Drugged Into Sin - Cover

Drugged Into Sin


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A young-teen couple are madly in love and are saving each other's virtues for marriage. The young girl's uncle has other ideas, though.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Uncle   Niece   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

"That was a very nice performance, me dear," Price said as he leered at her from across the table. "Who was that... an old boyfriend?"

"Yes," she murmured quietly. "He was a fellow I went with in school. You mean you were watching us? How?"

"This house has many mirrors and many eyes, there is little that escapes us!" he laughed at her.

"He... he, doesn't know about me. I mean, about what has happened to me. I didn't tell him, honest!" she stammered. "You won't tell him if he comes back here will you?"

"Of course not, love," he said, almost wickedly. "In fact, if he doesn't have a job, I may be able to arrange something for him also. Why don't you ask him to come talk to me?"

"I couldn't do that, he wouldn't understand and besides, then he would find out about me. I couldn't bear to have him know what I've become, or rather," she said tearfully, "what you've forced me to become."

"Well, my dear," he continued, "if you don't care to introduce me to your friend, I will have to find him myself to make my proposition, and then he will find out about your amusing occupation! You see, I need someone like him right now... a new face in the ranks, one that's as young and innocent as his. He could be very valuable to me. Besides, that way you can go on banging him on the side without charge and no one will be the wiser. So unless you want me to burst your little bubble, you'll cooperate. Do I make myself clear?" And he walked out of the room.

She knew that there was nothing else she could do except arrange a meeting between Price and Jimmy, so she began to think up some sort of a story that she could tell him.

That next afternoon she met Jimmy for a drink at the same bar where they had met a few days before. He was waiting, sipping a tall gin and tonic when she arrived.

"Well, good afternoon, princess! You look as beautiful as ever." he said, kissing her briefly on the cheek. "Have a drink, what'll it be? Same?"

He could sense that once again she was nervous, but he decided to wait for her to say something. She had told him that there was something she wanted to discuss with him and so he thought it was best not to rush her. Let her have a few drinks, he thought to himself. They always make me more lucid, and maybe it will help build up her courage, I'll just have to be patient.

"Let's go to a table where we can talk," she said after a few quick gins. The alcohol was making her begin to loosen up and she felt that now she could tell him what was on her mind.

"Sure, sweetheart, anything your heart desires," he said, trying to create a jovial air and he gave her a light pat on the bottom as she slid off of her barstool.

"I don't know quite how to begin this, Jimmy. I don't want you to get the wrong idea," she stammered, hesitating with every word.

"I know that there has been something on your mind from the very first time I found you here in this crummy bar, darling. Nothing you have to say is going to make me change what I said the other day, you know. I'm not that easy to get rid of and besides, I love you very much, pumpkin."

"You are trying to make things so easy for me, I know, but somehow it just isn't that easy, but do try to understand." she said.

"Okay, shoot. I've got broad shoulders."

"Jimmy, Mr. Price said that he could get you a job if you wanted to stay in New York. He saw you the other day and asked me who you were. When I told him he said that he would be glad to help you out and that you could come over to the house anytime you wanted. I think he knows we were making love in the room, so there isn't too much I could do. I told him that I would introduce you to him." She knew that this wasn't quite the truth, but maybe he would accept what she said at face value and not question her any further.

"That's very nice of him, sweetheart. I don't have a job and I really can't do anything, do you know what he has in mind?" he asked.

"Not really. I don't know exactly what he does, but I have a feeling that all his ventures aren't exactly above board. I know that he knows a lot of people here in the city and that you wouldn't get into any trouble, it just depends on how moral you are going to be." she added.

She knew that she had to say something like that so that Jimmy wouldn't be completely surprised when he met Price, she felt that she had to give him some sort of an inkling or he may not go at all, and then she would be sunk and there would go their relationship. She couldn't bear the thought of Jimmy finding out about her and never wanting to see her again, especially not after that afternoon they had made such beautiful love. She couldn't lose him now, he was the only thing that would keep her balance, her only connection with reality.

"What's he like, this Mr. Price?" he asked.

"Well, he likes to think he has all the class in the world. Of course he doesn't, but a lot of his friends do. That's where you fit in. You have what he doesn't. You're young, you have polish and you can probably be an asset to him socially, if nothing else. That's why he would give you a job, I'm sure."

"Well, it doesn't sound quite kosher, sweetheart, but if I'm going to stay in New York and keep an eye on you, I guess I'd better meet this Price fellow. Now do you feel better. It wasn't as bad as all that, was it?" he looked at her smiling.

"Oh, Jimmy, I don't know what I would have done if you had refused to see him. I want you to stay in New York and maybe it won't be so bad after all. Maybe he just wants you to run some of his errands or arrange parties. I don't know, but all I care about is that you're here and we can be together. I don't know what I'd do without YOU."

She knew that this appealed to his male ego, but she also knew that she had meant every word of it, and it wasn't just flattery. She did need him if she were going to keep her sanity. She wondered to herself, if perhaps, she weren't just a little insane already!

"Where are we going to meet this man," he asked. "The house?"

"No, he asked that we meet him in what he calls his little hideout, it's just a few blocks away, another dingy bar, I'm sure. Here, I have the address." she said.

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