Daughter's Little Friend - Cover

Daughter's Little Friend


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Story of a girl brought up by a very self-rightuous mother and taught to avoid sex and drugs. As it would happen, under the influence of drugs and booze, her pictures are taken while having sex. What will her mother do about it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Alice Murphy was ushered across to her house a few minutes later, wearing nothing except her beige dress. Her bra and panties were still lying in a useless pile on the floor of Richard Hink's bedroom, and Hink himself was only wearing his satin scarlet lounging jacket to hide his naked body from any curious neighbors who might see the five of them. The minute she was in her own house, she cried out for her daughter and was relieved to hear a small, weak voice answer plaintively from the girl's bedroom. She rushed to her, finding Sandy curled on the bed with her feet drawn up under her buttocks in a defensive huddle.

"Oh, my baby..." Alice crooned and tenderly cradled her abused young child in her arms. She looked up with tear-streaked eyes as Hink and the three sexually excited teenagers, their eyes gleaming expectantly, crowded into the small room then down into Sandy's drug-dazed eyes again and realized that the tremendous pressures the girl had gone through had dulled her immature mind beyond comprehending.

Perhaps it was better this way, she thought.

Perhaps if she wasn't able to comprehend what was going on with the full, shattering clarity of consciousness, she could be saved from the loathing and disgust which gripped at Alice's own pain-wracked soul, and her barely formed young life might still have a chance for a normal, happy future.

Hink laughed out loud at the tender sight of the mother comforting her daughter, the evil light in his lustful eyes growing larger as he gazed carnally down at them.

"Why, Richard?" Alice asked in a pleading, choking voice. "Why did you have to have her see us doing it together? I was willing to do what you wanted."

"It's all part of the plan, my dear," he said cruelly. "Everything before now has been a lead-up to now. You see, she's part of the price of the pictures, too."

She gasped in horror, unable to believe that even this bestial pervert could be so inhumanly cruel. "No! You don't mean it!"

"But I do!" he taunted. "I've been seeing the two of you sashay so prim and proper around here all summer, and I've thirsted too damned long to get into your pants. I've been looking forward to a chance like this since the first time you and her came out in the yard in those tight-assed little bikinis of yours."

"I'll do anything you ask!" she cried out in a final desperate appeal to save her daughter. "Anything! But leave Sandy out of this! She's only a child!"

"Some child," he sneered. "Who the hell posed for the pictures, anyway? She did, that's who! Besides," he added with a lewd chuckle, "I haven't fucked her hot little cunt yet!"

"No... No..."

"But yes, my sweet. Both of you are going to fulfill all the promised delights of your lovely firm bodies. You and her are going to be fucked every way any of us in here ever wanted or dreamed of doing to a female, and you'll damned well learn to like it. Unless you want those pictures of her sold!"

In spite of her admonition to be brave, Alice couldn't help herself from moaning with heart-rending sobs. Tears burst from her dejected eyes, and she cried into her hands with long, weeping sobs. "Oh, God help us," she blubbered.

"Take your dress off again, my dear," he ordered gleefully. "I want you bare-ass naked again."

"Oooohhhh!" whimpered Alice, but it was her only defiant gesture. With fingers so distraught that they couldn't unzip her dress without intense frustrating effort, the now nearly mindless young widow gritted her teeth, reaffirming her decision that it was better to suffer his cruel indignities than for Sandy to suffer the rest of her natural-born life. She stood next to the bed, swaying nakedly as her dress dropped down around her bare feet, her eyes clenched tightly shut so she wouldn't have to see the immense, hard and glistening penis again or the young teenagers' hungry leers at her vibrant, shivering flesh.

"Now," the blackmailing high school coach breathed hotly and passionately. "Now, your daughter. Let's all see that tender sweet little cunt of hers that's been gang-fucked by the boys here. Hurry up!" he bellowed frantically. "If she can't take her clothes off herself then you do it for her! And if you won't, then by God, I'll rip them off myself!"

And like a robot hearing a master's command, Alice reached out for Sandy's softly trembling body on the bed, the miniature twin of her own rich curves of deliciously white breasts and thighs. But her daughter suddenly moved and spoke in a quiet, almost dreamy voice.

