Daughter's Little Friend - Cover

Daughter's Little Friend


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Story of a girl brought up by a very self-rightuous mother and taught to avoid sex and drugs. As it would happen, under the influence of drugs and booze, her pictures are taken while having sex. What will her mother do about it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

The four of them went down a broad flight of stairs to a lavishly decorated play room, done in red velvet and knotty pine paneling, with a luxurious deep-pile carpet on the floor. Joe, who was carrying the pitcher of rum punch and Vicki were both barefoot; Tom and Sandy kicked off their shoes and sat down on one of the long low couches that were on either side of the 8mm motion picture projector, and which faced a large, square silver screen.

She had to crawl over the seat to Tom, the couch being so wide, and when they were leaning back against the deep soft back cushion, just her feet were hanging over the edge. She had difficulty adjusting herself without spilling her drink, but Tom took it from her hand and she settled back comfortably against him. He handed her the drink again, and curled his arm around her, pulling her tightly against him.

"More like a bed, isn't it?" he laughed softly.

"Yes." she said, shivering expectantly. "Now what?"

"Well, we sit here and sort of work up to it." And as if in further answer, Joe was crawling across the couch to them, the pitcher in his hands. "Here, a little more. To toast the hope I got my money's worth in the film!"

"I... I think I've had enough," Sandy said. "I don't want to get sick."

"You won't," Tom promised. "Go on, be a sport."

"Be a sport," she murmured to herself, remembering his words earlier about it being too late now to back out... she drank deeply from the refreshed glass, and then settled back again, taking a deep gasp of air. Her head was whirling, and the screen before her eyes was tilting gradually.

"Have a cigarette," Tom offered, leaning over to offer Vicki and Joe one from a tin box which had once contained pipe tobacco. Then he offered one to Sandy, who shook her head. "Go on," he urged. "You smoke, don't you?"

"Yes, but..." She saw that they were hand rolled, of a peculiar brownish color like no cigarette she'd ever seen before. Moreover, they didn't have filters, which she preferred the few times she'd experimented with smoking. "I'd rather not now, thank you."

"It's the real stuff, Sandy," Vicki said. "You're missing something if you don't at least try one."

"What--what kind are they?" she asked tentatively, her curiosity now piqued by the other girl's insistence.

"Oh, just a little stronger than the usual American brand," Tommy explained casually. "You smoke them for the taste, which is sort of sweeter and less bitter than the normal kind. Like Vicki says, you should try it anyway. What the hell harm can it do? Just inhale the first few puffs slowly so you won't choke."

"Are they safe? I... I mean, they don't make you not know what you're doing, do they?"

"Of course not, silly," Tom answered impatiently. "Just try a few drags, and if you don't like it, then stop."

"All right," Sandy said hesitantly, not knowing what the tobacco was inside them but not wanting to appear any more of a child than she already had. She bravely took a cigarette and allowed Tom to light it for her.

"Slowly, slowly," Joe interjected, as he took a drag from his own. Sandy watched him and then Tom, finally inhaling very gently, as instructed. It had a strange but not unpleasant taste, and she inhaled deeper on the next pull, holding it down for a few seconds at Tom's instructions before exhaling.

After three or four inhalations, Sandy could hardly feel the smoke curling down into her lungs, it was so smooth. She watched Vicki holding her breath as long as she could, and then took a deep drag herself and held it down deep until she just had to exhale.

"They're nice," she said in a voice that didn't seem to be hers. She looked at Vicki and Joe on the other side of her, and they suddenly seemed to be miles away. "But I feel sort of funny."

"So do I," Vicki said. "Nice kind of funny." It seemed like a logical kind of answer, for indeed, Sandy felt nice in a funny way. She had never felt so nice, come to think of it, or so soft. The longer she held the smoke down the softer and nicer her world became, and then she noticed that Joe had gotten up and switched off the lights in the room, returning to the projector to turn it on.

She could feel the pressure of Tommy Edgars against her thigh, but the thin, brown cigarette had dulled even her fears about him. She felt too good, and she returned the pressure slightly to let him know that she didn't mind and that she liked him... she could feel the delicious warmth of the marijuana cigarette tingling deep inside... deeper down than she had ever felt anything before in her life...

