Brother-In-Law - Cover



Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - While out looking for a job, newlywed Ginny gets coerced into taking her clothes off for a job and then is raped. She decides to move and live with her brother-in-law and his wife in the sub-Arctic region. But things are not always roses, as her brother-in-law only wants her to move up with him so that he can get into her pants and he shares her with his foreman and his dog Novlik

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   InLaws   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ginny couldn't remember a party where the guest list was more diverse than this one. She'd forgotten most of the names already, but she'd never forget this party. Arnie's friends ranged from Cleveland Bartlett, the town's banker and local financier, to "Moose Jaw" Diker, the first friend Arnie had found back in those bleak, lonely years before he'd made his fortune. Moose Jaw was eighty-five if he was a year, and as tough as a keg of tenpenny nails. Ginny was glad he could come, for he came as close to being the grizzled prospector from the westerns she'd read as a child as anyone could be. He even smelled like a rough-and-ready outdoorsman, maybe even a pioneer. Mr. Bartlett was a whole lot less interesting, but Ginny noticed Arnie spent more time with him than with Moose Jaw or some of his other colorful acquaintances. Flo introduced her to every single one, but the names all ran together. She figured there was plenty of time for learning names later.

Arnie spent most of his time around the liquor, seemingly mixing one drink before he finished the other. But Arnie could never be called selfish with his booze; he was passing out drinks like crazy, though most everyone had long ago drunk their fill.

They'd long since exhausted every conceivable topic of discussion by eleven-thirty, and the guests began to thin out, pausing a moment to pay their respects to the host and hostess and to wish Ginny a pleasant, enjoyable visit. She was glad to see them go, frankly, for she'd tired of talking about the California weather, smog and hippies hours earlier.

Only Arnie was left in the living room by midnight, and he insisted Ginny have one last drink. She tried to refuse, but he was terribly persistent, and she finally relented. It was her fourth or fifth--she couldn't remember--and went down like water. It had hardly reached her belly before she began to regret it.

She started to get up, but the floor spun around beneath her feet, so she plopped back into the big chair.

"Looks like you're feeling no pain, huh sweetheart?" asked Arnie. Ginny could only see a messy blur where his face should have been.

"What... oh, yeah, I guess so," she said thickly. "Where's Flo?" She seemed to add that last question as an afterthought when she slowly realized she was alone with Arnie.

"She's occupied with Gus at the moment," smiled Arnie.

Ginny tried to wait for all the words to sink in. "With Gus? You mean..."

Arnie cut her off. "Yeah, with Gus. She has these little flings once in a while. She'll have forgotten all about it by morning."

Ginny heard it all right, but she couldn't believe her ears. "I don't understand, Arnie. Is she in there?" She motioned toward the closed bedroom door.

Arnie nodded affirmatively. "Come on, we'll have a little fun." He got up, grabbing Ginny by the arm.

"Wait a minute," she insisted, "where are we going? I don't want to go in there."

But Arnie was his usual persistent self. "Oh, c'mon, live a little. You won't see anything you haven't seen already this week."

Ginny's cheeks suddenly were bright crimson. He knows! He knows I was watching!

"You didn't think you fooled me, did you? I saw you hiding down there beside your bed."

"But... but why... why didn't you say something," stammered Ginny, too embarrassed to look up.

"Why should I? I'd have spoiled all your fun... and besides, I don't mind an audience when I fuck. I've got nothing to hide," he laughed.

Ginny's head was spinning like a top, and she wanted nothing more than to go to bed and sleep off this topsy-turvy state her mind was in.

But Arnie was in the best position; he was less dulled by the alcohol, being still way below his capacity, and soon Ginny found herself being led into the darkened bedroom, by way of her room.

"Please, Arnie... I don't want to," she whispered, but Arnie pulled her behind him, and they settled quietly on the thick animal skin against the far wall. The bedroom fireplace still bore the smoldering remnants of the night's fire, and the glowing-red coals cast an eerie light over the couple intertwined on the bed fifteen away. The fire's glow was the only light in the room, and at the far end where Ginny and Arnie sat on the fur rug, it was pitch black.

"Are you cold," whispered Arnie, and put his arm around Ginny's shoulders before she could reply. She started to push it away, but it didn't seem to make any difference so she left it.

"Let's get out of here, Arnie," said Ginny softly, leaning nearly to his left ear. "I don't like this."

"Relax... they won't mind as long as it looks like we're here for the same reason." He squeezed his arm around her shoulders, gently caressing the soft flesh of her bare arm with his open palm.

"What do you mean?" Ginny whispered loudly.

"Sh-h-h-h... just follow my lead, and I'll guarantee you the show of your life."

Ginny thought of running from the room, of simply jumping up and racing back into the living room. But somehow, something kept her there, something almost like magic seemed to hold her securely to this spot. Just like the other night, when she'd spied on Arnie and Flo, some strange kind of wicked attraction seemed to draw her like a magnet.

