Beasts Are Better - Cover

Beasts Are Better


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Running a Bed'n Breakfast place can be fun and rewarding. For instance, you can serve people in bed, then give them breakfast later. You can also make sure that they are entertained by having them participate in an orgy with a mule and a horse or just have female-to-female companionship with toys-on-the-side

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Here, let me do it."

"Yeah, you know how to get a cock hard, just rub it over that honey hole of yours, baby, and I'll ream it out good for you!"

Eileen Tremaine reached down to grasp Hank Barstow's flaccid cock as he knelt between her widespread thighs and leaned over her prostrate body. As she did, she cursed herself for having delayed the exciting moment; she had had him firm and hard while she had been mouthing his cock but then she had conceived a sudden desire to have his mouth running over her hot-lipped pussy. Hank had been willing enough to eat her pussy--he was no laggard in that department--and in fact, had brought her to a pair of sharp orgasms through adroit use of his tongue. But the climaxes had been localized and had seemed to affect only her clitoris and the outer surfaces of her pussy. She had been left hungry for a deep penetration, a bull-like thrust of a prick which would reach into the very depths of her womb and release the tension still knotted there.

"Mmmm, feels so good! So totally sexy!" she murmured, rubbing the soft tool over the wet, aroused lips of her pussy.

His prick really did feel good against the tender flesh, though she had said so mainly in order to give him another spark of excitement. Hank was one of those men who needed a bit of verbal cooperation from his women in order to reach his full peak of effectiveness and Eileen had no qualms about giving it. She loved saying the love words, the sensual phrases, and merely uttering them never failed to make her pussy and nipples throb more powerfully.

"Ahhh, I love to feel a cock growing hard against my pussy," she whispered, rubbing it into her slit harder. "I'm getting my pussy-drip all over your prick; I'm getting you ready to fuck me!"

That was true. She always let go a flood of the clear, warm oil whenever she became excited and, by swabbing his prick around the lips, she made it much more exciting to hold. When he became hard enough to show a sign of life in that exciting tool, she grasped it in her fist. Hank began humping in and out of her hand, making his cock slide back and forth in her grip. Eileen gradually aimed the stiffening, growing head between the lips of her pussy. The tool sensed the readiness of her cunt and grew even more quickly. Soon it was big enough that when Hank pressed deeply against her hand, the head slipped into the mouth of her cunt and gave her flesh a ravishingly delicious feeling.

"Ooohh, you're fucking my hand and cunt at the same time!" she exclaimed. "Do it harder, honey? I love to feel it going in like that! I'll pull my hand away in a minute and then you can ram it home!"

His cock responded to her words and to the urgent tone of her voice, and quickly swelled to its full size. She pulled her hand away once it was firmly planted and he lunged forward, sheathing half of the stiff tool at the first thrust. She wiped her cunt- oil-smeared hand on his hip and then dug her fingers into the small of his back. Her heels fitted neatly into the sockets at the back of his knees. She began lifting her hips up and tossing them from side to side as he began sliding steadily in and out. She stopped wiggling very shortly, feeling her womb tensing up in that familiar way. She did not want to come again so soon, even though the pressure was almost unbearable. In a vague, obscure way that she could never understand, Eileen hated to give herself free rein with Hank and come as soon as she wanted to. It always took him a good fifteen or twenty minutes of humping before he could get his balls loose enough to give up their load and she knew that she could rest awhile and still make it when he did.

I guess he's about as good at fucking as he is at being a foreman, she thought as she relaxed slightly and locked her legs around him slightly higher up. Just about adequate and no more!

She allowed her mind to roam freely and consciously willed herself not to think about the prick that was sliding in and out of her cunt with a slow, regular beat. It was already May 17, she realized with a start; that meant that Jack would be returning from boarding school in two weeks or less. A sense of unease, a gnawing feeling of guilt, swept over her when she thought of her sixteen-year-old son. A gangling, rawboned youth, the exact image of his father, he would be a big help to her in running the Bar T ranch ("Guests & Excursions," the sign outside the front gate read) that summer. That is, he would be a help if she could keep him from piling into bed with the better-looking female guests at her dude ranch!

