Drugged Into Sin - Cover

Drugged Into Sin


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young-teen couple are madly in love and are saving each other's virtues for marriage. The young girl's uncle has other ideas, though.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Uncle   Niece   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The skies were clouded with the gray misty haze that make February days in the East so depressing. Christine looked out of her bedroom window and onto the back campus of the fashionable Eastern boarding school she was forced to attend since her parents had been killed in an accident two years ago. Until that time she had been completely happy in the local high school in the small, but friendly farming community in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Although she was less than three hundred miles from her hometown she found the locale of the school far from cheerful. Coal mines, grey dust, smoky mountains did not replace the grain fields, green lawns, plentiful foliage which she could enjoy when she looked out of her bedroom window at home.

Home! What a laugh, she thought. Since her parents death she had been living with an aunt and uncle who were her legal guardians until she reached twenty-one. They had control of the insurance money, which would have actually left her quite well off, and decided that it would be best, to send her away to school. Christine was certain that they were going to make sure that she never got any of the money even when she did reach the legal age, and that was why she was being sent away to school. After all, her aunt and uncle had never had children of their own and what did they know about a young girl's feelings and needs. They just wanted her out of the way!

Well, just two more weeks until Spring Vacation. This thought brightened her spirits considerably. She was being allowed to bring her boyfriend home for the two weeks since his parents were on an extended cruise of the Caribbean. Two weeks to share things with Jimmy! The restrictions placed on all the boarding students at the school made it almost impossible to have a normal dating relationship. She was seventeen. Jimmy was eighteen and they had to sneak even a good-night kiss after the Saturday night dances sponsored by the school. The dormitory mother was always there watching disapprovingly as if it were a sordid, dirty thing to show any sort of affection. "Public display of affection is disgusting!" That had been drilled into the girls' heads from the first day they arrived at the school. If you were caught in what the faculty considered a "compromising situation"--such as holding hands, you were campused for a week for "Socializing." It seemed that they were so afraid that one of the girls would get in trouble, and this alone stifled any normal, healthy relationship between the boys and girls.

Until she had been sent away to school she had always been allowed to date freely. Her parents trusted her and with her strict Methodist upbringing a girl just didn't let things get out of hand. She valued her virginity and planned to save it for her future husband, but a good-night kiss was far from going "all the way," as her generation put it.

Her feelings for Jimmy she felt were love. She enjoyed his kisses, brief caresses, and found herself longing for more, but she had always kept herself in check--or at least the school rules had!

Now she would be able to spend two whole weeks with Jimmy. Even though it would be under the supervision of her aunt and uncle, it would be far more relaxed than the strict., unreasonable school regulations.

Suddenly she was jolted out of her daydreams as the chapel bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. She walked slowly across the street to the main building, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimmy before she went to her French class.

The two weeks went quickly and as the Greyhound Bus rolled down the forest lined mountain roads Christine felt a new exhilaration and an unexplainable apprehension about the coming vacation. Jimmy held her hand tightly and kissed her light on the cheek.

"What's on your mind, sweet thing?" he asked.

"Nothing, really. I was just thinking what it's going to be like to spend a whole two weeks with you--without the school's regulations and eyes staring at us. We've been able to control our emotions so far, but I was wondering whether it is because we are strong or because we had to."

"Don't worry. I know how you feel about things and I would never do anything to hurt you. Now relax."

She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, picturing the rolling green lawns, the trees in the backyard and smiled to herself. This was going to be a good vacation. Jimmy stared at her as she sat there, so peaceful, so full of hopes and dreams. She is a beautiful girl, he thought. His eyes wandered over the full length of her body.

The thin cotton dress she was wearing did little to conceal the already ripe body of a woman.

The neckline of her dress was just low enough to reveal the slight cleavage of her already full ample breasts, too full for a seventeen year old.

The material clung tightly around her midriff accentuating the firm, round globes, the small waist and the fullness of her hips. Her legs were long and slender, almost fawn-like. Yes indeed, she's quite a knockout! I'm a very lucky guy!

The four hour bus ride passed rapidly and as the driver called out "Lancaster, Pa." Jimmy reached across her and shook her gently to wake her up. His arm brushed against the firm fullness of her breasts and sent a chill through his body and settled in his loins.

Christine stirred and opened her eyes slowly. She smiled at him and said, "Well, here we are!" She got out of her seat to make room for Jimmy and reached for a small bag on the overhead rack. As she stretched she gave him, as well as the other passengers, a brief glimpse of her stockinged legs and the white flesh which showed between her nylons and her garter belt.

Jimmy drew a sharp breath, trying to fight back the slight bulge which was about to show through his tailored slacks. He reached up to help her with the bag, so she went ahead, out the door into the warm sunshine of southern Pennsylvania.

