Donkey Named Peter - Cover

Donkey Named Peter


Chapter 4: The Show Goes On

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Show Goes On - 'Interview' on human sexuality with animals from the participant's point of view.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Swinging   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Food   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

In these days of wide-open sexual exhibitions--"adult" theaters showing hard-core pornographic films, and books available of all sexual varieties, often illustrated as graphically as it is possible to get--and even of live sexual exhibitions in nightclubs; in these times it is easy to become sated and tired of "the same old fucking and sucking," and a desire for variety and to see even more "forbidden" sex acts becomes evident in most sophisticates and consumers of sex material.

But commercial sex acts involving animals am as old as man. Ebing recorded the following: "A monstrous example of this moral depravity in large cities is related by Maschka (Handb., iii.); it is the case of a Parisian female who showed herself in a sexual act with a trained bulldog, to a secret circle of roues, at, ten francs a head."

And John Trimble has this to add: "Actually, of course, there is usually a difference in these paid performances, in that the female is doing it for money only, and not for pleasure. But this is far from always being the situation. Few people will do something they absolutely abhor JUST for money. And one of the most interesting case histories I have compiled for this work [Female Bestiality] concerns a beautiful young prostitute who enjoys being cunnilingued and coited with by a dog as well as gaining pleasure from being watched in this performance. To her, it is not all an act, but something to which she genuinely looks forward."

Trimble's example fits my experience as I relate it below.

A friend called me on the phone and told me about a discreet little place where a girl-dog act was playing, and invited me to come along that night with him and his wife.

I accepted and we arrived at the place about nine o'clock that night--at a private home.

At the door I was asked to submit to a search and to swear in writing that I was not a police officer or informant, and that I wished to see a sexual exhibition of an unusual kind, that I was there of my own free will and would not report what I had seen to any law-enforcement agency.

(This event occurred some months ago. The house is now empty--unrented--and I have no idea where the people have gone. I hope my reporting of the affair in this book does not constitute a violation of that signed statement. In any event, I never knew their names.)

The physical search was done on the men by a man who let us in and took our money. The woman in our group was searched by a small, thin young woman in a red wig who wore sunglasses.

I almost always carry around my zip-ease and in it I always have a copy or two of one of my books. My credentials. And, like as not, I'll also have along my cassette tape-recorder/player.

The man insisted on looking into my case, of course, and I explained who I was and what I wrote...

He didn't look interested. It was clear that he didn't want anybody getting in with a camera.

All of us did so swear and sign. We then each paid $20.00 for entrance.

The house was large and old, with a big, square living room. At one end were a pair of wide sliding doors leading to a parlor or dining room. The doors were closed.

Sofas and chairs were arranged facing these doors. There were about twenty people already seated, waiting. There were only three other women present.

There was very little conversation. Most of the people appeared ill at ease. Fifteen minutes passed, and a few more men entered and filled the remaining empty places.

At about nine-thirty the lights were turned off and we sat in darkness for a moment. We could see a line of amber light under and between the closed sliding doors that we all faced.

Then the doors were rumbled open from the other side. We saw a blanket-covered king-size mattress on a roughly carpentered unpainted wooden platform. Yellow light poured down on the mattress from spotlights hidden high and to the left and right inside the wide doorway.

We saw no one. The room appeared to be empty.

Then a hidden phonograph or tape player came on--playing Scheherezade. The quality was thin and low fidelity.

A door in the back of the other room opened and a slim girl stepped into sight. She was short, with an obvious blonde wig, and in addition wore a black mask over her eyes and nose. She was the girl in the red wig who had searched the females in the audience.

She wasn't naked. She wore a striptease gown of shimmering blue that had obviously seen better days. It seemed too big for her and I got the impression it was a castoff.

She stepped up onto the mattress and began an amateur striptease.

Some of the people grumbled out loud: "Bring on the dogs!" "Twenty bucks for this?"

The girl kept on stripping. After a few more minutes she was naked, doing some effective bumps and grinds. She had a sinuous, erotic movement to her hips which was very sensual and which I thought showed professional training. Her belly was flat and in its flexing showed good condition and taut muscles.

