Family Affair - Cover

Family Affair


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Billy fantasizes about doing it with his own mom, and when one of his friends gives him the opportunity to do it to his own drunk mom, Billy is the first one in line

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Cindy was a gorgeous blonde of sixteen years. She lived in the quiet suburban village of Millville. She lived in a big house on Vagabond Lane that she shared with her mother, her brother Billy who was a year younger than her, and with her stepfather, George. Cindy had gone through a great deal of conflict with her mother since the divorce a year earlier, and the conflict intensified almost to the breaking point when her mother began dating the much younger George, and then after only a month's courtship, married the dashing used vacuum cleaner salesman. Mother and daughter had argued vehemently about the marriage. Cindy felt her mother was betraying her father. Esther, the mother verbalized all of the hatred she had been feeling for her first husband, and this only made things worse between the two females.

Cindy refused to go to the simple wedding ceremony. She studiously ignored her new stepfather for the first weeks of the marriage. Esther was too consumed in her young husband to even notice her daughter's obnoxious behavior.

Gradually, as these things happen, Cindy's wrath lessened, or so it seemed, and she began to get along with the new member of the family, and made peace with her mother.

George himself was surprised at just how friendly she became in such a short time span. But he wasn't complaining. He knew the girl could be a sweetheart when she wanted to be, and she was breathtaking to look at, so who wouldn't want to get along with her on the best possible terms?

George figured he was probably imagining things, but a couple of times lately he could swear that she was coming on to him. He wondered what he would do under such circumstances. She was a fucking hot chick, and there was no doubt about that. He loved fucking his new wife, Esther. Even though she was nearly a decade older than him she still had a terrific body, with those big, full tits that he loved to suck, and that round ass which felt so nice when he grabbed it and squeezed those fat, soft cheeks. He loved to open her ass and slide the side of his hand back and forth along her hairy crotch, rubbing at her cunt meat and her puckered round asshole. She was a great fuck, about the best he'd ever had. And he had had a lot. He felt like he had spent ninety per cent of his adult life sliding his cock in and out of one cunt or asshole or another. But now that was all behind him. He was settling down. No more sowing the wild oats. He had hooked a woman with a big bank account and a nice big house. And if she happened to kick the bucket early he had made sure that he was well taken care of for life if he played his cards right.

But with all of that said, he couldn't deny the effect that his stepdaughter had on him. Having her around really kept him in a tizzy. But so far it was all kept safely in check. Nothing for him to worry about, feel guilty about. Not that he would feel all that guilty, but he knew that if he went ahead and tried something and risked the girl rejecting him and squealing to her mother. No, he wouldn't jeopardize his meal ticket like that. The used vacuum cleaner game was not exactly lighting up the skies and he didn't have any other job prospects on hand. He had tried a little of everything, actually and nothing seemed to suit him, nothing seemed to be just right for him. He couldn't find his niche in life, and now that he was getting into his thirties he was ready to find some security. He figured he had found it with Esther. She seemed to adore him. She would do anything for him, it seemed anything under the sun. He had an unlimited expense account though of course it was not referred to in that sort of mercenary term. But he did avail himself of the chance to buy all the clothes he wanted and to drink and eat in a way that he wanted to become accustomed to. And he had explained to his wife that he really needed a new car to replace that three year old Buick that he had been driving around in. She fully understood that a new Alfa Romeo would suit his needs much better. He was bored with it after a week and started hinting about the Mercedes convertible that he saw in a showroom window. He wouldn't get it this week but maybe at the end of next week. Yes, that would be enough time. Esther, shouldn't see anything wrong with writing a check for twelve thousand dollars.

Yes, George definitely had it made and if he had any sense he would not do anything to rock the boat. But he found his stepdaughter pretty irresistible with her blonde hair and her big round tits and wide, round ass that she always seemed to be showing off with the things that she wore. She was a definite tease, but he didn't know if she did it just with him or if she did it all the time, with everybody. He wanted to know that. He wanted to know a lot of things about her, intimate things, like for instance what color her pussy hair was, whether it was the same color as her hair on her head. God, he thought, what a turn on that would be, to see a thick golden bush between the shapely legs of his stepdaughter. She had to have a gorgeous, incredible cunt and whenever she was around him he found himself speculating as to what she looked like, how she would be to fuck and if she was the horny type and very responsive to his touches and caresses and the ultimate motions with his cock inside there.

