Beasts Are Better - Cover

Beasts Are Better


Chapter 9

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Running a Bed'n Breakfast place can be fun and rewarding. For instance, you can serve people in bed, then give them breakfast later. You can also make sure that they are entertained by having them participate in an orgy with a mule and a horse or just have female-to-female companionship with toys-on-the-side

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Later that day, after they had spent hours in recuperating from the aftereffects of their bouts with the animals, Doreen and Eileen found that Jack's amazing virility had brought him back to an active state. His ability to spring back to his normally horny state surprised them, especially Eileen. Once again Doreen had a suggestion which they proceeded to put into practice.

"Have you ever been sucked and fucked at the same time?" she asked, giving the youth a quizzical look. "I've got a feeling that you might really love it."

He replied that he had not and that, considering the fact that he had only one prick, he did not see how such an act could be accomplished. Doreen smiled in a sly, knowing manner and promised him that she would show him exactly how it could be done, if his mother would cooperate with her. Eileen was only too willing to add another trick to her growing repertoire of sexual skills, though she confessed that she did not see exactly how they were going to carry it off. Perhaps the woman meant something like what they had already tried: one of them would mount the boy, taking him into her cunt, and the other would apply her lips and tongue to his balls and the base of his prick, or so much of it as was not engulfed by her partner's hot cunt. Doreen laughed and assured her friend that she had quite another approach in mind, thereby making her all the more curious. Jack's prick was already hard and they didn't have to waste precious moments in bringing him to a state of readiness for the project.

Doreen lay on her side and told the boy to snuggle up against her back. He did so, taking up almost the same position he would have assumed had he been about to mount her dog fashion, and she guided his cock between her parted thighs. Eileen was sitting in a position to watch the details closely and her heart nearly leaped into her throat when she saw her friend's pussy opening up. Doreen's slit still bore traces of her earlier exertions and her almost constant sexual arousal had left the almost constant sexual arousal had left the thick-lipped cleft moist and dark with lust. Jack levered his big cock into place between those lips and Doreen sucked in a quick breath when she felt the turnip-shaped tip settle into the mouth of her cunt. She urged him to drive it into her body, which he gladly did. The force of his thrust depressed the flesh around the tender opening and pushed the lips down into the inner cleft.

"Now pull it all the way out and drive it home again!" she gasped.

Jack did so, eager to feel the tight, hot flesh closing around his cock once more, but Doreen tilted her hips forward with a quick movement. She altered the position of her cunt relative to his cock, and this time the big tool burrowed up the canal between the lips of her pussy and slithered over her swollen clitoris. His thrust continued until his belly came up snug against her buttocks. At the end of his lunge the head of his cock protruded a good two inches above her furry lovemound.

Doreen told Eileen, who had watched all this very carefully, that she ought to have her mouth over her pussy, ready for a similar thrust from the youth, and thus the mechanics of her tactic became clear: Jack would devote himself to a constant, rhythmic thrusting and would alternately fuck his big cock into Doreen's cunt and his mother's mouth! Eileen's clitoris danced hotly between the lips of her pussy when she understood that and Jack's handsome face brightened with an excited smile. Both of them thought it was a thoroughly wonderful idea. Doreen promised that she would control the lad's prick and that she would not let him drive it into her cunt more than one stroke out of two. In that way, she pointed out, both she and her friend would get the fullest possible benefit from his cock and would do so simultaneously, or as near to it as the facts of human anatomy would allow. Eileen immediately twisted around to get into the proper position. She caught a whiff of Doreen's excited cunt--the raw, inflamed slit smelled strongly of hot, lusty sex--and she wondered if she were supposed to avoid touching her lips and tongue to that flavorful crevice. She need not have worried; she could not keep her lips away from her son's thick cock and, in licking him, she could not avoid occasionally also touching Doreen's steaming pussy.

She had her mouth poised and waiting when Jack's cock slipped out of her friend's cunt for the second time and began another torrid thrust. As she had promised, the woman tipped her pussy forward and the thick tool skidded up the furrow of her pussy and darted straight into Eileen's open mouth. She closed her lips around the flaring head and rubbed her tongue over it with all the strength she could muster. The tool tasted strongly of the woman's cunt, of her previous lovemaking that day, and Eileen's brain staggered under the hammerlike blows of lusty excitement. Jack held his loins against the cheeks of Doreen's ass for a moment and the woman writhed against him, rubbing the lips of her pussy into the thick rod that bisected them. He then withdrew to launch another mighty thrust and this time Doreen tilted her cunt back so that the slick, hot cunthole was more receptive to the big tool. He drove forward and it slid into her body, bringing a sigh of lusty satisfaction from her throat.

Excited, Eileen stretched out her face to lavish more hot kisses from her son's cock. She tongued the bottom side of the shaft as it slid up into Doreen's hot, slick tunnel. Eileen was soon indiscriminately kissing both her son's cock and her friend's pussy--both were exciting and she did not differentiate between them. The youth drove forward time and again, shoving his swollen cock into first Doreen's cunt and then his mother's cocksucking mouth.