The screen suddenly lit up with the white light of the blank beginning frames, then the first picture came into view, and Joe focused the lens so that it was in sharp clarity. Sandy could make out a large bed, a small dressing table to one side with a large mirror near it. It was a beautiful setting, she thought dreamily, better than her own bedroom. The marijuana had made her thirsty, and she drank from her rum cocktail thirstily, only to find that Tom was filling it again and giving the pitcher back to Joe. She smiled warmly at her boyfriend, glad that he was here to take care of her, and then she saw on the screen that the door of the bedroom was opening and a young, innocent looking Scandinavian girl was walking in. She didn't appear to be much older than Sandy or Vicki, and was very lovely, with a melancholy look on her face that reflected a deep loneliness. It touched Sandy to the depths, as she felt identified with the girl in her drugged fog, her own emotions heightened by the marijuana to bind her inextricably to those of the lonely creature on the screen.

The girl picked up a picture from the dressing table, looking longingly at it for a moment, and then pressed it tenderly to her full breasts, outlined clearly beneath the tight, black dress she was wearing. She placed the photograph on her pillow gently, and began to undress. She slipped the short dress slowly upwards, exposing full, well-rounded thighs, the black of her dainty, lace-trimmed silken panties contrasting sharply with the creamy ivory of her exposed flesh.

Sandy could hear sounds of delight from Joe and Tommy as the dress snailed its way over the girl's head, and her beautifully curved torso emerged. Her bra fell to the floor with a flick of her fingers, and the full beauty of her firm, ripe breasts swung into freedom. They stood high and proud and their quivering nipples were turgid on the luscious half-spheres, and as the girl raised her arms high over her head to pull her long, black hair up, her breasts peaked still higher in alluring motion.

She was almost naked now, in just her thin wisp of sheer panties. She turned and bent over slowly, her back to the camera, drawing the black thin, gossamer material tantalizingly down over her curved hips and buttocks, brushing them sensuously against her smooth thighs and calves, finally discarding them at her feet by the dress. She stretched languidly and teasingly turned to the front again. All her delicious nudity was exposed now, from her high-rounded breasts to the soft dark curls of her pubic mound.

Sandy shifted nervously next to Tom. She had never expected anything like this! Maybe some torrid, but not all the way, love scenes with a man, and perhaps a bare breast now and then, but at least a "G" string, ineffectual as it might be. But this exposed all the girl had to offer, and she was making no attempt to hide it, either!

The girl lay down on her stomach on the bed now, the picture of her absent lover in her hands, looking at it with a deep longing that could mean only one thing. She was sexually aroused by her thoughts and needed release! Sandy gasped aloud as the girl turned over on her back and began to massage her breasts with her free hand in tiny teasing circles, tweaking the soft nipples into sudden throbbing hardness. Her legs scissored open and closed slowly, exposing the thin slit of her vagina, nestled teasingly in the soft dark hair between her thighs, her feet pointed directly at the camera. The girl slowly worked herself into a burning passion, her buttocks twisting against the mattress as though she was trying to bury herself in it. Sheer, wanton desire reflected in her eyes, as if she wasn't acting the part, but living it.

Sandy couldn't understand how the girl could act such a part unless she was really feeling it. She remembered lying in her own bed after heavy dates--last night, for example--and how she had gone insane from the frustration of her arousal until she had relieved herself with her own tiny fingers. She blushed slightly at the thought, and squirmed her buttocks nervously, feeling the edge of the cushion brush electrically against the soft swelling of her vulva. She jumped at the unexpected contact, and the more unexpected shock it had brought. Her breath quickened, and she drank heavily from her glass again, attempting to cool some of the warmth the girl's passion had transmitted to her own slim body.

While she was drinking, Tommy lit two more thin, brown cigarettes and passed one to her. Without thinking, Sandy pressed it to her lips and pulled deeply, perhaps hoping it would help still the unwanted ache beginning deep within her belly.

