Drugged Into Sin - Cover

Drugged Into Sin


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young-teen couple are madly in love and are saving each other's virtues for marriage. The young girl's uncle has other ideas, though.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Uncle   Niece   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Christine thought that she would not be able to bear the pain of this horrible rape any longer without going completely insane. The searing fire that was burning deep in her belly could not be extinguished and she wished with all her heart that she could slip into the welcome darkness of death. There was nothing else left now.

She rolled slightly on her side trying to force her uncle's weight off of her. He slid to her side, but didn't release the hold that he had around her waist.

She tried to struggle, but her stomach was still tight with pain and his grip was too strong.

"Please stop now," she whimpered. "You've done what you wanted with me, I'm no good for anyone else, now, please leave me alone." Her pleas fell on deaf ears and she heard her uncle utter a low sadistic chuckle.

"Now, now, my darling little niece. We haven't finished our little fun yet. I've waited a long time to get into that proud little pussy of yours and now I want everything you've got to offer... right now... tonight!" He hissed down at her, his hot stale breath causing the poor terrorized girl to turn her head to the side to blot out the unpleasantness and the horrible, depraved leer on his face. Tears began to stream down her face again in an uncontrollable flood of self-pity and shame. She found herself wondering how long it would go on and what other sick indignities he had in mind for her. Although now... now what did it matter... what did anything matter... she was ruined... ruined forever... nothing could be worse than that.

Her body lay still now in a dazed stupor, too hurt and shamed to offer the slightest resistance even as she felt herself being rolled over on the bed by his harsh calloused hands. His hot weight dropped on her back, his flesh oozing over her like some great rubbery mass of soft jelly.

She was aware of the hardening of her uncle's penis once more, this time jerking against the crease of her buttocks and she could feel the pressure of his hands on her waist. His hands ran over the long, firm muscles of her calves and up the inside of her thighs and he smoothed her buttocks with his fingers. She tried to twist away from him, not yet aware of what he was going to do.

She felt a dull discomfort between her buttocks and she shuddered against him, but made no other movement, as if she realized the futility of opposition.

He ran the edge of his right hand down the crease of her buttocks. It was hot between them and the flesh was a little wet and clinging from his sperm. His fingers began to explore the tight, puckered skin around the tiny elastic orifice. And then it exploded in her mind, the lewd, obscene thought that he was going to sodomize her, ram his thickening penis right up her virgin rectum. Oh God, Oh God, ran helplessly through her mind. She could not move. He drew aside the buttocks like two halves of a soft fruit. She tried to tense her soft cheeks together again, but he tore at them with brutal determination and she was forced to give up her struggle.

"You're going to just love this, my little one." he laughed lecherously, savoring the idea of further punishment to her already tortured body. He leaned back slightly so he could see the crinkled ring of tender flesh around the tiny, smooth lips of her anus. He sucked in his breath and dug at it menacingly with his middle finger. She cried out as he scratched the rubbery opening with his nail and then tried to push her body further into the bed to avoid this painful and degrading probing.

He felt the warmth of her anus as the tight hole closed around his finger up to the first knuckle and his whole hand squeezed in vice-like pressure on her closed buttocks. He slapped the white orbs of flesh gleefully with his free hand making her cry out as dark flushes of angry color shadowed her bottom. He caught her by the nape of the neck and squeezed savagely with his thumb and forefinger.

"Relax," he rasped. "Open up your ass or I'll break your fucking neck!" Her buttock muscles were tightening involuntarily against his degrading intrusion.

She gasped and pleaded with him in low excitations of pain as he felt her body relax slightly and go limp, to be used as he desired!

He moved his finger deeper into the tight little hole causing her to cry out again, but she checked her tension half-way as she felt the increasing pressure of his fingers on her neck.

He moved his finger further and further into her rectum, scraping the side with his nail in cruel, painful delight. He continued unmercifully, increasing his force and roughness and delighting in it every moment.

She began to move her behind like a small frightened animal, trying to escape but getting pinioned more and more by the exertion of its struggle.

She could think of nothing but the pain as his fingers delved and scraped at the anal lining and the flesh seemed to be tearing away from the rest of her body.

She was sobbing uncontrollably now, in pain and in humiliation. Her pleas only seemed to encourage further indecencies from her uncle and now she knew that this would be a long night of terror and horror from which she would never recover as long as she lived.

Her uncle looked down at her writhing body and his penis jerked against the inside of her thighs, throbbing lustfully once more. This was the way he'd destroy her... by ravishing her virginal anus... that would humiliate her most and that was what he wanted to do. She had put him off all this time and now the proud little bitch was going to pay for it!

His penis felt like a swollen bruise, as if it were doing him some physical harm not to shove it into her and every moment's hesitation was a specialized piece of torture.

He removed his fingers from her behind and held his penis in his hand, stroking it gently, feeling as though he would cum any moment. Gently he pulled the foreskin back revealing the bright red head, glistening and shiny.

He tightened his grip on her waist, forcing her buttocks back against his thickened, demanding prick. It rode starkly against the intimate crease of her behind and ground against her for several seconds, and his fingers finally directing his staff at the small round target which he had already stretched experimentally. The knob of his prick prodded without any distinct feeling for a few moments, just the tightness of the entry.

He gritted his teeth, holding her waist in a pulverizing grip, pushing her down into the bed, punishing the bottom that reared up and billowed out towards his eyes. She had a beautiful little ass, he thought wildly. She was beautiful but he'd ruin her, make her his through sheer humiliation and power. She would never forget this night as long as she lived.

He jerked into her with long, hip-thrusting stabs which made him bite his lips at the sensation. He could feel her anus clasping the tip of his prick now, pressing against it and he could feel her legs flailing out on either side trying to avoid his impalement.

"Ooooohhhhh... uuugggghhhh!" A long moan of pain burst from her lips and her body thrashed wildly under his, completely pinioned and helpless. She gnashed her teeth in pain as he pressed deeper down the back passage until half of the length of his prick was inside her.

She bucked her bottom up at him, trying to throw him off, but as she moved at him he rammed it further into her until the complete shaft of his penis was buried deep inside the tight, unused passage.

"What would your precious Jimmy think of you now," he grunted through his panting breath. "How do you like it in your ass, Chrissie?" he hissed, his eyes blazing in sadistic fury.

"Oooooh, oooooh," she moaned beneath him, his lewd, depraved taunts searing into her brain.

When he rammed in, his foreskin was pulled painfully back in a sharp blaze of stabbing pain, and as he withdrew to the tip, her rectum seemed to drag at his powerful rod as if hating to let it retreat.

She had never thought of such humiliation. She would never be able to look Jimmy or anyone else in the face again.

Her buttocks were thrust up at his and she could feel the heat of his body against her thighs as her body was joined to his through her unused, virginal back passage.

He rammed in and out of her, working at her without thought for the pain, mental and physical, that she was suffering.

She thought dully that she would rather be dead. She felt the salt of her tears on her lips as her mouth opened in a involuntary gasp. Every time he smashed his phallus into her there was a confusion of pain, as if she were being impaled on some enormous, sharp stake.

It seemed as if his massive organ was right up to her belly, tearing her insides to pieces, as if suddenly he would tear some part of her and in a flare of pain and light and shame, she would sink into death. She felt completely degraded as she heard his gasps, his muttered obscenities as he continued to batter her in cruel delight. She coughed into the pillow, sure that she would be sick at any moment and wishing that he would finish and stop his crude impalement.

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