Hungry For Sister - Cover

Hungry For Sister


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Brother and sister devise a plan to have her kidnapped so that they can ransom her gang-boss stepfather for some money so that they can run away and live together. Then when the ransom is paid they make their fatal mistake! Instead of taking the money and running, they all have a free-for-all orgy and they get caught. At least it is by the police - or is it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Stretched out on her back on the mattress, Judy wore the raincoat for no reason other than it was the only thing she had to wear. The apartment had a tendency to be uncomfortably warm, even during the night. Now, during the day, it was hot.

Lying on her back, the raincoat spread wide open, Judy stared dreamily at the ceiling. Her young breasts were so firm they spread little. The pert, pink peaks of her nipples pointed to ward the ceiling. The ripples of her ribs were barely visible under her tan smooth skin. With her arms behind her head, her stomach was sucked in flat and tight. Her legs were spread slightly, her feet shoulder width apart. The twisting, kinky pubic hair was stringy and matted with hers and her brother's cum.

She was still dreaming of the glorious linking with Mike the previous day. Since she had been old enough to be interested in boys, she had been interested in her brother. In her bedroom alone at night she had dreamed of him. Before she had lost her virginity, shortly after her fourteenth birthday, her dreams had been youthfully innocent. At first they had involved only kissing, then, as she grew more experienced, petting. Her reveries about Mike had matched the pace of her own experience.

She had first really been kissed by a boy when she turned twelve. The boy had been thirteen. When his tongue had first touched her lips she had been shocked. But instead of drawing back in disgust, she had been curious and had opened her mouth to the invasion. The fire that had slashed through her as she had let him explore her mouth had astonished her. When bathing herself and touching herself she had felt portents of sexual excitement. But that a kiss could trigger similar fires had been a revelation to her. Her little nipples on her still undeveloped breasts had hardened like little rocks inside her party dress.

So, late that night, at home in her room alone, Judy had relived that kiss. Only this time she was being kissed by her brother. The kiss had gone on and on and on in Judy's mind, and it had felt better and better and better.

But, that had been all she had imagined then, because that had been all she knew.

After that first searing kiss, the parties Judy had gone to had changed. Suddenly the lights had a habit of going out. Instead of the girls gathering in one giggling knot and the boys in another, they had paired off. That first kiss had been the result of a game of Spin-The-Bottle. Now no games were played since no excuses were needed. There were still giggles in the darkness, but they were different giggles, excited giggles, breathy wet giggles of awakening passion.

Then at one party the boy kissing Judy had slid one shy hand around from Judy's back to her side, then to her front. Judy had gulped, knowing that something was coming, and hadn't broken the wet sucking kiss. She had held her breath as the boy had hesitantly worked his way upward. Judy's breasts had begun to develop by this time and she was wearing her first bra. The boy's hand had covered one hesitant mound, the barely perceptible rise of a growing breast, and renewed flames had rushed through Judy. Instinctively, she knew that the soft rise could be felt by the boy. Her nipple had tried to bore its way to freedom right through the bra. There was a funny burning tightness down between her legs and the muscles way down low on her stomach quivered tautly.

While the boy had pressed and rubbed her chest with his hand, Judy had clung to him frantically. An earthquake of lust had rocked her to her young core. It was a monster jump in experience from her first kiss, six months earlier.

And, just as before, in her bed alone that night Judy had carefully relived the experience. Again, it was her brother's hand she imagined on her budding breast. The itchy tightness down between her legs had grown again. Spreading her legs as she lay on her back under the covers, she had pulled her nightie up to expose herself all the way up to her waist. Her hips had squirmed excitingly all by themselves. She had pressed her own hands on her chest while imagining it was her brother's hands. It had taken a very long time to get to sleep that night.

And, bit by bit, her experience had grown. One boy had fumbled at the buttons of her sweater. Then, reaching nervously inside, he had captured the bra-covered hill of one breast with his hand. That night Judy had imagined her brother doing the same thing.

The main trouble had been that, until now, Mike had always treated her as some kind of pest. Well, more like until their mother had remarried, really. Opposition to the marriage and to their stepfather had forged an alliance of sorts against a common enemy.

But still, Mike had shown no interest in her as a girl. He had had his own girlfriends. Usually he had gone his own way on dates, and Judy had gone hers. Once in a while they would double. But then, if it was a beach party, Mike and his girl would go off to a lonely stretch of the beach, and Judy and her date would go off to another. Judy always wondered just how far her brother went those times. He was older, not quite a year and a half older, so probably he did go farther than she did. But how far was that? Did he go "all the way"?

By the time Judy was thirteen and a half she had a respectable pair of breasts. At beach par ties, or in darkened rooms, she would let boys bare her to the waist so they could pay proper attention to her budding boobies. At beach par ties Judy would lie on her back, letting the moon light play over her graceful torso while the boy would massage and squeeze her breasts, pinch and roll her nipples.

Even while she had been savoring the exquisite pleasure, Judy would be wondering what her brother was doing. He was fifteen. Was he doing "it" with his dates? Judy now knew what doing "it" consisted of. She even knew what an erect prick looked like, and she knew what one felt like in her hand. But what would it feel like in her body?

She had really wanted it to be her brother that showed her. She had dreamed constantly of lying on her back, legs spread and knees bent while her brother settled himself between her thighs. Then he would aim the head of his cock at her virgin slit and sink it deep into her streaming opening. Naturally, there wouldn't be any pain--just pure, glorious, loving pleasure.

But, in spite of her best efforts to get him interested in her, he had seemed oblivious to her charms. She had given him glimpses of herself in her underwear. She had made certain he saw her with just her underpants on, her sweet young breasts exposed, her pert pink nipples rigid with excitement. Mike had glanced at her, then looked away.