With each drag, Sandy could feel herself mentally unwind. This one heightened the feeling from the first cigarette, and she didn't feel she was the same person she had been a moment ago. She was someone else, and it frightened her a lot, but she couldn't think about it now. The heat and excitement generated by the heavy smoke of the marijuana and the girl on the screen was beginning to stimulate her hotly against her will. She squirmed down against the couch again, feeling the round edge of the cushion push her miniskirt and panties into the soft yielding crevice between her buttocks; she rubbed herself gently against it, working the corner of the cushion between the fleshy moist lips of her vagina. Her body rocked on it in an almost indiscernible rhythm--in concert with the writhing girl on the stage. She could feel the wetness spread between her thighs and she spread them slightly to gain greater contact with the cushion. The roughness brushed soothingly against her tiny, rising clitoris through the sheerness of her panties.

She looked guiltily out of the corner of her eyes at Joe and Vicki next to her to make sure they hadn't noticed, but they were so engrossed in the film that they hadn't paid the slightest attention. Vicki was leaning back against Tommy, dragging heavily on another marijuana cigarette, and Joe had his hands up inside her thin, narrow bolero top. To her amazed horror, Sandy could see his hand move tantalizingly under the material covering her breasts, and Vicki had her head back on his shoulder with her mouth slightly open, a rapturous expression on her young face.

"Ohhhh, I love the way you touch my nipple," Sandy heard the other teenager sigh hoarsely, and her own face blushed furiously from the embarrassment she felt for Vicki's blatant acceptance of Joe's lewd advances.

"Joe's quite the stud," Tommy whispered in her ear wetly.

"Don't... talk like that," she said, clenching her teeth, trying to sort out her own confused feelings of revulsion and stimulation. "Please, Tommy... we mustn't look at what they're doing."

"Then let's make some time of our own, baby," he said harshly, in a throaty, passion-filled voice. He jerked her head abruptly toward him with his hand, and pressed his lips wetly to her, grinding his mouth tightly down on hers. She groaned and struggled, feeling his hand pressing hard over the softness of one of her bra-encased breasts. But her resistance could only last for a sudden panicky moment, and then she was unable to stop her body from going limp under his attack, and in spite of her guard being up over allowing any emotion to overcome her, she could feel tiny butterfly-like sensations flit suddenly through her stomach.

"There," he said, whispering again into her car. "That was damned good, don't you think?"

Too stunned to speak, Sandy lifted her glass to her lips and drained it, desperately trying to collect her shattered thoughts. She was afraid to look over at Vicki and Joe again, fearing what she would see, the soft mewling noises coming from Vicki and the grating noise of Joe's heavy excited breathing telling the story well enough. She glanced back at the movie again, it seeming to be an eternity since she had last looked at it, but it actually being only moments, the sweet, pungent marijuana having warped her sense of time.

The young teenager pulled again at the cigarette in her lips, and the musky odor of Tommy beside her filling her nostrils, stimulating her still more, causing her to snuggle closer as the excitement of forbidden naughtiness rippled through her young flesh. Tommy Edgars pulled her close, letting his hand dangle gently over her shoulder. His fingers brushed softly against the tip of her breast he had so ardently squeezed a second before. He was growing more confident by the second, and the lewd, obscene thoughts of what he would do to this young soft body once it had reached the stage of helpless submission ran in delightful kaleidoscopic pictures through his mind. Man, he grinned secretly to himself, he would fuck her every way but upside down, and then maybe that way too. She'd know she'd been fucked when he finished with her... he and Joe both in a gang fuck!

The girl in the film was writhing more lasciviously now as though being attacked by some unseen lover. She had placed the picture on the bedside table and both her hands were running over her body as if out of control, her fingertips dancing over the flat, ivory belly and coming to rest at the quivering crest of her soft, down-covered vaginal slit. She groaned soundlessly at the sudden contact of her hands with the moist crevice between her thighs, and she pulled her knees up, her toes on the mattress. Then she straightened the legs like two beautiful carved ivory columns above the bed; with a deeper groan she let her knees fall wide apart, exposing to the excited teenagers the moist, glistening furrow in between. Her fingers crawled to the soft hair-fringed lips and spread them slowly apart until the wet pinkness was fully visible and the tiny bearded, mouth-like orifice throbbed hungrily open. The half-moons of her smoothly rounded young buttocks shone with a thin film of perspiration in the bedroom's light, divided by the hot, avid crevice between them. Her tiny little anus nestled mysteriously and invitingly below the swollen and agitated cuntal lips.