Esther was the horniest forty-year-old he had ever met. She certainly did love to fuck. He sometimes thought that she married him simply because he was good in bed. It was true, anyway, he was good in bed. He could fuck long and hard, and his cock was a sizable instrument that brought plenty of pleasure to a woman the moment it entered her pussy hole. Esther would start moaning and shaking as he would slide it into her, inch after inch of his hot, thick throbbing meat. She would love it. She would moan words of adoration and love and urge him to shove more and more of his throbbing prick into her. Each inch provoked a new wave of passion. She was almost too much for him to handle. But he loved it. It really thrilled him to see a woman so turned on by him.

Esther was out visiting one of her girlfriends this day when George was sitting in the den working on one of his used vacuum cleaners. Every since he had started selling the things they had become something of a hobby for him, something he could do to unwind when there was nothing else for him to do. Esther had quietly insisted that he keep the little shop he had been running when they met. He didn't see the need for it since he had been making very little money selling his reconditioned vacuum cleaners. But she was well aware of the sort of things people said, and she didn't want to be known to be keeping her husband on her own income. It was bad enough as it was, with all the people making comments about the fact that George was much younger than Esther. One woman she knew slightly from the bridge club had jokingly said that George was a more likely match for her daughter than for her. It was a very nasty thing to say, Esther thought, but she couldn't say anything for fear that people would suspect her of being overly sensitive on the subject.

So George had to keep up the pretense of being in business. And in fact he did sell a used vacuum cleaner from time to time when a customer was lucky enough to find him in and the shop open. But most of the time George preferred to stay at home and relax or watch television or go out to a bar or somewhere. He loved it when his wife went out for the day as she did today. That gave him time to himself, time to think without being on guard that he would do something wrong and jeopardize his meal ticket.

On this particular day he was daydreaming and fiddling with one of his aged cleaners when his stepdaughter came into the house. She had been out shopping or something. He was never able to keep good tabs on her, and he was afraid to show too much interest. The couple of times when he did seemed to strike a sour note with his sensitive wife. And he didn't get much chance to talk to the girl herself because she was always flitting about at one thing or another. She went out with a series of boys as George understood it. He wanted to know about her private life but he couldn't be too inquisitive. He had to watch out because his wife was a very jealous sort, and seemed to resent her daughter in certain ways. Esther acted aggravated by her daughter's social outings, making a comment or two to the effect that the girl was too wild and was out of control.

"But I've done all I can do with her, God only knows," she had said to him. "So if she wants to screw around, pardon the expression, darling, then I suppose it's out of my hands now. I can't watch her every minute. She's too old for that sort of nonsense now, I figure."

George acted sympathetic to her point of view, though in actuality he was feeling a strong current of jealousy. He envied those nameless boys her own age she went out with and who got to toy with her gorgeous, nubile body. He had long ago realized that he wanted to do what they were doing. But God help him, he knew, if Esther should find out about any of that. But she wouldn't would she? he thought. There was no reason for her to find out since there was nothing he could do about it. His stepdaughter didn't seem to really notice that he existed, let alone quietly lusted after her. She was certainly more friendly these days than she had been when he first started pursuing her mother. But it didn't look to be the start of any great friendship, that was for sure. And it was a shame. He would very much have liked her to be as friendly and relaxed with him as she could possibly be. It would be lots of fun, he felt, to be on warm, intimate terms with that luscious teenager. Yes indeed.

All his senses pricked now when he heard the door slam and realized that it was his tempting blonde stepdaughter who had entered the house. The two of them were alone together. It thrilled him to think of it. He laughed as he realized that his heart was beating faster than normal. It was ridiculous. He felt like a child, reacting in such a way. But that was what the young bitch did to him, with her teasing movements, her provocative dress, everything guaranteed to get a hard-on out of any man who happened to cross her path.

