Hungry For Sister - Cover

Hungry For Sister


Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Brother and sister devise a plan to have her kidnapped so that they can ransom her gang-boss stepfather for some money so that they can run away and live together. Then when the ransom is paid they make their fatal mistake! Instead of taking the money and running, they all have a free-for-all orgy and they get caught. At least it is by the police - or is it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Judy paced. She wandered. Through the empty house, from the bedroom, down the hall, into the living room, through the kitchen, into the dining room, back into the living room. The television was on, the sound at a barely audible mumble. Tensely, Judy flipped from one channel to the next, then gave the knob a vicious twist of aggravation.

Folding her arms under her breasts, she resumed pacing. Today they were supposed to get the ransom money. And, out of the entire group, she was the only one who had nothing to do but wait. Cynthia, Paul and Harry all had their assignments, from watching Judy's parents to picking up the money. Even Mike had something to do, though his assignment was rather passive. He had to behave as if nothing special was happening. He had to go through the day as if he had no connection with the kidnapping.

Judy had nothing to do but wait. So, she paced. And worried. She gnawed anxiously on her lower lip. There should be no problems at all. The last ransom demand, the one that had contained the instructions, had included a gory threat in order to prevent any possible trouble. Judy's mother was to make the drop, she was to make the drop alone, she wasn't to be followed. If anything went wrong, Judy was going to be killed, slowly and painfully... according to the tape.

Judy wondered what they could do if the ransom wasn't paid. She certainly wasn't going to be killed. She would have to crawl home like a whipped animal, her tail between her legs. And she would have to behave as if she had escaped from the kidnappers, not as if an extortion plot had gone awry. She couldn't do it! She would he trapped, forced to live in the same house with the Old Bastard for the rest of her life, or at least until she got married. But she didn't want to marry anyone except her brother, who she couldn't marry anyway.

If the plot failed, she would run away with Mike. Money or no money, they would go away together. They could get lost in some big city. Somehow, together, they would survive.

But, it would be so much better with money. She and Mike would get forty thousand a piece from the ransom. Eighty thousand dollars would take them a zillion miles from the Old Bastard.

Meanwhile, there was nothing to do but pace. She wished desperately that Mike was there. He would hold her and cuddle her and love her and make the time fly. She would have his towering prick in her body, pumping and sliding through her clinging folds, pistoning and pistoning in her, making her feel better and better and better until there would be that wonderful rush of plea sure. Everything would be fine, if only he were here with her right now. Judy felt all hot and shaky.

"Judy?" Mike called from the back door.

"Mike!" she squealed, banging through the swinging door into the kitchen and into his arms, the raincoat spreading open behind her like a cape, exposing her lithe body totally.

She pasted herself to him, put her arms around his neck, scissored her legs around his waist. She ground her bare crotch and naked breasts against him, scraping herself raw on his rough clothing. Her tongue drove between his lips and bored into his mouth, scraping over his teeth.

Mike sucked his mouth away from hers after a suitable length of time. He cupped her ass in his hands to help support her, his fingers squeezing the fleshy moons. "What's with you?" he asked.

Judy leaned back, her hands linked behind his neck. The changed angle ground her pussy against him even harder. His belt buckle dug into her oozing folds. "I love you, love you, love you," she chortled.

Her brother's eyes swept down from her face to her bare breasts, to her quivering torso. "I love you, too. Wish I didn't have to hurry so. I just came by to tell you everything's going great."

Judy's passion had faded slightly, but she continued to grip her brother with her arms and legs. "How's Mom?"

"Scared," Mike admitted. "But she's doing okay. She's had some real rows with the Old Bastard. I think she's finally getting fed up with him. First he didn't want to come up with the money, then he wanted to drop fake dough, and trap us. Mom really hit the ceiling about that."

Judy unwrapped her legs and released her brother. "That Bastard!" she swore. "He'd get me killed if he could, wouldn't he?"

"Probably. But that's not all of it. When things got really hot, Mom managed to latch onto the Old Bastard's checkbook. Thought she was going to get the money out herself, I guess. She found out the Old Bastard's been paying rent on an apartment someplace."

"What?" Judy erupted.

