Drugged Into Sin - Cover

Drugged Into Sin


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A young-teen couple are madly in love and are saving each other's virtues for marriage. The young girl's uncle has other ideas, though.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Uncle   Niece   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The next few days were a complete blur to Christine as she lay in her room, aching and ashamed. It seemed that she was just waking up from a cruel nightmare, but found that every morbid detail of her fear and anguish was true! She knew that she would never be able to break the hold that Sam Price held on her and tears of humiliation and fear began to stream down her cheeks. She was not sure what he had done to her, but the searing pain in every opening of her body reminded her that she was no longer a virgin in any of her orifices, she had been cruelly violated and humiliated in every conceivable way.

She vaguely remembered that he had given her something that had increased her sexual desires to an uncontrollable height and had turned her into a frustrated animal and that she had actually begged some of the men to take her! This, more than anything, disgusted her because she realized that she no longer had control of her own body. She did not know what would be next, but she did know that even though she ached with pain deep within her belly, she again was beginning to feel a tightness building in her loins as she lay there, and that this desire would build until she would have to be satisfied once again. She knew the food they had been giving her was drugged and she had tried to hold off eating until finally the hunger had become so acute she could no longer stand it. She had eaten, knowing full well what the aphrodisiac result would be. And now she felt it.

She looked down at herself, admiring the smooth, soft bulges her breasts made and she put her hands over the twin peaks and squeezed them impulsively. She could feel the nipples begin to harden and stand erect as she rubbed them pensively, cupping the full orbs in her hands and lazily pinching the hard, pink buds. She pressed her legs tightly together in an effort to control the mounting urge that was tearing through her loins. She couldn't stand the thought of masturbating herself again, it just wasn't right, it was so degrading, but her desire had to be calmed.

She looked around the room, assuring herself that she was alone, she let her hand wander to the secret part between her legs. She pulled away the tight elastic of her soft, silk panties and raised them gently away from the firm, fullness of her thighs. Slowly, she let her fingers manipulate the waiting lips of her vagina and pluck tenderly at the erect, hardness of her clitoris. She stretched her legs out and opened them slightly so that she would be able to move her fingers more easily along the smooth, wet crease of her vagina.

The lust that was burning inside her raged like a forest fire and had to be extinguished. She dipped her fingers into the moist cavern of her cunt, wiggling them, scraping her fingernails on the tender walls and writhed her hips up against her hand until she could not push any farther.

God, she thought, I need a man... I need a man, now... NOW! Her fingers worked furiously inside her, trying to satisfy the terrible sensation that was tearing her insides apart and making her cry out for satisfaction.

"Oh dear God, I've turned into a nymphomaniac," she said aloud, "that's what's happened to me!"

It was a drastic and stark realization for her to face, but the sensual lust-filled desire that enveloped her body quickly took her mind off any recriminations she was feeling. Nothing mattered but satisfaction, complete gratification of her bodily needs... NOW!

She tried to lie still for a moment in order to catch her breath so that she could start again with renewed vigor when she heard footsteps coming down the hall toward her room and the muffled voices of 2 men.

She recognized one of the voices as belonging to Sam Price and the other one she couldn't distinguish. She tried to regain her composure as the voices got nearer and forced herself to withdraw her fingers from her wet, desire-starved vagina and rolled over on the bed, clenching her thighs tightly together in an effort to still the surging desire.

"She's a new girl, very ripe and quite a good shag, if I do say so myself," she heard Price say. "An uncontrollable little vixen when she really gets going... which doesn't take too much effort at all," he laughed hideously.

"Well," the other voice said, "she better be good, the best, for the price you're charging me!"

Christine couldn't believe her ears. It was bad enough to be a toy for Price and his friends, but to turn her over to strangers to do with what they pleased, she couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. She couldn't accept the thought that she was going to be an out and out prostitute, a common whore, who had to do whatever a client asked and with whomever Price demanded she do it. But, it was too late for regrets or changes, she could hear the door begin to open and she turned over to meet the devouring eyes of the man who had bought her favors as though she were a slave.