God, how he wanted to put his hands on her body. The cock- teasing bitch. He wanted to put more than his hands on her, too. He wanted to touch her with his cock, slap the hard throbbing tool against her and shove it deep inside her pussy. Ha. That might make Esther a little uptight, he supposed. But it might almost be worth it. It might almost be worth losing the cars and the home and the spending money and the fancy clothes if he could get a crack at that teenaged pussy. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh. Then he shook his head. This was silly, to spend his time thinking such thoughts. They didn't add up to anything but a sense of anxiety. After all, he wasn't going to rape the sexy teenager and that was the only way he was going to get into her pants, wasn't it? Of course it was, he told himself. After all, she had only recently started talking to him, and that was a major concession on her part from her previous behavior.

No, let's not think about young Cindy, he told himself. That could only lead to trouble.

But even as he was putting the girl out of his mind, she came to him in the flesh. He coughed and sputtered as he saw that vision of jailbait loveliness incarnate a few feet away from him. She was wearing a halter-top that excitingly exhibited her full, round young titties. Below that she was wearing shocking pink jeans that clung tightly to her ripe, full figure, those shapely legs and that high, wide ass. She was holding a couple of packages under one arm.

He cleared his throat and had trouble finding his voice. She had really taken him by surprise. God, she was sexy, he was thinking as he looked at her. He could see her nipples poking out tautly against her halter-top. The breasts were so ripe and plump that they jiggled from side to side at her every breath. It was almost too much for him to stand. He took a deep breath, slowly let it out, and then smiled at her. Mustn't lose control of myself, he told himself. No matter how sexy she might look it wasn't for him. He was her stepfather, and he didn't even know for sure if she liked him.

"Hello, George," she said to him. There was a strange irritating, almost mocking tone to her voice. "How are you doing today, George." She put her free hand on her hip. Her ass was jutted to one side and it was a very provocative stance, at least for George whose mind was running in that direction. She oozed sex from every pore. He closed his eyes for a moment to try and control himself and get his mind off of the line of thought it was starting to follow. "I did say hello, now, didn't I?" she said, increasing the mocking element in her tone of voice.

"Oh... yeah. Hi, how are you, Cindy. Um, good to see you. Been out, uh, shopping, have you? Bought some things, did you?" he said to her. He couldn't think of anything else to say. She had surprised him, and then seeing her in the flesh, and what flesh, had made his mind turn to Jello.

Cindy looked at him smugly. Even at her tender age she had already developed the contemptuous arrogance that comes to those blessed females born with a cunt like a talisman, that will get them anything they want. She glanced down to see that her nipples were sprouting tautly against her halter. A slight smile formed on her lips. She was well aware of the impression she was making on her stepfather. She had been thinking about doing something like this for a while, but for one reason or another she had put it off or not been able to try it. But now the circumstances seemed ideal for her little game.

Look at him, she said to herself. He doesn't know what to do. He looks as if he'll come or piss in his pants if I make one more movement. Should I see if it's true? Should I just wiggle my round little bottom a bit, or perhaps graze my hand up over my crotch. It would have to be pretty funny too much for me to take. He looks like he's in pain poor dear. I wonder if he gets all out of sorts like this when he looks at my mother? Cindy wondered, chuckling softly as she stood there in front of him.

"I'm okay," she finally replied to him. "Yeah, I've been out shopping. I went with my friend Bonnie. Did you ever meet her? She's the big redhead. She's got really big tits, you'd probably like her, George."

George coughed in surprise. What a provocative thing to say. And what the hell did she mean by it, anyway? he wanted to know. It sounded like she thought of him as some sort of lech, or at best a tit fetishist. And, anyway, why on earth was she talking to him like that? They had never exchanged dialogue like this in their previous abrupt talks. Why was she being so open and "Adult" with him at this time? It was a good question, but he didn't know how to get an answer, except by waiting and seeing what she was up to. Maybe she was trying to trap him. That was a possibility. He was tempted to get friendly and flirty with her, as she seemed to be doing with him now, but it might be just a trap. He knew that she had originally been quite virulently opposed to his marrying her mother. It didn't seem likely that she could have gotten rid of all that intense antagonism this soon. He had to be careful. He didn't want to do anything that she could use against him to her mother. He felt he had Esther's trust to a certain extent but he did have to be careful not to make her suspicious. She was a trifle self-conscious about their differences in age, he knew, and would be on the lookout for younger women trying to come on to him when they would be out to dinner or somewhere. At times like that, when she felt threatened, especially if she suspected him of being an accomplice in the other woman's flirtation with him. And she was on occasion jealous of her daughter. Oh yes, playing with Cindy was playing with fire, he knew. But with all of that clear in his mind he still couldn't take his eyes off of her, and couldn't help but respond physically to the physical gestures she was making.

