Hungry For Sister - Cover

Hungry For Sister


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Brother and sister devise a plan to have her kidnapped so that they can ransom her gang-boss stepfather for some money so that they can run away and live together. Then when the ransom is paid they make their fatal mistake! Instead of taking the money and running, they all have a free-for-all orgy and they get caught. At least it is by the police - or is it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Judy was bored stiff. After Mike and Cynthia had left, she had flopped down on the mattress stark naked, and had dropped off to sleep and not awakened until morning. If it was morning. The boarded-over window admitted no light to judge the time of day by. Tight enough to keep any light from getting out at night meant it was also tight enough to prevent the sun coming in during the day.

The ceiling light was unchanging. She had tried turning it off and had almost instantly turned it back on. In the pitch blackness the walls had felt as if they were closing in on her. And suddenly the rustling, gnawing noises in the walls had gotten louder. She had imagined that tiny scurrying feet were scampering toward her in the dark, and that the teeth that gnawed at the beams of the old building were poised, ready to sink into her bare feet.

She had heard about rats in the slums. She had heard that they attacked sleeping children.

She never turned the light off again, even when she slept. The glare kept the scurrying at bay.

Judy was bored with her menu. Peanut butter and bread and milk. It was impossible to have a varied menu with just three items. She longed desperately for one of her mother's home-cooked meals. One of the complaints she and Mike had had was those meals. Before their mother's marriage, the fare had been poor-- spaghetti, or stew, or chili. There was never enough money for steak or chops or a roast. Often it was just tuna fish in a salad or a casserole.

After they had acquired the Old Bastard for their stepfather, there had been little change. With all his money, he kept the household budget tight. Often to squeeze out some money for Mike and Judy, their mother stretched the household funds to the limit. That meant even more tuna fish and cheap ground beef dishes.

But right now Judy was of the opinion that a tuna casserole would rank right alongside a sirloin steak.

Judy wondered how long she had been in hiding. She tried to figure it out, but couldn't. Some where along the line, in the unending light from the naked ceiling bulb she had lost track of the days and nights. She couldn't remember how many times she had slept... and that wasn't any guide anyway. She might be sleeping in the day and be awake at night now, for all she knew.

She wondered what was happening in the world. She felt as if she was completely losing touch with reality. For all she knew, the entire human race had vanished. She might die, alone, here, in this bare room, with only a raincoat to cover her, without ever learning that some horrible plague had wiped out the rest of mankind.

The thought of that having happened without her getting to see her mother one last time brought tears to Judy's eyes. Her tears made her realize how close she was to cracking up. After all, it had only been a week, at most. And Mike and Cynthia had just been there the day before--hadn't they?

Judy remembered what she had read somewhere about brainwashing. She remembered having read about the Vietnam POWs. One of the most awful things for them had been not knowing how long they were going to be kept in solitary. One of the techniques used in brainwashing was to lock a prisoner in just the kind of room she was in now. With no way to judge night or day, no contact with the outside world, men went mad quickly. They would do anything in order to get back in touch with other people, with the rising and the setting of the sun.

Judy ventured over near the door. All she had to do was pull back the chain and turn the latch and she would be free and out. But that would ruin the "kidnapping" plot. Perhaps she might not be seen, but if she were, that would be the end of it.

Worse, who might see her? She had only a raincoat over her nude body. What if there were junkies in the empty apartment house? What kind of perverts and derelicts would seek out a block of abandoned buildings like these to hole up in?

What if it were the middle of the night and she opened the door on pitch blackness? Hordes of rats might be prowling the stairs, or even be waiting outside the door for her to lower her defenses. Or, what if she opened the door and found that there was nothing--nothing at all, that everything but this cell-like apartment had vanished?

Judy reined in her feverish imagination quickly and sought refuge in her memories. She remembered that first wonderful time with her brother. She recalled the marvelous feel of his hot, sturdy, virile cock pumping and pistoning in her moist vagina. She remembered the feel of his solid, powerful body pressing her down, grinding her tender breasts flat.