Perhaps Doreen had the better of the engagement, though Eileen was so excited that she did not complain. Each thrust of Jack's passion-packed loins sent his cock either into Doreen's cunt or along the lips of her pussy and clitoris; both types of stimulation were erotically delicious and she could feel her womb preparing another crashing storm of come. Eileen's mouth added to her excitement and made her even readier to come. Though the woman knew little about the special art of pussy-licking, her enthusiasm made up for her lack of skill and contributed to Doreen's lusty pleasure.

The three of them ground away for only a short time before things began to happen. No one, not even the worldly-wise Doreen, could have held out for long against such powerful stimulation. Young Jack found the odd arrangement as exciting as anything he had ever experienced and it took him only a few thrusts before he was ready to blast off another flood of scalding sperm. He choked out a frantic cry of elation when he felt his balls beginning to tingle in that special way. Both Doreen and his mother knew what to expect and they awaited his climax. He jammed his cock into Doreen's torrid cunt once more and held it there for a moment; he felt the first jarring wrench at the base of his prick and then the exquisite pleasure of the come spurting through the length of the massive rod. He pulled back, shuddering as her cunt closed tightly around the head of his freely spurting cock, and prepared to throw the big tool into her hole again. Doreen had become so accustomed to her rocking motion that she again thrust her pussy forward, closing off the opening to him, and his prick slid up her pussy as it had earlier done. This time, however, it squirted out a thick blob of sperm and wetted her slit with the steaming spray. Eileen was ready for him: as soon as his cock slipped free of her friend's cunty grip she closed upon it and had her tongue pressed against the prick's head when it shot another burst of that creamy erotic lava. She moaned frantically as his come-cream shot into her mouth. The lust-heated gruel sent her senses soaring skyward and she began to come, too. She had had one hand clasped over her pussy all the while and her fingers dug deep into the hot crevice leading up into her womb. Her climax burst like a skyrocket and illuminated her body with lusty joy.

Jack continued his relentless thrusting, first into one woman and then the other, until he had emptied his loins of every vestige of sexual excitement. By that time Doreen's pussy was drenched with his cream and Eileen had swallowed enough of the salty sperm to still her appetite for the moment. Doreen reached down to clasp the lad's cock against her pussy and closed her thighs around the big shaft to clamp it in place. She moaned softly as her cunt gave one last fluttering gasp of joy and then quieted down.

As they were eating a tray of sandwiches which Eileen had prepared and brought into the bedroom at dusk Jack mentioned two of his best friends at the boarding school. Danny and Chuck, he said, were eager to come to the ranch for a visit and would undoubtedly be willing to put in a good part of the summer in working to pay for their board and room. Eileen smiled at that; she could imagine one type of work which the boys would probably be only too willing to do. She glanced over at Doreen and saw at once that the woman's active mind was running in the same direction. Jack understood the meaning of their look and laughed. Both Danny and Chuck, he said, were exceptionally horny and would be only too happy to fuck them. The pair had been conducting casual affairs with various older women associated with the school and were reasonably experienced in bedroom matters. Neither, he was sure, knew very much about the more exotic forms of sexuality to which he had been introduced but he was sure that they would like to learn.

"And we just might like to teach them, eh?" Doreen muttered. "Oh, my, this is going to play hell with my summer, though!"

Eileen clearly saw that, if her friend had to make a choice between spending a summer with her husband and a summer at the ranch, where she would have virtually free access to three extremely virile boys, as well as Jackson and Ace, the marriage's chances were slim indeed. As for herself, she gave her son her warmest approval and assured him that both Danny and Chuck would be quite welcome to come to the ranch and stay as long as they liked. They were still at school, he said, and Doreen suggested that he call them at once. He looked over at his mother and got a nod of approval from her, then reached out to pick up the telephone beside the bed. They listened while he made the call and applauded his discretion when he had finished. He had managed to invite them to the ranch and to suggest that their pricks would see plenty of action, all without giving away any vital information. They had accepted at once, he said, and would arrive in about a week.

"You'll be a hardened veteran by then!" Doreen told him as she reached out to fondle his cock. "We'll have calluses worn on this fucking machine by then!"

They proceeded to do their best to wear his sturdy rod down to a mere shadow of its former self, though in the process they came as close to rubbing blisters on their pussies and tongues. It was late that night before they finally dropped off to sleep but when that moment finally came, the bed was a rumpled mess but no one could be bothered with straightening it. They simply lay down together, Jack between the two well-fucked women, and pulled enough cover over themselves to ward off the night's chill.