Sandy gasped in disbelief as the girl slowly slipped a middle finger into the glistening pink flesh, stroking teasingly at her tiny, bud-like clitoris. Tommy's hand once more squeezed her own breast tightly as she heard and felt his heavy breathing against her flushed red face; she was afraid to look at him, hypnotized into immobility as the sensuous movements of the girl on the bed increased and her probing fingers worked themselves inexorably around inside the pink edges of her visibly contracting young cunt, slowly widening the thin, hair-lined lips. Then, she slipped her index finger in and out smoothly between her lubricated fleshy lips, her legs jackknifing back, knees against her breasts as her soft rounded buttocks rose and fell in response to the hotly flicking fingers. The girl's facial muscles tightened as she joined another finger with the first two, and, clenching her teeth, pushed all three into the pink, hungrily absorbing folds. They disappeared with a silent, but felt, sucking noise and a soft moan of pleasure.

Sandy tensed in momentary shock at this indignity the sexually aroused young girl was committing on herself before the camera, and only Tommy's firm grip on her own now involuntarily throbbing breast kept her from leaping from the couch and running upstairs to the reality of the afternoon. She sensed that she had better go... before it was too late and her own building excitement ran away with her.

This desire lasted only a fraction of a moment before the effect of Richard Hink's special marijuana lulled her into limp acceptance again. She waited in anticipation and nervous fear of her own emotions to see what would happen next, still feeling closely tied with the girl who was writhing in desire before her, and she knew there was a danger point from which there was no turning back. She took another sip of her rum cocktail after Joe leaned over and filled her glass again, and another drag on her cigarette. The warm, relaxing smoke curled deliciously down into her lungs, easing her mind of fear at the passion raging through her own body. She snuggled back against Tommy, groggily determined to somehow keep her guard up.

The girl in the movie had now become wildly possessed. Her eyes and teeth were clenched as she rolled beneath her own driving fingers in uncontrollable passion. The rapid rhythm drove grunts of pleasure from deep in her throat as the finger sunk into the tight, pink opening, making moist, wet sucking sounds in the minds of the four young viewers as she withdrew them to push them in again. Her face was red--straining for climax. She bared her mouth, obviously groaning in frustration as her own fingers thrust harder and deeper. They were not enough. Her head rolled from side to side on the pillow, her long dark hair flying in frustration at the inability to bring herself to climax. Still she tried, her hand beating a wild tattoo against the spread, straining buttocks, her soundless grunts seemingly getting louder and faster with each passing second.

Suddenly, from the open bedroom door, a short, dwarf-like man not more than four feet high ran into the bedroom and jumped up beside the bed. His eyes were small and sunk deep in his oversized head, and there was unmistakable cruelty registered in them. The dwarf had the look of a man who had been teased all his life about his burnished color and his midget size, and that he now enjoyed taking out his resentment on others more helpless than he when he had the chance.

The girl's eyes widened in terror, and she jerked the back of one hand to her mouth to keep from screaming. She moved to lower her legs and roll from the bed, but the dwarf raised the fist of one hand and growled viciously in warning. She froze in her position of masturbation--thighs spread and with her knees drawn to her chest. She didn't dare move as the naked dwarf panted menacingly over her, his great excitedly perspiring face distorted in passion just above her defenseless, upturned crotch.

Sandy had jumped with the dwarf as he had bounded on the bed, and she grabbed Tommy's arm tightly, the sudden entrance almost frightening her out of her wits. "My God!" she whispered, voice quivering. "Wh-what's he going to do to the poor girl?"

"You'll see, baby," Tommy answered with a lewd grin.

The camera trained in on a zoom-shot of the dwarf's penis, which was huge in relationship to the size of his body. His thickly glistening cock hung down almost to his knees, even in its soft state. He was obviously proud of it, and he took it in both hands, lightly stroking it over the defenseless girl into a semi-hardness.

Sandy could not take her eyes from the growing fleshy rod, unable to believe that it was going to be the depraved instrument that would ravish the lovely young girl on the screen.