Her memories brought a flash of warmth to her loins. Her legs felt shaky and soft as she sank down on the mattress. It was here, right here, that she had had the man she had wanted for so long. Right here she had spread herself and let her brother drill his phallus deep in her vagina. Right here her brother's pubic bone had crushed her clitoris against her pubic bone as he had fucked her and fucked her and fucked her.

The only regret Judy had was that it had taken so long. All those wasted years when she could have been having him! She was sixteen now, and had lost her virginity when she was fourteen. Those two years seemed hollow, in spite of the many boys she had happily spread her legs to. That first time had been to spite her brother for not taking her when he had the chance. The other times had been pleasant, but nothing much more than that. She realized now that to a certain extent, her promiscuity had always been to spite her brother, and to prove to herself that she was desirable.

But the real problem was that none of those boys had been Mike. That was what she had always wanted, her brother's cock in her belly. Every time she had lain back in the back seat of a car, one leg trailing on the floor, one hooked on the back of the seat, she had wanted the boy entering her to be her brother.

Even worse, there was no reason she and Mike couldn't have started even younger than when she was fourteen. She could have given her virginity to him long before that. With their mother working they had had ample opportunity. Getting home from school at three-thirty, they had had the house all to themselves until dinner time.

Judy dreamed idly of those afternoons. Some times Mike had given her the word that She should find someplace else to go. She knew what he had been doing those afternoons. Oh, not exactly what he had been doing, but she knew that he had a girl over. Judy hadn't spied on him. Often she had gone off with a member of the opposite sex herself.

Why had she and Mike done that? Why hadn't they double dated those afternoons? What peculiar quirk toward privacy had kept them from doing whatever they wanted to do with all four of them in the same room? Or, they could have just used separate rooms in the house. Probably if they had done that they would have entered into their incestuous coupling much sooner. Judy sighed.

Anyway, sex with someone else in the room was exciting. She had found that out yesterday. Making lesbian love with Cynthia had been incredibly exciting. It hadn't been the first time Judy had experimented that way. Nor, obviously, had it been the first time Cynthia had. But doing it naked, tangled in Cynthia's silken naked embrace, with Mike looking on had been wonderful. Just the knowledge that Mike was watching had doubled the pleasure.

And then, watching Mike make it with Cynthia had been fabulous, too. Judy recalled seeing her brother's sticky wet cock sliding in and out of Cynthia's streaming pussy and felt a flash of heat, and a demanding itch in her pussy.

Lying back on the mattress, Judy slid one hand down to her pussy and combed her fingers into her encrusted pubic hair. Sliding her other hand up, Judy cupped one breast, rolling and teasing her nipple. She spread her legs, and pressed the tip of one finger into the top edge of her slit and mashed it down on her clitoris, sending a searing bolt of pleasure through her body.

Where had Mike learned that trick of jamming a finger up a girl's backside? What wanton high school hussy had taught him that? Judy summoned up the memory of watching her brother's finger disappearing up into Cynthia's rectum and whimpered. Why hadn't he done that to her? Why, when he was fucking Judy that first time, hadn't he thrust his longest finger way up inside her bowels?

Judy reached lower, poked a finger at her rectum, then drilled it up into that hot, greasy hole. She tormented her clitoris and buggered her anus with her own fingers, and pleasure lashed through her and she rolled and twisted on the naked mattress. But it just wasn't the same thing. The finger she had up her anus was her own finger, and that was like trying to tickle yourself. And the fingers she had up her own vagina were only fingers, and had none of the hefty, meaty bulk of a cock.

The only thing she was doing to herself that was as good or better than someone else doing it was fingering her clitoris. To pinch and roll that sensitive mini-penis with her own fingers was infinitely better than having it crunched between pubic arches. Only someone sucking that rubbery little button was better than this.

Nevertheless, Judy was soaring from her self-stimulation. She was tormenting her own crotch with both hands now, her arms pressing inward against the sides of her breasts, creating a deep, dark, exciting valley between the lush soft mounds. Her nipples were sharp, rubbery cones jutting straight at the ceiling as she fingered herself tensely.

