Brother-In-Law - Cover



Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - While out looking for a job, newlywed Ginny gets coerced into taking her clothes off for a job and then is raped. She decides to move and live with her brother-in-law and his wife in the sub-Arctic region. But things are not always roses, as her brother-in-law only wants her to move up with him so that he can get into her pants and he shares her with his foreman and his dog Novlik

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   InLaws   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Please, Mr. Bondman, please! You can't... you just can't!" Ginny wriggled helplessly as he held her pinned tightly to the cushions, squatting victoriously over her writhing young body, his immense balls brushing her flat, smooth belly, his thick knob of a cock beginning to swell and harden as it dangled from beneath the roll of obscene fat that circled his hairy abdomen.

"C'mon, honey, stop playing hard to get," leered Marty, gripping his hardening prick in his right hand. "You and I both know you want it, so why don't we quit playing games?"

"No! You've got it all wrong," cried Ginny, her eyes wide with fear. "I don't want to! I don't!"

Bondman eased his bulky form forward, sliding his naked crotch over the young girl's belly until his heavy balls dangled right between her bulging, quivering breasts. Her pink, crinkly nipples jutted straight up at him as he looked her over, and the soft curve of her tits rested against his thighs as he straddled her, pinning her between his thick legs as he knelt on the sofa cushion.

He pushed the fleshy, soft mounds of her ripe breasts tightly together with his thighs, squeezing the rubbery trunk of his throbbing prick between her warm, resilient tits. A barely audible sigh of pleasure escaped his lips as he felt the soft, yielding flesh of her young breasts caress the sensitive length of his rapidly swelling shaft, urging the slumbering beast into purple, blood-filled hardness until the swollen bulbous tip poked stiffly against her chest, hidden between the soft mounds of her bare breasts.

"That's it, old boy... Just keep growing like that, harder and harder... thicker and thicker... we'll show this young uppity bitch a thing or two!"

Suddenly, his rigid spear sprang from its hiding place between her fleshy mounds, and shot out like an arrow from his flabby, hair-covered loins. Still gripping it tightly in his right hand, he pulled back the sheath of flesh that covered the purple, throbbing head, and it poked free with a moist plopping sound. He squeezed the hard shaft of his penis tightly, and the bulbous tip swelled with deep purple fullness, distending until it was twice its normal size, and pulsing with eagerness just a few inches from Ginny's frightened eyes.

Tears trickled from her closed lids as she struggled vainly to shut out this awful, degrading nightmare she found herself trapped in. She hoped--she prayed--for a miracle; that this horrible moment might end as suddenly as it had begun. But she knew it was hopeless--she was completely at the mercy of this drooling madman, and whatever he wanted of her, she would have to surrender. Her mind reeled at the thought of ever facing Fred again; how could she even look him in the eye after this!

"Oh, please, Mr. Bondman! Please... just let me get dressed and go... We'll forget all about the job. Just let me go. Please!"

Marty grinned with a leer that covered his whole flabby face. "You can go, sweetie. And the job's yours."

Ginny opened her eyes, nearly afraid to believe her own ears. "What did you say? Did you mean it!?"

Marty aimed his huge swollen shaft at her face like a weapon. "Sure, baby... Just as soon as you suck my dick. Suck it real good just one time, and the job's yours."

It took a full second for his words to register on her twisted, confused brain, but when they did, they slammed into her like a ton of steel. "No! No! You're out of your mind! I won't do it! I won't!" she screamed, struggling with all her strength to free her naked body from his viselike grip. But his thick, hairy thighs pinned her like glue to the sofa--she was powerless to escape him no matter how hard she tried.

Then she remembered something she'd learned from an ex-Marine she'd once dated--hit him where he was most vulnerable. Gritting her teeth and summoning all her meager courage, she slammed her tightened fist into his balls with all her strength, smashing her hand all the way into his crotch.

"Aaaaagggghhhh!" he gasped, clutching at his painfully throbbing testicles with both hands, releasing for an instant his grip on her.

But that fleeting instant was all Ginny needed. Like a serpent, she slithered quickly out from under the awesome weight of the naked man and flung her legs toward the floor.

Snapping to her feet, she grabbed her clothes and bolted for the door, trailing undergarments behind her in a mindless dash for safety. Nothing mattered except getting as much distance between him and her as she could.

Nearly stumbling as she cleared the worn carpet and reached the closed door in three bounding leaps, Ginny reached for the doorknob... Locked!!

"You stupid goddamn bitch!" roared Marty, still clutching his pained groin. "You're locked in! What'ya think about that? Maybe you're not as smart as you thought, huh? You could have gotten out easy, but not now. I'm gonna fix you good for this!"

He staggered clumsily to his feet and came toward her, his eyes squinting with menacing viciousness. "You goddamn teasing little bitch! Come here!"

Ginny was too frightened to run; she cowered before him, awkwardly covering her sparse, dark V-shaped mound and the pink points of her young breasts. "Please... p-p-please... I'm sorry... I didn't mean it... please," she whimpered weakly, her lips trembling as she spoke.

"And you can cut out that shit, too," muttered Marty, grabbing her by the wrist and shoving her roughly back toward the sofa. "Get over there!" he bellowed.

Ginny sat timidly on the edge of the sofa, her knees clamped in ludicrous modesty as the naked, stubby man advanced on her. Her arms were folded across her chest.

Marty grabbed her painfully by the shoulder, squeezing the tender flesh in his tight grip, and shoved her to the floor in a kneeling position. Ginny offered no resistance; she had learned her lesson, and she couldn't afford to enrage him any more than he already was.