Yet somehow the helplessness of the girl lying shaking with fear beneath the snarling man sadistically fascinated her. The lewd thought of that monstrous rod raping the naked and terrified young girl sent shivers of revulsive curiosity tingling through her, and goose-pimples erupted on her sensitive skin, and for a moment, she felt strangely chilled. She couldn't resist as Tommy moved his hand beneath her jersey to cup the softness of her large, firm breast, trapping the tiny nipple gently between thumb and forefinger as her bra was slowly moved upwards to where he could fondle her bare flesh. She squirmed tighter into the cushion, feeling the couch beneath her buttocks pressing deeper into her vaginal crevice, her wet vaginal crevice. Her panties were soaked and she squeezed her thighs together in a vain attempt to control the tingling sensations beginning to grow there. She was on dangerous ground and knew it, but could not bring herself to leave, the evil fascination of the impending ravishment gluing her to the cushion. She squirmed downward again, the cushion edge forcing the secretion band of her panties deeper into the split of her buttocks, its smoothness exciting the sensitive pink lips of her vagina. She felt the tiny throbs pulsing out in the tiny bud of her clitoris, and she bit her lower lip tightly to hold back the forbidden sensations that were throbbing lewdly now up between her legs. Her thoughts drifted back to the movie...

The dwarf reached up along the horrified girl's creamy white body, his hands kneading her full, exposed luscious tits with his gnarled little fingers. For a moment the girl tried to squirm away, but he growled again, threatening to beat her unmercifully, and for emphasis, he pinched her nipples hard, moving his head forward with a wolfish, fiendish glare in his beady little eyes. She could only moan in abject terror now, and to Sandy, the girl seemed hardly conscious now, her eyelids fluttering and her eyes glassy from her enslavement at the lusts of the alien creature hovering over her maliciously. Sandy watched with transfixed horror as the excitedly slobbering lips of the dwarf began to trace a path down the smooth flat surface of the trembling ivory body in his control, bringing a further mewl from the girl's anguished mouth, and then he was all the way down to the softly curling pubic hair between her still fearfully spread young thighs. The dwarf's hands dropped and he placed a thumb on either side of the fleshy lips of her helplessly exposed cunt pulling them wide apart. His great slobbering tongue leapt forward, burying itself in the defenselessly naked vagina with greedy ferocity. He ran his tongue the full length of the widely spread slit, from the tightly-closed pucker of her tiny sensation bud quivering uncontrollably now beneath the sparse young hair of her pubic mound. His rubbery thick lips spread through the soft, hair-fringed swelling like a knife through soft creamy butter, flicking relentlessly between the girl's wide-splayed legs, stopping sporadically to curl up into her open cunt. She jerked spasmodically, still squirming hysterically under the ugly, deformed grip and the thick, saliva-glistening tongue which lapped mercilessly at her loins.

Sandy shuddered from the sexual stimulation that indulging in something forbidden gives, even against one's will. She gasped at the change which seemed to come over the writhing young girl on the bed. She could tell by her facial expressions that the frightened moans that had seemed to come from the terror-contorted lips changed to soft mewls of involuntary pleasure--pleasure that the girl did not want and had set her mind against, but that the slithering, thick tongue burrowing up between her thighs deeply had forced her to enjoy. She raised her hands, holding them in indecision, then dropped them in abject surrender to grasp the dwarf's close-cropped, fuzzy hair.

Sandy could not believe the sight on the screen. Instead of fighting with all her strength against this humiliating act, the girl had turned into a helplessly groaning mass of passion. She voluntarily now spread her legs farther apart on the bed, and tangled her hands possessively in the dwarf's hair, pulling his face tight to her upthrust crotch. She ground her hips sensuously in time to the darting tongue which probed hotly up into her widespread pussy, her eyes closing and her mouth hanging wide in undisguised ecstasy. She goaded the deformed little man on with her hands, and pumped her hips up into his hotly slavering face like a nymphomaniac gone wild. Her muscles strained under the tightness of her pale, sweat-glistening skin, and Sandy could clearly see the cords of her inner thighs standing out like taut ropes ready to snap against the pressure as she thrust her pelvis forward again and again against the hungrily munching face buried deep into her throbbing cunt. She was all but swallowing the hotly whipping tongue with her voraciously working vaginal lips, grinding his head back down into her ravaged fleshy pussy until it was only half visible, his face protruding only partially from between her now fully stretched young thighs, his legs kicking back toward the edge of the bed to catch his breath. Then the girl pushed the dwarf's face away from between her legs, still holding his hair bushily between her open loins, and she turned over, sitting down full on his mouth with her squirming buttocks. It was she who now was doing the ravishing, straddling him as animalistic contortions of lust wrenched her facial features and twisted her lips back over her tightly clenched teeth. It was obvious that she was now racing for a climax, her body completely out of control.

