Family Bride - Cover

Family Bride


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Not being able to get the sexual satisfaction from his married wife of 25 years, Richard goes over to his daughter-in-law's and decides to get what he wants from her

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   InLaws   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Food   Novel-Pocketbook  

His balls lying loose against Jeanne's cheek as she sucked him, his fingers tweaking Valerie's tits as he fucked her mouth with his tongue, Rich pulled his knee out from under his father's hand.

As though desperate to touch flesh, the older man shifted his hand to Jeanne's thigh, his fingers grazing her hairy mound as he rooted his face deeper into his daughter-in-law's creamy cunt. Her labia were well distended and he could swipe his tongue along their inner walls almost to the inner lips without straining.

Valerie looked about her at the three bodies sprawled in tangled positions on the bed. Although her father-in-law was once again eating her out, although Rich amused himself by slobbering over her breasts, she was still the least involved person in what had now become an orgy. When she looked at her roommate she was amused to see how her father-in-law's finger wriggled back and forth in the coppery coils of Jeanne's pubic hair, seeming to come out her mouth in the form of Rich's big cock. Rich was hard again, and it amazed Valerie to see how quickly his blood-engorged tool had stiffened under Jeanne's oral stimulation.

The platinum blonde pushed Rich's cock out of her mouth with her tongue and lifted her head to look at Valerie. "Wild, isn't it?" she asked, coughing a little.

It's wild all right, Valerie thought.

"Look," Jeanne said to Rich, pushing his cock away from her face. "I mean, I can dig going down on you like this. But what I'd really groove on is having you ball me. I haven't been fucked in a week."

Rich chuckled as he raised his head from his sister-in-law's glistening tits. "That's laying it on the line, I guess." He gave his father a shove on the top of the head, and when the old man looked up from Valerie's cunt Rich said, indicating the blonde, "This one wants to get pronged, Pop." Richard smiled like a coyote and unhesitatingly crawled over his son's and daughter-in-law's legs to place himself between Jeanne's widespread thighs. His bony-looking cock probed against her unfucked cunt as he shook his head at the sight of her lemon- shaped tits.

"This isn't exactly what I had in mind," Jeanne said, reaching up to finger Rich's hairy nuts. She glanced down at Richard as he wedged the head of his cock into her labia. "You haven't forgotten how to do it, have you?" she asked him.

Richard grinned. "It's like riding a bicycle," he told her. "Once you've done it the first time, you never forget it." Then he looked over at his son and said, "You just going to lay there, Bud?"

Rich Junior pulled his thigh across Jeanne's face and put his arms around Valerie. "Let's see you in action first, old man." He scooted up on the bed beside his sister-in-law and idly twiddled her nipples as he watched his father begin thrusting into the willing blonde. "Your ass is bony," he observed.

"I don't fuck with my ass," his father told him.

"Is it in?" Jeanne joked, humping up at him.

"Christ, yes, it's in!" Richard choked. "Can't you feel it?"

"Well, put it in deeper then," Jeanne demanded, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling his bristly cheeks against her breasts.

Over Rich's shoulder, Valerie watched her father-in-law wriggling his pale ass as he ground his cock into the girl beneath him. She slapped Rich's hands away from her tits, but did not object when he returned them to finger her softened nipples. She rubbed her calves softly against Rich's hairy legs, licking her lips as she watched how easily her roommate submitted to Richard's erratic thrusts.

But the coupling was surprisingly short. In less than two minutes, Richard stiffened and ground himself down against Jeanne's gripping cunt.

"Well, good Lord!" Jeanne said. "He's shooting his wad already!"

Richard pulled out of her, his cock still seeping weakly as he gasped for breath.

"You call that a fuck?" Jeanne asked him. She reached over and flicked the tip of his cock with her fingers. "Hell," she said to Valerie and Rich, "I'd sooner finger my own clit than try that again."

Rich's fingers stopped moving on Valerie's nipples. "You don't like the way my dad fucks?" he asked her.

"I've had more fun falling off a bicycle," she told him flatly.

Rich looked at her for a moment, then crawled off the bed and walked into the living room. Both girls watched him go.