She looked around the small station until she spotted her Aunt Helen and Uncle Roger. After hurried introductions, they piled into the station wagon and headed for the farm. She was not particularly fond of her aunt and uncle. Her aunt tried to be kind and understanding, but her uncle was a different story. She felt uneasy when she was alone in a room with him. His eyes seemed to devour her, making her feel completely naked and defenseless. His hands would always be accidentally brushing against her behind or across her chest as he pretended to reach for something. She just didn't trust him, and today was no different. She could feel his eyes burning right through the material of her summer dress. His stare was so obvious that she wondered why her aunt hadn't noticed it. But that was Aunt Helen, trusting and completely oblivious to things going on around her!

Thank God Jimmy is here, she thought. At least maybe now he will keep his hands to himself and stop those awful, degrading looks. He just makes me feel dirty.

She tried to put these thoughts out of her mind as the car moved along through the residential section of town to the country. The sweet smell of trees budding, grass growing and the crocus blooming revitalized her spirits, and she reached across the seat and grabbed Jimmy's hand. He returned her affectionate squeeze and gave her a quick smile.

He's just nervous about meeting my relatives, she thought. But he was trying desperately to control the flood of emotion he was feeling. Here he was, away from the school for a whole two weeks with one of the loveliest and most sensual girls he had ever met, holding her hand, and finally they would have a chance to be alone. He could feel the tightening grow between his legs and feel his penis straining against its confines.

I've got to get this off my mind, he mused, and tried to force himself to look at the scenery and think of something else... anything else! He wanted her desperately! Too desperately!

They pulled up the drive to the house. It was a quaint farmhouse,, the kind you see on the postcards of the Pennsylvania Dutch country. The hex signs were freshly painted on the side of the barn which was a contrast to the weathered wood of the rest of the building. A huge sheep dog came running to greet them, jumping up on the side of the car.

"That's Bear," Christine said. "I've had him since he's been a puppy!"

Everyone piled out of the car and headed for the house.

"I'll show you to your room, Jimmy," her uncle said. "You women can make us all something to eat, I'm starved."

Reluctantly Jimmy followed her uncle up the stair to the second floor of the house. He was hoping that Christine would have shown him to his room. At least then he could have held her for a moment and kissed her properly.

Oh well, he thought. Perhaps this is best. After all, we do have a lot of time ahead of us.

Supper was light and informal. Christine seemed to virtually gulp her food so that there would be time after dinner to show Jimmy around the farm. She glanced across the table at him, then lowered her eyes and blushed slightly. I know he wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him, she thought to herself. Tonight will be the first time we've been alone since I've known him.

Her uncle gave her one of his lustful looks that made her feel that he could sense what she was thinking. It made her skin begin to crawl and she turned her head away from his knowing gaze.

The moon was bright as they walked across the yard toward the barn. Jimmy held onto her hand and leaned over to kiss her forehead.

"You look lovely in this light, more lovely than I've ever seen you."

She could feel a burning sensation in her loins, gnawing at her very being, and she knew that she had to have this desire satisfied. She stood very still, looking at Jimmy, almost coyly, a vague and graceful sylph. Her breasts were barely covered by the low, tight fit of the dress and he could see the tautness of the flesh of her ribs as it strained against the material and accentuated the enormous, proud thrust of her breasts.

She moved closer towards him, the flesh of her thighs rippling in sinuous hollows.

He stood rooted to the spot, gazing at her. He was unable to move and could only wait for her to come to him. He could feel his penis, hot and pulsing, forming a great jut under his thin trousers. He felt helpless against its throbbing and pushing, and the ache to grab her and take her right there on the barn floor raced through his entire body. He was aware only of her, a movement of firm, beautiful flesh towards him and the enormous, scorching tingle in the lower regions of his loins.

She reached out for him and clasped him tightly, desperately, breathing heavily. The tenderness and love he felt for her made his longing even stronger and he gasped, "God, we've got to stop this right now or else it will be too late, I can't wait much longer for you!" Her answer was a low, animal-like moan, throaty and promising. Her hands clasped his neck and pulled his face down against her so that their cheeks caressed, as the other intimate end of her body pressed and bumped against him, rubbing up and down against the hard protuberance of his erection. With a feeling of despair that they were two people rather than one, he buried his lips in her neck and moved his hands quiveringly down the smooth, flawless flesh of her upper back until it was hidden in the confines of her dress. As his exploring fingers reached the start of the outward bulge of her hips, he strained her body against him. His hands moved on down over and around the softness of her flesh until they were cupping her buttocks in a sensual ecstasy of their own. He forced her hips in at his, crushing her against his penis until it hurt him, torturing himself. Her buttocks were smooth and hard as she strained into him, then she relaxed and her buttocks expanded fully into his hands.

