Daughter's Little Friend - Cover

Daughter's Little Friend


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Story of a girl brought up by a very self-rightuous mother and taught to avoid sex and drugs. As it would happen, under the influence of drugs and booze, her pictures are taken while having sex. What will her mother do about it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Richard Hink glanced up from the morning paper when he heard the slam of the Murphy's screen door, and he parted the curtains of the window beside him so he could look out. He saw the young, lithe form of Sandy Murphy in her tight mini-skirt stumbling haphazardly out.

Lecherously, he licked his thick lips; his eyes moved hotly over the soft, already full contours of the girl's finely curved young body--the taut firmness of her pear-shaped breasts jutting from the thin material of her jersey; the tight roundness of her slender buttocks as they jiggled provocatively as she ran. Sandy faltered by the edge of the garage, either panting heavily or perhaps crying, he couldn't tell which, but obviously she was greatly disturbed over something.

Jesus, he said to himself, would I like to get into that tender little pussy. Every time he saw her he was hungry for her, and as he gazed lewdly at the teenager across the lawn from him, his cock seemed to answer with a throbbing, grinding beat against the tight elasticity of his pants. Jesus, yes... he sighed with relish.

Richard Hink was a tall, well-built man only a few years older than Sandy's mother, with a shock of curly, coal-black hair that constantly fell boyishly down over his forehead, and a thick broad chest with well-developed pectorals, the result of his years as head football coach at Prescott High School. Hink knew of Sandy Murphy from school as well as from being her neighbor, though he didn't have her as a pupil... yet. He had certain lewd ideas about someday starting an extra-curricular class in which the lovely young girl was his only student, and he could teach her what other sex education courses left out...

It wasn't entirely coincidence that Richard lived so close to the Murphys. Prescott was a small, old community only recently developing as suburbia extended its macadam and cement tentacles from the big city to the north. Modest income housing was short, and the tract in which they lived was one of the few which a teacher could afford. He had once lived in an apartment, but after the landlady had caught him in the swimming pool buck naked with her sister-in-law, he decided that his pleasures and pursuits required a more private location, and he had shopped around for a house.

He had tried a very soft, very patient approach to the seduction of the provocatively innocent Sandy Murphy all last year, knowing that a more brutal approach such as used by some of his football squad might scare her away. Or worse, send her to her mother, and he would face expulsion and ruin, possibly jail. Up till now, Richard Hink had only been able to become a sort of substitute counselor, something of a father figure to the girl, though he had managed to introduce her to the big stud, Tommy Edgars. If anyone could break through her resistance and fuck the living daylights out of that virgin cunt, Edgars could, Hink figured, and in return for the matchmaking, Edgars was to see that he, Hink, got his share... But so far, even Edgars had not been able to break through the tender teenager's iron resolve to remain pure.

Richard Hink folded his paper and put it aside, then stood and walked to his back door, wondering if there was some way he could turn the misery that was so evident on Sandy's face into a furthering of his future plans for the girl. He opened the door and stepped out on his short flagstone patio, setting his features into a mask of deep, humanitarian concern.

"Sandy," he called over to her. "Oh, Sandy!"

The teenager looked up, momentarily startled, her fresh young face streaked heavily with tears. Her jaw was set in volatile anger, and her whole body seemed to tremble slightly from being so upset. She looked at him with wide, blue eyes.

"I... saw you from the window, Sandy."

"Mr. Hink..." Sandy, desperately seeking the guidance she had rejected venomously from her mother, rushed across the lawn to where the teacher stood. "Mr. Hink, it's just awful!"

"Hey now, it can't be all that bad," he said soothingly. "Why don't you come in and talk about it?"

Numbly, the girl nodded and stepped by him into his house. Richard could see that she was on the verge of hysteria, and putting his arm around her, he steered her to the living room, where he sat her down on the couch. "Calm down, my dear, and tell me all about it."

"Mother... She saw Tommy and I together last night," she sobbed. "She saw us making out in the kitchen, and this morning she started a fat lecture about what an awful thing we'd been doing."

"Well, you know how mothers can be. It was bound to happen sooner or later. When it's time for the young to begin breaking the bonds with the nest. I told you that when I introduced you to Tommy."

"But what can I do?" Sandy wailed. "I can't leave home, not yet. I have to stay there, but I won't give up seeing Tommy, I won't! She'll try to make me, and... everything will be ruined!"

"Now, my dear, it won't. Don't you worry your pretty little head over it, but leave everything to me."

"Can... can you really do something about this, Mr. Hink?"

The glimmering of an obscene plan was churning in the coach's mind. "I think I can," he said calmly, with a faint flickering smile playing across his mouth. "Yes, I think I can."


"Well, naturally I'll have to talk to your mother."

"I don't want to be there when you do," she said, shivering.

"You won't be, Sandy. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'll phone Tommy Edgars now, and see if he'd like to take you out right now for all day, and that way you'll get your mind off this matter."

