, stimulating effects of the concoction came on quickly, and she decided to explore a little, seeking what might be a pleasant situation. Tom Harvey was not in the big room, and neither was Valerie. Linda guessed there had to be other rooms where similar activities were in progress, and she started out looking for them. To leave the long downstairs room she had to step over couples laying on the floor, but she only glanced at them, as none were at the moment ready to offer her anything. She was looking for somebody interesting and unengaged, possibly like Tom Harvey, her host.

There wasn't time nor the desire to think about what was happening to her, though in the back of her mind she thought she might feel differently in the light of day. But then, she was feeling that the party was just getting started, and she walked nakedly through the living room and in the direction of a hallway she had seen from the front door. When she reached it she heard sounds coming from a room down the hall, and since the door was open, she just walked on inside. The walls of the room were multicolored, the ceiling mirrored with tiny pin-points of light like stars imbedded in it, but Linda saw none of those details. What she did see made her gasp in surprise.

The entire floor of the room, perhaps twenty by twenty, was made up of a mattress-like covering, and on one part of it was Don, the man she had seen last night with Valerie; he was in the process of fucking someone dog-style. The attractive young redhead he was fucking was wiggling her ass back against his lunging cock, but what made the perverted picture even more enticing, the girl at the same time was licking Valerie's wide-splayed cunt. Valerie was on her back in front of the girl, her legs drawn up so that her wetly glistening cunt was completely open to the tongue lashing. What really stunned Linda though, was the fact that the girl in the middle, the one being fucked and in turn licking pussy, was Valerie's daughter Karen!

Linda felt a cold shudder run up her spine as the realization came clear in her lust-fogged brain. If that was Karen, then where was... ?

Before words could totally form in her head, Linda had the answer to her question. She sensed it without seeing that someone had entered the room behind her. Her whole naked body tingled with hyper-charged awareness, feeling eyes examining her buttocks, scanning over her body from head to toe, and she knew the terrible truth without turning around. It was Rick... It had to be Rick!

Linda held her breath as she slowly turned, and not three feet away, her worst fears were confirmed. Rick, her own son, was standing there in the doorway, his young, muscular body also naked, and his virile, eagerly pulsating cock standing erect from his groin. He was staring at her, then over toward Karen, unbelieving, though his aroused state unquestionable.

"Mom... I... I didn't know she was bringing... Not here! Honest... I..."

His eyes were scanning her nakedness, uncontrollably, and Linda felt them, knowing what he had to be thinking. She wanted him to be enraged at finding Karen in such a position, wanted him to run to Don and Valerie and pull them away from his girl. But it was only too apparent that he was aware of what was going on between them, and in fact that he was likely on his way to joining them all. If only he would run at them... Then I wouldn't feel what I'm feeling... Such horrible thoughts... Not that... No I mustn't!

When he had seen Valerie there, Rick thought his mother had declined her dinner invitation and that Valerie had come to the party alone. It was in full swing when he and Karen arrived, and finding Valerie Boyd naked and ripe for fucking, he hoped to get some of her. He was ready, so ready for it! But now, here before him was his mother, naked, aroused, and far more sensually beautiful than any of the other females he had seen. He had to explain, anything to control his body; he wanted to tell her that he hadn't been a part of Valerie's and Karen's plans... that he didn't know Valerie would bring her there... He was incapable of coherent speech, however, because of the way he felt about his own mother!

"Mom... Please... I must tell you..."

"Rick, darling!" Linda cut him off, trying desperately to still the raging fires of passion in her heatedly aroused body. Was he ashamed of her? He couldn't be, no, not ashamed! She was a woman, alive of flesh and blood, and she was hungry and in need of sexual fulfillment. He could see that, she was certain, for his hard wildly throbbing young cock lurched even larger as his eyes stared lustily at her pubic mound. And she couldn't stop herself from holding her arms out to him, beckoning him to her protective fold.

Her body was soft, warm, loving. Her softly firm breasts burned holes in his chest, and her thighs, sleek and vibrant, squeezed his painfully aching cock between them. Oh, God, he had to have her! Heated, moist, her wispy pubic hairs brushed seductively over his erect penis, "Mom... God, Mom! I-I want you! I want to fuck you!" And he did want her - wanted to fuck her more than any woman or girl he had ever known.

