Her Barking Stud - Cover

Her Barking Stud


Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Young teen gets her first taste of sex at a night club followed by an all night orgy. When she wakes up in the morning, she finds that she needs a good STIFF one to get her going for the day. She discovers sex with her own dog, then men, then women, then combinations of men and dogs, women, men and dogs. How will her life and her mother's life change?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

By the time the orgy was due to get under way, Jan had recovered her spirits somewhat, though she still wondered just what Dyed Annie had meant. She heard the decrepit VW drive up outside, so she took Meat and went outside. This time Dyed Annie was in a different mood.

"Get in, chick," she said thickly, "and let's go give those fuckers the fuck of their lives."

Jan nodded, happy now to be treated with this kind of familiarity, for she could understand talking about fucking. Talking about not fucking made her uncomfortable.

"I'm ready for anything," Jan said, guiding her dog into the back seat once more.

"What's the dog for?" Dyed Annie asked as she clumsily turned the car around and headed for the bar.

"I'm going to fuck it," Jan said matter-of-factly.

"I'll be damned," Dyed Annie said softly. "I never would have thought it."

They didn't say anything else during the short drive to the bar, but when they got there Dyed Annie parked in back, out of sight of the parking lot. They approached the back door together and were quickly admitted, the door opening silently and closing behind them immediately.

The scene was similar to the one Jan had experienced the night before, but there were more people present. A lot of them Jan didn't know, and she knew even if she were introduced to them, she wouldn't remember their names. So she decided to wait until they introduced themselves by sticking their cocks in her body if they were men, or kissed her pussy, if they were women.

She fastened Meat to a table in the back, next to the dart board, and went into the main part of the bar to see what the action was. Dyed Annie had disappeared once they were inside, and as she made her way through the crowd, she nodded to Benny O'Boyle and Tim Bessemer, both of whom she had fucked happily on several occasions before, and Irish Deirdre, whom she hadn't enjoyed fucking the last time.

Davis pinched her ass and told her they were waiting for somebody special, because there was going to be a special kind of show that night. But since the mistress of ceremonies hadn't shown up, the orgy was going to have to wait awhile.

Jan didn't know what to do with herself, so she slipped off into a corner to wait. She didn't want a drink, and there were just so many people there she didn't know she had no one to talk to. She'd have been willing, right then, to talk to Weird Stanley, but he was busy behind the bar, Davis had disappeared, and Robbie Lester was keeping watch at the back door, waiting for the appearance of the mistress of ceremonies... the chick no one in the place knew was darling Jan's mother.

After almost an hour of delay, though, the people were getting restless, a couple had already left, as Davis came to the end of the bar get things going. Before he could, through, he was caught by Jan, who whispered something in his ear. His eyes grew wide when he heard what she said, but after a moment reflection, he nodded. Jan skipped away merrily to get Meat as Davis got everyone attention.

Jan pulled the dog up on the stage behind her as Davis made the announcement that she had something special for them all, replacing his announcement with the statement that since Daisy Chain Sharon was so late, they were going to have to start without her. There were murmurs of dissatisfaction when he said that, for Sharon was a big drawing card whenever she agreed to preside at an orgy. But the hour was growing late, so they proceeded.

The murmurs of dissent faded away rapidly when Robbie Lester brought the blood-red spot-light up on her, standing alone in the middle of the stage. Meat sat obediently at her side, watching her with some degree of anticipation, for his juicy red cock was ready showing out of his sheath. Jan began undressing slowly, with the born instinct of an exhibitionist. She shed her outer garments quickly and then teased in removing her bra, taking an exceptional amount of time before dropping it away and letting the audience see her firm, ripe breasts, not too large, for she was only thirteen, but promising great things for the future.

Then she rolled her bikini panties down over her hips, at first barely revealing the top line of her pubic hair, and then gradually showing more and more of her pussy, until finally she dropped the garment around her ankles and kicked off her saddle Oxfords. She stood proudly then, naked and glad to be looked at by the men and women gathered in the club to fuck. She turned slowly, so everyone could get a good look at her body, and then she settled in to the business at hand.

She petted her dog gently, and Meat stood up, his cock ready hard and dangling lewdly beneath his belly.

"My God, she's going to fuck the dog," a woman sitting at a table nearby said in a hiss that was electrified with emotion.

Jan knelt and slowly, carefully, lovingly, started jacking Meat of... an act she was already expert in, and which the dog had learned to love almost as much fucking.

No one made a sound as Meat started coming, shooting his sticky gism into a wet stain on the stage. But Jan had no intention of merely giving a demonstration on the techniques of dog masturbation, so after a few moments of the hand job, she slithered beneath the dog's belly on her back and guided his huge dork deep into her mouth. She sucked deeply swallowing Meat's come as avidly she would have swallowed the come of any man in the world except Weird Stanley.

The woman who'd hissed her comment a few moments earlier turned her face away sharply when she realised Jan was blowing the dog, but her hand was under her skirt and it was obvious, had anyone been watching her, that she was frigging herself furiously.

Jan continued sucking Meat delicious cock, swallowing his come as rapidly as he shot it, but she had certain difficulty keeping his cock in her mouth, for be was hunching frantically in the desperation of his lust. After all, it had now been several hours since he'd fucked a human female, and he was so used to getting some every couple of hours he was really horny and feeling deprived.

Then Jan decided it was time to take Meat's cock into her pussy, so she rolled over and let Meat mount her from behind, just as he would a real bitch in heat. But his cock was at the wrong angle to go into her snatch without help. Before Jan could reach under herself and guide Meat's dork into her lovely young body, the woman who turned away when she was sucking the dog leaped up onto the stage, grasped Meat's cock and aimed it property into Jan's snatch. She even helped the dog make his insertion, pushing him forward until his cock was buried in Jan's thirteen-year-old cunt all the way to the hilt. Then she ripped off her clothes, and while Jan was getting a proper fucking from behind, dog fashion by a dog, she pressed her pussy right in Jan's face, urging the darling child to suck her off. Jan did her best, but no chick, not even Jan, could give a good blow job while being fucked so magnificently by such a marvelous dog as Meat.

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