"Oh, I'd love that!" the girl cried, and she clapped her hands together joyously. "That would be wonderful!"

"And believe me, my dear," he added with a shadow of a grin, "when you come home tonight, things will be different. Very different!"

"You know, Mr. Hink? I think you're just the man to do it!"

You bet I am, little girl... he thought secretively as he walked into another room to phone. He didn't want Sandy to hear what he was going to tell Tommy Edgars, because if she ever got the idea of what was in store for her, she'd run back to that lovely but prudish mother of hers like a flash. He looked up Edgars' number; the youth was asleep, and answered after a half- dozen rings with a thick, slurred voice. "Hello?"

"This is Richard Hink, Tom," the teacher told him. "Wake up and get over here. Sandy Murphy's waiting."

"Now? At this time of night?"

"It's nearly ten in the morning. High time you finally got into her pants, too, boy, and there's not going to be any more fooling around being nice about it. The kid gloves are off, and you're going to give her the works. If you can get yourself over here, that is."

"Jesus, coach, I'd like to, but she's been nothing but a pain in the ass. She won't stand for roughing up, and anyway, she'll tell her mother if I start tearing her clothes off like a cave-man."

"Do what I tell you, and there won't be any problem."

"But I'd promised Joe Arrow to go over to his girl's house today, though. See, Vicki Rolf's parents are away, and Joe's got a hot new fuck film he wants to show. Should be fun... Vicki loves getting balled by two guys at the same time."

"So much the better," Richard Hink chuckled. "Sandy knows Vicki from school, so she'll be that much more off guard, thinking that nothing can happen to her with the four of you together. I tell you, I've got a plan that won't fail."

"I don't know..." Edgars said hesitantly. "I'd hate to screw up a day of fucking Vicki on the chance I can score with Sandy."

"Tell you what, Tom. Instead of selling you the usual lids of marijuana this time, I'll give you some special pot that's been doctored with Spanish Fly. I save it for occasions like this, and if you can get her to smoke it, she'll turn on like a mink in heat, I guarantee!"

"Now you're cooking!" Edgars said excitedly. "I'll grab my pants and be over. Hot damn, I can almost feel my cock up inside that sweet little cunt of hers already!"

"One more thing," the head coach put in. "Since I'm giving you the marijuana, you can see that Vicki lets me in her house before you and Sandy arrive. I'll be waiting and hiding when the fun starts."

"You planning to join in... Make it a five-some?"

"Use your head, Tom boy. Only way we're going to get away with this is to work on Sandy's tight-assed mother, too, so nobody will be spilling anything to the cops. I've got a feeling that after eight months without a man, she's itching for a good fuck, but she'll need the right kind of encouragement, and I've got to be there when you shove your rod into her daughter's belly to get it. Me and my camera."

Tommy Edgars laughed crudely. "Blackmail! Good luck, you bastard; Mrs. Murphy's a damned fine cunt by the looks of her, by God. Hell, either of them bitches could give me a hard-on that would ache all the way to my knees."

"Same here, Tom, and who knows? If my plan works, we might nail both of them together in a gang fuck. Now, hurry on over."

"I'm on my way, soon as I call Vicki," the youth said, his anticipation contorting his young voice and lewdly telegraphing his hotly excited thoughts.

Hink hung up the phone and smoothed his hair back, contemplating the plot he'd conceived in his mind. Christ, if it worked, it would be a literal tour de force! He wanted to fuck that luscious little teenager all right, but there was the other member of the Murphy household whose panties he'd dearly love to strip off, whose soft and perfectly preserved feminine charms always elicited burning desire in his cock and testicles. Damn, but Alice Murphy was a lot of sensual woman, going to waste now that she was a widow. She was prime, and he, Richard Hink, was going to try his best to ram his prick up into her blonde-haired cunt and show her what fucking was all about. And if everything went right, he'd soon be fucking her hot little daughter as well, and wouldn't that be a feather in his cap! Mother and daughter, both spreading their legs and opening their cunts for him...

He walked back into the living room to smile down at Sandy, aware that his cock was hard as a fence rail right now, just thinking about it, and his mouth had gone dry, while small beads of sweat started to form on his brow. Just a few more hours, he murmured to himself, and then you, darling girl, and your lovely mother will be begging and begging...

Tommy Edgars' powerful MGA sports car purred smoothly along the road. Sandy relaxed against the passenger seat and let her long golden hair flow out into the cool refreshing slip-stream of the car, feeling much calmer and relaxed now that she was miles away from her home and mother.

She gazed gratefully at Tommy, pleased that he had cared enough--especially after his disappointment last night--to have driven over to pick her up for the day. She sighed, stretching out her arms, and said to him: "Well? Where are we heading?"

The youth grinned back at her. "You'll see, baby."

"No, tell me, Tommy! I want to know what the prescription is going to be for my blues."

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