Sandy heard a deep, throbbing groan from beside her, and in surprise, tore her eyes from the obscene spectacle on the screen to Joe and Vicki. The shock was greater. Vicki had both of her legs stretched wide apart, her hotpants unzipped along her side and half down over her full, quivering thighs. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing any panties underneath; Joe's hand was inside, his skin a darker contrast with where the band of the teenager's sunsuit had left a wide, white strip of flesh. He was cupping her pubic mound unhindered, and Sandy shuddered as the outline of his fingers moved under the thin material. Vicki unaware of anyone, was grinding her pelvis, buttocks off the cushions, in rhythm of the finger fucking he was giving her.

And then Sandy shifted her vision slightly, and saw a sudden clear view through the darkness of Vicki's hand working up and down over Joe Arrow's loins, her slender fingers clasped tightly in an oval circle around the youth's rigid penis. His cock stood hard and rigid through the open zipper of his fly, slight tufts of pubic hair protruding around the edge of the thick base.

"Oh God," Sandy moaned, turning back to Tommy and hiding her face tightly to his shoulder. "They're doing something awful to each other!"

She had never dreamed that this could happen! Kissing, yes... a little petting... but not this, right out in front of her and Tommy! She thought of when she had considered herself as being able to handle any situation, and now she knew that it had been a futile idea, for she was rapidly losing all control over herself. The awful sight of the boy's penis being fondled up and down, while his fingers disappeared in Vicki's hungry, sucking little pussy was just too much for her to stand! The sounds coming from next to her were wet and punctuated by soft mewls and groans of totally absorbed pleasure. She burrowed her head tightly into Tommy's chest to try and shut out the lewd, wet sounds, but it did not help, they were everywhere, coming at her from all sides it seemed. Again, she wanted to run but knew that her legs would not support her if she rose from the couch. She could do nothing but lie there in her boyfriend's arms and listen in torment while the other young couple on the other end of the couch were in their throes of illicit passion.

Sandy felt the aching hunger inside her spread from her abdomen up to her passion-swollen breasts. She labored, gasping, for breath, and squirmed her buttocks down harder against the cushion, pushing the wet, swollen lips of her own vagina against it to try and put out the fire burning there. Tommy's hands continued to palpitate her excitedly swollen breasts, thrilling her and frightening her at the same time. She tried with all her might to pull his hands away--but her own hand moved only as far as Tommy's and then fell back, uncontrolled, to her lap. It would not obey her mind's commands, lying limp and uselessly as she turned her glassy, drug-glazed eyes back to the obscene movie.

The dwarf was writhing in the desperate grip of the girl's loins above him, and it took all of his strength to throw her from his suffocating body, pulling the jerking girl's thighs brutally from around his head. She screamed in protest, her legs kicking futilely out into the empty air, twisting her flailing body on the bed, her stomach grinding into the mattress as she strove hopelessly for the near orgasm that was still infinitesimally out of reach.

He took her by the ankles from behind as she lay face-down on the bed and spread her long slim legs wide apart. He crawled up on his knees between her full, trembling thighs and spread the cheeks of her hungrily grinding ass with his hands. From Sandy's viewpoint, she could see the tiny tight cunt nestling wetly in the crevice below. She thought she could see it throbbing expectantly as it anticipated the dwarf's next move. His hands ran up the inside of her thighs all the way to the wetness of the white girl's open pussy, and then his head dropped to kiss the smooth oval buttocks, his tongue trailing down to lick teasingly at the shadowed crevice between them. She could see the girl's pussy lips straining around the pink, hair-rimmed hole as the thumbs of the dwarf pulled at the softly giving flesh around it. His fingers probed at the throbbingly hungry wet opening like teasing needles of fire. The girl groaned beneath him, her mouth open as the cruel fingers worked around and around deep up her wide-split cunt. The ugly little man grinned triumphantly as he probed at the defenseless pink vagina like an avenging devil, the girl squirming beneath his cruel probes in total surrender until she couldn't stand it another minute longer!

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