Family Affair - Cover

Family Affair


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Billy fantasizes about doing it with his own mom, and when one of his friends gives him the opportunity to do it to his own drunk mom, Billy is the first one in line

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Billy came home a little drunk from his night out with his buddies, a pretty exotic night for him. After all the excitement, he and his buddies cooled down in the park with a few six packs, and now he was feeling like a real rogue.

Boy what a night, especially after the day he'd had. He couldn't imagine anything better, it was the fullest possible day; he was sure of that.

He sat at the kitchen table recalling the evening when he and the guys were drinking and relaxing in the cool night air, wandering listlessly through the park, very pleased with themselves, not really looking for anything special. That is until they spotted a lone sexy looking redhead who came bouncing through the park. Their senses became alert, and their cocks stirred. They couldn't pass this one up. They really gave it to that bitch, God her cunt felt hot and tight when he had his strong cock in her. She had struggled at first, but they all knew that it was just an act. She really wanted it all right, and she got it, all the way.

Billy's stomach was grumbling, he really couldn't stand the taste of beer, but he didn't want to take any ridicule from the guys, he had to keep up his tough stud image. Billy opened the refrigerator, reached for the milk and drank it straight from the bottle. This was one sight not meant for the guys. Boy, he'd never hear the end of it, him drinking milk. But shit, it tasted good, and it sure didn't hamper his fucking ability, the way too many beers could. And that would be even worse, not being able to get hard with all his buddies around. He was hungry too, and threw together a sloppy sandwich. As he gobbled it down the mayonnaise dribbled down his fingers and he sucked it off, one finger at a time. His hot mouth felt good surrounding his fingers, very much like a hot bitch's mouth all around his throbbing cock.

He was satisfied now, but had a strong demanding urge to piss out all of that damn beer. He shut the light in the kitchen and made his way quietly up the stairs to take that well deserved piss. He barely made it to the toilet, fumbled with his zipper, and with his cock half out, let loose his hot piss for what seemed like an eternity. It rushed its way though his cock splashing violently into the toilet bowl. He sighed with relief as he shook the last droplets from his wilting red prick. That cock had become his most important possession, he took great pride in it, it gave him such a great sense of power and manhood. It made him special.

Billy left the bathroom quietly and made his way down the hallway towards his bedroom, he didn't get very far. He was stopped by noises coming from his sister's room, what he heard was a distinct human sound that could only be one thing. Shit, was his cunt sister that stupid that she brought one of her many fucks home with her, was she actually fucking some punk dude in their house. Oh man, was she ever a lame cock-sucking bitch. His anger was boiling hot, the sluggish effect of the beer was gone now. He wanted to bust right into that cunt's bedroom, and beat the shit out of her and that bastard guy that she brought into their private space. He walked forcefully, but quietly toward her door, wanting to surprise them in the act, having the upper hand. Billy stopped at the door, it was closed, but the sounds were not cut off by that. From the sound of it, Billy figured he could open the door, slightly, without attracting their attention, he was right. He gasped at what he saw, his face showed an expression of horror, his fingers dug into the wood of the doorframe, and he stiffened all over. This was even worse then what he first had thought. His stepfather, that dirty bastard, it was him! Billy stared for a few more seconds and then he pushed himself away from the door. Stumblingly he backed down the hallway to his room, and fell into his bed hardly breathing, he lay on his back staring at the ceiling, mumbling. He couldn't decide who he hated most, his stepfather, or his sister. Minutes went by as he seethed with anger. He realized of course that his sister was the greatest offender. He knew about her reputation as a tease and a girl with hot pants, a real easy lay from what he heard around school, he could bet that she had provoked the incident. He kept seeing her writhing body, taking her stepfather's cock into her cunt. He could hear her moans ringing in his ears, it was all so vivid, it was almost as if she was in bed with him, Billy. Yes, yes, there in bed with him, her beautiful luscious body against him. At this thought, he could feel a strong sensation in his groin, his cock pulsed, a wave of desire shot through him. He quickly dragged his pants and underpants down, kicking them off to the floor. His cock was stiffening, the head reaching up for the ceiling. He cupped his balls with his moist hand, pulling them up tight together, another wave of pleasure shot through him, he couldn't resist the feeling.