"What's eating him?" Jeanne asked.

"I don't know," Valerie said. But something in the cold way her brother-in-law had left the bedroom instilled fear in her.

Jeanne broke out laughing when Rich appeared in the doorway. "You've got to be kidding!" she chortled. Rich was leading the border collie into the bedroom by the collar.

Valerie pulled the sheets over her body and backed away on the bed.

Suddenly Jeanne quit laughing. She looked at her roommate, her eyes leashing. "He is kidding, isn't he?"

Valerie couldn't speak.

"Hold her legs open!" Rich told his father, trying to get the dog to jump up on the bed.

Mr. Davis looked from his son to the two frightened girls on the bed in front of him. "Bud," he said, grinning, "a joke's a-- "

"Hold her legs open, damn it!" Rich snapped, lifting the dog onto the foot of the bed.

Jeanne kicked at the older man's hands as he tried to grasp her ankles. "Not on your life!" she cried.

Rich put the palm of his hand against her face and shoved her down on the bed. "If you don't like getting fucked by a man, maybe you'll appreciate having a dog throw the meat to you," he spat. He grabbed one of her ankles and jerked it to the side just as his father finally managed to capture the other one.

" Rich! No!" Valerie cried.

"And you'd better help with this," he snapped at her, "or you'll be getting a ration of the same."

Jeanne looked with pleading eyes at her roommate. "Val... no, please!" she begged.

Valerie bit her lip in perplexity as to what to do.

"Hold her down!" Rich ordered.

"I'm sorry, Jeanne," Valerie whispered. Then she grabbed her roommate by the shoulder and shoved her back against the sheets. "It's either you or me," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

While Valerie and Rich's father held the terrified girl down, Rich wiped his fingers through the juice of Jeanne's cunt, then held them up to the dog's muzzle.

"Valerie! Help met" Jeanne cried, watching in horror as the collie lapped the juice from Rich's fingers.

"She's helping you already," Rich grinned, leading the dog down to the original source of the thick salt fluids.

Jeanne flinched as the dog's hot tongue lapped into her labia. She wrenched one of her hands loose from Valerie's grip and swatted at the dog's muzzle. "No, Sam!" she cried.

Rich grabbed her ankles. "Get her hands," he ordered his father.

Mr. Davis shrugged his shoulders as Valerie looked at him. Then he caught Jeanne's wrists and pinned them to the side of the bed.

Jeanne thrashed her hips from side to side, but the dog continued to tongue her cunt. Valerie could see that the strokes of the dog's abrasive tongue were at first short and soft; but as the collie savored Jeanne's fluids his tongue worked deeper, lingering longer.

"Please, Val, please!" Jeanne begged. "Don't let them do this to me. It's filthy, disgusting! How can you let them do this to me?"

Rich looked down at the writhing girl. "Would you rather we did it to her?" he asked, nodding at Valerie.

Jeanne looked at her roommate as Valerie's eyes widened in fear at what Rich had suggested. For a moment she hesitated. Then she looked back at Rich and cried, "Yes, yes! Do it to her! I'll help you hold her, only don't make that dog fuck me!"

Rich only laughed. "Now you can see how she can let us do this to you," he told Jeanne.

Valerie looked down at her roommate, feeling a mixture of hate and relief. She was glad that Rich hadn't meant what he said about making her fuck a dog, but what her roommate had offered to do while the dog fucked her made her almost equally as happy that Jeanne was going to get screwed by an animal. It serves her right, Valerie couldn't help thinking, for flouncing in here like some Spring Street whore. I, at least, was forced into what I've done. She was practically begging for it.

Jeanne couldn't take her eyes off the bright red prong of the dog's cock, which Rich was deftly massaging out of its sheath. She tried to push the dog away with her hips, but it was a useless effort. The animal was only becoming more agitated the more she fought back.

Then Rich yanked her ankles down until her legs were hanging off the bed. The dog had backed up between her legs until he fell off the edge of the bed, but now he resumed licking her juicy slit.

Valerie winced as she saw the dog jump up on his hind legs, his paws dancing over her roommate's belly, his pointed red prick hovering close to the vulnerable cunt.

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