Hungry For Sister - Cover

Hungry For Sister


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Brother and sister devise a plan to have her kidnapped so that they can ransom her gang-boss stepfather for some money so that they can run away and live together. Then when the ransom is paid they make their fatal mistake! Instead of taking the money and running, they all have a free-for-all orgy and they get caught. At least it is by the police - or is it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Judy," Mike repeated, this time, the fourth time, from the bathroom door.

"Hummmm?" she answered. She didn't break her rhythm as she ran the comb through her vibrant black curls. She was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. When she lifted her arms her full, firm breasts lifted until they were al most exposed at the open neck of the raincoat.

"How you doing, Sis?" Mike asked. "Why didn't you answer? I was afraid something had happened?"

"What could happen?" Judy retorted.

"What could happen! Jeez, Sis, we're up to our necks in a kidnapping, and you ask what could happen?" Mike exploded.

Judy surveyed her reflection with narcissistic pleasure, admiring the flawless complexion and the exciting exposed vee of flesh pointing down to her full breasts. She was aware that her brother was staring at her reflection over her shoulder and knew he was enjoying the view. She licked her lips, slowly and sensuously.

"What could happen?" she asked softly.

"Shit, Sis, damn near anything could happen!" Mike said tensely. "The cops could find you. That would really screw it all up."

Judy made a face. "Nice of you to worry about me," she taunted.

"I do worry about you," Mike insisted. "What's gotten into you, anyway?"

"If you worry about me, why did you hide me in that crummy apartment?" Judy retorted, combing her hair again.

"You still mad about that?" Mike asked. "We didn't think about this place until day before yesterday. We moved you here the next day. Remember?"

Judy put the comb down. "I remember," she answered. Turning around, she pushed past him, out of the confining room. "And where were you yesterday? How come you didn't come by after Harry left me here?"

Mike looked aggravated. "Come on, Judy, I couldn't. My gosh, if the cops catch us together or follow me and find you, the whole plot goes up in smoke. You should know that!"

Judy did know it. She wasn't really all that mad at Mike, but was enjoying making him sweat. She decided to make him jealous, too. "Yeah, and I had to put up with Harry and his roamin' hands and Russian fingers," she grumbled.

"Harry!" Mike exploded. "You didn't do anything with him, did you?"

Judy coyly kept her back turned. She folded her arms under her breasts and hunched her shoulders sensuously. "Of course I did," she purred sexily, knowing it would both infuriate her brother and get him turned on. Her little nipples were burning with excitement.

"You did not!" Mike contradicted sharply.

"Oh, yes, I did," she assured him in a throaty tone. "Ask him how he got his knees all skinned up. Damn garage floor is hard."

Mike whirled away from her and stomped around the room. "Why'd you do that! My gosh, Harry Anderson of all people! He's such a skinny runt!"

"What else was I supposed to do?" Judy retorted. "He hauled me halfway across town on the back of a motorcycle. I was stark naked under a dinky raincoat, with the wind blowing right up my crotch and the bike bumping and bouncing and shaking me. I had to hang onto him to keep from getting jounced off. My tits were bumping and jiggling against his back so my nipples were getting all rubbed up and hot. I was so excited by the time we got here I would have taken on Frankenstein."

"Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster," Mike corrected automatically.

"Yeah, well, I would have taken on both of them if they'd been here," Judy snapped. Just thinking about that wild ride and the brutal screwing on the cold, greasy concrete floor made her feel all hot and excited again. "If you'd been here, I would have screwed you, too."

"Well, I'm here now," Mike pointed out, reaching for her.

Judy turned her back on him. "I'm not interested now," she announced coyly.

"Come on, Sis, please?" Mike asked, gripping her arms from behind. His grasp was hard and hot and strong through the raincoat.

"Well," she temporized, not wanting to discourage him too much, yet wanting him to work for it.

"I'll get you in the mood for it," Mike argued, running his hands up and down her arms. He drew her back against himself, pressing her curvaceous buttocks against him at his groin. He pushed against her so she could feel the growing lump of his cock.

For a second, Judy let her head rest back against his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his hard body against her. She wriggled her hips, squirmed her ass against his cock. Then she pulled away from him, slipping from his grasp just as he was about to slide his hands over her breasts. "No!" she snapped.

Mike was flushed with frustration and anger. "Come on, Judy, don't be a pill!"

Judy stood in profile to him, very straight, a slight arch to her spine. She still had her arms folded under her breasts, and the nipples on her heavy, lush mounds were almost exposed at the open neckline of the raincoat. There was a deep, dark, exciting cleavage between her full breasts. "Why should I?" she taunted, turning her body slowly back and forth, never taking her eyes off her brother.