"Whew," the man said. "I see what you mean... what a body!"

"Here's a little present for you," Price said, "be very nice to this gentleman, he's a special friend of mine. Make sure he gets his money's worth!"

The man with Price came closer to the bed and stared, knowingly and lustfully at her, knowing full well that he would be taking her, using her, humiliating her momentarily. His manner was crude and she could see a bulge beginning to grow inside his trousers and strain against the confines of the coarse material.

"How many times have you been fucked tonight?" he asked, laughingly.

She tried to avert his brazen, passionate stare, but no matter where she looked his eyes seemed to follow her.

"Answer him," Price demanded.

"Not at all," she whispered hesitantly. "Not at all," as her fingers tightened around the cloth of the bedspread and she could feel her fingernails dig into the palms of her hands.

She knew that her body ached to be satisfied, but she could not stand the final degradation of being taken by this gross, sloppy man for money and money alone.

Then she felt thick, wiry hands on her shoulders, fingers digging into her flesh like pinchers of a lobster.

She began to whimper and whispered softly, "I have not been made love to at all today!"

"Well," the man replied, "we're going to see what we can do to help you put up your average!"

He laughed menacingly and pushed her roughly into the down of the bed before she had a chance to counteract with any fight at all.

With the stark realization of what was about to happen, she began to struggle, fighting and kicking, but she was held so firmly that she couldn't even turn over on her side. Her shoulders were held tight against the bed and her knees had been forced apart with a rough pressure of two other hands.

"You had better be a good girl," she heard Price say, as he tore at the soft, vulnerable flesh of her thighs, as he twisted her body around to the side so that she lay on her hip.

"Kneel up!" the man demanded.

She tried to force herself flatly on the bed, but hands moved from her shoulders and grabbed her arm and twisted it up between her shoulder blades, while the other pair of hands reached under her loins and hauled them up bodily. She felt like a completely limp rag, a rag to be used and thrown away for garbage.

The strength used against her was overpowering even though she continued to struggle against their efforts to force her into this position. She tried to swing her hips in a fruitless effort to escape their further degradation of her body.

"A wildcat," she heard Price say. They were on either side of her, looking and gloating over her naked body, the man anticipating the satisfaction that was to come.

Suddenly she felt hands change places and she was no longer being held by one of the gripping forces.

"Cooperate, you little bitch or you'll really have something to whimper about!" she heard Price command, and then heard his footsteps as he headed towards the door and out into the hallway.

The twisting of her arm forced her face down hard against the bedspread and she tried to let her hips and lower part of her body fall protectively against the covering, but one hand grabbed her cruelly and hoisted her up again into a kneeling position. She gasped with pain at the sudden grabbing force, but she was unable to avert the lustful lunge and groping of the hand.

She did not know how she would be able to fight off his advances without being physically hurt even more cruelly than he intended so she tried to let her body relax a bit.

She could feel the bedsprings begin to give way as the weight of the strange man crawled onto the bed and knelt behind her. His hands let go of her arm and she let them fall gratefully onto the softness of the pillow, burying her head in fear and the shame of her humiliating position.

His hands again began to run over her body, exploring every voluptuous curve and inch of her soft hidden recesses. Fingers tweaked cruelly at the nipples of her soft, full breasts until they stood erect and hard. The pliable flesh of her bosom was being kneaded with increasing pressure until she was sure that she would have to cry out in bitter pain.

Finally, the searching hands wandered further down her body, along her ribs, demandingly, and into the dip of her waist. They lingered there for just a moment and then started to explore the round, fullness of her hips and buttocks as he held her in a vise- like grip, unwilling to let her struggle and pull herself free.

She felt him move closer in behind her until she could feel the jerking and pulsing of his hardened staff as it beat relentlessly against the flesh of her thighs. The giant phallus throbbed and persistently pushed against her body, demanding that she take it inside.

She realized that there was no use in trying to get away from this awful man, that she would have to take him and like it. Her vagina still ached from her previous masturbation, but she began to cool with the insistent lust of this horrible man. She had enjoyed making herself want to be satisfied, but to be taken so hatefully was another story, it had cooled her passion.