And there was a knock on the door. It was loud and insistent, and frightening. It chilled Judy's overheated blood instantly. Her passion melted away like a mist as she withdrew her hands from her intimate recesses.

The knock came again, even louder.

"Wh--who is it?" Judy ventured timidly.

"It's me," Paul answered, his voice muffled by the door.

"Paul!" Judy leaped up from the mattress. Ignoring the raincoat in her haste and relief, she hurtled across the room and fumbled the chain and lock open quickly.

Paul pushed through the door, straight into Judy's octopus- like embrace. Wrapping his arms around her naked body, he kicked the door closed with one foot. Then he turned his attention to kissing the lush naked girl thoroughly, his hands sweeping over her cool, satin-smooth naked body. His cock swelled and hardened sharply in his pants.

Judy's lust was building as rapidly as it had faded at the sharp knock on the door. All the masturbating she had been doing, all the reminiscing about Mike and Cynthia had built her passion to a fever pitch. She ground her naked body against Paul, twisting and rolling her torso to mangle her breasts against his strong chest. She trapped one of his powerful thighs between her slender ones and scrubbed her bare pussy against his pants, feeling the harsh material burn against her sensitive, engorged inner tissues.

"Wait a second, okay?" Paul begged at last, peeling her off him.

"Hurry," Judy urged desperately, maintaining a grip on one of his arms, pressing his hand into her hairy, steaming, oozing pussy. She ground his knuckles against her clitoris and drenched her thighs around his hand. She pressed his arm against the soft mound of one breast, digging her pertly erect nipple into him. She was doing her best to fuck herself on his hand and arm.

Paul found his own lust flaming insanely at the feel of the naked girl wrapping herself around his arm. He felt her juices smearing the back of his hand, felt her wiry pubic curls scratching his skin. The feel of her warm soft body embracing his muscular arm was astonishing, and very, very nice. His cock was already so hard he was in agony.

Awkwardly, Paul freed himself from the tangle of the recorder, and set it aside. Then, a bit impatiently, he freed himself from Judy and began to rip off his clothes. As he hurled them away heedlessly, Judy turned and relocked and chained the door.

Both naked now, the two teenagers threw themselves together again, and their bare flesh slapped lewdly. Judy molded her entire curvy soft length against Paul, plastering herself to him like a second skin, spreading her thighs to trap one of his legs, pressing her soft belly in against his harder body, feeling the hair on him scrape and scrub her nude flesh excitingly.

Paul cupped Judy's ass in his hands, sinking his fingers into the soft, warm, fleshy masses of her buttocks. He kneaded those luscious globes lovingly, his fingers prying and stretching the crack between them. His cock was a steel-hard, red-hot bar crushed between them, ready and eager to be driven deep into her guts.

The feel of Paul's fingers prying at her ass reminded Judy of what Mike and Cynthia had done the day before. She didn't want to pull away from Paul, loving the feel of his hard, hairy body grinding against hers. But she wanted to move on to more intimate contact. Her vagina was weeping from emptiness, drooling its anticipation down the insides of her thighs.

She tugged Paul in the direction of the over-used mattress. She hauled him down on her as she sank down onto her back. They maintained body contact all the way down, until finally Paul was settled between Judy's thighs. Wriggling desperately, Judy impaled herself on the seething tower of Paul's cock.

Paul's hips lurched forward and upward. He rammed the full length of his bulk deep into Judy's hot hole. The slippery flesh of her vagina seared past the sensitive cap of his prick as he pumped into her.

"Aaaaahhhhh," Judy sighed, her pussy stuffed full of Paul's blood-engorged penis. With that member sunk in her belly, Judy was free to concentrate on what she wanted next. Blindly, she found Paul's hands and guided them to her ass. Lifting her hips, she steered the fingers of both his hands to the crack of her ass. The feel of him probing that sweaty crevice was as good as she had imagined it would be. The sensation of having his fingers digging at the valley floor was exquisite, triggering a flood of juices from her vagina, which swam warmly around his cock and trailed gooily down her ass.