"Because you want me as much as I want you. You said you loved me, remember?"

Judy tossed her head flirtatiously, making her hair flip saucily. "That was two days ago."

"Have things changed so much in two days?" Mike argued, his irritation increasing rapidly.

"Maybe," Judy answered, turning away from him. She paced the floor sensuously. She was steaming with excitement and desire. But she wanted to tease him, wanted to prove to herself how great his desire for her was. She wanted the game to last a long, long time, too. She wanted time to relish her incredible power over her older sibling. For years she had wanted him desperately. Now it was his turn to suffer.

"They have not!" Mike denied desperately, his hands clutching empty air as he watched her sensuous, swaying walk.

"Prove it," Judy challenged.

"Come here and I will," Mike said hungrily, his arms reaching for her.

Judy twisted away from him. "You'll have to catch me."

Mike made a grab for her, and missed. He was sweating with lust. His cock was hard and tight inside his pants, making it hard to pursue her. "Come on, Sis, cut it out," he pleaded.

Judy waited on the far side of the couch from him. The tip of her tongue showed between her lips as she smiled at him mockingly. Standing with her back arched, her breasts thrust at him, she fingered the closure on the raincoat excitingly. "Come and get me," she laughed, feeling a button slip out of a buttonhole. She felt the rain coat spread open to expose more of the inner curves of her breasts. The coat was open almost to her navel now, the undersides of her youthfully firm mammaries looking shadowy and exciting. Folding her arms, she pressed her breasts together to deepen and accentuate the cleavage and expose her nipples.

Mike was sweating visibly. His brown eyes were glittering as they focused on his sister's deliberately provocative display. Suddenly he moved, leaping to the seat of the sofa, stepping up on it, then lunging at her. Just as he sailed over the back of the sofa Judy let out an excited yelp and darted away. His sweeping arms closed on empty air, his fingers just brushing her back. He charged after her as she went around the sofa, then twisted back to circle one of the easy chairs. She dashed into the kitchen and the swinging door banged his shoulder. He got it open just in time to see her slip out the opposite one and into the dining room. He charged through the kitchen and stumbled over a dining room chair she had put in his path, banging his shin pain fully.

"Ouch! Goddamnit, Judy, that wasn't funny," he swore, clutching his leg, balancing on one foot. He watched her carefully. The seat of the chair had caught him slightly below his knee and the blow wasn't nearly as painful as he was pretending it was.

Judy was on the far side of the dining room table. Suddenly she looked worried and contrite about the pain she had caused him. "I'm sorry," she apologized, heading around the table to help him. "Can I do anything?"

Mike waited until he thought she was close enough, then dropped the act, and dove for her. "Got you!" he growled.

"Eeeeaaaak," Judy yelped, barely avoiding him. His hand slapped her ass as she spun away. The smack made her buttock burn and sent a flash of excitement through her. She retreated quickly and put the table between them, then halted and back-pedaled as he came at her from the opposite direction.

They were at a standoff, the table between them. Judy faced him, her chest heaving with her panting. His face was flushed and his eyes sparkled with excitement. She couldn't see the bulge of his cock in his pants--his erection must have faded during the chase, she decided. She nibbled on her lower lip with her white teeth, smiling tightly. She felt all hot with excitement. Deliberately, she unbuttoned the next button on the raincoat. Then, the next. She exposed more and more of her gorgeous sixteen-year-old body, from her neck to her waist, then the soft curve of her belly with its hint of baby fat. Then the jet black mass of her pubic vee came into view. The final button on the coat was below where the edge of the table cut off her brother's view of her. She popped it through the buttonhole. Her breasts were still concealed by the raincoat, but her sex was just visible above the table.

Mike leaned forward, his palms on the cool, polished surface, his fingers curved like claws. The reflection on the tabletop of her dark pubic hair formed the bottom half of a sexy hourglass. The rest of her reflected torso stretched across the polished wood, blurred and rippled by the texture of the table. Her flesh was a light stripe between the dark sides of the raincoat that still covered most of her body.

With her right hand, Judy reached across and eased the coat back off her left shoulder. She deliberately exposed one full breast for a split second before covering it with her forearm. She let the sleeve of the raincoat slide down and off her left arm. Then she carefully used that arm to shield her breasts as she freed her right arm from the coat. She twisted her hips away from the table slightly and lifted one bare thigh to conceal a portion of her sex from her brother.