"You love me?" he whispered.

Her arms moved around his neck in reply and the pressure was so great that when she kissed him his lips were crushed back on his teeth and he could hardly breathe.

"I love you," she whispered softly.

His hands ran over her body with growing urgency, over the fullness of her breasts, the roundness of her hips and the resilient firmness of her thighs. His fingers began to work at the hem of her dress, pulling it up until he could feel the soft silk of her panties. She moaned quietly under his persistent touch and pulled him downward to the hay covered floor. His fingers found the tight elastic of her leg-band and gently, but persistently pushed them inside until he could feel the soft pubic mound and the most intimate part of her body. She wriggled under his touch, knowing that she should stop him but straining her body toward his fingers at the same time. Slowly he tugged at the brief panties until she lay completely exposed and vulnerable to his touch and every wanton caress.

His penis was throbbing wildly inside the tight confines of his trousers. Reluctantly he released one hand and tugged at the zipper of his fly. He had to free his pulsing, demanding organ. He had to have relief from this sweet torture. The urgency of his passion seemed to become unbearable and his swollen penis gave an involuntary jolt, moving sharply towards his belly as he released it.

"Oooohhhhhh, darling, we must stop! It isn't right. Not now. I can't... I can't..." Christine moaned softly, but at the same time she couldn't take her eyes away from his thick, warm staff as it jerked upwards. It sent a desire through her that she had never felt before. They had necked and petted, but it had never gotten this far. She had felt the stiffness of his manhood through his trousers, but she had never seen it and she found it difficult to believe the size, it had grown to in his excitement.

Sharply, she turned on her side, extending her smooth, round buttocks towards him. She reached behind him and pulled him towards her until she could feel the hardness and the jerking of his cock against her stomach.

Once more he let his hands wander down towards the intimate crease of her vagina and slowly began to finger the pubic mound, searching for the tiny hair-lined slit and protective lips. He found the hard little clitoris which he had read about in sex books and he massaged it gently while Christine moaned and writhed her body furiously under his touch.

"That's wonderful," she breathed, almost indistinctly as she let her own hands drop down to caress his throbbing cock. He gasped at the suddenness of her touch against his bare flesh, it was almost too much for him to stand. He began to rock his body back and forth as her hand grasped tighter and tighter around the frustrated penis. The agony was unbearable and he finally found the tight, elastic slit of her vagina and forcefully drove a finger deep into her soft, warm channel. She gasped in pain and shock at the sudden intrusion.

"Ooooooooh! Stop, darling. That hurts. You'll have to do it slower."

But, the boy was breathing too rapidly now to listen to her plea and continued the punishing movement of his fingers, more quickly and powerfully. She could feel the pressure in her loins begin to lessen as her vagina began to lubricate with her love fluid, but she was afraid that he could puncture the virginity that she had so highly and carefully protected. She tried to push him away, but the weight of his body prevented her from moving her hands. His penis was jerking and throbbing wildly now as it pushed in and out of her tightly clenched fists. He felt that he could not wait, he was about to cum and he wanted to ram his denied prick deep into her belly. He had to have her and have her now!

Christine began to cough out sounds from her throat until he was not sure whether he was really hurting her that badly or whether it was some choking passion. With a great effort he slowed his rhythm of finger fucking and tried to force her over on her back so that he could take her as she should be taken.

"Nooooo, Jimmy. We mustn't do this! We must save it, darling, we must save it!"

Ignoring her pleas in his pent-up passion, he forced her backward until she lay completely open, exposed and vulnerable. His penis was about to burst as his hands went to his loins in an effort to pry her fingers away from his thick, stiffened staff so that he could totally impale her with his maleness. She tried to tighten her grip around the jerking flesh as he pulled back away from her touch, but she could feel her fingers slowly losing their grip.

As her fingers could feel the hard, rounded head of his penis leave her grip, he gasped, "Damn... damn it! I'm going to cum... I'm going to cum now!" She could feel a sudden bursting and sticky substance cover the palm of her hand as his hips thrust forward wildly in thwarted passion. She could feel the jerking of the muscles of his prick as they relaxed and contracted, shooting forth his sperm into her hand and onto the barn floor, and finally with a last weakening thrust he flopped forward onto her, his penis deflating and slipping out of her hand.

Slowly he rolled over onto his back, trying to avoid her gaze and zip his pants at the same time. All of a sudden he felt embarrassed and ashamed... ashamed of the fact that he might have raped her and now that his pent-up desire had been satisfied, at least to a certain extent, he did not know what to say.

She just lay there, her skirt pulled up around her waist, her panties were at her ankles and she looked at him... or looked through him with almost unseeing eyes, he was not sure which.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm not," she replied, "but we can't let this happen again, Jimmy. We came too close this time."

