Family Affair - Cover

Family Affair


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Billy fantasizes about doing it with his own mom, and when one of his friends gives him the opportunity to do it to his own drunk mom, Billy is the first one in line

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

George was now settled into his bed, feeling very content, and totally satisfied, sexually, that is. Esther lay next to him, sleeping soundly. George was glad of that, there was no way he could possibly be more fulfilled. He lay there relaxing, thinking of Cindy, that wonderful little cunt. Her soft body was something he had not experienced since he was... well, a number of years ago anyway. What a tender sweet pussy she had, and those tits of hers, they stood up with the strength that only is found in the young, much different than the already sagging breasts of his wife. Next to Cindy, Esther's age showed much more intensely. But Cindy, oh how he loved that body, how he loved sticking his over-active cock into her seemingly always hot, wet pussy. His cock stirred at the thought of that cunt. He almost felt ready for her again.

"Jesus," he mumbled out loud. Then he glanced at his wife, making sure he hadn't wakened her. He didn't mean for any words to escape from his mouth, but it seemed he was losing all kinds of control. But knowing he was safe, he smiled, and let out a little chuckle. His cock was stirring, God, what that little bitch could do to him, even he was amazed at his new surge of virility.

George's hand slid down to his cock, it was thickening and rolling from side to side, frisky, ready for more action. He put his fingers right around the shaft and squeezed, oh yeah that felt good, he sighed, smiling to himself in the darkness of the bedroom. He thought of Cindy's hard nipples against his chest, already longing to feel them again. The thoughts, the memories of her were intense and affecting, but they were no substitute for the real thing, her warm young flesh, her stiff nipples, smooth round ass, silky cunt hair, and the cunt itself, that deep tight hot hole of hers. He wished he could be with her whenever he wanted with no risks. Like now, for instance. He wanted to go right back in there now. He wanted to rush back into bed with her and feel her smooth thighs pressing into his hips as he thrust his cock into her. He wanted to feel the hot juices flowing from her, knowing they were just for him. What if he had married her instead of Esther, no, this was definitely the best of both worlds. Cindy could hardly take care of him in any other way, although sexually she was by far the best.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming from down the hall. He concentrated, trying to listen more closely. Again he heard it, it was a distinctly human sound. The more he concentrated, the more details he could pick up. Yes, he thought he heard a voice that time. A couple of words, they weren't clear, but he was sure someone was saying something down the hall. Maybe Billy or Cindy was on the telephone. But no, that couldn't be. He remembered that the kids didn't have telephones in their bedrooms.

Maybe Billy brought home a girl for the night, though he didn't see how a brat like Billy could attract any girl, unless maybe it was his school's slut.

But then he heard a voice rising for a moment, clearer than the other sounds he had heard. Was it Cindy? He straightened up in the bed. He strained his ears now, his breath speeding up, what the hell could it be? It was Cindy, he was sure, well almost sure.

Whether or not it was, he felt compelled to go investigate. Checking once more that Esther was still sleeping, he slid out of the bed. He eased his way out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He began walking slowly and quietly down the hall, so as not to alert anyone. He would find out just what the hell was going on.

He made his way straight to Cindy's bedroom door, and stopped, listening to the noises within, he became instantly enraged by what he realized had to be going on in there. His hand shot to the doorknob and he threw it open.

Inside sister and brother were fucking like wild animals. His blood was boiling, not as it was earlier, with anger now, instead of lust. He rushed into the room, glaring, his eyes ablaze. Out of control. He felt almost dizzy with the anger that swept over him. He looked at them there, fucking away, and he saw red. He wanted to kill them both. It was the last thing he wanted to have happen.

Things had been so nice, so very nice. He had been lying in bed fantasizing about the life he was going to have, his little harem where he would be fucking his older wife as well as his younger stepdaughter, his much younger stepdaughter. He thought he was going to have her as his private little mistress. What a fantasy that was going to be, to have his own teenaged mistress living right there in the house with his own wife, and the wife financing the whole enterprise. But his fantasy had blown up in his face when he opened the door and saw the two of them fucking.

He couldn't quite decide what he felt, but he only knew it was anger and disgust at the way he felt he had been betrayed by his stepdaughter. There she was fucking her own brother, for God's sake! What worse thing could he possibly have seen. It disgusted and angered him and he wanted to kill both the culprits, beat them to death.

And, in fact, he made a pretty good try at just that, lunging towards them at the bed.

"You bastards, you dirty bastards," he cried out at them. "I'll kill the both of you... you, Billy, you dirty stinking seducer, you made her do this!"

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