A sob escaped from his lips. "Cindy... you... you bitch," he whimpered. His hand moved up from his balls and gripped his shaft, he squeezed it tightly thinking of Cindy, how much he now desired his older sister. How dare she fuck their stepfather, what a betrayal it was! Billy knew she had quite a reputation and she sure did look hot, and if she wasn't his sister he would have jumped on her a long time ago. Not to mention all the shit he had to go through with his buddies. They all wanted to fuck that cunt, and he defended her, he even got into a couple fights over the whole thing, they really wanted to get at her, and now look what she was doing, while he was being a protective brother, well fuck that little bitch.

While Billy's anger heightened, so did his cock, it was really going crazy, jumpin' around and throbbing, oh would he like to stick it into her right now, just shove it all the way up that cock sucking bitch's cunt. Well, why shouldn't he, if she could do it with that bastard of a stepfather, that prick, who did he think he was? It was one thing or another ever since he'd come into their house. Billy had been feeling more like an outsider all the time, and he belonged there, he was flesh and blood for Christ's sake, and this guy George was just a stranger, a fucking stranger. And now this! How could Cindy do it, Billy seethed. Did George force her, rape her? Or did the teasing bitch want him to do it to her all along, had they been plotting behind his mother's back? Shit, he couldn't let her know about it, she'd go nuts. He would have to deal with this one himself, he would have to mete out justice to these creeps. He would deal with Cindy first, as soon as she was alone, he would give her a chance to tell her side of the story, not that he would believe any of her lies. If she didn't come up with the right answers, he was going to beat that bitch silly. He'd show that slutty little bitch a thing or two, he'd show her who was boss, and he'd show her that he couldn't be treated like a little boy any more. He'd show her! His hand was clasping his rock hard cock and moving violently up and down, automatically. His prick was covered with a layer of warm jism, and more was still oozing out over the swollen head of his cock.

Billy heard his stepfather's footsteps heading back to his mother's bedroom, now was his chance. He'd just tell that fucking cunt sister of his a thing or two. He rose from his bed, his cock still hard. anger flaring along with lust. He moved swiftly to the doorway, peered out, all was quiet in the hallway. He went out there, took a step forward and stopped, he balled his hands into fists, he opened the right hand and wrapped his fingers around his prick. His cock was hard as a rock, it was stickier and wetter with jism than ever. He sucked in a deep breath and proceeded slowly one step at a time.

He reached his sister's bedroom, the door was shut now. He looked down the hall to his mother's room, then he turned to face Cindy's door and put his hand on the knob, he turned it slowly, quietly, soundlessly he pushed the door open. He didn't move until the door was almost completely open, then he stepped through it, into her room.

There was just a small night light on in her room. He turned to close the door himself, as silently as he'd opened it. Keeping his eyes focused on the dim outline of the bed, he felt back for the wall switch. He paused another moment, ground his teeth back and forth and tensed his lower stomach.

His anger was doing a number on him. It was making his cock come to a full erection again. His cock hovered, bobbing out in front of him like stiletto, a deadly weapon.

Then his finger flicked up on the wall switch. The room seemed to explode with light as if from a flashbulb, the effect startled both of them, but Cindy, or course, most of all. She gasped, and her pretty blue eyes widened like saucers.

"Billy!" she exclaimed, swallowing noisily as she saw him.

Billy glared at her, fire in his eyes, his hands now both fists, knuckles bright white.

"Wh-what... what are you doing in here Billy?" she asked him, still breathless from the surprise. "You scared the Dickens out of me. Are you nuts or something? What's wrong, anyway?" She was calming down now, becoming aware of both their nakedness. Her, eyes focused on Billy's cock hanging out, almost fully erect, then she glanced down at herself, at her golden pussy and her plump creamy tits. She put a hand up over her chest, covering the nipples of both tits. It wasn't much, but it was a gesture towards modesty.

"So, what is it you want, Billy?" she asked her brother. He moved towards her. He took a breath before speaking, and cleared his throat.

"I want to talk to you, Cindy," he said, trying to hide any sign of emotion, but inwardly his blood was racing, both from anger at her, and from the returning wave of lust as he saw her gorgeous naked body. It was harder to disguise the lust of course, with his cock standing stiff and throbbing wildly as he watched her.

"Yeah, well, what do you want to talk about? Cindy asked, now getting impatient and a little spooked.

