Hungry For Sister - Cover

Hungry For Sister


Chapter 9

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Brother and sister devise a plan to have her kidnapped so that they can ransom her gang-boss stepfather for some money so that they can run away and live together. Then when the ransom is paid they make their fatal mistake! Instead of taking the money and running, they all have a free-for-all orgy and they get caught. At least it is by the police - or is it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"We did it!"

Judy leaped out of the chair at the triumphant cry from the back door. The raincoat flapping around her legs, she sped through the swinging door and collided head-on with Harry Anderson.

"WE DID IT!" he bellowed even louder, bouncing back from her and capering wildly around the kitchen. He was swinging a small suitcase in wild sweeps that threatened every breakable fixture in the room.

"Two hundred frigging thousand frigging dollars right here in this suitcase!" he chortled in sanely. "Two hundred grand! Two hundred super big ones!"

Judy was stunned. Somehow, she had never really contemplated the reality of what they were doing. For days she had been at the very core of the entire plot, and now it was done, over with. "Are--are you sure?"

Harry paused in the midst of his wild dance, the suitcase poised overhead in one hand. "Sure? Of course I'm sure. Right here, right in here, right in this suitcase. I watched your mother leave it right where she was supposed to leave it. Then I waited until I got the high sign from Paul that the coast was clear, strolled over and picked it up. Just picked it up, this suitcase, this one, the one right here, with two hundred thousand bucks in it."

Judy had trouble getting her voice to work well. "Are you-- are you sure the money's in there?"

Harry turned pale, and his freckles stood out boldly. "Of course I'm sure," he said in a choked voice. He lowered the suitcase to the table reverently. "I'll show you."

Before he could open the suitcase the back door banged open, making both him and Judy jump with shock.

"Is that it?" Paul asked, looking greedily at the suitcase.

"That's it," Harry answered confidently.

"We were just going to open it and make sure," Judy added cautiously.

"What else could it be!" Paul exclaimed. "Come on, open it up."

"Where is it, where is it, where is it," Cynthia babbled, sailing in through the back door, into the kitchen. "Is that it? Is that it?"

"That's it," Harry repeated.

"HOLD IT!" Mike ordered from the doorway.

"Aw, for the love of..." Harry complained. "Were any of you followed?" Mike asked. "If you were, we'll all have to split right away."

"I wasn't," Harry said confidently.

"Neither was I," Cynthia assured him. "I doubled back three times to make sure."

"What about you, Paul?" Mike asked.

"Shit no, I wasn't followed," Paul snapped. "Come on, Harry, open the damn suitcase al ready."

Harry shot Mike a nervous glance, his hand on the latch of the suitcase.

Mike closed the door carefully. "Open it up," he ordered calmly.

There wasn't even the sound of breathing as Harry snapped the latch open. All five held their breath as they stood around the table. Harry's hands shook as he slowly lifted the lid of the suitcase and folded it back.

"Jesus Christ!" Paul swore softly.

"Ssheeeeiiit!" Harry wheezed.

"Ooooohhhhhh," Cynthia sighed.

Judy swallowed. Never, in her entire life, had she seen so much money. Neatly stacked in the suitcase were bundles of fives, tens, and twenties. They were held together with rubber bands. They were not new. The bills were all old, and worn, just as they had instructed.

"Jesus Christ!" Paul repeated, reaching for one of the bundles. Picking up a stack of twenty-dollar bills, he fanned through them wonderingly.

Without taking her eyes off the fantastic pile of money, Judy sidled around the table to get a snuggle from her brother. He put his arm around her. While Paul, Harry and Cynthia pawed through the cash, Judy and Mike just stared at it. Until this moment it had all seemed like some silly, childish, risky game. But now, right in front of them, was the end result of all of Judy's days of forced solitude and loneliness. Right there, being slowly strewn on the table by six pawing hands, was their ticket to escape from their hated stepfather. Right there was the final insurance that guaranteed a life time of happiness.

"Oh, Michael," Judy purred, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly, pressing her soft, warm, sensuous body against his. Something about the sight of all that money was making her feel all hot and passionate.

"We did it, Sis, we did it," Mike observed happily. "No more kissing the ass of that tight-fisted Old Bastard for crummy nickels and dimes. We really pulled it off!"