Her breasts were exceptionally well-formed, conical, firm, buoyant, with small pink nipples erect with the stimulation caused by her movements.

She was not a natural blonde--if her wig was intended to indicate her true hair color--because her pubic hair was thin and narrowly grown on her mound, and a rich brown in color.

The lips of her vulva were easily seen. In fact, they were garishly visible because of having been outlined by a vividly red lipstick.

She didn't speak.

When Scheherezade ended she paused until someone out of our sight changed a record to a slow, rhythmic drumbeat.

She snapped her fingers. The far door opened and two fully grown Great Danes came into the room. One was golden yellow in color with erratic black stripes in his coat. He wore a wide blue collar with big blue glass "jewels".

The other was brown-black with white stripes on his chest. He wore a matching collar but colored red, with red "jewels".

They were magnificent dogs; alert, heads held high, disciplined. Their ears twitched and they smelled the audience, but they kept their eyes on the girl, their mistress. They were very clean and well groomed; their coats shone.

She gestured and they leaped up onto the covered mattress and came to a perfect "heel" position, one on either side of her. Their backs were on a level with her crotch.

Some of the audience clapped lightly.

Whoever was at the phonograph or tape player turned up the sound; the drumbeat became insistent and all-pervading. The brilliant yellow light poured down on the girl and her dogs.

She turned to face the golden yellow Dane. She stroked his head a few seconds, then put her hands on her naked hips and spread her feet about two-and-a-half feet apart.

It was a signal. The Dane before her sat on his haunches and extended his head forward and began licking at her vulva.

Those who could see it clearly stirred with excitement. The other Dane began lapping at her crotch from behind. His long tongue wet the cheeks of her small, round buttocks. He licked between. He pressed his nose up against the soft crack and seemed to be trying to reach the long slobbering tongue of the other Dane.

The girl had thrown her head back. She stood with her hands still on her hips, legs wide. She breathed irregularly.

The Dane at her front was licking her eagerly, obviously enjoying it. The inner surfaces of her upper thighs were wet from his tongue, as was her thin brown pubic hair. His tongue curled out continuously to delve between her thighs.

From where I sat I could see the lipsticked edges of her vulva. Her stance tended to pull the lips apart. The dog's tongue often lapped into the opening. When that happened she visibly trembled.

After a few moments her hips began to rock and her belly rippled. She appeared, for short periods, to be fucking the dog's tongue.

I saw that tongue go into her vulva with increasing frequency. I think it may even have speared into her vagina once or twice.

Both dogs were becoming more excited. They sniffed loudly and pressed their muzzles more enthusiastically into her crotch from in front and behind.

The girl gestured and the dogs stopped. She was breathing fast. She licked her lips. She dropped to her knees and murmured to the animals. She sat on her heels.

On her knees she was smaller than either of the Danes. The big dogs stood still but were nervous and anxious. Their tails whipped back and forth. Their jaws opened and their tongues lolled and they grinned.

She reached under each dog with each hand and gently stroked their bellies with her palms. Her hands cupped their furry white sheaths.

Each Dane seemed to prance excitedly in position. Each dog's penis emerged--long and pink.

She played with their penises. She was gentle. She moved forward on hands and knees. She spoke to the brown-black Dane.

He jumped up on her from behind. His fore-legs and paws rested on her shoulders. He was huge compared to her. She looked small and fragile and pink and white, naked and vulnerable compared to the big dog covering her.

He began poking at her crotch. His penis was all the way out--a long thing, like a pink-mauve hose.

She patted the blanket in front of her and the other Dane trotted in a circle, and finally came to stand sideways to her head.

He stood patiently, at attention, waiting, watching the other Dane searching for an entrance to her body,

The girl was bearing a lot of weight--the dog resting most of his weight on her back had to weigh something around one hundred and fifty pounds.

She reached under, through her crotch, and formed her palm into a channel to guide the dog's penis to her vagina. The touch of her hand spurred him to a closer contact with her loins, and a quicker series of jabs.

Suddenly he was into her. She winced at the spasmodic, deep penetration.

The Dane gave a yipping, delighted bark and gripped her shoulders with his front paws in an almost human way, and curved in back and loins in constant, pounding motion. He fucked her hard and fast.

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