The shadowy figures on the bed were practically still, with only an occasional movement to indicate they were even awake. Suddenly a head rose above the covers, and Ginny could feel someone looking her way.

"Cooperate, Ginny... Gus is looking at us," whispered Arnie.

She gave in, it seemed the only answer and Arnie seemed so sure it would solve everything. The last thing she wanted was a scene...

She allowed herself to drift freely in the dizziness brought on by the alcohol, and Arnie had pulled her so close she could hardly move. Catching her by surprise, his hand slipped down the collar of her dress, unbuttoning the top button, and fastened firmly on her naked breast. She could feel sharp pin pricks of delicious feeling racing through the tips of them as he rolled the tiny hardening nipple between his thumb and forefinger maddeningly. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her ear as he turned his head toward her, nibbling tantalizingly at the skin of her bare neck.

This is wrong... I know it is! I've got to do something! I've got to get out of here!

She started to squirm away, struggling to get to her feet, but Arnie snapped her head back toward his and planted his lips firmly on hers. She tried still to get away, but the pressure was too great for her to escape. Maybe if she'd been sober, but in her present state she was no match for him.

His tongue thrust strongly between her clenched teeth, and wetly probed the inside of her mouth, its roughness rubbing the surface of her tongue. She found herself thrusting her own tongue back at him, and he sucked it deep into the wetness of his mouth. There was no question about it, he really knew how to kiss.

Something was wrong, she told herself. She should be sick to her stomach, revulsed at the touch of another man, especially this one, Fred's own brother! But she didn't feel that way, and no matter how hard she denied it to herself, she was really enjoying this man's kisses... this man's caressing touch. He was a real man, maybe even more of a man than her own Fred and the first man she'd been this close to in months. That disgusting swine in Los Angeles didn't count, she thought, and something about Arnie's forcefulness was awfully hard to resist.

His probing kiss continued, while his fingers deftly fondled the throbbing tip of her breast, squeezing her pink nipple affectionately between his fingers.

There was a groan from the bed, but Ginny was afraid to look.

"Take a look... Flo's going down on him," Arnie whispered with heavy breath.

She blinked to focus in the dim light, and got a sudden clear view of Flo's head working up and down on the big Swede's loins, her lips clasped tightly in an oval around the shaft of his immense organ, standing firm and erect like a tree stump rising from the bed. It stood hard and rigid through the fly of his pants, with wispy tufts of blonde-brown pubic hair around the thick base.

"Oh, God," gasped Ginny, turning her head to Arnie's shoulder, "I can't look! That's awful... just awful."

Somehow, she hadn't expected this, though she really wasn't sure what she had expected. Kissing maybe. And there had really been no doubt what Gus and Flo might be doing on that bed, but until this moment she hadn't come face to face with the frightful truth. She had thought a moment ago she had everything firmly under control, but now she wasn't so sure.

The awful sight of that man's penis disappearing into her sister-in-law's hungry, sucking mouth had been just too much for her. And the wet sucking noises, punctuated with mewls of pleasure from both Gus and Flo, hadn't made things any better. She burrowed her head against Arnie's shoulder, desperately trying to shut out the obscene sounds, but they were everywhere, it seemed, and nothing helped. She wanted more than anything to run, but she doubted her legs would even support her if she were to attempt it. She was helpless to do anything except lie here in her husband's brother's arms and listen in torment while those two on the bed made love in the most disgusting way possible.

She looked away as long as she could, but another shrill, mournful cry drew her attention back to the bed.

Florence had lifted her skirt to her waist and crawled up over the big man's body. She'd already pulled off her panties, or maybe she wasn't even wearing any, and was straddling Gus, the round whiteness of her naked well-shaped buttocks poised directly over the hardness of his huge, rigidly-erect cock. As Ginny looked up, Flo was reaching in back and guiding the enormous head of his prick into her. Ginny didn't breathe as she saw the blood- red tip of Gus's prick make contact with the moist, hungry lips of Flo's cunt. She moved it back and forth in the wet slit for a few moments, wetting it and parting the soft pubic hairs at the same time, and then, with a loud sucking noise, her buttocks slithered down the long shaft until they smacked hard down against his loins.

Ginny's eyes were wide in mesmerized disbelief as she watched Flo pump her soft, naked buttocks up and down on the thick, rock-hard cock. She watched hypnotized as the throbbing penis slid slowly up into the wet clasping flanges of Flo's pussy, making a juicy sluicing noise as it entered. She ground her buttocks all the way down until all Ginny could see were a few tiny hairs around the hidden base of his immense organ protruding from the tight moist lips around it. She knew she should scream and put an end to this filthy, perverted madness, but she couldn't... her eyes were glued to the incredible spectacle unfolding right in front of her. She sat frozen as Flo began a slow grinding up and down movement with her ass rising in the chill air above the big Swede until the tip of his swollen prick was all that remained between her hungrily nibbling pussy-lips. Then, with a deep, throaty moan, she dropped heavily back down on him, impaling herself completely with each long smooth stroke.

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