"It's... It's all right, Mother," she said, sitting up. "I can undress myself." She started folding her hands over her taut, fully ripened young breasts, grasping with unsteady fingers the hem of her jumper, preparatory to pulling it over her blonde- haired head.

"Sandy..." moaned the nerve-shattered woman beside her. "Oh, my darling Sandy..."

"It's my fault this is happening," the girl replied, her voice cracking slightly as she spoke and looked dully at the expectantly leering coach. "I... I'm willing to face whatever this--this beast wants." She had her jersey off now and was unbuttoning her miniskirt with unsteady but determined pale little fingers. As she stood on her knees, worming the skirt over her full, rounded thighs and exposing her white, moistly thin panties, she added, "If you were able to go through with it for my sake, then I can do my part."

"This is horrible, horrible..." Alice moaned, her heart wrenching for her daughter's broken innocence.

"They're pictures of me, Mother," Sandy said, her lips quivering with remorse and shame, and she unclasped her brassiere, shedding the twin cups to allow her white, globular breasts with their jutting pink nipples to break free of bondage and stand in defiant, uplifting proudness to the lusting gaze of the three men and the other girl. "I let Tommy and Joe fuck me over and over today, one at a time and then together... and worse, I liked it."

"Of course you did, my child," their excitedly watching neighbor said, gasping at the salacious sight of her firm young body with its lithe, incitingly curved legs and thighs. "You loved it... and you will again!"

Through hazed eyes, Alice watched miserably as her only offspring slowly rolled her already sperm-drenched panties down over her round-mooned young buttocks and thighs until the sparse, blonde-fleeced young triangle of her still-moist vagina was visible. Then when Hink commanded that she get back on the bed and lie down beside her daughter, she was able to behold all of Sandy's beautifully curved body closely, and she saw that it was truly as proudly developed as her own. She realized in a blinding flash of respect and tenderness that her baby daughter was no longer a child but a physically complete woman--one who, by her own tormented confession, had just a short time ago been fucked by two boys at the same time and loved it. And Alice trembled again at the tragic way Sandy was being introduced to the carnal world of physical sex.

The depraved Richard Hink stood naked with his pulsating cock pointing straight at them. He fingered the bloated, sperm-heavy sac of his testicles and snapped out, "All right, you hot-assed bitches! It's going to be mother-daughter time for awhile! Start fingering yourself, Sandy, then finger-fuck your mother!"

"Sandy... my darling..." her mother moaned, shrinking from the lewdness of the demand. She was being forced to become a lesbian! And worse--incestuously with her own daughter! Oh God! Could anything be more terrible?

"It's all right, Mother..." the girl responded with a mewl of undisguised misery. She placed one tiny quaking hand on her quivering white leg as if for comfort. "Just keep telling yourself we have to do it to each other..."

The lovely naked teenager moaned softly and parted her thighs, rotating the whiteness of her firm young buttocks deep down into the mattress while her left hand moved up and down with soft, tantalizing strokes, encircling the satin pubic curls and moistly swollen flesh of her vaginal lips. She swallowed hard, her stomach a thousand butterflies, for there was a strange, perverted attraction in knowing that she was putting on a lewd sex show for her mother, and the wicked perverts grouped breathlessly around the sides of her own bed. She undulated her slender hips around sexily and teased at her throbbing cuntal slit, drawn by the helplessness of her plight... and slowly, effervescently, the marijuana began its insidious effects upon her tormented mind again...

"Ohhhh," she moaned, revolving her fingers faster and harder in the slightly moistened furrow of her thin, hair-fringed young pussy, bending her knees outward to allow her hand greater access as she massaged her cuntal slit with increasingly perverted excitement. Dear God! She had to fight what was happening to her! She mustn't become as she had been before, a quivering mass of helpless female flesh, begging for cock like a she-bitch in heat! But with each further touch of her lewdly tickling fingers, she realized that her own hips, totally against her will, were starting to grind with excitement and that her breasts and vagina were beginning to twitch hungrily; her flesh was involuntarily hot and growing hotter with the electric sensations in uncontrollable reaction...

