Family Bride - Cover

Family Bride


Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Not being able to get the sexual satisfaction from his married wife of 25 years, Richard goes over to his daughter-in-law's and decides to get what he wants from her

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   InLaws   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Food   Novel-Pocketbook  

Her mouth was covered with the whipped cream she had been licking from her brother-in-law's upthrust cock and sweetly coated balls. Her cunt as well, though most of it had been eaten away by Rich, was lathered white with the sweet cream, and streaks of it showed on her breasts.

Both she and Rich sat up suddenly, facing the stairwell, their eyes blinking in surprise and embarrassment. Rich wiped away a smear of whipped cream that was clinging to the nipple of his brown chest.

"Val!" Jim gasped, unable to advance or retreat from the doorway.

"Like a couple of mad dogs!" Mrs. Davis cried, averting her eyes, then looking back again.

Neither Valerie nor Rich had heard them coming up the stairs, and now Jim and his mother stood in the doorway staring down at them in dumb wonder.

"What in God's name do you think you're doing, Val!" Jim demanded.

"It's not what you think!" Rich began, struggling to his feet, the absurd patch of whipped cream around his balls causing his thighs to slip together greasily.

"You!" his mother cried, pointing her finger at his naked body. "I might have expected something like this from you! Well, I never could have imagined it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes!" Then she looked down at Valerie and her eyes welled with tears. "But you, Val!" she wept. "You were always so sweet and so innocent and... How could you do such a thing?" Then she caught sight of her younger son again and she ran across the room and slugged him hard in the stomach, her fist doubled. "Put something on, you big ape!" she shouted. "Don't you have any better sense than to stand around with your cock hanging out?"

Rich cowered away from his mother, slipping on the can of whipped cream as he tried to step over Valerie's legs. He grabbed the first article of clothing he could find and put it on. It happened to be Jeanne's bathrobe, but he didn't seem to notice how ridiculous he looked in it.

If he hadn't been so furious, even Jim might have laughed. Instead, he strode across the room and jerked his wife to her feet.

"Put some clothes on!" he ordered her.

Valerie shielded her cream-covered cunt with both hands and backed away from her husband and her mother-in-law. This embarrassment was almost worse than what she had suffered earlier in the afternoon. She knew that there could be no way to explain her actions. Both her husband and her mother-in-law had seen her willingly licking the whipped cream off Rich's cock, so there was no way that she could claim that her brother-in-law had forced her.

"I'm not going to hit you," Jim said to his brother, his fists clenched at his sides. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you." He looked over at his wife, then back at his brother. "The hell I'm not!" he shouted, cutting loose with a sort of round- house right that caught his younger brother square on the chin.

Rich reeled backwards, then quickly caught his footing and came in toward am. But as he raised his fists, one hand caught in the abundant folds of Jeanne's bathrobe. And before he could free it, his brother had landed another punchy straight to his right ear.

"Jim!" Mrs. Davis screeched. "Rich! Stop it! Stop it!"

Rich slammed a hard left to his brother's stomach and Jim doubled over, holding his gut.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Mrs. Davis ordered, stomping her foot. "Valerie, make them stop!" She darted between her sons and tackled Rich around the waist. "Stop it, you big ape!" she cried, trying to force him away from his brother.

Rich wobbled under his mother's grasp, but he tried to keep his fists up as well. But when he reached down to push the gray- haired woman away from his middle, Jim straightened up and threw his entire weight into an uppercut that connected dead center on his brother's jaw.

Valerie heard Rich's teeth snap together. Then she squealed with combined delight and fear as her brother-in-law more or less melted out of his mother's arms into a limp mass on the couch.

Jim turned toward her, panting. "Get some... clothes on," he gasped.

Mrs. Davis sat down on the couch beside her younger son. She adjusted the bathrobe over his crotch, then looked over at Jim. "I've never seen such fighting," she gasped. "I never thought I'd see you do such a thing, Jim. How long do you think he'll be out?"

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