Daughter's Little Friend - Cover

Daughter's Little Friend


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Story of a girl brought up by a very self-rightuous mother and taught to avoid sex and drugs. As it would happen, under the influence of drugs and booze, her pictures are taken while having sex. What will her mother do about it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

About an hour before Alice Murphy choked out her daughter's name, Sandy had been a quivering, quietly moaning girl on the couch in Vicki Rolf's basement playroom. Time was meaningless and blurred to her, merging with the cocks of Tommy Edgars and Joe Arrow which had continually assaulted her hapless, drug-crazed young body. She was beyond emotion, her tender loins jerking spasmodically as her muscles twitched from the wild, electric-like orgasms she'd received.

The two boys and the naked young girl, Vicki, stood over her writhing form, grinning lewdly down at her. She stared back up at them through dulled, sex-fogged eyes, her legs sprawled wide out to the sides, displaying obscenely all of her pink, gently palpitating vagina. Their voices were indistinct and dim in her buzzing ears, for she was no longer a little, innocent teenage girl but a passionate mass of sexually satiated and drugged female flesh, unable to think or breathe.

"Have we time to take her on again?" Joe was asking excitedly. Even though he'd already cum many times in her and his girl friend Vicki, the very prurience of this virginal-looking Sandy enticed his cock to harden with renewed interest.

"No, we've got to get over to the coach's house," Tommy said, and then he grinned with unsatiated lust at his friend. "What the hell, you can fuck her again any way you want to when we get over there."

"Sure," Vicki added excitedly. "What the hell, the more the merrier. Come on, let's get the hot little bitch dressed so we can go!"

Her limbs too weak and weary to be able to perform for herself, Sandy allowed the others to lift her up from the couch and dress her. Then exhaustedly, she hung between Tommy and Joe as they helped her to the four-door sedan that belonged to Joe and which he'd driven to Vicki's that morning. She tottered as they opened the back door and almost fell inside, lowering herself to the soft seat and unconsciously allowing herself to be snuggled in the arms of her boyfriend, Tommy Edgars, as he climbed in beside her.

As Joe drove back through town and to her house, Sandy found that some of her passion-fevered mind had cleared in the wake of her sexual ecstasy. Shame and revulsion inundated her, causing tears to blur and darken her guiltily swollen eyes and dribble down her cheeks. Well, she'd finally been fucked, and fucked good. No longer could she claim to belong to the select few known as virgins. No longer would she have to worry about bringing an innocent body to her marriage bed for the sacrifice to her husband. Who would want her now? No decent boy, not after what she'd allowed to be done to her. Oh God, she didn't want to think about it... maybe later, when she was safely away from Tommy and the other scheming young couple, Joe and Vicki...

Edgars pressed closer and put his arm tightly around her sobbing waist, and through her still partially fogged eyes, the self-loathing girl saw that he was smiling in lewd triumph. "You were great, baby," he complimented. "Now don't be all morbid and sulky about it--a good fucking never hurt any girl, and you've got to admit, you really turned on something fierce. Just like I said you would, once you got a taste of cock. Rest awhile," he continued, his hand fondling her trembling leg. "Rest until we get over to where you live. I think you'll get a real surprise at what's waiting for you."

The handsome youth's chuckle was almost obscene, and Sandy shuddered at the lurid thought of what the "surprise" might be-- but she never considered even in the most dark, forbidden recesses of her mind what she was speeding toward in crushed obeisance...

At first she thought that they were going to stop at her house, and her initial reaction was one of relief. Maybe there wasn't going to be a "surprise," or if there was, it was to let her free. Oh God, she hoped so! But then she felt a twinge of fear as she thought of what her mother would say if she saw her like this. Sandy knew that she couldn't ever explain what had really happened to her, how she had been deceived and led on with alcohol and drugs until she'd gone too far and finally her own body had betrayed her.

Mother would never understand, and she finally decided that if she was let out, she wouldn't go inside her house but would run away. Even if somehow she kept it a secret, she could never be able to curl up in her mother's lap with girlish innocence again without thoughts of this horrible day, and she knew she couldn't face her home and the love that it represented. She was too soiled, too ruined... While time might dim the memory, it would never erase it.

Instead, they stopped the car next door at Richard Hink's residence. Puzzled, she let Tommy help her out of the car.

"What... What are we doing here?"

"You'll see..." he chuckled with a secret sounding lewdness.