The jerking of his mammoth penis did not really excite her, because she was too afraid of what he might subject her to after he had reached his satisfaction and needed to be stimulated to another erection.

She swayed her hips in an effort to avoid the contact with his throbbing organ, but it seemed to follow her like the Mona Lisa smile.

He grunted roughly in his passion and began to utter obscenities at her as he continued to fondle and pinch her body in every part he could reach without letting go of the grip that held her pinned to the bed in this dog-like fashion.

She knew that there was no way to escape from him, but she tried to push him away with one last futile effort. She jerked her body and twisted beneath his weight until he was lying full on top of her. She had meant to slide from under him but did not succeed.

She could feel the hardness of the head of his penis as it began to move closer to the unwanting, dry well of her vagina, and she struggled punily, in one last attempt to throw him off balance, but it was to no avail.

Suddenly his hands reached down and grabbed the cheeks of her buttocks in order to give him easier access to her tight, unyielding pussy, and she could feel his giant organ probe into the lips of her vagina and try to force itself into the depths of her belly. She gasped in pain as suddenly she felt an intrusion against the tight, elastic opening of her vagina. She felt as though a log were being pushed into her, ripping her, tearing her.

She screamed out in pain for him to stop. Any desire that she had felt earlier had diminished and all she wanted was for this awful man to stop what he was about to do to her. But, she knew that this was impossible, because she could hear the rapid breathing and feel his hardened penis push violently into her. She began to cry uncontrollably and tears ran like torrents down her cheeks as she felt her thighs swept wide apart, and the heavy weight of his body crash down onto hers.

She could feel his pulsing organ as it slowly began to push steadily against the lips of her vagina and slide into the soft intimate channel between her legs. She wiggled and turned, trying to avoid his impalement, but the intrusion grew harder and pushed deeper into her well of open sex. His giant penis throbbed out against her vaginal walls and her back ached from the heavy weight of his body. She felt his hands reach underneath her back and begin to fondle the crease of her buttocks roughly. His fingers began to prod at the tight elastic opening of her anus and she shrieked in pain as he inserted the thickness of two fingers into her rectum. She was still sore from the initial sodomy that she had been subjected to several days before because she had been so stretched and torn, and little screams of breath broke from her lips. Her vagina walls were chafed and raw as he continued to pound his cock deep into her while his fingers impaled her from behind. Slowly, however, she began to lubricate and although his penetration was greater, she could relax somewhat and it eased the pain. Her body, though, still felt as if it were being split open by a gigantic log as he continued his cruel, rough fucking of her cunt. His hands were gripping and squeezing her, prodding her with sadistic force, hurting her and making her wiggle helplessly with pain.

Without warning, as if his desire could not be satisfied in this more normal manner, he slipped his wet cock from between her legs and grabbed her hips and forced her to he face down on the bed, turning her over with cruel force. He tore the buttocks apart, spreading them obscenely, revealing the tight, pink anus which was raw from his demanding fingering. Then, without ceremony, he pushed down on her and with unerring aim he rammed his prick inside her rectum up to the hilt, encountering resistance as the tight flesh slowly gave way from the pressure of his body. Her channel was pulverizingly tight around his rigidity and its squeezing clasp brought forth oaths and gasps of pleasure from his panting lips.

She felt shamed and aching, her face turned sideways against the bedspread, and she felt only a great heat and splitting at her loins. She felt completely humiliated and ashamed and every part of her seemed to be at that tiny opening which grew and grew between her legs as if it were a great storm drain being broaded by the constant rushing of torrents of water.

Her lips opened and closed in torment and occasionally she tried to flatten her hips or contract her buttocks to withstand the pain in her anus, but then she was only aware of the tightening of her vagina and the extra pain which ensued from his brusque entry.

Every time he thrust now, pushing his loins forward, he felt the imminence of his orgasm grow greater and greater until there was a heavy weight of blood throbbing in the head of his thick penis. He rammed into her with increased fury until he felt his muscles begin to contract and he began to cum, spewing his maleness deep into her back passage.