"Oh, Michael," she repeated huskily. With one hand she unbuttoned the raincoat so she could press herself still more closely to her brother. His hand slipped under her single garment and stroked and petted her naked ribs. Spreading her legs, she clasped one of his strong thighs and pressed her hairy pussy against it. She squirmed, grinding her breasts against his harsh clothes, making her nipples burn with a delicious pain. Tearing her eyes off the heaps of bills, she planted a series of sucking, hungry kisses on his throat, up his chin. Reaching his mouth, she plastered her lips on his and bored her tongue in to lick his teeth, then battle past them and ream his mouth out. One of his hands slipped down and cupped one of her soft, naked buttocks.

"Let's count it," Cynthia suggested practically, starting to make neat stacks of bills.

"Turn on a light," Paul suggested. "It's getting kind of dark in here."

"NO!" Mike ordered tensely. "No lights. This house is supposed to be empty, stupid."

"Ooops, forgot," Paul admitted. "But you don't need to call me stupid!" he snapped. "And what're you doing with my girl?"

Mike let go of his sister, but Judy refused to release him. "I'm not your girl anymore," she informed Paul coldly. "That was settled this afternoon. Remember?"

"What were you doing here?" Mike snapped at Paul.

"Come on, you guys, let's count the money in front of the TV. That'll give us enough light," Harry suggested.

"What the hell are you doing so lovey-dovey with your sister, Mike?" Cynthia wanted to know.

"Well, she is my sister," Mike answered illogically on the way out of the kitchen. He had put his arm back around Judy, but on the outside of the raincoat this time.

"We'll do what we want," Judy insisted, ignoring the way the unbuttoned raincoat flapped open to expose her.

"Come on, Cynthia, those two are weird," Paul snorted.

"It'll be a pleasure," Cynthia snapped.

In front of the television, Cynthia and Paul sat close together on one side of the suitcase, Mike and Judy on the other. In the middle, facing the TV and the suitcase, sat Harry.

Deliberately, Judy snuggled close against her brother, nestling under his arm. She rested one band on his thigh. The raincoat hung open enough to display one of her firm young breasts and one thigh as she sat with her legs folded under herself. She noticed that Paul, seeing the way she was sitting, drew Cynthia in against him.

Harry picked up stack after stack of money and riffled through each before setting it to one side or the other.

Judy let her hand slide up her brother's thigh. She was feeling warmer and sexier every minute. His arm felt strong and comforting after the endless tension and worry of the last few days. Her fingers found a solid ridge under his pants and she scratched one nail along it delicately. It responded by swelling and growing. His arm tightened around her. Turning her back on him slightly, she tugged his hand down over her shoulder, down to cup her still-covered breast.

Paul and Cynthia glared at Mike and Judy, as Cynthia encouraged Paul to cup and massage one of her breasts through her clinging black T-shirt.

Judy pinched the hardening shaft of her brother's prick, testing its hardness and steadily in creasing size.

"It all seems to be here," Harry reported, apparently oblivious to what his four compatriots were doing. "I've got it separated by denomination. The bundles of cash are already counted."

"Let's split it up," Paul suggested. "So Cynthia and I can get the hell out of here?"

"What's your hurry, Paul?" Judy asked nastily. "Got ants in your pants?"

Paul's grip on Cynthia's small breast tightened. "Not for you!"

"Cut it out, you guys," Mike ordered.

"Us! What about you two?" Cynthia retorted.

"I'll make five equal stacks," Harry announced calmly. He began to shift the bundles of money around.

Defiantly, Judy pulled the raincoat back to bare the breast under her brother's hand. His fingers curled over the soft, exciting mound and her nipple burned against his palm. She noticed how Paul's eyes raked over her and decided to make her ex- boyfriend really sweat. With an easy shrug, she shed the raincoat. Abruptly naked, she snuggled next to her brother. His hand was still caressing her bare boob. She gripped his stiff, hard prick, through his pants.

Cynthia's eyes flashed with anger. Until now she had regarded Mike as hers. Obviously, something had happened. With his own sister, no less! Well, she decided to just let him see what he was giving up. Paul would appreciate what she had to offer even if Mike didn't. She let Paul pull her T-shirt up, then slipped gracefully out of it. Her small, shapely breasts quivered and her pert nipples stiffened quickly. She tucked herself under Paul's arm as one of his hands found her breasts, brushing from one small, firm mound to the other, and then back. Reaching over, she found Paul's fly and ran the zipper down. A few awkward seconds of prying and his cock was free, a hard hot leaping poker. She curled her fingers around it possessively.