Mike nodded. "He's been keeping a mistress, believe it or not. Giving her money, more money than he was giving Mom."

Judy felt a flood of sympathy. "Poor Mom," she sighed, sinking down to sit on the edge of the kitchen table.

Mike was pacing, his face flushed with excitement. "Poor Mom my aching butt!" he snorted. "She let him have it with both barrels. Threatened to blow his precious reputation sky high if he didn't come up with the ransom. She flat told him, too, that she was going to file for divorce and didn't expect him to contest it."

Judy's hopes soared. "We'll be rid of the Old Bastard?" she shrieked gleefully.

"We'll be rid of the Old Bastard anyway, once we get the dough," Mike pointed out. "We'll be so far away they'll never find us."

"But if Mom divorces him..." Judy started.

"So what if she divorces him?" Mike asked. "We can't stick around after we've ripped all that money off him. We'll have to split. Besides, we can't do our thing the way we want to if we stay around here. Incest is illegal, you know."

As Judy let him slide his hands around her, under the raincoat, she felt a deep sorrow. The whole purpose of the plot had been to get free of their hated stepfather. The money by itself didn't mean much to her.

Mike was pushing between her thighs as she perched on the edge of the table. His hands roamed up and down her nude torso, pressing her breasts, tweaking her nipples, then probing down over her belly to explore her hair-shielded sex. "How about a quickie before I have to split?" he asked softly.

Judy shuddered as he pressed her clitoris and a wave of desire burned through her. "Poor Mom," she sighed again.

Mike probed one thumb into her slippery, wet vaginal opening. "She'll be all right," he assured his sister as his hands explored her sweet young body. "She'll take the Old Bastard for every cent he's got. What he's got left after we get through with him, that is."


Mike massaged her clit with one thumb, watching her stomach muscles writhe from the stimulation. His hands were sticky with her secretions. "You think I could do this if we stayed with Mom?" he asked softly. "I thought you wanted me, and only me, for the rest of your life?"

"I do," she admitted as fire burned through her. "It's just that I love Mom and I hate to see her get hurt."

Mike removed one of his hands from its soggy task and fumbled his belt open. After unzipping his pants, he loosed his prick, let it spear out ward, aiming right into the dark, dripping heart of his sister's sex. "Take my word for it, Sis, Mom'll do just fine. Now come on, how about it? Right here in the kitchen, okay?"

Judy looked at her brother's beautiful pale pink cock with longing. Her reveries before he had arrived had warmed her. The fondling he had given her had changed her lust from mild desire to desperate need.

"If you're really worried about Mom," Mike said, "we can send her a card from wherever we wind up, telling her we're okay." Moving for ward, he nuzzled the head of his swollen prick into her gaping pussy. The kitchen table she was on was the perfect height.

Judy was leaning back on her arms. She looked down her body and saw her brother's jutting, stiff cock approach her open crotch, then felt it pushing through her veil of pubic hair. The touch of his hot glans against her nerve-loaded, dripping folds sent a wave of pleasure through her.

Still, she couldn't help thinking of their mother. Even as she savored the feel of her brother's powerful prick nestling at the gates of her vagina, Judy felt a deep sorrow. How could the woman absorb the twin blows of losing her husband and her children simultaneously? How could she possibly withstand the dual betrayal of an unfaithful husband and children who ran off and left her?

If Mike sensed her concern, he ignored it. He, too, was staring at his sister's pussy. He was watching as he slowly stroked his towering, burning hot cock into her ready wet nest. As the shining pale shaft slowly disappeared into Judy's hairy hole, he could feel her wet pliable folds moving aside, then clasping his stiff prick.

Judy's qualms faded as her ravenous vagina was slowly filled by her brother's monumental phallus. She was being stuffed with what she wanted to be stuffed, where she wanted to be stuffed. Her aching, dripping need was being filled with a sturdy, hot staff of live flesh and gristle. She wriggled her buttocks right to the very brink of the table, feeling its cold raised edge slash across her soft ass, and grind the folds of the raincoat into her tender flesh.

Morning sunlight filled the kitchen, glaring off the shining counters and chrome faucets. It shone warmly on Judy's semi- reclining torso, heating her breasts and belly where they weren't shadowed by her brother's body. Where the sunlight touched her skin it felt nearly as hot as the cock her vagina was embracing so tightly.