"I don't understand, Tommy. Why are we going to visit Coach Hink?"

"Patience, baby. Walk right in and in a minute you'll find out."

Joe opened the front door without knocking as if he owned the house and closed it behind them softly. Tommy gripped Sandy's arm in a tight, harsh hold as she faltered, directing her into the living room. Her heart was skipping beats, and she felt a clammy iciness crawling along the saddle of her back. She frowned as she looked around the empty room, perplexed and filled with an undefinable dread.

"Tommy, I don't think--"

"Shut up, baby," he warned her in a rasping low voice. "Have you found them, Joe?" he said to his friend.

"Yeah," came the excited reply. "They're on the coffee table, just where the coach said he'd leave them. And brother, they're hot stuff all right."

"Show them to little Miss Purity here," Vicki said, a strange, leering grin twisting her otherwise pretty face. Joe thrust the packet into Sandy's hands, and she looked first at them, and then up at Tommy with puzzlement.

"Go on, open it," he hissed at her menacingly.

Sandy opened the packet and slid out the series of color snapshots with trembling fingers, almost as though she knew what they were of. But then she saw them--and she was suddenly stunned immobile! They were all of her, nakedly squirming and twisting beneath the two boys at Vicki's house!

In horror, she shuffled through them. She was plainly visible in each of the photographs, her face contorted in passion as Tommy and Joe seemed to take turns to see who could heap the greatest indignity upon her helpless, naked young body. They were turning her every which way, and she seemed to be pleading for more of what she was receiving.

Sandy groaned and fell back, her arm over her eyes as she tried to blot out the reminders of her incredibly lewd actions. >From deep in her subconscious, she was able to now recall the bright arc-white lights going off and the strange clicks in the background. Her passion-crazed mind hadn't related them to a Polaroid flash camera at the time, but now it was unmistakably clear that that's what it must have been! And then she remembered hearing Richard Hink's throbbingly hoarse voice excitedly urging them on into more lewd, lurid poses! He must have been the one who had taken them!

She wanted to be sick but vented her despair on the pictures instead, frenziedly tearing them up until they were only tiny little pieces, and for a moment she felt a small amount of relief.

"Save your strength, baby," Tommy chuckled lewdly, shattering her modicum of peace. "Coach Hink has got lots more, safely hidden away where you can't get at them."

"No!" she gasped. It dawned on her then that the high school coach she had mistakenly trusted was the one behind all of this. Her seduction had been a carefully planned plot, and the pictures were proof of it. But... why?

Suddenly, there was a long, low moan from the direction of the bedrooms, followed by a harsh male laugh. There was another groan that had an unearthly pleading tone to it as though something was being hurt. Sandy sucked in her breath, paling from the weird sound.

"Fuck back, Alice, baby! Fuck back harder!"

"Ohhhh!" came a responding thin wail.

It was her mother! Stunned, Sandy staggered back against Tommy for support. "My--my mother's in there with Mr. Hink!"

"Sure sounds that way," the boy commented.

"But--but he's hurting her! We've got to stop him! We've got to call the police!" she cried out, clutching at the sleeve of his shirt, pleading hysterically up into his grinning, merciless face.

Then: "Aahhhhhh! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me in the ass!"

"I'd say your mother doesn't want any cops right now, baby," Tommy said with a sly grin. "Sounds more like she's enjoying herself."

"But... she couldn't be do--doing it with Mr. Hink!"

"You can never tell," Joe snickered. "Let's slide up to the door and have a look-see, just to make sure."

"But--" The lovely girl pressed back, unwilling to step nearer the tormented, desperately pleading voice of her mother.

"Before you go running to the cops, we better look first. Time enough to get them later if you still want to." Tom urged her forward with his steel-taloned grip on her arm, and his cock was beginning to pulse with the expectant orgy he was thinking was just ahead.

Sandy took a fevered breath and held onto Tom all the more tightly as the four of them crept silently down the hall to the bedroom.

Her whole body tensed as Vicki slowly turned the brass knob and the door fell open. She peered in--and then the young teenager sucked in her horrified breath!

It was her mother! She was kneeling nakedly on the bed, her backside raised high, and Richard Hink was fucking her from behind! He had her face pinned to the covers, and Sandy could see from the open doorway that his huge hard penis was insinuated tightly against the wide-open crevice between the whitely perspiring buttocks of the struggling woman!

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