Alice shuddered, her eyes glazed as she stared at the lewd self-fingering of her sixteen year old daughter's cunt, and she heard the hot, increasingly labored breathings as Sandy twisted her nakedness down against the mattress in a vain effort to quench the fire that was once more unmercifully heating her tender young loins. She groaned as she heard the lust-excited entreaties of the crowding three teenagers and their cruel adult leader around the bed, and she forced her eyes to stay on her daughter so she wouldn't be able to see the youths as they were stripping their clothes off in hurried anticipation and stand naked and shaking with prurient desire as Richard Hink was.

And then--then Sandy's hand was cupping the soft, blonde pubic curls between her mother's legs. The girl stroked her inner thigh and then tickled soothingly the fleshy lips of her exposed thin cuntal slit--and Alice couldn't help but respond by gasping with tiny, nervously rising little spasms. She desperately willed her mind from the binding forces of her basically sexual nature and the desires Hink had unlocked within her with his cruel rape of her anus--but she found it almost impossible to lie still under the increasingly tantalizing sensations that were crawling through her flesh up from her rippling belly to swell and harden her full, round breasts.

"Christ! They... They're really turning on!" Joe gasped.

"Yeah," breathed Tom erotically. "Just look at their cunt juices flowing and the way their pussy lips are swelling!"

Alice's face grew crimson red, hating every moment that she had to admit the truth of what they were saying. She was feeling the slow, ever-building tendrils of ecstasy growing in her flesh, and she shivered violently as her body traitorously increased its writhing undulations on the mattress. She turned to face her daughter who had turned her own head so she could cradle it in the warm protection of her mother's shoulder, and she tasted the soft, tender skin of the young cheek pressed next to her, unwantingly thrilling her tormented genitals and inner womb.

"Oh, Mother... Mother, I love you..." Sandy mewled, and she pressed her fingers deeper into the softly yielding mouths of their two openly wet pussies. She parted her lips in a questing breast kiss to show she did love her for the sacrifice she was making... and her wetly ovalled mouth moved across one firmly molded sphere almost unconsciously and sucked at the rippled bud of a hardening nipple, bringing it deep into her salivating mouth. Her tender young lips sucked it rhythmically as if seeking the milk it had once given her as a baby, and Alice's whole breast throbbed in accepting response.

Alice moaned helplessly, squirming in growing delight. She let the lewd sensations roll unimpeded through her writhing belly and loins, her breasts throbbing with uncontrolled arousal as her child curled her tongue around the inflamed nipple and nipped her tiny sharp teeth at the aching fleshy surface. The slender fingers sliding in the wetly dilating hole of her cunt were almost too much to bear, and she gasped and whimpered from the intensifying stabs of pleasure which were billowing through the nakedly tender flesh of her thighs as Sandy continued to rub teasingly up and down the widening crevice in between them.

"No... oh, darling, you mustn't do this to me..." she groaned, and she pressed her daughter's mouth gently from her breast in an effort to reduce some of the wildly stimulating feelings that were making her body beg for more of her warmly teasing nibbles.

But as she held her daughter's beautifully flushed face in her hands, the sheer lewdness of their position swept over her, and she couldn't control herself as she leaned forward and kissed Sandy full on the lips still wet from her saliva-building suckings. She felt a surge of affection and love, and when Sandy opened her mouth in a deep, mewling sigh, she darted her tongue inside the warm wet cavern that was so hotly fused to her open mouth.

Sandy slid on top of her, her eagerly searching fingers still rotating in small, erotic circles up inside their two greedily pulsating cunts. A sudden surge of abandoned response urged her on against her will, and she passionately savored the delicious taste of her mother's kiss as she might from a lover, only partially conscious of the rising tide of warm excitement that the french kisses were causing her. The wild surrender to her drugged physical senses made her head spin, and her fevered blood raced through her trembling flesh with delightfully licking flames that burned all the way through her cunt, breasts and mouth. Her body twitched and rippled helplessly as she slowly lowered her resistance in lurid surrender to her lewdly rising desires.

"Now, move around, my little dove," their achingly aroused neighbor commanded. His breath was coming in short, quick puffs as he panted with his excitement. "Move around and start sucking your mother's cunt!"

"No!" Alice moaned, moving her head back and forth in abject horror. "No... don't listen to him! Don't do such a horrible thing to me!"