He pulled her head toward his brushy loins, smashing her face flat against his limp cock.

"Mmmmmmffff..." She could barely open her mouth to speak, as he held her crushed against his prick, her lips touching the smooth rubbery head of his manhood.

Her stomach tightened nauseously as she tasted the salty tanginess of his prick crammed against her quivering lips; she'd never touched a man's penis with her lips, not even Fred's. It was something that had never come up in their lovemaking; maybe if they'd been together longer before he had to go overseas it might have been different. The burning knot of nausea in her stomach grew larger and threatened to make her violently sick, but she fought it bravely, determined not to add to her humiliation. Tears of abject degradation and helpless surrender streamed down her flushed cheeks as she realized she was about to be forced to do this lurid act with a total stranger; with Fred, in their own lovemaking, it would not have seemed so despicable. But with this awful, filthy man it became an act of total debasement, beyond anything she would have dreamed possible.

"You know what to do with it, baby," growled Marty, gripping her shoulder-length auburn hair tightly between the fingers of both his hands and twisting until her mouth opened in searing pain. "Suck it, cunt! Suck it! Suck it real good, and use that sweet little tongue of yours to clean it nice and slick."

Ginny tried to beg one last time for mercy, but when her lips parted, his bulky cock was quickly shoved between them, filling her tiny mouth with its fleshy length. He rammed it forward with a sudden snap of his pelvis, and her cheeks hollowed to accommodate its full size as it began to swell and harden quickly in the warm, wet confines of her mouth.

"Lick it clean, bitch!" he ordered, "Lick it till it's nice and hard. And if you're real good, you'll get an extra treat." She glanced up at him with soulful, pleading brown eyes, but the menacing smirk streaked across his face told her there was no hope left.

Instinctively, she tried to keep her tongue from touching his obscene member, but she found it impossible as the thick shaft continued to swell in the warm moistness of her mouth.

His fingers tightened once again in her thick hair. "Lick it, I told you! Lick it real nice!"

Timidly, Ginny touched her virginal tongue to the throbbing head of his fleshy cock, afraid of what response it might bring. She sickened at the mere thought of his hot, seething semen emptying into her throat--she tried to keep those thoughts out of her mind.

Filled with hot blood, the swollen knob grew even larger as her tongue reluctantly caressed the thick length of his prick, swirling it in the warm juices of her mouth.

As it seemed to grow ever longer and thicker, Ginny was suddenly terribly frightened. And this time her fright was very physical and very real.

It's going to choke me... I know it will! This horrible thing will go right down my throat and I won't be able to breathe!

Without a hint of warning, Marty suddenly pulled his long, heavy prick from Ginny's ovaled lips with a quick jerk of his loins. Ginny looked up at her captor with wide-eyed wonderment as his long shaft slipped from between her moist, clasping lips in a gleaming, hard length that amazed her when she saw how much her untried mouth had been able to contain.

"Surprised, bitch?" sneered Marty, holding his huge cock in his left hand so that the distended tip brushed her lips. "Well, don't be. I just decided I'll take a rain check on my blow job. You've got some nice little pussy between those pretty legs of yours, and I aim to have me some. What'ya say, you gonna do it my way, or have I got to get rough?"

Ginny looked straight at the floor, too humiliated to return his evil stare. "I... I can't fight you anymore, Mr. Bondman. I'll do whatever you say." The words were weak and hoarse, and her voice cracked with fear as she surrendered completely to his lurid designs. Ginny knew her only way out was to give this terrible man what he wanted, and get away as soon as she could. She couldn't begin to think about anything beyond that--like how she could ever hope to continue being Mrs. Fred Dennison, or even how she could bring herself to tell her husband or anyone else about this horrible thing that was happening to her.

"Get up here on the sofa... on your knees," he ordered, and Ginny shamefully obeyed, still unable to look her merciless master in the eye. She shivered involuntarily as she lowered her naked form to the sofa cushions, flat on her belly.

Marty looked over his choice prize appraisingly, taking in very slowly the incredible ripe youthfulness of her naked body-- the tantalizing magnetism this young delicacy seemed to possess. Her twin, firm buttocks were clenched tightly, like a velvet fist, concealing the forbidden orifice of her puckered anus, as her tightly clamped thighs hid the juicy softness of her tender young slit.

You can keep it all to yourself right now, baby, but not for long... I'm coming in there whether you like it or not!

"Up on your knees!" he barked. "I want to see that brown little eye looking at me!"

Ginny obeyed, cringing at his horrible, evil words, but resigned to her wretched plight. Oh, God... why did I ever come to this awful place! Please, please let this all be a terrible dream... Let me wake up and find this nightmare ended!

Marty gripped her firm young buttocks with both hands, and spread the deep crevice of her ass with his thumbs, opening up to his unobstructed view the taut, muscular ring of her tiny cringing anus and the warm, moist pink softness of her vaginal cleft, her fleshy, puckered lips spread ever so slightly in a tempting display of feminine appeal.

Ginny's whole body tensed like a coiled spring, in horrified anticipation of the bruising pain she expected to slam into her at any moment.

But she wasn't prepared for what happened next--pain, she would have been ready for, but not this...

Marty skillfully spread the soft, pink flanges of her young pussy, opening wide the warm, moist lips and brushing aside the downy pussyhairs that lined the sides of her damp crevice. When the narrow slit was spread wide for his amusement, exposing the puckered edges of her cunt, Marty lowered his head to the fragrant lips, catching the young girl completely by surprise.

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