He had a hand around the handle of the vacuum cleaner he'd been looking at, and he found that he was gripping it so hard just now that his knuckles had all gone white. He loosened his grip and put his hand down on his knee.

Cindy took a step towards him and reached out for the vacuum cleaner, needlessly taking hold of the handle where he had been clutching it. She caressed the phallic shape and flicked the tip of her index finger over the very tip of the handle. She smirked and then stepped back.

"You've been playing with your vacuum cleaners again, George?" she said to him with another little chuckle.

"Just making sure they're all ready to go into the shop and be sold, that's all," he said, defensively. He got the impression she was making fun of him. George himself knew that he was a failure in every endeavor he had ever tried, including the current reconditioned electrical appliance bit. He knew it, but he didn't like other people getting wise to the fact, and he certainly didn't like them trying to make fun of him about it. That was one thing he couldn't deal with. George had his pride and plenty of it.

Cindy regarded him thoughtfully for half a minute. George stared back at her, trying to keep from wilting under her gaze. She was a very unnerving kid for her age, he was thinking. And then be kept thinking again and again, God, how I would like to fuck that hot, round ass of hers, jam my cock right through those tight pink pants.

"Well," she said, finally, "aren't you going to ask me what I bought? Aren't you interested in what I do, George? The stuff I like, you know? I thought we were starting to get to know each other better, maybe."

George cleared his throat and said, "Yes, of course, of course I'm interested in what you do." He was once again taken by surprise by what she said. He didn't expect that she would be asking him to be more friendly and sociable towards her. It had been the other way around most of the time. She had been the one acting unfriendly most of the time in the past. He had just been going along with the flow, trying not to cause any more interfamilial problems than already existed between the mother and daughter. He didn't even think that could help his cause in the long run, even if his wife did take his side up till now. He was smart enough to know that any mother, no matter how much she was in competition with her daughter, would sooner or later want that daughter's affection back, and he was determined not to be the divisive force when that time came. But this was a new and unexpected development. Why was Cindy all of a sudden acting like they were such good friends, she and her stepfather?

"So, uh, what did you buy while you were out shopping with your friend with the, uh..."

"The one with the big tits?" Cindy laughed. "Bonnie, yeah, I bought some really neat things, something for the summer and this and that. Would you really like to see what I bought?" she asked her stepfather.

"Sure, sure I would. I said I would, didn't I?" He was trying to regain his cool. She had put him off, but he didn't want to stay in that position. After all, wasn't he the man of the house? Wasn't he the one who was supposed to be respected and all of that sort of stuff that went with the territory? He might be sponging off of his wife for the most part, might not be much more than a suburban gigolo in reality but he was still a man and had his pride and wanted to make sure that he didn't put himself in the wrong light. He wasn't going to become a thing of ridicule no matter how. No way. And if the two bitches that he shared this house with thought that one way or another they were going to tell him what to do they were damned well mistaken. He would show the both of them that he was a man and that meant he was the one who gave orders and decided what went down in the house. Now all he had to do was figure out how he was going to break it to his wife without incurring her wrath. And this stepdaughter with the mocking smile, just how the hell was he going to deal with her now? Well, for the moment he would play it by ear. He'd see what the fuck she bought on her shopping trip, though he wasn't in the least interested in seeing some new platform shoes or a pair of earrings or whatever she bought. But if she was going to be friendly, even in her slightly suspect way, then he couldn't do anything to upset the boat. He would go along with it and watch and see what gave. Maybe it was an honest, authentic attempt to make friends with him once and for all. He felt guilty at that thought. He considered all of his nasty thoughts about her, the lust he undeniably felt for her. That wouldn't fit in too well with a warm, friendly stepfather-daughter relationship.

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