The pressure inside her finally began to subside as his massive erectness became soft and he slowly began to withdraw from her. It was as if she had no rights, no soul, no humanity, as if she had been some stuffed dummy exclusively for anyone's pleasure, and she wept uncontrollably.

At last the man got up from the bed and began to get dressed. She could only lay there, aching, humiliated and wondering what else could possibly happen to her. She knew that her future was completely in the hands of Price and whatever he wanted her to do. He had transformed her into an obedient animal and she realized that it would do no good for her to try to fight off anything that he had in mind for her, besides her body still craved satisfaction, the brute of a man that had just taken her had not built her to completion, he had been too rough and so her loins, although they ached from the tearing entry, also ached with desire.

After the man left the room, she got up and decided to take a long, hot shower. Maybe this will make me feel a little cleaner, she thought to herself. Besides, I've got to get out of here for awhile, got to get some fresh, clean air... but she wasn't at all sure whether or not she would be permitted to leave the house.

When she was completely dressed and freshened, she went downstairs hesitantly, hoping that no one would hear her and she would be able to get out unnoticed.

She was just about at the door when a voice bellowed, "Just where go you think you're going?" It was Price and he was standing in a doorway a few feet from the door.

"I just wanted to go out to get some air, I want to go for a walk," she answered meekly, her voice shaking.

"Well, there are certain rules around here that must be followed. If you choose to disobey, I'm sure you can imagine what will be in store for you," he said hatefully.

"What are they?" she asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

"There are only certain places that you are permitted to go. Here I'll give you a list of the bars and restaurants, etc. I have men working for me all over this city and if you try anything funny, you will be escorted back here forcefully and I shall administer the punishment personally.!"

At this point she didn't care what the conditions were, she just had to get out, even though she knew that she would be spied on.

"Also," he added, "if you pick up any men, which, of course, you are to do, you bring them back here for your favors. I take care of the arrangements, the charges and this way we stay out of the eyes of the law., It's a very easy arrangement, actually."

She nodded hopelessly and turned and went out into the clear sunshine and fresh air.

She walked slowly towards one of the bars on West 49th Street that Price had said she could patronize. She needed a drink badly, a change of company, anything to take her mind away from the harrowing experiences of the past week and of the past few hours. She walked into the dingy barroom and found a seat in the corner of the room and ordered a double martini from the bartender. She hoped that the alcohol would blur her mind and let her forget what she had become, what she had been forced to become. The first drink went down a bit shakily, the bite of the gin was strong and tasted more like pine oil to her, but she forced herself to finish it and wait for its effects. Slowly she began to relax and ordered another one of the same.

Her eyes were becoming accustomed to the dim lights of the bar and she could see more clearly. There were several girls sitting around, all at different tables and some at the bar and they all seemed to know the bartender very well. Sailors, soldiers and some rather well-to-do looking, but greasy men comprised the rest of this somewhat less than cheery group. She wondered why some of these people were not at work, why they just sat there and drank in the afternoon.

After she had finished her second drink and had signaled for her third, one of the girls who had been sitting at the bar walked over to her table.

"You're new in the stable, aren't you?" she asked, but it was more of a statement than a question.

"I don't know what you mean," she replied. "I'm new in the neighborhood, if that's what you mean."

"Oh, come on now. Everyone in here works for Price in one way or another, I just thought I'd come over and welcome you to this dirty little club and maybe give you a few pointers."

Christine began to relax again when she realized that now all of these girls were in the same position she was, and she invited the girl to sit down.

"Thanks," she said. "I could use a few kind words and some good advice, but first let me ask you a question."

"Sure... shoot." the other girl said.

"Is there any chance of getting away from this mess? I've got to get out of here. I just moved to the city and so much has happened in the last week, I don't feel that I can take much more of this. What would happen if I tried to leave or go to the police?"

"Wait, slow down, one at a time," she said. "To make it short, don't try to get away, Price owns half of this part of town and I'd hate to think what would happen to you if you tried and didn't get on the first boat or plane for South America before he caught you. That answer your question?"

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