Mike bored completely into her, watching as his pubic hair tangled and mingled with hers. His hips pressed against the insides of her pale thighs, pressed against her straining tendons. His brown pubic bush meshed with her black one in a sticky tangle. His cock was completely out of sight, completely in her body. A flash of pink showed through her bush where his cock had wedged her labia open.

Passion made Judy's head drop back, completely relaxed. It felt so wonderfully, fantastically good to have her channel filled with her brother's heavy meat, her folds spread open by his bulk, his hips pressed against the insides of her thighs. The raincoat was spread open, exposing her breasts. Her pose thrust them upward, and her excited, erect, bud-like nipples were just begging for attention.

Mike's hands came down on her firm mounds and he pressed them down, feeling her full flesh seek to escape through the gaps between his fingers. Her nipples were digging hungrily at his palm. Releasing his pressure, he moved his hands delicately so just the very burning tips of her nipples scraped his palms.

"Aaaaawww," Judy sighed, her vagina squeezing tight around his phallus.

Mike drew back, sliding his prick out of her dripping hole, then drove it back in with a sexy squishing noise. He felt a trickle of something ooze down his dangling balls and sucked in his breath from the fiery tickle. He drew back again, a little faster, her slick folds sliding juicily past his nerve-loaded cock. When he drove in, faster this time, he thumped up against her solidly, his cock driving deep into her opening. His balls swung and tugged from the impact, and jostled against his thighs on the rebound.

Judy's belly rippled and shivered with increasing lust. She drew in one shuddering breath after another as her burning pleasure slowly built and built.

The last lingering regrets she felt about her mother were fading rapidly now. None of this would be possible if she and Mike didn't leave the place where they were known to be brother and sister. Nothing in the world could possibly be as important as what she was experiencing right now, and the searing pleasures that the future held for them.

"Ooooh, Michael," she sighed lustily. Her head rolled from side to side as wave after wave of pleasure roared through her.

Mike was gripping her breasts firmly, squeezing those marvelous yielding mounds with both hands. He never missed a stroke as he pistoned his thrumming cock in her hot, soaking sheath. Wave after wave of fluid dribbled down over his scrotum, a wild burning tickling chill that drove him closer and closer to a climax. His balls swung and danced and jounced with every thrust of his muscular hips.

"Aaaw-aw-aw I'm c-c-c-c-cumming," Judy panted hoarsely, her fingers curling into claws, her toes knotting as her orgasm roared through her. Her muscles knotted and shook.

Mike saw a pink flush blossom on his sister's belly as if by magic, surging upward to her chest to sweep out over her breasts. He hammered his cock into her hard and hard and hard. Then he felt the first fiery rush of semen and thrust his prick into her as deeply as he could. His balls were drawn up tight under his cock as they unloaded their gooey burden. His buttocks clenched and convulsed, adding their bit to his drive and his convulsive spurts. He distinctly felt every wad of semen sear down the length of his cock, each one a tearing knot of burning pleasure that burst from the crown of his jerking phallus to spatter his sister's deep recesses. His hands were clutching at her breasts, his fingers sunk in her tender, pale flesh as his entire body was consumed with the pleasure of his cumming.

With a few last desperate twitches, his muscles wrung the final lingering drops of semen from his prick, and that exhausted organ began to slowly lose its hardness and size. Easing his cramped fingers, he released his sister's breasts and leaned forward, bracing his hands on the table. Where his fingers had been sunk into her boobs there were white marks that flushed pink as blood was again admitted to her flesh. He felt his cock slowly withering and withdrawing, felt her wet folds sliding past the retreating cap of his organ. His balls were sticky and chill from the liquid drying on them. When he finally drew back, extracting what was left of his prick from Judy's vagina, he felt secretions drying in his pubic hair.

"Aaaaawwww," Judy sighed as he vacated her vagina. "Aaaww, you're sooo good!"

"You're great," he told her, bending down to haul his pants up.

Judy pushed up, then hunched over wearily, her bare belly wrinkling, her breasts sagging slightly. Her pussy was stinging cold with drying cum. "Do you have to leave?"

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