After arising at about eight o'clock and showering, they sat down to breakfast. When they had finished Doreen looked over at Jack and asked him if he had ever drawn seconds or thirds in a gang-bang. He was taken slightly aback at her frank language but recovered quickly and told her that he had never participated in a gang-bang at all. She pointed out that some men had a special liking for pussies that had already been fucked by another man. Jack considered the prospect for a moment and then said that he would not find it objectionable. Doreen smiled brightly and said that she had been dreaming up a way in which he could have that pleasure and she suggested that they devote themselves to achieving it that very day.

She proposed that either she or Eileen would allow herself to be fucked in rapid succession by Jackson, Ace and Jack. She painted an exhilarating picture of the lovemaking, describing the warm, moist quality of a cunt already saturated with hot sperm, and succeeded in making it sound so attractive that both Jack and Eileen readily agreed to it. Jack left for the barn to get Jackson, who was to be his responsibility, and Eileen started the pickup while Doreen climbed in beside her. They set out for the stallion's corral and waited impatiently for Jack to ride up with the donkey in tow.

They undressed as they waited for Jack to arrive. Doreen had brought her big dildo and vibrator, and she touched the latter to her breasts and pussy as she waited. She was not using the tool with the intention of making herself come; she simply enjoyed being sexually aroused and faced up to the fact that the battery- powered tool helped her reach that condition. By the time Jack and his charge arrived at the corral she was in a fully aroused mood. Eileen, who had watched her, was very nearly as ready. They had agreed that Eileen would serve as the target for the three cocks, since Doreen said that she had some special effects which she wanted to add to the event. She intended working the tip of her trusty vibrator into Jack's asshole as he fucked his mother. She believed that he would respond especially well to this and Eileen was quite willing to be a part of the experiment. For a moment she debated whether to ask the woman if she would also work the tool into her own asshole as a double penetration seemed attractive to her. But she held back because she wanted Jack to receive the fullest possible benefit from her friend's efforts.

Eileen had supposed that they would begin fucking the animals as soon as her son arrived but he proved to have different ideas. Instead of proceeding into the corral at once, he looped Jackson's lead rope around the horn of his saddle and walked toward the pickup where the women sat waiting. He caught his mother before she could get out and pulled her legs apart as she sat perched on the edge of the driver's seat. He squatted down beside the pickup and began running his lips up and down her thighs, kissing the exquisitely tender flesh between her knees and her pussy but deliberately avoiding the slit itself. She gasped with astonished delight when he bent between her legs but her rampant desire was too strong for her to deny him this pleasure. He worked up and down her thighs, teasing her and building up her anticipation until she could scarcely keep from pulling his head up snug against her pussy. She leaned back, making the hot slit more available to his lips, but he took his time and arrived at the focal point of her excitement only when he was ready.

She had to admit his mistress at the boarding school had taught him well. She had stressed the light, gentle touch as being more exciting for the woman than the bolder, stronger approach. By the time his lips grazed the swollen, discolored lips of her pussy, Eileen was aflame with eagerness. The touch of his tongue against her clitoris, so light as almost to be no touch at all, was enough to trigger her climactic release. She gave a low, weak cry of anguished distress and thrust her pussy against his mouth as her cunt overflowed with deliciously pleasing come. He began tonguing her hole harder once he had brought her to the peak of her feeling. She cried out louder when he rimmed her cunt with short, choppy thrusts of his stiffened tongue. She lay further back in the seat of the pickup and quivered ecstatically as the youth lapped furiously at her juicy cunt. He caught her thighs and lifted them, digging his thumbs and fingers into the aroused flesh. When he spread the lips of her pussy far apart and drove his tongue deep into her cunt she gave a final lurching thrust and sobbed.

He straightened up as soon as he was sure that he had sucked her all the way through her climax. Doreen's eyes narrowed thoughtfully and then brightened with joy when she saw him marching around the front of the pickup to get around on her side of the vehicle. She pushed the door open as wide as it would go and pushed her rump to the very edge of the seat, then spread her knees wide apart and waited for him. Her skilled use of her vibrator had left her pussy in a state of aching readiness and he did not spend so long in getting his lips fastened to her pussy. Before she allowed him to begin eating her, however, she leaned forward to kiss his mouth. She loved the taste of pussy on a man's face, regardless of whether it was her own or from another woman. She loved to kiss a man who had just sucked a pussy, she said.

Once she had kissed Eileen's cunty musk off his mouth and tongue she leaned back and allowed him free access to her pounding slit. He inhaled deeply, sniffing of the strong odor of aroused sexuality, and then extended his tongue to caress the full, dark lips running up and down the long, moist slit. Doreen leaned back slightly and spread her thighs even further as his lips neared that fragrant furrow. He licked her with a slow, tender care and soon had her gasping out oaths of strangled joy. She lifted one leg to rest her foot on his back and started grinding her pussy into his mouth when her climax surged out. The vibrator's touch had brought her cunt to a state of readiness and his tongue pushed her the rest of the way very quickly. She lurched against him time after time until her cunt had emptied itself into his mouth.

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