But even as she cried out her objections at the sordidness of his cruel demand, her naked body was once more spasming under long fevered kisses as Sandy moved lower against her, sucking and licking her breasts again. Dreamily, she raised one arm and wrapped it around the slim, unclothed back hunched over her, causing a low moan of ecstasy to escape Sandy's throat as she licked hungrily, and her fingers slid with an ever increasing rhythm up and down in the soft blonde hair of her mother's vaginal slit. Then the bed sagged again, and the long young body of the little girl stretched out upside down beside Alice. And worse-- she had moved in such a position as to have her face near the hotly trembling pussy--and in turn, her own throbbing young cunt was offered at face level to the tortured eyes of the hopelessly entrapped widow.

No... No, not with my own daughter... Please, oh God, save us from this...

But even as she agonizedly tried to restrain her child, Sandy was once more planting hot, wet, feather-soft kisses all along her burning flesh, down around her trembling belly and quivering upper thighs. Her passion-swelled vagina was tingling with a roaring heat now, expanding in wet, warm welcome from the caresses of fingers and mouth and tongue. Her mind whirled as Sandy spread her lower body with her tiny hands eagerly, but she pulled together enough strength to resist the invasion of her loins by clenching her thighs tightly together. She'd never allowed her cunt to be kissed before, even when her husband had suggested the unthinkable perversion a few times! The whole sordid idea of mouths to genitals had sickened her before, but now--now it was her own child who was being cruelly forced to submit to the degrading act.

"Open your legs, my dear Alice," Hink snapped impatiently, his voice husky and his eyes gleaming lustily, "or do I have to pry them apart for you?"

Without further hesitation she did as she'd been commanded, a slave to his every whim now, her mind broken by so much that had gone before that there was little left to halt this final degrading assault. Sandy touched the sensitive pink flesh with her fingertips, and now her eyes were almost level with the blonde pubic triangle of soft, moistly tinged curls and the trembling pink flesh of cuntal lips. She gazed at the feminine splendor and heard her mother moan and raise her upper leg, bending it so that the full, exposed nakedness of heir cuntal crevice was glistening nakedly before her face.

Sandy had never thought of another woman's vagina as lovely before... but as the delightful fires of her lewdly abandoned fingerings seared through her flesh, the lascivious sight before her face seemed to take on the qualities of exquisite beauty. She tentatively brushed the fingers of her free hand over the softly giving curls of honeyed pubic hair while her other fingers continued to work wetly in and out of the open little vaginal mouth beneath them. She could see that her manipulations were making her mother tremble and moan with increasingly hungry desire. Droplets of lubricating fluid moistened the coral edges of her slightly spread pussy lips and glistened on her hands... and then she lowered her head and kissed the hotly flushed skin just above the thinly haired vaginal slit which was palpitating and throbbing against her hands. Alice cried out with a sudden, body jerking shock, and her hungrily licking daughter was spurred on, snaking her tongue out and contacting the now fully exposed little bud of her clitoris. She spread her agonized mother's thighs wider, using her thumbs and forefingers as Tom had done with her, and then she licked a wet, molten path all the way along the fleecy flesh, letting all thoughts of right or wrong, depravity or passion pass in one sudden sweep of ecstasy. And delightedly she burrowed her head closer, licking and kissing and sucking as if gone mad with the taste of sexual ambrosia.

Alice couldn't stop her body from involuntarily responding, spreading her legs and allowing Sandy further access to her wildly undulating vagina. She, in turn, found that she was clutching her daughter's smoothly tanned young buttocks with almost spastic strength, letting her face tangle in the golden wisps of her pubic curls. Ripples of loathing and shame coursed through her, but all were being quickly over-ridden by the inundation of passion and sensuality that were flooding through her every pore. Her body was betraying her again... and in a far, far worse way than before, and she couldn't do anything about it! Oh God! She had the sudden burst of desire to kiss and lick up between her daughter's legs as Sandy was kissing and licking her... The smoothly firm young skin felt so good to her touch... She let her hands play up and down, circling the lithe, gently pulsing thighs and clenching buttocks... but she lacked the nerve yet to slip her tongue into the throbbing crest of pubic curls and flesh between the moistly exposed thighs... She just couldn't!

And then she was, her lips and tongue sliding into the cleft of the teenager's softly waiting cunt. Her head oscillated slavishly as she surrendered herself to the pleasures she had heretofore considered so evil and perverted. She could smell the beautiful bouquet of the fresh female aroma coming from Sandy's heated loins, and her own pussy ached with the twin devils of her child's mouthings and its own lewd response.