Mike was about to explode. His sister was as gorgeous, more gorgeous, than any magazine centerfold he had ever seen. The way she hid her body from him, while she was completely naked, was more exciting than any deliberate total exposure could have been. His cock had regained its previous hardness and then some, and created an agonizing ache in his guts because of its confinement. He swallowed hard, sweeping his eyes up and down the graceful, sensuous, young curves of his sister's body, the smooth line of her back as she stood half sideways to him, the full swell of her ass, her raised thigh were it concealed her black bush.

With a sudden sweep of her arm, Judy flung the raincoat across the table at him. As it slapped into him like some entangling blanket, she sprinted out of the room, the provocative pale pink cheeks of her ass jumping and twitching as she ran.

"Goddamnit!" Mike swore, slapping his arms to get untangled from the coat. It dropped around his ankles, making him stumble awkwardly before he managed to kick free of it. His last view of his sister was of naked ass and legs as she turned and darted away through the house.

He burst into the living room and discovered her on the opposite side of the couch. She was making no attempt to conceal any of her body from him now. She stood with her hands on her hips. Her chest was heaving with excitement, her eyes glittering with desire. Her breasts jutted out proudly as she panted, the pert cones of her nipples looking like the fuse mechanism on the points of bombs.

"Wait!" she ordered as he was about to charge at her. "How're you going to make love to me fully dressed like that?"

"Shit!" Mike exploded. "I'll worry about that when I catch you." He made another move to ward her. She dodged, and managed to keep the couch between them.

"How are you going to hang onto me while you get undressed?" she asked sweetly.

Mike glared at her, furious. She obviously meant what she said. She was right, too. How could he keep hold of her while he tried to get out of his clothes? Without taking his eyes off her, he began stripping.

Judy caught her breath and studied her brother hungrily as he undressed. The sight of his strong chest made her own tighten with a delicious excitement. She could hardly wait to get her hands on him. She remembered the feel of her brother's hard, strong body against hers.

Now he unbuckling his belt, unfastening his pants. His underpants were strained by the powerful thrust of his erect cock. A few wisps of pubic hair showed above the top of his underpants and at the leg openings. Mike pushed his pants down his thighs, then paused, still not taking his eyes off her.

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere until you're ready," she assured him.

Quickly, but gracefully, he managed to get his legs out of his pants. Then he reached for his underpants and hauled them down, feeling cold, exciting air strike at his sensitive, thrusting cock and loaded balls. His cock was so hard and swollen it felt like it was liable to explode. He felt its weight tugging as it bobbed and swayed like a monster, blunt-tipped lance. He didn't take his eyes off his sister's glorious nude figure, all sleek naked skin and exciting dark hair, lush warm curves and shadowed hollows. He could even see the bumpy texture of her excited areolae and the tiny dimples right on the peaks of her nipples. Her skin was pebbled with goose bumps.

Balancing awkwardly on one leg, Mike lifted the other and freed the foot from his under pants. Then, with no warning, he placed his freed foot on the back of the sofa and leaped at her, letting his underpants drop around his other leg.

Judy was caught entirely off guard by her brother's move. For a split second she was frozen with shock as her brother's naked body hurled over the back of the couch at her. Then she twisted away from his sweeping arms. One of his hands clutched at the sleek smoothness of her back, the other clamped down on one breast. Evidently startled by the softness in his hand and afraid of hurting her, Mike's grip on her breast relaxed. Judy tore free of him, and felt his hand sweep down her back. Her breast heaved and shuddered from its narrow escape and a fireball swept out through her body from the brutal stimulation of the nerve-filled tit.

Her breasts jiggling and bouncing on her chest, Judy darted away from her brother, dashing down the hall. She could hear his footsteps pounding along right behind her, could almost feel the heat of his nude body against hers he was so close. Something brushed her back, clawed at one full buttock as he clutched at her futilely.

Judy grabbed the bedroom door frame and used it as a pivot to swing her flying body through the door. The move threw her off balance and she spun wildly across the room, staggering back wards and bumped up against the bed with the backs of her legs. Just as she sprawled backwards on the bed and bounced on the mattress, Mike appeared in the doorway, having overrun it.

Lying on her back, her legs spread, her feet trailing to the floor off the foot of the bed, Judy lifted her head and looked at him. Her chest heaved with her panting. Her nipples were swollen and aching with excitement, and the one Mike's hand had battered was still burning from his touch. She felt her excitement as a burning chill of drying juices in the heart of her pussy. She swept her hot gaze over her brother's naked body, over his nearly hairless torso to his powerful thrusting cock standing out from his tangle of pubic hair. The shining white column with its gleaming pink head was pointed straight at her, and was quivering with excitement.

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