He nodded in agreement, but he knew that since it had gone this far, the next time there would be no stopping. He sensed that she knew it too, but these were words that had to be spoken for propriety's sake and to salve the conscience. Slowly she got dressed and straightened her rumpled skirt as much as possible and got to her feet.

"We'd better get back to the house before they become suspicious," she whispered, and kissed him wetly on the cheek.

As they walked from the barn, she noticed a long shadow across the doorway. When she looked up she saw who was standing there... her uncle! I wonder how long he's been outside?

Was he listening? Watching? She said nothing, but grabbed Jimmy's hand and walked straight to the house.

Christine went straight to her room after again kissing Jimmy lightly on the cheek. Her bedroom and bath were in the opposite end of the big house--away from her aunt and uncle and away from Jimmy! She liked to have her privacy when she was home and she felt safe being away from the lustful gaze of her uncle. He made her feel so uneasy, she just didn't trust him.

She lay on her bed fully-clothed for several minutes thinking about her experience with Jimmy in the barn. She had never felt a desire grow so strong. The unfulfilled desire and passion still ached between her legs and she was slightly regretful that she hadn't let Jimmy take her right then and there. They were in love, she rationalized, so it wouldn't have been so bad... people in love were supposed to feel like this.

Dreamily she let her hands roam over the young, voluptuous curves of her body. Her full, white breasts were still taut from the passionate caresses of her lover--or rather, would-be lover. She played with the hard, pink nipples beneath her blouse making them stand even more erect and she pinched them between her fingers until they ached with a strange all-pervading desire. She rubbed them pensively, lifting her breasts so that they were cupped lazily in the palms of her hands. The caress made her feel drowsily sexy and very unfulfilled. Her attention was directed towards the softness of her thighs, and the maddening tingle which burned deep in her loins. She pressed her legs tightly together, letting her firm, full thighs rub excitingly against the soft pulsing lips of her vagina.

She looked quickly around her empty room, then, licking her lips in secret anticipation, she slowly pulled her dress up over her thighs until the white strips of satin covered elastic which held her stockings taut were exposed. She raised them gently away from the softness of her leg and let them fall back with a faint, exciting snap onto her bare skin. She raised herself off the bed and quickly pushed aside the crotch band of her silk bikini panties and let her fingers stray casually to the sparse hair- lined lips of her vagina. She plucked tenderly at the soft mound, sliding her fingers along the warm, moist slit down between her legs. They dipped slightly into the throbbing orifice where her warm, open channel was throbbing impatiently to receive attention. She hesitated for a moment, thinking that she shouldn't really be doing this, but she couldn't stand the pressure that was building deep in her belly. And suddenly with a deep helpless moan, she spread her legs out wide and propped her feet up on the wall next to her bed, keeping her thighs well apart. She stared down, watching with undisguised fascination as her fingers gradually parted the soft strands of pubic hair and drew the lips of her vagina gently apart, revealing the wet open slit running down to the tightly clenched cheeks of her buttocks.

She moistened her lips again and she could feel her heart begin to pound furiously as her eyes were glazed and staring unseeing at the ceiling.

She teased her forefinger along the exposed opening, pressing gently into the soft, wet skin. Her fingernail scratched delicately at the rising hardness of her clitoris, making the tactile piece of soft, pink flesh stand up boldly. Her middle finger meanwhile, slipped unobtrusively into the very center of her pulsing vagina, working its way insistently deeply into the warm, moist cavern.

She half closed her eyes, playing lingeringly with her aching cunt, tickling and wiggling her finger in and out of the tiny opening until her buttocks were twitching automatically in a clenching and unclenching rhythm. Her other hand wandered back to her full, white breasts, letting her fingers roll the supple flesh and pinch at the stiffened nipples. Her desire now had become almost uncontrollable. She recalled her sex experiences at school which had been so frustrating because of the close watch they kept on the girls and her urge to be satisfied mounted. Her fingers were now racing in and out of her vagina as she fingered herself with rising passion and desire. She wiggled her buttocks violently, thrusting her loins down upon the intruding, but maddening fingers. She wanted to be fulfilled... now! If only that were possible. Why hadn't she let Jimmy take her... why... why. She let herself be carried away on a tide of remembrance of his hands on her naked flesh, savoring each erotic memory, slowly increasing the tempo of her fingering until her fingers were flashing in and out of her aching cunt at a fever pitch of abandoned passion.

She panted desperately as the sensations in her tormented vagina building wildly to the breaking point. She could feel her ankles drumming helplessly on the wall, and she delved even more furiously into the tight pulsating orifice. Clenching her thumb and forefinger over the nipple of her breast she pinched hard, bruising the taut throbbing bud... pinching... pinching!

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