"Ooohhhhh, Mother!" cried Sandy in a muffled voice from below. "Mother! Mother! Don't stop, Ohhhhh, it's wonderful when you lick me like that!"

Alice sucked hungrily, teasing the tiny, hotly pulsating little clitoris as Sandy was doing to her own, and she was salivating as never before as she kissed and sucked wildly at the pinkly trembling young pussy flesh. And all the while Sandy was busy with the fleshy confines of her own warm, wetly responding vagina. Her insides were threatening to explode, and she thrust her tongue harder and deeper, every fiber of her body singing like taut wires in a wind...

The walls of Sandy's eagerly dilating pussy grasped at the abandonedly licking tongue, and her clitoris quivered from the driving lips and teeth. The muscles of her abdomen writhed with the torture of her unleashed passions, and she choked and moaned as she strove to bring her mother to the same completion she was nearing. Her body was shuddering and she jerked her writhing naked loins harder against the face that was driving her insane with its warmly curling burrowing as great floods of lubrication juices poured forth from her hotly pulsating vaginal mouth.

"Jesus!" the watching girl, Vicki, exclaimed in salacious delight. "Jesus, look at them go! They're going to cum any second now!"

"Yeah... yeah, they're going to cum around each other's tongues!" Tony agreed, fingering his rock-hard penis lightly with his hands, his strokes matching the rhythm of the mother and daughter's hotly licking tongues on the bed before him.

"We can't let them," Richard Hink said excitedly. "Not yet, not until we fuck them both ourselves." His eyes flashed like perverted beacons of lust. "Come on, gang! It's time to join in!"

"Sure..." panted the lusting Joe Arrow. "Anything you say, Coach!" He crawled on the bed. Hink was right behind him, and as if staking out his territory before the boys took it, he began to softly fondle the rounded, undulating buttocks of the young teenage daughter. He stared lewdly down at the smoothly curved little form and wheezed, "You two fuck the mother if you want. Me, I want a piece of this little sweet cunt here!"

Alice felt the bed sag as the young boy, Tommy Edgars, crawled over to her. She automatically cringed, though she knew deep in her soul that there was nothing more to fear... They had already forced her and Sandy to the lowest forms of depravity imaginable, and she had been turned into a smoldering mass of sexually aroused flesh because of it. She had been turned into as much of an animal as they!

She felt her body shiver as the boy who was young enough to be her son moved his hands down over her soft round buttocks, pushing her away from the lovely moist tongue of her daughter that had been snaking into her. She could hear Tom breathing heavily, and when he nudged her hips she rolled onto her back without resistance, excited by the carnal expression of lust that contorted his young, handsome face. "Ahhhh," she murmured as his hands ran in long, slow caresses over her naked, trembling breasts, and her body strained against his hands as he coursed his fingers over her. He rubbed over her buttocks in small tiny circles, gently pressing apart her thighs so that he could see fullness of her soft fleshy vaginal slit which was swollen and wet from her excitement and her daughter's saliva.

He continued to kneel over her, knowing that everybody else was breathlessly watching the two of them, and a shiver of warm rippling sensation ran up the nerves of his naked back, his cock throbbing hard with his young urgency. He moved again, placing his knees on either side of the beautiful older woman's neck, his massive young balls laying gently against her moistened chin, his long thick cock directly over her face, presenting her the lewd view of the pulsating, sperm-filled ridge running beneath it. He knew that her mind was still fighting the dictates of her hotly aroused body, and he did not want to rape-fuck her in the mouth. He wanted her insane with passion when he finally got between her legs and fucked her. He wanted the lusciously seductive mother of his girl friend totally, unconditionally his, to do with as he wanted wherever and whenever he desired.

He placed both his hands gently down behind her head and lifted it up off the bed, bending her neck up toward him so that her face and mouth were poised directly in front of the palpitating head of his penis. He pushed forward slightly, his ass-cheeks rolling on the cushion of her naked breasts behind until the tip of his penis was pressed gently between her slightly open lips. He groaned as he felt the soft, wetly lipsticked surfaces brush tantalizingly against the sensitive skin of the head.