His words sizzled in her brain like answers to the demanding tongues of fire licking at her body. She wanted him too, she could not deny it. And she felt powerless, unmercifully helpless to resist the terrible truth. She had watched him fucking Karen and had really told herself at that moment that she could give him more! She wanted to have her son's rigid cock fucking into her. Yes, oh yes yes yes! It throbbed with life, his flesh and blood from her, between her thighs, so very close to where he came from. Was it wrong? Was what she wanted so desperately wrong? Didn't she feel more like a woman than ever before in her life? Ooohhh, yes dear God! Yessssss! "Rick, darling, son! Ohhh, darling baby..."

Powerless to stop the terrible heat of their passion, they knelt nakedly together, face to face on the soft floor, and her hand lovingly stroked his throbbing manliness; his hand slowly moved up her tender and soft inner thighs to her warmly palpitating pussy.

"You're... So... Good... Mom?" His fingers found the curving slit of her heatedly moist vagina, and he brushed the tips across the tiny hardened bud of her clitoris.

"Ohh, yesssss... My darling... Ooohhh, yesssss!" She was going to burst from the pressure in her belly as she felt his fingers probing into the wetly quivering opening to her cunt. His face was pressed into the softness of her breasts, and his hot young mouth nipped at the hardened tips, sending electric bolts of pleasure coursing through her trembling body. There couldn't be any waiting, no time for second thoughts. All that mattered was having each other, their bodies joined together for the ultimate physical pleasure they could give and receive. The others in the room didn't matter compared to mother and son's overwhelming needs. Their movements flowing as one, Rick lay on his back while his mother hovered above him, her thighs wide apart and kneeling on either side of his squirming hips. His lust-swollen, wildly jerking penis was pointing straight up toward her moistly splayed cunt, and she held his long hard cock tightly in her hand, moving the blunt purple head back and forth to part the hair-lined slit of her hungry cunt.

"Ohh, Mom, now! Got to fuck you now!" he moaned, and he thrust his hips off the bed, trying to drive his blood-filled, desire-hardened cock into the slick wetly pulsing lips of his mother's vagina.

"Oooohh, darling! Now, yes, NOW!" she answered, and she reached down with her hand to part the lips of her quivering cunt, clearing the way for his entrance. She hesitated for only an instant, one short moment before she plunged down on her son's massive thickness. And it pressed up into her, expanding the tight, resisting orifice until she thought it would tear. Buffeted by pain, she still felt a sense of pride that Rick, her son, was a bigger man - penis-wise - than any other male she had seen at the party.

"Oooohh, God! Aaaaagghhhhhh!" Linda screamed as the huge lusting cock lurched just inside her tight passage. Trembling uncontrollably, she slowly lowered herself over him, wanting him deep, wanting all of him in her belly.

Rick raised his head up to watch his long hard cock slowly sinking up into his mother's pinkly clasping cuntal mouth. And it felt good, and right, and powerful! The tight, wet walls sucked him up inside her warm channel, covering his lust-swollen penis inch by wonderful inch. Warm and wet and pulsating hungrily, the sensation of his entrance made his young body a raging river of boiling excitement. He couldn't hold back. Not for another second! He had to fuck her - now! And he lurched his hips off the mattress floor, thrusting the whole hard length of his massively throbbing cock into her fiery depths.

"Oooooohhhhhhh!" she screamed louder, feeling every wrinkle of his fleshy thick penis as it filled her to the base of her belly. She had no idea he would be so big, so wonderful; and she ground her loins down over his hairy pelvis, feeling all of his hot length inside her grateful cunt. She wanted to be fucked, more than ever, fucked good by her wonderful son.

Through half-open eyes, Valerie had watched the confrontation between Linda and her son with great interest. Her plan had succeeded in bringing out Linda's true nature, almost too well! Yet the incestuous contact between mother and son was fine with her, as it tied all the loose ends together. It was pleasure in its most beautiful form, and she knew it by experience. She wanted to fuck young Rick too, but she was glad to wait her turn, to wait until Rick and his mother had finished sharing each other. Valerie's eyes rolled up then as her daughter's tongue was slicing insistently up between her legs, but before the pleasures in her own body completely took control, she did see the other person entering the room. And she knew instinctively that Linda was due for even more than she had bargained for.

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