Paul wasn't sure exactly what was happening, but had already decided it didn't matter. He pistoned his prick in the hot, slick, gripping sheath of Judy's vagina and probed the canyon between her buttocks. She was digging awkwardly under herself, pushing and guiding his fingers to what ever goal she had in mind.

"My ass," Judy whispered at last. "I want you to stick your fingers up my ass."

Paul was surprised. He was also disgusted. But the thought was so exciting, so incredibly stimulating he knew he had to try it. Just the thought of doing it sent a rush of blood powering to his already solid cock. He felt his prick swell and grow still more in the hot socket of Judy's pussy, stretching those yielding, adhering walls of hers still wider.

Locating Judy's asshole took a while. Unfamiliar with the territory, Paul had to explore a bit. The first thing he found was the slimy wet shaft of his cock where it vanished into Judy's vagina. Experimentally, he pried a finger in under his cock, wedging it into her vagina next to his prick. That in itself felt damn good. It made the fit of his cock in her tunnel even tighter.

"My asshole, goddamnit," Judy insisted harshly.

Paul grunted and resumed his search. It was hot and wet and sticky and slimy back there with sweat and Judy's copious secretions. He found something and poked at it experimentally.

Judy convulsed, fire lashing through her. "That's it!" she moaned. "Shove it in me." Her eyes squeezed shut, Judy clung to Paul tightly, bracing herself for his probing thrust.

Sure of his target now, Paul twisted his finger into the tight, gripping dimple. The virgin ring of muscle resisted, clenching around the tip of his finger. The sensation only increased Paul's determination. Twisting his finger like an awl, he drilled it inward against the resistance Judy's body offered.

"Aaaarrrrrrrrrr," Judy exhaled. She felt as if her entire body was being bathed in pure white flames. The feeling of Paul's finger in her butt was a searing, exciting perverted penetration that sent her lust soaring. Paul's insistent probing of her anus was triggering a blazing itch in her guts that only a fantastic flaming orgasm was going to relieve. Judy struggled to relax her sphincter muscle so Paul could dig deeper.

Paul felt himself gaining ground. Twisting and turning his finger, he bored it slowly up into Judy's rectum. It felt hot and velvety and greasy in there. Now he could feel the ring of muscle working its way further up his finger, gripping him. The tip of his finger was inside her rectum! He had done it! He was jamming his finger up into that hot shitty hole.

"Aaawww," Judy moaned ecstatically. "Aaa www, fuck me."

Paul pulled his cock out and rammed it deep in her guts. And he felt it! He felt his cock pistoning in her vagina with his finger! He could, with his finger, feel his cock leaving and then reentering her pussy! And by twisting and pushing with his fingertip, he could increase the friction of her vaginal wall against the sensitive under side, the "trigger", of his prick.

"Try putting another one in," Judy urged hungrily. "Try shoving two fingers up inside me."

Paul was more than willing to comply. Now that he had one finger in that gripping, sticky opening, he was anxious to explore it further. He wedged a second finger in beside the first. This time it was easier. Evidently, once that tight gate was pried open a certain distance, its resistance to further stretching declined.

"Uuuuuuuuurrrrrrggggghhhhhh," Judy rumbled deep in her throat. Two fingers felt four times as good as one finger. She felt her anal sphincter being stretched and pushed in reverse by the insistent thrust of Paul's fingers. She clawed at his back like an animal, urging him on. The itch in her guts was growing and blossoming, building to a cumming like she had never had before.

Her only regret was that it wasn't Mike that was ravishing both her openings.

Paul was getting close to a climax of his own. The fingers in Judy's rectum made the fit of his cock in her vagina unbearably tight. Twisting and turning the pair of fingers in her tight orifice, he brought still more pressure to bear on his cock. He pistoned his prick in her, feeling his fingers against the underside of his phallus through her thin wall of muscle. His fingers could actually feel the rippled texture of his cock as he pumped it in her streaming tunnel.

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