She loved her brother sometimes, but sometimes he was a wiseguy and a real pain in the ass. He could be such a little creep, especially when he was around his weirdo buddies. They did nothing all day, but take drugs, drink beer, beat up fairies, rob little old ladies, and rape beautiful women, and they called that having a good time, the punks. But she did like him sometimes, especially when he shared his drugs with her.

She wondered if he wasn't fucked up now. He looked so strange. She had never seen him acting this weird before. It frightened her a little, God, what was he doing walking around with his clothes off, his big cock sticking up in the air like that. He didn't seem able to speak, to explain his strange entrance into her room in the middle of the night.

"Okay, I'll tell you," he said tonelessly, after a long pause. "I want an explanation Cindy. I want to know what the fuck..." he started to seethe as soon as he began talking. "What the fuck you were doing in here with that fucking bastard George? I want to know whose idea it was for you two to have that little get-together... I want to know Cindy... I want... you fucking bitch, I want to know!" He let out a sob that went through his whole body, a sob that seemed to contract all his muscles, and then he growled like a maddened animal.

He lunged forward at her and onto the bed.

"Answer me bitch, answer me," he growled at her angrily, frighteningly, he grabbed her around the throat, and throttled her. Cindy panicked, she tried to scream, but he cut it off, squeezing her throat tighter. Her tongue hung out of her mouth for moment, and she gagged.

Billy let go his grip with one hand, and slapped that hand across one of Cindy's rosy cheeks. She gasped and looked at him horrified. He slapped her again, and then a third time.

"Bitch, tell me about it! Tell me about the shit you were doing with George. I suppose you're going to try to deny it, tell me it was his fault, that you weren't working on him all this time... oh God, you are such a fucking cockteasing bitch! Go on, deny it, deny it!"

Cindy gasped, "No, I... yes, but Billy please... it's like this--" She was out of breath. He had only just then released his grip on her throat, before she could say anything Billy snarled at her frighteningly.

"You'll give it to anybody, won't you?" he said to her. "You tramp you fucking tramp! Well, shit... you can give it to me too, then. Heh, why not, I'd like a piece of that pretty ass too. I can fuck you just as good as he can, think I can't?" He grabbed her tits, digging his nails into the soft flesh, he felt the nipples harden against his palm. "Heh? Want me to show you... I'll show you bitch, I'll show you who's the better fuck."

Billy mashed his lips against her neck, his body squirming up all over her. He shivered as he felt her body naked, and hot beneath him. His cock slid up between her thighs, the head grazing against her pubic hairs, he kissed her passionately all over her face. His tongue slid out of her mouth and he kissed and bit his way to the side of her neck. He looked down and grabbed her ass kneading the flesh with both hands.

"You have a beautiful ass, for such a bitch!" he said, his voice sounding in semi awe, and semi hatred. His fingers caressed her fanny, circling around and around on the twin cheeks, slowly sliding into the valley, and into her taut asshole.

Cindy caught her breath as the nail of his index finger poked her anus. She spread her legs apart, opening the ass cheeks farther, letting him press the finger deeper inside the valley.

"Do it," Cindy moaned. "Go on and do it, Billy. Stick your finger in my ass."

"Yes, Cindy," he said in a strange tone, he was smiling sarcastically, teasingly. He held her cheeks open wide apart with one hand, and with the other proceeded to invade her rectum. There was no lubrication involved here, so it was not exactly the most painless operation, Billy knew that, and the thought excited him more and more.

Cindy groaned twice, and Billy took this sign to push his finger deeper and deeper into her tight dirt track. When he had his finger all the way inside of her, he let her ass cheeks close around it and moved his free hand to her front. He brushed the flat of his hand across her pussy and then slid a finger across the meat.

"Stick you fingers into my cunt, too, Billy," Cindy gasped.

He fondled her cunt, threading his strong young fingers through meat and hair.

She began to drool. Cindy could hear the liquid squeak of his fingers sliding over the love juice. She twitched, and gasped, and ground against him.

"Do it to me, baby!"

He did it. He stiffened two fingers and shoved them up her cunt as deep as he could. She closed her thighs on the invading digits and shivered at the hard pressure. A stream of her juices flowed out over his hand, and her clitoris grew erect.

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