Alice suddenly seemed to realize what he was attempting, and her eyes cleared of the fogged daze of her tormenting thoughts. She looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes. "Wh--what are you doing to me?" she moaned plaintively, the fevered touch of his virile young cock against her mouth sending wild electric shocks racing along her spine. He gloated gleefully, surveyed her trembling expression with excitement.

"Suck my cock," he hissed demandingly down at the beautiful face of his girl friend's mother. "Suck my cock and suck it good!"

She resisted for a moment, frightened by the sudden sight of the long, fleshy pole. But her meager protest was cut short as he rammed the heavy, blood-filled tip of the thick shaft of flesh forward, crushing through her soft, moist lips into the wet saliva of her mouth. She could feel the spongy bluntness of its head sliding the full length of her tongue, lifting momentarily her concentration on the ugly abhorrence of the act she was being forced to submit to.

Gloating above her tightly hand-held head, he began to undulate his pelvis, sliding the long hardened cock in and out of her mouth, never quite withdrawing, leaving the hot, swollen head a half an inch inside the warm, wet cavern of her hollowing cheeks. Alice closed her eyes tightly to block out the horrible sight of the curly pubic hairs growing at the thick base of his cock which rammed mercilessly into her contorted face. Saliva filled her mouth, puffing out her cheeks wide as he shoved forward, burying the rod deep in her throat, keeping his hands cruelly tight around her head so she could not squirm free of his choking embrace.

Tommy Edgars looked down with lewd delight at the sweat- glistening face of the helplessly trapped mother skewered lewdly on the cock in her mouth. He timed the thrusts of his hands to match those of his expanding cock, levering with all his strength, trying to force every last portion of his pumping shaft deeper between her wide-stretched lips. He held her head tighter as she coughed and sputtered below, the tip brushing her tonsils on the instroke, watching at her tender lips clasped tighter and tighter around it and her mouth slowly ovalled in accustoming acceptance to the fleshy invasion.

Alice Murphy began to suck to please, running her tongue wetly around and around the slippery lubricated head and flicking the tip teasingly into the tiny open slit of the moist gland. She could feel it throbbing as though it had a life of its own and would erupt at any moment into a great gushing fountain of virile young male sperm that would flow into her mouth and throat in a never-ending stream of heated white lava.

Her wretchedly enslaved mind droned on senselessly, the very helplessness of her position excusing away the weird masochistic sensations that were again rising erotically in her belly. The very debasing ravishment of her helplessly ovalled mouth was bringing tiny strange ripples of fire dancing through her shattered nerves, and she groaned around the ever-thrusting cock in her throat as waves of delicious sensations swept through her seethingly alive flesh, flooding her mind with its electrifying pleasures and inundating her weakening resistance with growing desire. She could feel the involuntary secretions seeping from her softly pulsing vaginal lips, flowing out around the tender pink skin and matting her golden pubic fleece then warmly trickle down the insides of her quivering thighs and the tightly clenched crevice of her buttocks to dampen the bed cover below.

Her lips were soft and smooth and clasped his cock in a close elastic ring. The youth could feel them with pained intensity moving down his penis and taking as much of him as she could in her mouth and surrounding it with the hot moist warmth of her saliva and the tender inner flesh of her tongue. He pressed his hands on either side of her hollowing checks and pressed inward harder.

She began to suck him with moist, nibbling pressure and her tongue licked and curled around him as though she had done this a thousand times before, and all the hunger that was burning out of control deep in her vagina was now concentrated in one great gust of sensation in her mouth. Above her flailing head, her daughter's boyfriend groaned incoherently, wanting her to flex her throat wider and swallow his hardened young cock deeper so that she would know later that he had bent her completely to his will, that he had dominated her, a beautiful woman old enough to be his mother, as much as she would have been by the older man, Coach Hink.

He flexed his loins in and out at the nearly perfectly rounded hole formed by her lips and rolled his buttocks around on her full, flaccidly breasts as though he was attempting to crush them down into her chest. He watched wild-eyed from above as his thick, glistening flesh disappeared into her clasping lips like it was another hungry, hairless, nibbling cunt. He could feel all of himself, every nerve he possessed, pulsating and throbbing between her lips and into the moist cavity of her warm, saliva-filled mouth. At the same time, he studied her face and the reaction he was having upon her.

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