Harry glanced up. His eyes took in both Judy's nudity and Cynthia's topless state. He gulped hard and his hands shook as he continued dividing up the money. His cock was suddenly uncomfortable in his pants, causing him to shift and twist awkwardly.

"Aw, shit," Harry swore, "now I lost track."

"Getting too hot for you?" Judy asked him softly.

"No! Of course not," Harry squeaked nervously. "That's good," Judy purred. She was working to free Mike's cock. After she had, she wrapped her small hand around its huge, warm length.

"Have to start over again," Harry sighed, pushing the stacks of money together. His eyes kept hopping from Judy's nude body to Cynthia's slender bare torso, then back to the money. A film of sweat gleamed on his face. His cock was painfully cramped by his tight pants. Finally, the pain got to be too much for him. Since Paul and Mike both had their cocks out, why shouldn't he? Unzipping his own fly, he freed his long, skinny prick. It stood out from his lap like a flagpole, its cap looking bluish in the flickering light from the television.

Judy let her legs slide farther and farther open, to expose the heart of her sex. Her knee nudged Mike's leg as she slid it outward. Mike let his free hand glide over the soft, satiny skin of the inside of her thigh. His fingers slid up and down that sleek column, from her knee almost all the way up to her pussy. Every stroke took his hand closer and closer to her thick bush. Judy shivered with every caress of her sensitive flesh. Her hips squirmed and shifted restlessly. She wriggled carefully, sliding her buttocks for ward. Her brother's fingers tickled into her pubic bush, then pressed her labia, seeking, then finding, the oozing slit. His fingers slipped into her soft, wet folds.

Cynthia's jaw tightened as she watched. Right there in the open Judy was letting her brother feel her up. Hussy! Well, two could play that game. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite as easy when you were wearing pant. Awkwardly, Cynthia unfolded her long, graceful legs and unfastened her pants. Squirming them down under her slender hips, she skinned them down her legs and off. She wasn't wearing any underpants. She curled her slender, graceful body next to Paul.

Paul didn't need any invitation. He slid his hand up the sleek length of Cynthia's thigh and probed his fingers into her sparse blonde bush, prying them into her pussy. Cynthia writhed sensuously under his touch, fire blazing through her as he stimulated her sensitive folds.

Mike turned to his sister, his fingers sunk in her steaming, soaking crotch. The sight of his former girl friend under Paul's hands made him burn with jealousy. Let her have Paul--Judy was enough woman for any man.

Judy accepted her brother's kiss with her mouth open and sucking. She drew his tongue in, met it with her own. Straightening her legs, she spread them wide to open her crotch wide to his exploration, and everyone else's view. She felt her brother's fingers plunge deep into her vagina. Lying slowly backwards, she pulled him down with her. Holding his hand in her dripping pussy, with one hand, she unbuckled his belt, then tugged his trousers down with the other. Hooking her foot in them, she kicked, dragging his pants and underpants down his legs. He managed to wriggle his feet free of the entanglement while she was fondling his heavy, swollen cock and warm rounded balls.

Mike was ablaze with lust. Ripping his soaked hand out of his sister's sex, he hurriedly peeled off his shirt so he would be as naked and wanton as she was. Then he plunged his hand back into her hot, wet folds. Bowing his head, he closed his lips over one of the hard, hot peaks of her firm young breasts. His teeth nipped at her nipple while he bathed the rubbery tip with his tongue. She was squeezing his rigid cock, as if trying to wring the blood from it. The motion triggered a delicious sensual ache deep in his guts.

Harry's hands shook so hard as he shifted the stacks of money he almost dropped them. He had given up trying to seriously sort the heap of cash. All he was trying to do now was conceal his increasing agitation. His whole body was knotted with building lust. The sight of the two beautiful naked girls being so openly fondled and played with was driving him nuts! Now Mike was naked, too, and Judy had her small, young hand wrapped around his prick. And Paul was taking all of his clothes off, too! It was getting to be too much, just a bit too much! Paul and Mike both had women, while Harry was being forced to sit and watch in frustrated agony.

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