They'd get their money's worth with him, she thought grimly. I wonder what he really thought about that wild night we had?

She remembered the unforgettable evening, his next to last of the Easter vacation. They had celebrated with a big steak dinner and champagne. Somehow, in the course of the evening, their talk had turned to bawdy things and before very long Eileen had found herself pulling him onto her. She still could hardly believe that it had happened but the memory was there. She still saw his cock in her mind's eye. The huge tool with its white-hot hardness had surprised her greatly as he unfastened the front of his jeans and knelt between her opened thighs. She still remembered the piercing dart of pain that had shot outward from her loins when he had rammed the enormous rod into the mouth of her cunt. Best of all, he had been so highly excited despite the champagne, that he had come almost as soon as the taut, passion-warmed ring of her cunt bad slipped around the head of his prick! It had taken her by surprise--no man she had ever known had come so quickly with her. But, recognizing the unmistakable signs, she had greeted his climax with a quick lurch and a series of tossing hip thrusts that made her cunt burst out into a flowering, rainbow-hued crescendo of lusty joy.

My own son! she thought, blushing at the memory. I actually fucked my own son! And him barely sixteen! Jesus, he shot a load that time. I guess I'd been doing it with Hank too long I'd forgotten that a man could shoot off so much or so strong! Mmmm, I'll bet Jack would be a jewel to eat; imagine getting your mouth around a cock packed so full of come!

Eileen had kept her legs locked tightly around his ass that night and didn't let him pull away after that first come. She had continued to writhe and bob beneath him and soon he was fucking her again, driving his huge cock deeper and deeper until it seemed it would surely pierce her stomach. She had come again, and then, when he got his second wind and began humping with a mad, driving intensity, came yet a third time when his balls dissolved once more and flooded her cunt with liquid fire. She had released him after that and he had staggered off to his bedroom, leaving her sprawled on the couch, legs still spread wide. She had held her hands over her pussy to catch the steady drip of cunt-warmed semen which dripped from her cunt in a stream that she thought would never end. Then she had rubbed the sticky cream over the dark, bushy hair covering her love mound. By concentrating upon the fact that the sperm seeping from her cunt had been shot there by her son, that she was smearing his come over her pussy hair and lower belly and upper thighs, she soon had herself fully aroused once more. Having excited herself to an unendurable peak, she then worked her ring and middle fingers of her right hand into the juicy mouth of her cunt and fucked herself into one final climax, one that left her so weak she could barely stagger into her bedroom.

Jack had not mentioned the episode the next morning and, once she had looked at herself and the deed she had committed, she could not bring herself to mention it either. It had suited them both to pretend that it had never happened, though Eileen could do nothing to erase the memory from her mind. She found that she could hardly look at Hank, who had been standing in as her regular lover ever since her husband had died three years ago, without comparing him to young Jack. Hank did not stand up very well under the comparison but at least he was available. And he was not her son, either. Thus Eileen could admit him into her bed and grind out her hungers against his hard, wiry body without suffering those strong pangs of guilt which she had felt after that episode with Jack.

"Huh?" she blurted out, suddenly realizing that Hank had been talking to her while he was shoving his cock in and out of her cunt. "Oh, yeah, I'm getting there; just keep working it in and out like that. God, you're like a fucking stud-horse tonight! Oh, that cock, it's tearing my cunt apart!"

She sensed from the abrupt tightening of his muscles that he was nearing the bursting point and she hurried to catch up. It wasn't difficult for her to catch up with him since she had an unusual ability to excite herself through dwelling on mental images. She merely concentrated on seeing her son's bulging, lust-swollen prick and felt her cunt and breasts come alive with amazing rapidity. She gave a low, throaty moan and threw herself back at Hank and gripped him tightly between her long, powerful thighs. Many hours spent in the saddle had strengthened her legs' muscles and she could now almost control a man solely through using her legs and leverage.

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