Charlene's Dirty Movie - Cover

Charlene's Dirty Movie


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - An above average in height woman who, while she is making a porno flick, reminisces about her junior high school years and her first time with sex. She also has a hard time finding and keeping men who can satisfy her because of her height, her oversized tits and her extra slim waist. She does finally meet the right man while making the flick and does everything she can to keep him, including saving his life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Rough   Gang Bang   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

The new stud couldn't keep his eyes off the blonde. Every time Kathy came into the front of the studio he gaped at her.

Charlene lounged voluptuously in her chair and watched the scene. She had come to the studio early, hoping to get a chance to talk with the boy. After all they would be fucking regularly in front of John Roberts' camera.

The brunette had done her part. She had shown up this afternoon and attempted to engage Greg Reeves in conversation. It hadn't worked. The boy had been far too reserved for her to have any success. He hadn't seemed so reserved toward the little blonde, however. Shit, he ogled her slender legs and tits like she was the greatest thing he'd ever seen. Finally Charley had given up and retired to a large comfortable chair where she lazily watched the proceedings.

Kathy came back into the front showroom and stood on a chair to reach several boxes on a top shelf. Charley began to laugh at the excitement on Greg's face as he stepped quickly over to offer his help. The way the blonde's skirt lifted well up over her ass gave the boy a clear view of her tight little ass in pink panties.

Wriggle it for him, Charlene wanted to suggest. Come on, wriggle it a little more and he'll grab you out of the chair and try to fuck you right out here in front of the whole damn town.

"Can I help you?" Greg asked, his eyes on Kathy's lithe young body. "I could have gotten those for you."

"I have them now," Kathy answered, hopping down and bumping into him. She smiled up at him. "It wasn't any trouble, really.

She sashayed out of the room, leaving the poor kid standing there in a dazed glow.

Damn the blonde, Charley thought. Why the hell hasn't she let him know that she's the boss' private stock. Shit, Kathy had been fucking John Roberts steadily for the last three years. A hell of a lot more regularly than his wife, Charley thought as she saw a familiar figure come swinging through the door of the studio.

"Can I assist you?" Greg asked the petite brunette who walked briskly back behind the counter.

The woman went directly to the cash drawer and opened it. Greg in disbelief as she began lifting a stack of bills and stuffing them into her pocketbook. He stepped hesitantly toward her and was about to stop her when she looked up and gave him a dazzling smile.

"You're the new man, aren't you," her husky voice purred. "I'm Beth Roberts."

Charlene watched in amusement as the photographer's wife stepped toward the boy and rubbed her tits sensuously against him.

Beth Roberts, at thirty-eight, was still one of the best- looking women in the area. The dark beauty might be short and slender, but even Charley had to admit that the woman had one hell of a pair of tits. She also had one of the most provocative and most active asses in town. On numerous occasions Charlene had seen Beth with other men. Never, of course, had she seen the woman here in Morrisburg. Beth had better sense than to flaunt herself this close to her jealous husband's eyes. She had been quite active however, up in Walkerford or Bridgeton.

On two occasions Charley had seen Beth slipping back to the motel rooms at the Wayside. John Roberts would kill his wife if he ever caught her. He might feel that it was permissible for him to keep Kathy as his mistress, but he would not allow his wife the same freedom.

Beth smiled up at the boy, knowing what she was doing to his pecker. She stepped past him, making sure that he got a complete feel of her lithe body in the process. She blew him a kiss as she swung her ass out of the studio.

"Wow!" the boy gasped. "What a piece of tail the boss is married to!"

" Remember that, Buster," Charley answered him. "That cute little ass is strictly off-limits."

"She looks like she'd really like a good fuck," Greg continued as though Charley hadn't mentioned a thing. "Damn! I never had tits rubbed against me so wildly in my life!"

"Join the crowd," the tall brunette answered wryly. "She's offered her ass to everything in pants from here to Wilmington."

Greg Reeves shot her an angry glance. Charlene knew she had failed to make clear how important it was to leave the woman alone. John Roberts had become more and more obsessed in recent months with his determination to catch his wife in one of her affairs.

Once, he had driven from Kathy's late at night and parked down the street from his own home, hoping to catch some man coming out. He followed Beth's car whenever he could, sometimes being gone from the studio for most of the day as he tracked her all over.

Charlene heard voices from the rear of the studio.

"Hey, you're here!" John shouted. "That's great! Suppose we all get right into the filming."

They went hack into the studio. Greg drooled over the blonde. Charlene had been fearful that he would incur the anger of John Roberts. If the photographer were so jealous of his wife, how would he be about his mistress?