So, finally, Judy had deliberately strolled back to her room from her bath stark naked. She had waited at the bathroom door until Mike was coming down the hall toward his room, then stepped out into the hall and walked right toward him. She had tried to project an aura of sensuality as she slowly strolled past him. She had seen his eyes sweep up and down her nude body, picking out her breasts and her crotch, her belly where it was slowly shedding its baby fat, the long graceful line of her sleek legs.

She had paused and looked coyly back over her shoulder, trying to put the blatant need she felt in her gaze. Mike had slammed the bathroom door shut violently and she had heard the lock snap.

Furious, she had stamped into her room and slammed her own door loudly. Right then she had decided that if he didn't want her it would serve him right if she let her current boyfriend take her virginity.

Which her current beau had done, clumsily and painfully, on their next date. From the beginning of their necking session, Judy had been climbing all over him. She had made certain he knew just where they were heading. Instead of waiting for him to put his hand on her breast, she had taken it and placed it there herself. She had unbuttoned her own sweater and stripped it off. She had taken her bra off. As he had bent his head to kiss and suck on her nipple, she had unfastened her shorts and skinned them off, then her panties.

It had been the first time she had been naked with a boy. That had come at a wild party during a game of "chicken". Someone would get under a blanket and start taking off their clothes until they chickened out. Then they would come out from under the blanket and dash out of the room to the bedroom where their clothes had been taken. Like the other girls; Judy had gotten down to her bra and panties easily. Then, shaking with excitement, she had taken off her bra and handed it out from under the blanket. It had been greeted with hoots of excitement, and then a tense silence. Shaking even harder, Judy had skinned her panties down her legs and off--and handed them out. There had been dead silence. After a nerve-wracking pause, Judy had slipped out from under the blanket and walked slowly out of the room. Once in the bedroom she had slammed the door behind her and collapsed.

So, the night Judy had lost her virginity it hadn't been a giant leap, but rather, a short step. Unfortunately, there hadn't been any body-burning excitement. There had been a "serves Mike right" feeling that had done nothing to lubricate her vagina. The penetration had been painful and unsatisfying. The boy had cum almost immediately, while Judy had felt little. It had been extraordinarily disappointing.

And now, Judy realized, as she lay on the mattress in the hideout, it didn't need to have been that way. Mike had noticed her. Her brother had been excited by her, and interested in her. But, because she was his sister, he had ignored her, carefully resisted having her.

But now, at last, that was all over. Mike had finally had her. His resistance had been broken and Judy had gotten what she had wanted for so long. And she would have him in the future, again and again and again. They would take their share of the money and go away and live together as husband and wife, instead of brother and sister. Together she and Mike would have eighty thousand dollars, which would be plenty to begin their life together.

Judy was jarred out of the happy contemplation of her future by a knock on the door. She was abruptly reminded that they didn't have the money yet.

"It's me, Paul," Paul called from the far side of the door.

"Oh," Judy answered, both relieved and disappointed. She was relieved it wasn't the police, but disappointed it wasn't Mike. Pulling the rain coat tight around herself, she went to open the door for her boyfriend.

"Hi," Paul greeted her. He was carrying a small sack and a tape recorder was slung over his shoulder.

"Hi," Judy replied, relocking the door. She wondered exactly what she had seen in Paul. Then she reminded herself that he was good in bed. Not as good as Mike, of course, but not bad.

"Brought you some groceries," Paul announced unnecessarily as he put the sack on the counter in the kitchenette. He unslung the recorder and set it aside.

"Did you bring me any clothes?" Judy asked. Paul shook his head.

"Couldn't. How would I explain running around town with a bunch of girl's clothes under my arm?"

"Did you bring my pills at least?" Judy demanded, angry.

Paul grinned, reaching for his pocket. "Oh yeah, brought those." He handed her the plastic dial pack.

Judy fumbled one of the birth control pills out and hastily popped it in her mouth. "I hope it hasn't been too long already."

Paul reached for her. "Let's find out, shall we?"

Judy twisted aside, feeling no desire for Paul at all. "What's going on in the world, anyway? Are the police looking for me or anything?"

"Naw," Paul snorted. "We told your folks if the cops were notified they'd get your head via parcel post."

Judy shivered at the vision this conjured up. "Ick. How's my mom taking it?"

"Scared shitless, of course," Paul gloated.

Judy felt badly about this. She didn't want to hurt her mother needlessly. "That's too bad."

"Hell it is," Paul retorted. "I think your stepfather is glad to be rid of you. Only your mother won't let the Old Bastard breathe. She's after him all the time to pay the ransom. If it weren't for your mother we'd never be able to pull this off."

"Is he going to pay?" Judy asked.

"Sooner or later, he'll pay," Paul answered. "Your mother'll see to that!"

"I hope it's soon," Judy sighed. "I'm bored stiff in this hole. Couldn't you bring me a radio or something?"

Paul was sitting on the mattress, taking off his shoes. "Come on over here and I'll entertain you."

Judy shook her head. She began putting the groceries in the reeking old refrigerator.

"I couldn't bring you a radio," Paul answered at last. "What would the cops think if they heard a radio playing in this supposedly deserted block of buildings?"

"There aren't any cops around here," Judy argued.

"Hell there aren't," Paul responded. "They patrol this block regularly. Squad car goes by every hour or so, day and night. Trying to keep the junkies from using these places as shooting galleries, probably."

"Junkies! First it was rats, and now you tell me there are drug addicts wandering around here?!" Judy shrieked.

Paul came up behind her and ran his hands up and down her arms. "Take it easy, take it easy," he soothed. "There aren't any junkies because of the cops. All right?" He slid his hands around to cup Judy's breasts through the raincoat.

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