Charley sat tensely, praying that there would be no explosion. Damn the kid, anyway. He seemed intent on getting into trouble. The cocky bastard was after them both! He was trying to get his cock into both Kathy and Beth. A shudder ran through Charlene's body as she dreaded the weeks ahead.

"All right, now let's get some work done!" Roberts shouted as they walked into the studio. "Get into your fucking suit, Charley."

He laughed at his joke. The brunette had gotten used to him referring to her nakedness like that. As Charlene put on make-up, she glanced over where Greg had changed into a workman's uniform and was sitting quietly while Kathy applied make-up to him. Charley walked past them, her naked body glowing softly, when she heard the blonde give a low laugh.

"That should do it," Kathy told the boy. "If you're really hung as well as John claims, then it won't be your face people are looking at."

The brunette sure hoped he was hung that well. They had tried a constant succession of male models, none of whom could match her lustiness. She needed a healthy, aggressive stud. She wasn't a stupid girl. If John Roberts couldn't find a man who could match her, then he would replace her. Everybody knows that a porno flick needs a matched pair of cock and cunt.

"Ready?" she asked the boy. "Ready to break into the movies?"

"Don't I get a script?"

"Why?" Kathy laughed. "You're going to fuck Charley. You need a script for that?"

"Roberts will direct you," Charley assured him. "You aren't a professional actor, so it's best that you don't even try. If you did, you'd just blow the whole thing. Roberts will call out the basic instructions as we go along. Other than that, do what comes natural."

She walked out onto the set. She positioned herself on the couch. Roberts directed her. "All right," he said from beyond the brilliant lights. "Now you're still frustrated. Your pussy still aches for some more action. There! That's good! That's great! All right, smile, baby! You've hit upon a great idea! That's it! Now, get up. Get up and go to the phone."

He directed her through the scene, called out her movements as she opened the phone book and ran through the pages. Charley dialed, then pretended to talk animatedly into the instrument. She hung up and ran over to pick up the filmy black gown hanging over the back of a chair. The luscious brunette pulled the transparent lace over her voluptuous body and displayed her tits as she went through the motions of brushing her hair. She turned suddenly to open the door.

Greg blinked as he stepped into the glare of the lights. As his eyes adjusted to the brilliant illumination, he saw how the gown displayed her lush body. Her tits thrust against the filmy black nylon and lace. Her nipples showed plainly.

She smiled and reached for his arm, drawing him to the couch. Greg blinked again, stunned by how beautiful she was. He staggered a moment, almost tripping over the couch. Damn! He had blown the scene. He was sure that he had made a mess of the entire sequence.

"Fantastic!" Roberts' voice boomed. "You're acting as stunned and confused as any repairman would if he was met at the door by Charley In that black nightgown. All right, Charley, get that tool kit away from him."

The brunette grabbed at the bag he was holding in his hand. Her magnificent tits squashed against him as she pulled at the kit.

"Hang onto it," she whispered into his ear. "Fight me for it. Come on, big stud, wrestle me for it."

She pressed her thigh against his cock. The boy shivered at the sensation.

They wrestled over his tool kit. The brunette managed to get herself wrapped in his embrace. Greg felt the animal sexuality of her and he relaxed his grip on the kit, allowing her to pull it away from him.

Charley felt him turn his attention to her. One hand came down onto her ass and pressed sensuously into the satin skin. His other hand was on one of her luscious tits. His cock was hardening. She let her hair fall about his face, hoping her perfume would add to the exotic arousal of his throbbing prick.

"Great!" Roberts shouted to them. "Get with her, son. Do what any other red-blooded man would do if all that pussy was thrown in his face."

Her gown had fallen open. He reached inside to caress her tits sensuously. He ran his fingers across her nipples until Charley felt them harden and tingle with anticipation. She fell backwards beneath him.

Her hands caressed sensuously along the back of his neck, her legs tightening about one of his thighs. She slipped her tongue into his mouth, tasting his saliva. Damn him! He could show a little more than this. He was shaking and throbbing, but remaining passive through it all. Roberts felt the same way as he moved the camera in closer.

"Hell, son!" he shouted. "Don't just lay there on top of her. You've got all that pussy beneath you. No man's going to take that calmly. Get busy. Get those tits. You're eager to fuck that luscious tail she's offering you."

Greg responded to his boss' goading. His hands went crazy. He filled his palms with her tits, squeezing each nipple tightly. Charley felt his hands, his body, leap with excitement.

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